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All is One

I often come across people saying things like "allow yourself to be human, allow yourself to be sad, depressed, down" Ect ect....Now I don't completely oppose this, but when we truly know our nature; who we really are, we cannot allow those dense feelings to remain in our energy fields.If you believe in a higher power, (energy source) multiverse, ascended masters, spirit guides, angels, other intelligent life, multiple dimensions of consciousness Ect. You must be careful not to be consumed with all the New Age propaganda.Like religion dense energies will use ALL available resources to survive. As the planet goes through a massive awakening, these lower energies (darkness) risk extinction. As the collective consciousness of the whole is elevated to higher frequencies (vibrations) we ascend into higher levels of awareness.Now "ascension" doesn't mean that our star brethren are coming with cool crafts to take us "home" or that the advent of Christ is at hand.Sorry ascension simply means a transmutation of existing energy.Raising from three dimensional awareness of who we are as a linear time/space restricted expression of the source; to a superluminal instantaneous connection to the source.Lets go beyond time and space, lets go pass the speed of light, lets go above past, present and future.Expand your awareness, stretch your consciousness far beyond the limits imposed by our greatest minds. YES!we can surpass the speed of light! We have a superluminal connection to the supreme energy force, the past, present and future exist here NOW.When your limited understanding wants to be depressed or sad, re-member who YOU are! The spiritual path, the ascension process isn't just anther form of religion, it's not an alternative antidepressant, it is an energy fusion. It's the transfiguration of ALL four lowers bodies into one supreme body of light.[light meaning higher vibrational frequency]Everything is connected, even our past and our future are in the now, we are simply confined and restricted by our understating of time and space. There are different planes of reality that go above each other and are connected as far beyond the infinite expansion of our consciousness and awareness. That is the purpose of the whole "new" age experience and spirituality,Becoming the highest "lightest" versions of ourselves.Don't get caught up in the crop circles, UFO's, conspiracy theories, big foot, balls of light, ghost and spirits, oppressing religion, modifying your thoughts Ect Ect Ect.Go deep within and ALL things will be revealed. Look at everything as if you were looking in the mirror and understand that ALL is One!Joanna Ozuna-LopezLove&LightNamaste
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September Equinox 2013: GLOBAL FIRE GRID


20,21,22 September 2013
Global Gaia Fire Grid!

Dearest Light Tribe of Gaia,
I have committed to assisting one of our Light tribe, Rakesh Kumar, to fire a grid of sacred fires across the globe on this equinox. Email Rakesh to be added to the gridwork of fire keepers - he can also send you a slideshow about the earth-grid that is being activated: rakeshvkumar@gmail.com

Fire is the ultimate element of transformation. It has the power to burn away our pain, our resistance, all fears that hold us back from embodying our Higher Selves. Your fire ceremony doesn't have to be a traditional Agnihotra ~ you can perform a simple ritual, alone or with friends, in which you give away that which does not serve you (perhaps by writing things down and giving them to the fire to be burnt away, or by placing your give-aways into a stick which you then offer to the fire.) Drum, sing and dance around the fire afterwards in celebration!

Thousands of people all over the globe are leading and taking part in sacred fire ceremonies over the 3 days of 20/21/22nd September. Each fire will create a power node which weaves a new wave of higher vibrational consciousness around Mother Earth. We have to ensure that we reach a Critical Mass of Consciousness to achieve Peace and Balance for Earth - the amazing September 2013 Equinox energies that will be available are perfect for this project! Even on your own, with a small fire in your house or garden, you will make a difference.

with Solara An-Ra & Light Tribe of Ibiza
22 September: 7- 9pm
Garden of Light, St Miguel, Ibiza

Email solara@solara.org.uk for directions

Optional vegetarian dinner afterwards: 8 euros

Join Solara and your Light Tribe to celebrate the Equinox at the beautiful Garden of Light near St Miguel in Ibiza. Bring a drum or musical instrument if you like, any crystals that you want to charge, and some flowers for the altar.

Love love love, and happy equinox!
Solara An-Ra

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Energy veil

Evil=Energy veilTrue reality is oneness and wholeness with God.When we no longer have clear seeing and the true energy is veiled, separation becomes reality; energy is distorted and we become dense. At states of lower vibrations darkness appears, from a point of separation we can no longer project the divine light within and thus engage in all sorts of "evil".Energy cannot be destroyed, we can however transmute it.Tear the veil see beyond.Know that you are created in the image and likeness of the divine energy source, become whole; become One. Dispel the "evil" within yourself by raising your vibration, go from dense to "light". Expand your consciousness become One with God and One with All.Everyone is doing the best they can from their level of understanding, don't judge people's actions as evil or wrong. Be compassionate, everyone is at his/her own vibrational state according to their awareness. We are all reflections of one another, if you feel surrounded by wrong "evil" then you are mirroring back what is within you.All change starts with ourselves. If we want to see change in our outer experience, we must go within and start making changes there.If I don't go within~I go without!Remember to be tolerant and to love your neighbor, for in loving your neighbor you love God, and therefore yourself.Peace be with youBlessed beLove&LightNamaste
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~The GRAND EVENT ~ Purging – Cleaning – Another Planet – Mother Ship – Galactic Federation

6 Votes

sextilegrandevent~The GRAND EVENT ~ The grand event is upon you dear children of light, we are preparing each and everyone of you lightworkers, for the grand event that is about to take place on your planet earth. The grand sextile, of the planets, and conjunction of the human heart code with the heart code of Gaia and another planet. Yes indeed dear children of light, there is another planet that is moving closer and closer into alignment to form a sextile, and trinity that will allow for another wave of massive awaking to begin. We speak with you now from the mother ship that is located at 74 ° degrees south of your planet’s equator.

Each and every one of you “ground crew” is being prepared for this event by expanding the capacity of the cell memory and the DNA codes within each and every one of your vehicles to be able to withstand the amount of light that is about to flow through you onto GAIA.

Due to all of your efforts and anchoring of the light onto planet earth many of you have watched as the earthlings suddenly woke up. Many of you have watched as more and more of your brothers and sisters poured onto the streets and protested that they no longer wish to live under the rulership that is presently occupying GAIA, But dear children of light, the scale has not yet been tipped, that albeit it seems that the whole world is protesting and asking for change, that is not all that it could be, and so, it is a step, a powerful step in the direction of Intergalactic Federation of love, light, abundance, and prosperity for all and one, for one and all, the universal project of GAIA.

And so, we repeat that in the next few days of your earthly time, you are going to experience a cleansing process known n to men as purging. Much of the issues that have been laying dormant within your memory cells is coming up for cleansing. You are going to experience a lot of that, and as the negative emotions that have been laying dormant begin to rise through and out of you, be prepared and understand that the “dark side” will try to hold you in that state of negativity, for they are still trying to hold on to power by any means necessary to remain on planet earth.

It is now up to you. You have the power to allow this energy to stay, or purge it and remove it from your field. The process is a painful but a necessary one. And so, notwithstanding the fact of your meditations, notwithstanding the fact of your various spiritual practices, you may still find yourselves overcome with a sudden fear, anger, frustrations, misunderstanding, irritation which will give you a desire to quarrel with your loved ones, to find yourselves in arguments unable to stop and not understanding how you have arrived in this situation to begin with.

Please know dear children of light, please know our dear brothers and sisters, that the process that you are experiencing are not your emotions but are magnified versions of them. Please understand the reasons for this occurrence is that you are being manipulated by those that have found a weak entry point into your auric fields.

We ask that you practice the cleansing techniques that we have brought to you earlier, through various channels around your world. And the protective techniques, that are widely spoken about. Activate your Merkabas, activate your protective shields, for now is the time that you need them most.

Fear NOT and remain in balance at all costs. No matter what may come your way, and much will, for you are being manipulated by the dark, in order to throw you in the chaos of instability and irritation, in order to create holes in your shields and find their ways into your heart center to disable your light, in order to disable the anchor within. Do not allow this to happen.

Realize that none of these emotions are yours, for they are not. Release them as soon as soon as they come up and DO NOT DWELL ON THEM. Do not allow these emotions to permeate through your body. YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF YOUR ENVIRONMENT! Watch your thoughts carefully from day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute, second to second, and millisecond to millisecond. FILTER EVERYTHING. And only allow the positive vibrations to permeate through your body. Understand that although we are here for you. YOU ARE the ones in control of your own selves.

As soon as you feel this coming over you ask your guardians, ask you guides, ask your higher selves, to release this from you into the light, release anything and everything that is throwing your balance off into the light and remain , at peace, harmony., light, love, understanding and joy . Ground yourselves as much as possible, and prepare. Prepare yourselves dear ones, for the grand event is coming to your earth shortly.

That is all we have for you at the moment. We are with you. We love you. Goodbye for now.

Also here are the links to “How to Protect Yourself against Psychic Attacks at All Times” and “How to get rid of negative energy you’ve accumulated throughout the day

And if you are on facebook please join the event there: https://www.facebook.com/events/489680967774095/

Galactic Federation – Channeled by Anna Merkaba – Energy Healer – Channeler/Psychic-Lightworker. Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL – Visit the blog for more channeled messages to help you on your journey of self discovery. http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/

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A heavy heart

I have been a person of compassion. Something didn't have to happen close to home for me to feel and understand and be compassionate, to send prayerful thoughts etc. I had read a post recently, a channel, reminding us....the human race...that the sadness we feel, has contributed to a delay in our ascension, our evolving to higher dimensional existence.So many explanations of the thoughts on the illusions around us, the contracts souls agree to before coming here or while they are here on another level.... The outcome to bring about an intended reaction or a release. An event or action being a catalyst for a shift in consciousness.Part of me feels that what I am going to post, has no place on this website. The other part of me felt the need to write about it and post. Five miles from my home at a shopping mall, a woman and her ten year old daughter walked to their car. The ten year old was raped and her mom stabbed to death. This is rare here. So much has happened in this world, this is just another story, yet such an atrocity. I am sensitive, my son as well. He has had night terrors lately about murders. I send light, give him suggestions on how to pray and change the energy of what he sees, yet he struggles still. Tonight I struggled....I cried so much as I imagined what this woman and her daughter had endured.I do acknowledge we are evolving and embrace the divinity in all things, but shocked still and saddened when things happen that are not in line with our loving heart. I do not understand, how we should view correctly. Without adding sadness. We are constantly being told a number of this and that, from releasing, to it's an illusion, to everything has a purpose etc. When you are a loving being it is hard to ignore, being numb is not an option. Giving in to 3rd dimensional behavior and emotion doesn't feel right either. Where in lies the balance?
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Few words from here n there : ~


The words have filled the world.

Yet there is so much of space for words

This will continue to happen

Yet the space in silence never reduces

Yet the Silence in space never reduces.

You are welcome to pen..............................

You are welcome to be in silence ...........................

You are welcome with Love to be ......................................

You are welcome a (( HUG )) awaits you .......................................


Love message with ballons. Stock Photo - 11937107

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These short quotations from the book are given with the permission of the author, Judy Satori. Judy Satori was asked by the Galactic Council to write this story and share it with others. You may read the Prologue FREE...how this story began... and purchase the book as a PDF, kindle version or soft cover version by visiting www.TheSoundOfLight.com 
Judy Satori also makes available many free energy transmissions to assist people through Earth's ascension process and beyond as we all begin a New Life on a New Earth.

10766748658?profile=original'Sunshine Before the Dawn' reads and appears like a work of fiction, but it’s not! Every word was telepathically transmitted to Judy Satori by beings of light. These loving, extraterrestrial star beings, contributed an aspect of their own DNA to the creation of a new, more evolved species of human being for Earth.  This new hu-man, or man and woman created in the image and likeness of God, has the inherent capacity within their DNA, to move beyond the confines of a third-dimensional Earth.  In previous cycles on this planet, spiritual Masters have demonstrated this and have ascended.  This story has been brought through from Spirit at this time, to prepare you for Earth ascension. With Earth’s ascension, the inherent DNA coding within us will be activated.  This is both a physical and a consciousness upgrade. The day has come.  We are the ones from the stars.  Sunshine Before the Dawn is our story.  The words are coded.  Your heart will respond, and you will begin to remember why you are here...


I am Reading this and really felt like sharing cause it sheds so much light upon things i am intrigued by such as many ET parental races in our galaxy and beyond, regarding souls, soul purpose and origins, How souls take form in our 12 folded universe of the 'lower heavens' About the project called hu-man of the earth. A body that is being prepared and gifted with DNA of many star-races. A body that will be able  to exist and attune to all 12 densities of our 12 folded universe. A hu-man body with a 12 folded DNA structure  Living on a planet anchored in 5d, but with a reach into the stars and the 12 densities. Fascinating read ! 




"They both turned and walked towards the edge of the hilltop. The town of Etsos with its pale blue stone buildings glistening under the violet Lyran sky was without doubt one of the most exquisite places they had ever seen. There were few people around, so the town was peaceful and still. On one side, the view down the mountainside was spectacular. On the other side, looking towards the city, they could see the many pale blue, crystalline buildings towering upwards, with the light trails of the Kana system (Transport system on Lyra) dancing like silver ribbons in the sky. The view in the opposite direction was further towards the Emerald Hills, which stood like sentinels, imposing and majestic as far as the eye could see.

For several minutes, they just stood in silence, drinking it all in and recording images to take back to Sirius to show to their friends.
It was Mosteenya who broke the spell.
“Come everyone,” he said. “There is yet another place I wish to show you today. This place is far from the city, but in the opposite direction. It is a place of high light. It is where the portal or Lyran Stargate opens to the higher worlds of light. This is the place of the conjunction of the energies. It is called the ‘Gateway to the Thirteenth Heaven’ as it is the gateway from these 12-dimensions of the lower worlds into the more refined light fields of the higher heavens. All souls enter, and all souls leave this 12-dimensional matrix of the lower heavenly worlds through this gateway.
“Most of all, I want to show you the Lyran Stargate as I feel that you will better understand your mission here when you see and feel its energy.”


10766748481?profile=originalThe Lyran Stargate
They got back on the Kana system and returned to the transit station in the valley where they changed to another Kana line that took them back to the central square in the city. When they arrived in the city they rested for a while near the golden statue of the Tree of Life.
They sat at one of the tables that were dotted throughout the gardens sharing together all they’d seen. Mosteenya had arranged for food to be brought to them, little cakes of a sweet grain, flavored with a mixture of what smelled like vanilla and anise along with a rich, ruby-red tea that was particularly delicious and thirst quenching. Mosteenya told them that the ruby tea was a favorite beverage on Lyra.
They all felt a little tired and Essayenya reminded them again, about the necessity of doing the breathing exercises often.

“It’s very important to remember to do these exercises,” she said. “The difference in density between our fifth and sixth-dimensional vibration on Sirius and this 12th-dimensional vibration of Epsilon Lyrae is too challenging for our bodies to withstand for very long. This is why we can only stay here for 90 decans, a cosmic month. Even then it’s difficult for us to adjust to this energy and doing the breathing will optimize the energy flows through our chakra system. It’s vitally important.
“It is a little easier on Lyra Vega, which is 10th-dimensional, but that’s not where we need to be. We must do the work of designing the prototype for the hu-man creation here on Epsilon Lyrae, together with the Lyran women who weave the Dreamtime Strands of Creation, so we must really be aware of how we feel, and be conscientious in doing the breathing exercises.”
“Yes, I agree,” said Rai. “I forgot to do them this morning, and already I’m feeling tired. It’s not like the tiredness you have when you’re weary at the end of the day. It is a feeling of slight dizziness and weakness that is hard to explain.”

“And yet, if I was to be on Sirius, I would feel a strange heaviness of vibration that would make it hard for me to think and function and would, in time, make me very ill,” said Mosteenya.
“This is all the more reason to create a hu-man being who one day will be able to traverse all 12-dimensions of these lower worlds of light,” said Asyia. “This is the only way our Star Nations will ever unite to become one.”

Essayenya glanced across the table at Mosteenya, and their eyes met. For one long tender moment, they visually embraced. Mosteenya broke the spell. Standing he said, “Come, we will go now to the stargate, the energy gateway to the 13th-dimension. We must go a long way, but on the Kana system, it will not seem to take that long. The stargate is off-limits to much of the population. It is a restricted area and carefully monitored; as such, the Kana cannot take us all the way there. I have had to get special passes to take you there, so please, let’s all keep together.

“When we reach the patrolled area we will travel together as a group, in a specially designed vehicle that is protected from the force field energies of the portal. It is extremely important to stay in this vehicle and not get out until given permission, for to do so could take you through the stargate, from which you might not be able to return.

“Only souls who are destined to return to the higher realms of light are allowed through this gateway and only souls who are committed to serve and experience life within these lower-dimensional worlds of light are allowed through to Lyra. It takes a certain quality of soul who can make it through to these 12-dimensions. Gone are the days when this stargate stood open to all souls regardless of their attitude or intention. The Galactic Federation now strictly patrols this boundary to ensure that all the Star Nations are kept free from forces or beings that might attempt to do harm.

“Unfortunately, many corrupted souls in the past did make it to our worlds. Marjorelca was one. The starships of the Ashtar Command, the peace-keeping arm of the Galactic Federation now patrol throughout the galaxy ensuring that our borders are patrolled and that beings, not aligned with peace and goodwill, are prevented from coming to these lower worlds.
“Those corrupted ones are especially prevalent on Earth as the third-dimensional density that they helped create is a perfect match to their dualistic vibrations. As you know, there are also malevolent extraterrestrial races that can hide themselves on Earth, appearing to be Earth beings and yet they are not. We feel that this situation will right itself in time, yet it is another reason why it is so important that we create a more advanced race of beings for the Earth, hu-mans who will work together with the Light.

“As you know, it will take four Great Ages for human kind to be prepared to join us, but one day this time will come.” They boarded the Kana system travelling over another part of the Emerald Hills, but in another direction. It seemed to Essayenya that they were flying towards a ‘golden white light’ that lit up a large section of the violet sky.

The closer they got, the brighter the light became and the ribbon of Kana’s energy surrounding them dipped down to the ground. Soon they were standing at the entrance of the vast area of land enclosing the Lyran Stargate. The stargate delivery vehicles they were told about were waiting outside a high barrier gate. They looked a little like a hovercraft, and they shone a brilliant incandescent red. Waiting for them was a vehicle with a Lyran driver, whose name was Yassa.
Yassa made them put on special glasses to shield their eyes from the light. He then carefully inspected the passes that Mosteenya procured for the group.
“When we go through the entrance and closer to the area around the stargate, the force field will begin to pull you in,” said Yassa. “Do not be concerned by any strange sensations you might experience. You will be kept quite safe while in this vehicle. However, do not open the doors until you are told to do so!
“Now please fasten your safety belt, and we will go in.”
The strange oval-shaped vehicle began to hum and then vibrate. It shone an even brighter red color as it slowly lifted off the ground about ten feet into the air and moved towards the entrance gate. As the patrolmen at the gate waved them forward, they moved across some kind of energy threshold, causing a sudden lurch in the pit of their stomach and a brief feeling of nausea.
It was not exactly uncomfortable, but it did feel strange. Essayenya was pleased to be wearing a seat belt, because it felt that without it, she would be torn from the vehicle. The closer they got to the portal the stronger this feeling became.

“Don’t worry,” said Yassa seeing their anxious expressions. “You’re quite safe. In a few minutes, we will be inside a protected building, and then you may get out.”
The light became brighter. Rai asked Yassa what happened to souls transiting through the stargate. Did they also wear glasses? That seemed a little crazy and they all began to laugh.
“That’s actually a good question,” said Yassa. “You are here in your physical bodies, but souls who transit through this stargate are in a body of light. They are pure energy, pure consciousness. These souls are not housed in any bodily form.” He laughed, “So, to answer your question, no; the souls do not need glasses.”
“Here we are. The building coming into view is our destination. When I press a laser signal, a doorway in the side of the building will open and our craft will go inside. Once we go into the building, please stay where you are with your glasses on until I give you permission to disembark.”
The building that appeared, looming out of the brightness as the light, looked quite different to other types of construction they saw on Epsilon Lyrae.

It was shaped like a four sided pyramid and glowed bright, golden white. Yassa told them that on each of the four-sided pyramid were the outlines of a large black eye. Under the eye they could see on the side of the pyramid facing them, was a wide doorway. It was sliding open to admit the craft.
They glided inside the pyramid. The hovercraft throbbed a little and then descended slowly to the floor of what appeared to be a large, open space.
A man dressed in a long blue robe raced to open the doors of the vehicle.


“Welcome Mosteenya. Welcome Essayenya. I extend a warm welcome to all of you from Sirius. We are happy you have come. My name is Zinor.”
Yassa turned and smiled at the group. “Now you may take off your glasses and leave the craft. Be careful to step carefully.”
Mosteenya motioned with his hand for Essayenya to go first and with her heart thumping in excitement she stepped carefully down the steps of the hovercraft onto the floor inside the pyramid. Immediately, she felt the pull of the stargate energy, not on her body as if to pull her body towards some gateway, but a pulling at the ‘core- of-her-being’, like a high, sweet tone within her that made her want to follow the call and follow the energy. She knew that the energy calling her was from higher-dimensions outside the 12-dimensions of the lower worlds of light and that beyond all this, beyond Lyra, was a force and a power of indescribable love, purity of tone and increasingly rarified vibration.
It was quite disconcerting because it was suddenly obvious to Essayenya that the true reality of life was this calling from the higher worlds of light that drew souls through the portal of Lyra and back into Oneness. She realized in that moment that her life on Sirius, her body as it was now, and so many things that she identified with as ‘self’, were merely illusion and that each season of soul experience, each physical lifetime was for a reason. That reason she now understood was to experience life and to learn wisdom.

So this was the energy gateway she had once passed through as a newly created soul coming into physical experience. She felt excited. She gazed around her. The walls of the inside of the pyramid looked to be of a pale yellow, crystalline substance, the same yellow color as sulphur.
“It’s not sulphur that colors the crystal,” said Zinor seeing her glancing around and reading her thoughts. “It’s a special type of yellow limestone impregnated into the surface of the four walls. The limestone absorbs and refracts the light and energy coming from the portal and the four sides and base of this pyramidal building work together in perfect harmony, to create a force field that protects you from being drawn through the stargate. That is, unless you want to go of course as many people do. To come down through the portal is easy. It is the path of every soul, but to return is difficult. It requires many, many lifetimes of soul experience and the mastery of many physical environments in many star systems before a soul is deemed ready to return.
“When a soul is ready to return to the oneness from whence it came and to serve as pure consciousness in the higher worlds of light, it must first return to Lyra for a time. This portal is ‘the place of beginning and the place of becoming’. To work in service here at the Lyran Stargate is a great joy. We help souls who have newly travelled through the stargate and we assist those who are ready to return.


“See, we have some souls arriving now. If you observe through the windows you will see them come.” Through large viewing windows positioned down three sides of the pyramid, the group could see a large round light. It sparkled with all the colors of the rainbow. As the light expanded, three beings appeared in the center of the light. They first appeared bluish-white, and their bodies were not delineated into a definite physical form. Fascinated, the Siriuns watched as the rainbow-colored light spiraled in graceful arcs around the three beings as it transposed the bluish-white templates of their new bodies into a distinct body shape. It looked like their bodies were being fashioned and arranged while they watched, fascinated with the work of creation happening before their eyes. Asyia could hardly contain her excitement at what she saw as the hand of God, the Elohim, deftly and efficiently manifesting these souls into bodily form.
“Look,” she cried. “It’s as if their bodies are being airbrushed, fashioned by the spiraling light, like an image that is at first blurry and indistinct, becoming whole.


“To think that at one time this also happened to each of us. I wish I could remember it. Somewhere deep inside I think I can, but it’s not a strong memory. It’s just a feeling that I’ve somehow been here before.”
The rainbow colored spiraling light was beginning to glow white and misty as it covered the forms of the newly created beings. When the mist began to clear a few minutes later, they saw standing in the beam of light, three beings, a woman and two men, who appeared to them as young adults.
“What happens to them now,” asked Essayenya? “What will they do? They know nothing of life on Lyra. They have not had a childhood here. How will they communicate?”
“They will retain their soul consciousness in this first physical lifetime,” replied Zinor. “They will become as revered ones for our civilization. They will have much to teach us as they are still resonating in the perfection of God, but they have come through this portal to the lower worlds to expand their soul experience and to be of greater service. Remember that each soul was once part of God, the one source of all creation, and each soul wherever they might be now and whatever their level of consciousness, was once connected into the purity of this vibration.
“You might think, what is the point of coming to these lower worlds at all? Why would a soul ever choose to descend to a place of duality and hardship such as Earth? Here, standing before you is the answer. A newly created soul is a spark of the Divine. They have life, but they have not yet earned wisdom. Each of these beings can only strengthen their soul and develop wisdom through experience in physical life and physical form. They must first separate from the oneness that is God so that they learn to re-connect. The greater the disconnection and the life experiences of the soul, the greater the strengthening of that soul and the more a soul will, in time, gain the wisdom to truly be of service to the One.
“There is a process of orientation that all souls newly created into form must go through,” said Zinor, “At the end of this physical life these souls will be reborn, first into our Lyran civilization and then, later; a soul may decide to experience life in other star systems. As you know, between physical lifetimes souls within this 12-dimensional matrix exist in the astral and causal realms depending on their level of consciousness and the level of understanding they have gained in their previous lifetime.
“Now watch, the white light around these beings is beginning to fade. They must be processed very quickly to prevent being sucked back towards the stargate.” Another beam of light, this time a golden-yellow color shone out from the pyramid and surrounded the men and the woman. It seemed to gently lift them up and carry them, like the energy stream through the Kana system, towards the pyramid. An entry way that they had not noticed before, a tunnel, opened up, meshed with the light, drew the light inside, and gently placed the three newly created beings on the floor protected from the energies of the stargate.
“You must understand that those who are ready to experience life in a physical form have had training in the detachment of consciousness, from being part of a whole into being an individuated form,” said Yassa. “It’s quite an adjustment.”

He and Zinor stepped forward to greet the newly created ones. They held out their hands palm up and slowly brought their hands palm down to touch the finger tips and palms of the three beings.
Not a word was spoken, but it was as if the touch of the hand was a catalyst to a spark of animation within the three, and they suddenly came to life and appeared vital and energized. They began to speak the universal Language of Light that Essayenya, Mosteenya and the others understood. Essayenya put her arms around the body of the woman and hugged her tight. It was such an incredible and courageous act to come through the portal of Lyra to the lower worlds, and she wanted to say to the woman, say to them all,


Essayenya knew that at the time of a soul’s entry into their first physical lifetime, a pulse rhythm that was not broken with death began and became like a signature of that soul’s essence. She wanted to ensure that these newly created souls were received with joy, because that first imprint of physical awareness would remain with them through all time.
That ‘pulse rhythm of memory’ would literally become the ‘soul-note’ of expression for that being and would determine much about the direction of their future lifetimes to come.
Coming through the Lyra Stargate was a ‘birth experience’ and like all physical, birth experiences, the quality of that experience markedly affected the consciousness and future path of the soul.
The symbolic ‘touch of hands’ was a physical ‘grounding’ into the new life.

After a time of conversing in the Language of Light, the three newly created beings were taken in one of the hovercrafts to the perimeter gate beyond the stargate. From there they would be transferred to the Hall of the Lyran Elders, the place of beginning and the place of transition for all souls. It was from this place that new souls coming into the 12-dimensions of lower heavens prepared to descend and that advanced souls, who had explored all that the lower worlds had to offer prepared to travel once more back through the stargate.


These short quotations from the book are given with the permission of the author, Judy Satori.   Judy Satori was asked by the Galactic Council to write this story and share it with others.  You may read the Prologue FREE...how this story began... and purchase the book as a PDF, kindle version or soft cover version by visiting www.TheSoundOfLight.com 
Judy Satori also makes available many free energy transmissions to assist people through Earth's ascension process and beyond as we all begin a New Life on a New Earth.



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Spiritual Protection

Protecting ourselves and those we care about and Love has always been an integral part of Life. Today, it is just as, if not MORE important. There is; however, another aspect of this Protection that so few are not only, not aware of, BUT, they are also not aware of just how important this particular Protection of which I speak is. It is Spiritual Protection. This is the Protection spoken of in  many places, but for most people it is the Bible which stands out. In the Bible it speaks of the 'other than just physical beings and things' that we must exercise our Divine Rights as Spiritual Beings, of Spiritually Protecting our minds and aspects of ourselves from as well. Among my Spiritual practices is the teaching of this to others who find themselves wanting to learn. I have found in my own experience, that as I advance in Spiritual Consciousness, the need for this Consciously Generated Spiritual Protection is even more necessary. I offer my assistance to any who seek it. I also will be more than happy to send my Energies to assist anyone who would like my help with this.  Love and Light to ALL.

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I am resisting as a blog Maybe you have experiences that you would like to share.

An experience that I underwent when I was 12 years old.

I was meant too be at school but had decided that going for a ride on my brothers motorcycle as a passenger was to take priority.

So I jumped on the back behind my brother and of we went motoring down the hill as we came around the corner just in front of the School a car flew around the corner there was no time to do anything it was a Holden and we were on a motorcycle it was a very bad accident .

I was conscious through the entire event my leg was crushed between the bumper and the motorcycle the collective collision speed was over 140 miles per hour .

I remember flying through the air and landing on the road about 100 feet down the road (In fact right out side the school) My leg was hanging of and there where several compound fracture where the bone had broken and penetrated the leg the leg was hanging on from a little skin and flesh there were also other breaks many of them. The artery had been severed and blood was everywhere.

I saw my brother lying in a position that looked unnatural so I dragged my self to his side and called out to him over and over .

The dental nurse had heard the crash and was in a panic she kept calling get an ambulance get an ambulance the blood oh my god.

I can remember feeling a great warmth come over me and I started to float at first inside my self then it was as though I was starting to leave the body.

Just then a great old man appeared with a great big white beard I mean it was huge zz top had nothing on this guy He He .

He rested his hand upon my head and I started to feel heavy again and I was overtaken by horrific pain pain and the feeling of being sick.

The man asked if he could take the pain away I nodded and then there was no pain at all and the bleeding stopped .

Who are you I asked but he did not answer he just smiled .

The dental nurse was screaming oh my god he is dying I looked at the old man and asked him am I dying he shook his head and smiled its not your time he said.

The dental nurse held my hand and started to cry, Its OK I said I am not going to die shhhhh sweety she said where is that dam ambulance.

We lived many miles from a city and the ambulance took over an hour to arrive.

When they did apparently the morphine was low and my brother thankfully was awake and literally screaming in pain as he had a broken hip and a low pain threshold. They insisted that I took the morphine however I declined and insisted that my brother had it stating that I was in no pain. Both the Ambulance drivers were talking to each other and I remember mom arriving holding my hand . I'm OK mom the old man is looking after me its OK and I comforted her and my brother through the entire trip to the Hamilton Hospital.

The ambulance driver was saying that in all his years he had never seen anything like this and that it was a miracle I should be dead and that I was coherent was another miracle.

We got to the hospital and the doctors took over hit me with morphine and that was it I woke up in Hospital where I remained for 3 months and I underwent about 9 opp orations and 4 skin grafts the old man hung around for about 2 weeks and we talked about all sorts of things.

I was going to lose the leg then out of the blue a expert turned up and I was given new procedures and titanium or the like pins about 13 of them through the leg to hold it together white it healed .

It did great there is a lot of scaring but I don't even walk with a limp.

Oh some years later I found a picture of the old man he was a guy called Abdul Baha He was the profit of the Baha'i Faith.

Thanks for listening it feels good to share .

Only told that story about 3 times in my life oops 4 times now :0)

Love William

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What is the mind ? The mind is thought MEASUREMENT the mind is constantly measuring
often leading to the past or future .

I cant wait until or remember when (sound familiar ?

What is the past The past is over  it has ceased to exist within this reality .

To be is to is to exist without mind . It is mind that separates us from existing now.

It is a simple thing to be and one can start to exist in the reality of now by doing simple things .

If you are conversing with a friend be there ! your mind will try to measure this and that Oh look at that
listen to that sound in the distance , I'm late or I need to be some where - what time is it-remember when-I cant wait until .

Draw the focus back to the present .

Another example is if you are drinking a coffee be there and enjoy the coffee (look at it smell it taste it )
Be in the moment (BE THE MOMENT).

This will lead you into BEING and not existing.

There is a difference in this way you will experience real JOY real LOVE  and most importantly learn to exist without the connection to the mind this will enable you to be able to coexist between and within the different realities.


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I was asked to share a few of the tools that I have uses and continue to use for the purpose of spiritual uplift-ment the above is one I will share more at a later date love ever

Before a journey is undertaken there is always that first step .
However this journey is of a different kind.
Our goal here is not to reach a certain destination but rather a state of being.
Normally we would start at a specific point of origin however as Human beings we are all at different stages in our spiritual journey.
Because of this your starting point is where you are right now !
Today if we want to get from point A to point B we would use a car or bus ect.... I want you to think of your mind as the (vehicle) and it is this vehicle that will aid you in helping you to attain a healthy Happy Spiritual understanding of the world, where you fit into it, and the universe beyond. It will also lead you to many of the answers to the questions that you have about who are, why are you here, & whats the point of this life etc ....
Many of these answers lie within , but we are so used to looking without.
Often the answers to the most profound questions lie already awaiting to be discovered within your own inner being.
Te mind is a tool nothing more that can aid you in the spiritual understanding of what is.
Before this journey can be undertaken we as individuals need to understand that we are not alone in fact quite the opposite we are connected by consciousness also a simple understanding that we are all on a path is also helpful.

We all come to a time in our lives whereby we feel as though something is missing normally we try to fill this void with WEALTH POWER LUST CAREER .........
We confuse this void or emptiness with worldly possessions or emotions an example would be the rainbow we can chase after it however no matter how close we get it always just seems out of reach !
In the same way we find short term relief in worldly things such as sex or money only to find that the emptiness or void still remain after these things have passed so we keep trying to fill this void with these same experiences (chasing the rainbow) so to speak.

The reason we get no real fulfillment is that these feelings of emptiness and at times confusion are the inner spirits way of leading the outer experience to the challenges needed to gain the inner understandings needed to create a para dime or change in ones pattern that with lead you to the deeper more fulfilling understandings that will again align your existence LIFE to a happier one one filled with love and Compassion.
The first important undertaking is the recognizing that we are on a journey and that we are in fact in control of it .

As far as spiritual cultivation goes this is HUGE it will put you firmly back into the drivers seat of your life.

You will gain a deepened sense of oneness and purpose.

I would like to share that as individuals we are everything that we have experienced and been through in our many life's.
I have grown to understand in my own journey that the cultivation process is filled with many roads not all are straight many posses bends and hills the odd pot hole with the occasional road block but it is these very obstacles that highlight things within us that we were once unable to see and by seeing the things that we can change from within gives us the ability to manifest great change in our lives for the better :0)

In my journey I have also come to the understanding that at times what seems to be the fastest road to cultivating the spirit may not in fact be ,
Truth at times seen to be its opposite. In life when we learn to look past the obvious we can start to see that this is indeed an accurate statement.
For example take water nothing is softer Yet even great obstacles such as mountains or cliffs cannot stand its test of time only to eventually find themselves eroding over time.
We can now start to see that many obstacles in life are in fact or CAN BE useful tools that can greatly help us to surface or illuminate things that we can change in our lives that will greatly lead us to a deeper understanding of life and our true life's purpose .
When we understand this and an obstacle is place upon our path instead of going into the automatic mode of OH HECK meet it head on and ask yourself what the universe is trying to show you a little quiet contemplation will lead you to the answer you desire.

The good news is this when you learn the things to change and make the changes necessary in your life you will NEVER have the need to repeat the experience again Yippee.

It does not take long before this process is adopted by the self and from this point on life starts to move in a positive direction.

Every person has a deep sense of morality it may differ slightly from person to person but the closer you get to the source the more inline these inner understandings flow.
However at times especially in modern society individuals create illusion within their lifestyles either within the past or within the future and living now becomes clouded between these two places.

It is the Hills the bends and the obstacles in one's life that are there to realign the self into the now enabling us to see what we have become and then to make changes if needed.
This is how we cultivate and grow as spiritual beings.

When we realize this and align with reality the now these obstacle in life do not need to present themselves and they simply cease.

The next time you are presented with a obstacle try asking your inner self what it it that you need to see or change and you will be quite amazed at the results in fact that obstacle will cease to be an obstacle and will in fact become a useful tool one that has helped you grow as a person and helped you to lead a rich and fulfilled existence

William Abbott.

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Archangels and Light Beings Surround Earth

The Picture, which can be viewed by clicking on theis link, came to me in an email and I have published it on this blog, because it so beautifully depicts the Earth surrounded by a glowing Merkabah field of Light in the shape of the Star Tetrahedron. This sacred geometric shape of Light creates a high frequency field of Light around whatever, or whomsoever, is inside of it. As such it creates a raised resonance state as well as a protective energy field.

We note the results of the efforts of the Light Beings who concentrate their efforts on Earth, as well as the Archangels who stand in attendance. All of this Light, beaming into Earth, can only be a good thing.

With the Merkabah field of Light in place around the Earth, we are assured that all who live here are stimulated by higher frequencies of Light. This means that human beings are more likely to start thinking from the basis of an awakened state of consciousness. From this we are more likely to choose to do the following:

Create more peace, both individually and collectively.

  • Live with the principles of Light and love in our hearts and minds.
  • Understand who we are as Souls.
  • Connect to our Soul Intent, and live that purpose, as human beings.
  • Realise what we are doing here on this planet.
  • Begin to understand what our purpose is for the future.

And, in this way, we gently and easily birth what has been termed the Golden Age on Earth. As we live the reality of truth, peace, harmony, tolerance and mutual co-operation we find there is no room in our lives for the lower resonance states no matter whether they are thoughts, emotions or actions, and we begin to live the reality and the truth of ONE.

Therefore, please actively participate in creating this state of ONENESS on Earth by keeping this picture in your mind’s eye and using it during a meditation, or print it out and put it in a place where you can look at it as often as possible. Our visual processes are a powerful means of creation, so when we consciously make use of them, we enhance their performance.

While we do this we note that calling in the Archangelic helpers of humanity and asking them to shine their Light on problem areas around the Earth, is all we need to do to raise the resonance of the whole planet.

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A Powerful Opportunity - The Olympic Games

            by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles


            August 2012

            The Olympic Games will begin tomorrow which will provide all of us
with a powerful opportunity to add to the Light of the world. For
millennium the Company of Heaven has been waiting for Humanity to awaken
enough to remember that we are Sons and Daughters of God, and that we
are on Earth during this auspicious moment to transmute our human
miscreations and reverse the adverse effects of our fall from Grace. We
have ALL made a heart commitment to help Humanity reclaim the Path of
Divine Love that was our natural state of Being prior to our fall into
separation and duality. This is true whether we are currently aware of
that covenant with God or not.

            It is important to understand that the Beings of Light cannot do this
for us. They can only amplify our efforts once we invoke their Divine
Intervention. Humanity created the negative situations that have
resulted in all of the pain and suffering on Earth. We did this, often
inadvertently, through our free-will choices and the misuse of our
creative faculties of thought and feeling. Consequently, we alone are
responsible for invoking the Light of God that will transmute our human
miscreations, thus reclaiming the Divine Plan for the Sons and Daughters
of God and Mother Earth.

            With this knowing a plan has been set into motion that will take
advantage of the powerful celestial alignments and solar flares that are
flooding the Earth during this awesome Summer of 2012. This plan
requires that people around the world create a collective Cup of
Consciousness through which the Light of God will flow to transmute the
surfacing negativity and pave the way for the birthing of a New
Renaissance of Divine Love.

            The only positive event that has the potential of drawing the global
focus of Humanity’s attention in the numbers necessary to transmute the
amount of negativity being pushed to the surface all over the world is
the Olympic Games. The Olympic Games are truly a global event, and they
draw the attention of an estimated 4,500,000,000 people during the
17-days of competition. The Olympic Games signify the Family of Humanity
setting aside our differences so we can come together to attain our
highest level of excellence. This is the perfect thought-form and
intention needed for the collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness.
Together we will magnetize enough Light to transmute our human

            The Olympic Games will begin with the Opening Ceremonies on July 27th
and build in momentum through the Closing Ceremonies on August 12th.
Because we are One and there is no separation, we have the ability to
set the Divine Intention for the energy, vibration, and consciousness
that will be released by the people focusing on the Olympic Games. All
we have to do is invoke the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child
and ask that the thoughts, words, actions, feelings, and beliefs
associated with the Olympic Games be purified by the 5th-Dimensional
Solar Violet Flame and utilized to transmute our human miscreations
cause, core, effect, record, and memory back to Humanity’s initial fall
from Grace. The Company of Heaven has been given permission to amplify
our efforts a thousand times a thousandfold. That means that every call
we make will be the same as 1,000,000 people invoking the same thing.
Just imagine what a powerful difference it will make when hundreds of
thousands of us are making these invocations!

            This is a Cosmic Moment!. Please DO NOT let this opportunity pass you
by. This moment in time is going to be an adventure. We have all been
preparing for lifetimes to fulfill our unique facet of this unfolding
Divine Plan. Every moment we are being given the chance to add to the
Light of the World and to improve the quality of life for ourselves and
all Humanity. That may sound grandiose, but we are powerful beyond our
knowing, and the time for us to utilize our Divine Power is NOW!

The following invocation has been given to Humanity by the Beings of
Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. As you invoke this activity of
Light with deep feeling, know that you are joining in consciousness with
  Light-workers around the world who are invoking the 5th-Dimensional
Solar Violet Flame with you.

 Now through the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on
Earth, we set the Divine Intention for the energy, vibration, and
consciousness that will be expressed by every single person who turns
his or her attention to the Olympic Games during the seventeen days of

5th-Dimensional Solar Violet Flame Invocation

            I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every
man, woman, and child on Earth. I AM also One with my Father-Mother God
and with the entire Company of Heaven. Beloved Ones, as One Voice, One
Heartbeat, One Breath, and One Consciousness of Pure Divine Love I ask
that you gather up every electron of precious Life energy that is
expressed in any way during the Olympic Games. Purify that energy with
the 5th-Dimensional Solar Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection, and
Transmute into Light every thought, word, action, feeling, and belief
associated with the Olympic Games. Utilize that Light to transmute
Humanity’s surfacing human miscreations cause, core, effect, record, and
memory, through all time frames and dimensions, back to our initial
fall from Grace. Beloved Company of Heaven, I ask that you amplify this
invocation a thousand times a thousandfold. I accept with deep
appreciation and gratitude that with your assistance every invocation I
make will be intensified with the power of 1,000,000 people.

            I now invoke Saint Germain and the Legions of Light associated with
the new frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Solar Violet Flame. Blessed
Ones, come now, and blaze the most powerful cleansing activity of the
5th-Dimensional Solar Violet Flame that Humanity and the Earth are
capable of receiving during this Cosmic Moment.

            I open the Stargate of my Heart, and I AM instantly the Open Door for
the most powerful 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Solar Violet Flame
of God’s Infinite Perfection the Earth has ever experienced.

            This Solar Violet Flame pulsates through my Heart Flame with the
power and might of a thousand Suns. It blazes in, through, and around
all inharmonious actions, all lower human consciousness, and all
obstructions of the Light that any person, place, condition, or thing
has ever placed in the pathway of Life’s perfection.

            Through the Power of God’s Infinite Perfection, the Solar Violet
Flame Transmutes this discordant energy cause, core, effect, record, and
memory NOW and FOREVER.

            The Silent Watchers over every country, state, city, town, village,
and hamlet on the planet now reach out their great loving arms and raise
up a limitless number of people in every location who are willing to
participate in the faithful use of the Solar Violet Flame. Each person
understands the full importance of this sacred gift now being offered by
our Father-Mother God to help free Humanity from all human distresses.
The conscious use of this mighty power from the Heart of God will cause
to be established within every one of these places great forcefields of
the Violet Flame, which will continually bathe every person in each

            Now, through the unified Clarion Call of the I AM Presence within ALL
Humanity and the Legions of Light throughout infinity, the Solar Violet
Flame begins to expand and expand. This Sacred Fire merges with the
Divinity pulsating in every person’s heart and explodes into a
tremendous Starburst of Light. On the Holy Breath this influx of the
Solar Violet Flame increases to the intensity of a thousand Suns. 

            Now I ask Saint Germain and the Legions of Light associated with the
5th-Dimensional Solar Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection to...

            a)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through the thoughts, words,
actions, feelings, and beliefs of every man, woman, and child evolving
on Earth until every person individually acknowledges and accepts the
Oneness of ALL Life, and every expression reflects a deep Reverence for
ALL Life.

            b)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all incoming babies,
the children, their parents, and guardians until ALL youth are raised up
in energy, vibration, and consciousness to carry out the directives of
their I AM Presence.

            c)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all youth centers and
activities; all schools, colleges and universities; all leaders,
teachers, instructors, and professors in every line of endeavor until
the Flame of God Illumination and Enlightenment is manifest and
eternally sustained.

            d)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all religious and
spiritual teachings, so that Divine Love, Truth, Tolerance, and
Universal Sisterhood and Brotherhood will quickly manifest.

            e)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all doctors, nurses,
healers, hospitals, insurance companies, pharmaceutical conglomerates,
and every institution associated with healing of any kind until Divine
Mercy, Compassion, Integrity, and Healing are tangible realities for
every evolving soul.

            f)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all banking and
financial institutions, all economic systems, all money, and the people
associated with monetary interactions of any kind until every person on
Earth is openly demonstrating true integrity, honesty, generosity,
fairness, abundance, and the God supply of all good things.

            g)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all places of
incarceration and all employed there, through every correctional
institution and every judge, jury, and court of law until Divine Justice
is manifest and eternally sustained.

            h)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all space activities
throughout the world until every nation unites in cooperative service,
so that God’s Will may be manifest with our sisters and brothers
throughout the Universe.

            i)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through the physical, etheric,
mental, and emotional bodies of Humanity until all disease and human
miscreation, its cause and core, is dissolved and transmuted into
purity, vibrant health, and physical perfection.

            j)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through the food and water
industries and through all of the food and water used for  human
consumption until every particle of food and every molecule of water is
filled with Light. Empower this Elemental substance to raise the
vibratory action of Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental, and emotional
bodies until physical perfection becomes a sustained manifest reality
for every Human Being.

            k)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns in, through, and around every
remaining electron of precious Life energy until the Immaculate Concept
of the New Earth and our Planetary Cause of Divine Love is manifest, and
all Life evolving here is wholly Ascended and FREE. 

            Beloved I AM Presence, Beloved Legions of Light throughout Infinity, I
accept that this activity of Light is being God Victoriously
accomplished even as I call, to be increased daily and hourly, moment to
moment, with every breath I take.

            And so it is. Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM That I AM.

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By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

As the energies of 2012 grow in speed and propulsion, we are escorted to a conjunction of inter-dimensional possibilities and opportunities. We are asked to expand our horizons and expectations and our ability to receive. We are asked to become more, to do more, to see more, and to be more. Our gifts that come on the winds of change escort us into new understandings of how we are to enhance our innate abilities and DNA contracts. You are commander and chief of your cellular content; you are a directional for all biological functions. As this energy adjusts itself to your body Ask for enhanced sight, hearing, healing and cooperation of all cells in your body. Your body seeks your direction and wisdom. If your cells are holding karma thank the cells and ask that the karma now be released and cleared from the DNA structure. If you have extra fat cells on your body ask that the powerful emotion that created them, as you stuffed your feelings, be released, redirected. Place this newly freed power/energy/light/ into any section of your life that needs and extra boost. It is pure energy, spend it well.

As we round the corner into the lair of the Lion in the month of Leo, we find ourselves face to face with our ancient future and our ancient past. Reflections in our world mirror our inner needs on all levels bringing to the surface all that has been buried alive. Emanations from the light behind the sun rearrange our brain waves, readjusting the thinking patterns that have kept us hostage in an elliptical orbit of humanness.

The giant sunspots and coronal mass ejections we are presently seeing are but a glimpse into the life force of this Superior Sun that extends her super magnetic vibration into all parts of our known and unknown solar system. Lifting us to a point of open eyes within all the seeing cells of our natural state. Just like celestial acupuncture we receive injections of knowing that cannot be explained away. We finally find the passion to do, to be, to believe to create without a shadow of doubt.

The solar system lines up celestial body by celestial body, stopping only for a moment to pay homage to earth and her inhabitants observing the shifts and changes within the evolving species that calls earth there home. All buried landmasses within our consciousness come to a place of buoyancy, circumnavigating our linear flat world thinking. Exposing on a stellar level that which lies beneath all of our longings and choices. We finally stand up for what we believe and what believes in us.

The blue light from the star Sirius shines down onto all of our choices Stellar gateways open via earthen conduits allowing us to be lifted to a place of innate knowing. Everything we do or do not do will be felt in all sectors of heaven and earth.

It is time for the SOLAR LION via the SPHINX to rise from her enigmatic posture of guardian and unleash what has been subjugated to human restriction. A full positioning of this event transpires within the secret chamber of the left hemisphere of the brain for females and the right hemisphere of the brain for males. Like an unexpected tsunami the ocean floor parts to release a surge that will clear the mental shorelines of non-belief. Fractions of self and soul that had once been fluid through time and choice come running home with open arms and an open heart. Settling into all of the cracks of our personal universe filling them with what needs to be seen.

Emanations from the stars reach down to work there healing magic upon all of us. The light behind our Sun lifts her skirt of light exposing her Nubian body of light for all to see. The dance of the seven veils of time eternal cleverly keeps most of her concealed. Finally the children of earth have earned the right to see the truth of the Cosmos.

On August 8, Solar power will move into material form. Birthing a level of light that even the blind will be able to see. Uniting the two hemispheres of the brain in a cosmic fusion. So powerful is this solar vibration we will have but one choice as it enters our energy field. The choice is to just allow it to pass through us like a solar wind, not holding on to any part of it. Like a cool breeze on a hot day just allow the solar emanations to encircle and embrace you without trying to corral them and tie them to the fence of humanness. Just this minute action will shift the future into a place that can been seen and felt.

The 8:8 STARGATE VIBRATION is symbolic of the human DNA kept separate purposefully. The symbiotic relationship that humanity has had with earth life will shift into direct alignment with time passages. This time passage is allowing a new beginning to occur that increases mental capacities, IQ and the ability to remember (near and far). For some time now the human brain has been in the shop being repaired. Too much information has been painful and not properly. The brain has been resistant, seeming to have Teflon coating not wanting anything to stick to it. Each new set of thoughts triggered dormant fears that needed to be released and replaced with new strands of awareness.

The star Sirius rises every midsummer this rising is associated with new thought, new light, and new beginnings. It rises before the sun purposefully after being in stellar hiding for about 70 days. Sirius houses the Great White Brotherhood, the Lemurian Elders as well as the Christ Consciousness. It is now time to come from a point of high solar vibrations and allow this new light to shine on places within the psyche and history of earth that needs cleansed.

We stand at the base of the mountain of Creational maturity on our sojourn home to the Light. Everything in the universe opens its cupboards to show what has been hidden on all of its shelves. It is a personal choice as to how to wear this energy and wisdom. It has been laid at your anointed feet with a great love by those that have taken all of your evolutionary possibilities to heart.


The Invisible Light Of The Star Gate.....


By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

As the sun sends forth her rays of clarity a personal and planetary sonic boom is heard throughout the land. Explosions of the old are nuclear (new clear) as they are cast off like dust in a dirt devil. Truth unfolds itself to be seen in the long and short of it. Narrating an internal bedtime story that can only be learned by heart. Sleep beckons but the energy shouts so loud and is so demanding that sleep is short and not so sweet.


As the vibrations of the 8:8 Stargate come forth into materialization the human body bucks at the thought of housing more light, downloading more encodings, or receiving any more truths. If the truth be known the energies of the 8:8 Stargate are being birthed to smooth out the static cling of the personality. The tiredness comes to slow down the ancient angers that stir in the emotional layer of humanity.


The gravitational pull has increased not lessened as earth begins a new evolutionary spin. Centrifugal force fails as all that was within the spinning bucket falls changing scientific truths to a point beyond confusion.


The sun behind the sun (at the center of our galactic nucleus) is seen with a new eye. As the invisible light from the superior sun is felt and not seen our humanness explodes with untapped potential. Pathways of cortical transmissions (from the core projections) intersect with all of earth, challenging even those of devout faith. The invisible light from the sun behind the sun at galactic center spreads itself over our lives like softened galactic butter soaking into every pore and membrane of our person.


What was once hidden is seen, what was once seen is changed. The eyes of the soul see with a new clarity redefining what was once considered dark. The overlapping of the two suns creates a portal (vesica pisces) for all to enter or exit depending upon choice. Liposuction of the soul moves what had been weighty and dense into a placement of understandability. Deleting the need for repercussions or judgements. What is, just is, until you shift it. The 8:8 Stargate assists us in this knowing and portal preparation.



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The heart of this article was inspired from a post by Peter Melchizedek on the Federation of Light website:
One must keep in mind that the healing process of anything is always far more complicated than we could ever imagine from the standpoint of the human mind. The truth is we are not healers, we can heal nothing or no body outside of own healing. Yet we can as our own vibrational frequences rise continue to hold those who desire our help, simply in an envelope of Pure and Divine Love! The rule being however, we can not hold another in any higher level of vibration than we are at ourselves. That is just not possible. The second premise is that we must respect and honour the journeys of all others involved.

So the very best we can do is to hold whatever or whoever in the envelope of Love and allow it or them the right to make the choice for themselves as to whether they wish to heal or carry on as they were. That is why I suggest in all the healing intentions that I am involved with that the healing take place in accordance with God's Will! In this way, we hold the Energy of Love to the highest levels of our own vibrations and allow whatever God chooses to unfold, either en masse or individually!

Let me give you an example!

Jesus tells us that he was not a healer and never healed anyone. He simply held them in the Light & Love of Father/Mother/God knowing they would then be enabled to heal themselves by their own powers of belief or faith if they chose. In Jesus's case because of who he was, they believed that He was the healer. The Truth is they  healed themselves while in the Love Jesus sent them! Jesus's vibration was sufficent to do that.

So by our own intentions, we surround Gaia, or Japan and all the areas effected by the radiation leak, or ourselves, or any person we want to help heal  with Divine Love & the Violet Flame. Then we connect with our Group Soul - so the Energy of the combined group will be the foundations for God's Will to unfold. We need not be concerned about the outcome or the results for this would only deminish the purity that we hold. As human beings we do not know the power of what we are achieving or not achieving - so we stay focused and unwaivering in our faith & Love that the greatest Good will occur to the greatest degree that is Divinely possible. Energy follows thought! Trust then Dear Friend that what you intend is making a difference and rest peacefully in the Knowing that what is meant to be will unfold naturally!

I hope that this helps you understand healing a little better! And Know that without you and your Love the Circle will not be complete!

God Bless,


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Emotions, Resonance and Living Ascension

Ideas about the lofty heights of Ascension are bandied around fairly easily in the various literature, blogs, seminars and websites. However, as much as we might know that humanity and Earth are moving forwards at a rapid rate and developing an awakened state of consciousness, many of our human issues still remain to plague us. The balancing act, therefore, revolves around managing the human emotional state and the ability to continue to work our way upwards in consciousness. Negative emotions, such as anger or fear, are defined as being fallen states, and so the existence of a negative emotion is clearly contrary to the Ascension process.

Understanding that Ascension means that we live our lives at the higher level – or heart-centred – of functioning, supports us to find tools to work out how to deal with negative emotions when they arise. This is important, because it is the lower types of emotion which create a lowered resonance state within us. Anything which is of a low resonance is, by definition, contrary to the raised resonance state of Ascension.

Ascension is defined as a shift into an alternative, higher and/or more expanded state of reality. When in this state of consciousness all of our abilities are enhanced. It is because of this that we become perceptually more competent so as to be referred to as psychic, and easily relate to each other telepathically. Ascension amounts to a dimensional shift, which we are able to do at this time while remaining physically alive on the planet. The big deal about the end of this Great Cycle of Time that is coming to an end on 21 December 2012, and which is detailed by the Mayan Calendar, is that we have the stellar opportunity to shift consciousness to such an significant extent that our experience of reality literally changes.

Achieving a dimension shift while alive on Earth, or Living in Ascension, is essentially related to raising our resonance. The ways that different people choose to do this are many and varied, but always revolve around a few essentials:

  • Healing ourselves emotionally, physically and mentally to release whatever no longer serves us on our pathway forwards.
  • Re-programming ourselves emotionally, physically and mentally so as to ensure we consciously decide what we want and how we feel and react.

Without the two aforementioned aspects of growth, we are unlikely to make the rapid progress that is required at this time in order to resonate with a higher dimension of reality, in Ascension. If we do choose to go through what are often the arduous processes of detoxification - which involve acknowledging our issues, feeling them and then releasing them - we progress in the following ways:

  • The ability to forgive the self and others. It is impossible to forgive any other person until such time as we forgive ourselves.
  • The development of self love. It is impossible to love the self until we forgive ourselves.
  • The development of unconditional love for all in existence. This is a natural extension from forgiveness and self love.

In conjunction with these processes which help us to develop the ability for unconditional love, any positive shift within will create a shift in resonance, and this is what affects our DNA. Human beings all have dormant DNA. Although these parts of the DNA was de-activated so long ago, it still has the capacity to respond to the higher frequency vibrations which are responsible for raising resonance. Therefore, we re-activate our DNA by raising our resonance. Re-activated DNA results in an expanded, awakened and shifted state of consciousness.

Each and every single one of us is able to progressively enLighten ourselves and move towards the ultimate state of the expansion of consciousness, which is Omnipresence. Although we can certainly acknowledge that most people are a fairly long way off from being All-aware of All That Is, we are nevertheless genetically engineered to be able to be in this state, because Divinity resides within our DNA. Omnipresence is the consciousness of Bliss which is called Oneness. The most natural of all human drives supports progression is in this direction of expansion, and this is the reason why so many people seek the truth, yearn for meaning as to their Soul Purpose, and choose to develop themselves spiritually. We hanker after that which we know we lack, and that is the feeling and the experience of the state of Oneness.

With this in mind, we consider that the processes which are involved in continuously working on ourselves make perfect sense, because it is only by clearing and releasing our issues that we are able to find the peace, forgiveness and love within ourselves that enable us to live in Ascension. In turn, clearing and releasing our issues reduces the chances of falling into the low energy fields of negative emotional states. After working extensively on ourselves so as to raise our resonance, it becomes eminently easier to recover our position should we fall into feeling negative emotions, and/or acting out the associated behaviours. This is very different to what happens when living the reality experiences of a lower resonance. In lower dimensional states we tend to get stuck in the issues which are governed by emotions, and endlessly justify our behaviour in terms of the way other situations or people ‘make’ us feel.

We cannot ignore the fact that we, as human beings, remain susceptible to all sorts of emotions, regardless of our state of consciousness. However, when in a raised state of resonance we recover from them far quicker and, with continued practice, we may even avoid slipping into them for longer than a split instant. It is important to bear in mind that we cannot develop raised resonance, which is necessary prerequisite for the heart-centred Ascension experience of reality, if we continue to either suppress our issues or allow them to persist within us. Therefore, healing of all kinds should be attended to with the utmost urgency, if we want to continue to live on Earth in the future, in a higher dimension of reality.

Knowing that raising resonance is the key progress into the new and more pleasant realities of alternative dimensions, we more readily accept the fact that we are individually responsible for birthing the Golden Age on Earth, simply by doing whatever it takes to raise our resonance.

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EARTH: Property of the GODHEAD

"...... Earth is the consciousness and the property of the Godhead."


channelled by Jacqui Gilbert

Reading this short quote from the ancient Being known as DUMUZI, we are given more than just these words to consider. We have heard so many times, from the Light Beings of the GODHEAD, that Earth is so much more important than we could imagine. In addition to this, the work we do on ourselves - individually and as a collective consciousness - has such far reaching consequences that it impacts way beyond Earth.

DUMUZI is the beloved of INANNA, who gave up his GOD BEING state and took on physicality. He did this in order to support humanity to find their way back to the Light and out of the lowered dimensional experience of reality. As such, he has been a valuable wayfarer for all of us, waiting until this time of humanity's awakening consciousness to begin communicating with us again. Without his sacrifice we might have remained in a difficult state of blinded consciousness for far longer than we have done already.

By meditating on Dumuzi's quote we begin to glean the depths of what he has said to us. Some of this is as follows:

  • Nobody owns Earth.
  • Nobody owns the resources of Earth.
  • Collectively, as creations of the GODHEAD ourselves, we may participate and partake of the riches of Earth.

In discussion on this topic, DUMUZI commented that, while it is perfectly acceptable to own a patch of land upon the Earth, it is not reasonable to suggest that the riches within the Earth belong to any one country, or any one person. Earth's resources are for the use of all the Beings of the GODHEAD and their creations. It was never intended that any one person, or corporation, or nation, enrich themselves at the expense of any others by mining or otherwise extracting the riches from the Earth.

If we had to bear this in mind, these simple facts would make nonsense of the so-called reasons for war on our planet.

Were all of humanity to act as ONE, in the collective, we would happily spread the riches around. We would do this in order to advance the whole species which is human, alive on Earth now and forevermore. By holding onto the riches of the Earth, we simply perpetuate the concept of separation and all the greed and power control issues which go along with it. Behaviours of this nature are not tenable if we want to birth the Golden Age on Earth, and live in Bliss.

Let us reclaim our birthright as creations - Hu-man - creations of the GODHEAD, and live together in peace, love and harmony. ONENESS is the only way forward.

With this in mind, we easily see others around us in peace, and forgive them because they are not only our friends, but part of ourselves. From this we develop volumes of love within our hearts and easily love ourselves as we love others. Unconditional love is a short step from this, as is the Ascended state of living in a higher dimension of reality.

So, in conclusion, let each one of us visualise people all over the world smiling at each other with joy, love and tolerance in their hearts. Let us see the global 'V' symbol of peace being waved around, and hearts glowing with the Light of love. Most especially, let us all concentrate these visuals on the people and the leaders of Middle East at this time, so that we may tilt the delicately balanced energy of that area in the direction of Light and love. Let us all participate in manifesting the world we want, with love. Let us do this immediately and each day onwards, until we create what we want. And, after that, we simply create more!

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The Light Beings have stated something that they rarely do: that this is a time of emergency on Earth. As such, it is important that as many people as possible work at visualising peace on our planet. We need to be aware that each and every single person who visualises peace, love, harmony and happiness existing between all the people of Earth contributes significantly to the manifestation of exactly that.

It is imperative that we concentrate our visualisation orientated peace efforts on the entirety of the Middle East at this time, as well as elsewhere and within ourselves. The Light Beings have commented that Earth is extremely delicately balanced right now, and that our ability to visualise peace is sufficient to support the dissipation of the looming crises in this area. Conflict in the Middle East is nothing new, as it has been an area of strife and stress since ancient times. These ancient patterns of behaviour have continued to be recreated again and again, and this is the reason that the regional unrest continues in our modern day.

Nevertheless, it is now time for all these ancient, and very negative, patterns to finish. There is no need for people to continue repeating them. We are in an Ascension process, as humanity and Earth, and we have the perfect opportunity to finalise all the pain and suffering that has predominated on Earth since the fall of man and of the Angelic Being ENLIL. This process is supported by ENLIL'S own rapid advances into the Light of redemption at this time.

We can take the opportunity that ENLIL'S Light recovery process offers us and use it to further our own progress. Knowing that this is happening - that the Fallen Angel is recoving from his fall - means we that we too can shift as dramatically. Therefore, there is no need for any human being to feel insecure while that which previously underpinned darkness shifts. The energy of archetypical darkness has changed, and has become Light. Nevertheless, it is bound to happen that people feel unsettled at this time, especially those whose intentions concentrate on power over others and greed.

The deserts of the Middle East area came about as a direct result of the nuclear war in ancient times. The fact that these areas were previously lush and abundant with life and that they are no longer, is testament to the devastation that the Middle East and North Africa have suffered. These desert regions are the result of nuclear warhead detonations, and we, as modern man, are in danger of repeating those ancient catastrophes. The human anger that creates this is as unnecessary and as it is unproductive.

Earth cannot tolerate any more unnecessary upsets, and certainly nothing as energetically and physically devastating as a nuclear war. Under such circumstances, the energy unleased would damage the whole globe. We would be naive to imagine that only the Middle East would suffer. The climate of the entire globe would be negatively affected, and every human being would suffer, including you and I. Hunger would prevail and crops would fail. We don't need any more of that. It is, therefore, highly beneficial to help to create peace and harmony amongst apparently opposing peoples - for the good of all.

Let us use this opportunity to not only visualise all the world at peace, but ourselves at peace too, while intensely concentrating our efforts on the Middle East,.

Let us visualise our families, work places, and suburban neighbourhoods at peace.

Let us visualise an abundance of food for everybody on Earth.

Let us visualise blind anger being replaced by love in the hearts of the people of troubled lands.

Let us visualise everybody's hearts, including our own, glowing with the Light of love.

Let us visualise the Ascension Chakra (just above the base of the skull) of every single person glowing with the Light of Ascension.

Let us visualise leaders of Light, whose hearts sing with love.

Let us visualise people who desire peace.

Let us visualise soldiers who prefer peace.

Let us visualise previously warring people raising their hands with the classic ''V sign as a greeting of peace.

Let us visualise all people of the Middle East, and then of the entire world, looking at each other with love on their faces; love which reflects the love in their hearts.

Let us visualise the happy result of this peace, as we live in Bliss on Earth.

And So It Is.

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