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Calling Upon Divine Intervention For Each of You and For Gaia !

By Steven Hutchinson

I was inspired to make this channeling by answering a question a member asked me about angels and the virus, and I told her that angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, and all the beautiful being of Light helping mankind and Gaia in our ascension will respond to your prayer or invocation - but only if you call upon them and ask for their help in whatever situation and for the divinely highest good of all.

It's usually best to do that in a quiet time and during your meditation. And I believe it would be good to ask for such help that addresses the underlying cause not only of the virus, but the underlying causes of all the problems we are facing in our world. For example:

"I lovingly ask for Divine Intervention in healing and transmuting with the Creator's Violet Flames and Crystalline Rainbow Light all of the underlying causes that Gaia and every human being are facing in our spiritual growth and ascension, also including the underlying causes of all the viruses that we are facing. 

We are all now collectively invoking Divine Intervention for the Highest Good of All, calling upon All of the Archangels, angels, Ascended Masters, the Elohim, Light Beings & Star Beings who are helping Gaia and mankind to ascend to work through each of us making this call to heal each of us & Gaia, and transmute everything that's not of the Creator's Highest Love & Light within each of us and within mankind's collective consciousness.

So Blaze, Blaze, Blaze the Violet Flames and all of The Creator's Love and Light ...

Until all of Gaia and every human being are healed and awakened to The Creator's Presence within

each, person ... helping Gaia and every human Being experience Unity Consciousness !!!

Thank You Mother/Father/God and all You Beautiful Beings called upon for manifesting this Divine Intervention, which I know is now in action within Gaia and within Each of Us !

And So It Manifests ! ! !

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Song Of My Soul By Steven Hutchinson

Song Of My Soul By Steven Hutchinson

The song I wrote below was inspired by the beautiful old song of Snatam Kaur in the video below. It's kind of been playing in my head for a while now, so I thought I'd share it with all you beautiful people. Enjoy.

I Am the Light, Light, Light, Light of my Soul...
And Light of the Violet Flames...and Crystalline Rainbow Light...
Radiating, Radiating, Radiating Brightly to every human being...and to all of Gaia...with my every breath.
I Am Bountiful, I Am Beautiful, I Am Bliss... I Am...That I Am...
I Am the Light, Light, Light, Light of my Soul,
I Am Beautiful, I Am Bountiful, I Am Bliss. I Am. I Am That I Am
I Am the Blessings, Blessings, Blessings of The Violet Flame, and of Crystalline Rainbow Light...
Radiating, Radiating, Radiating to every human being...and to all of Gaia...with my every breath.
I Am the Light of Love, and the Light of Truth, and the Light of Peace,
Radiating Brightly to every human being...and to All of Gaia, with my every breath.
I Am Bountiful, I Am Beautiful, I Am Bliss, I Am...That I Am
I Am the Light, Light, Light, Light of my Soul. I Am Beautiful, I Am Bountiful, I Am Bliss. I Am. I Am That I Am.
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Attunement to the Divine

Attunement to the energy of Divine Soul Spark

Today is My Day to attune to the energy
Of My Divine Soul Spark again.
When I attune to the Love
And Divine Plan,

Allowing the energy flowing freely
Through my system, the human body,
All experiences from past, present
and future is coming together
And all cells and atoms will find
Their Natural State of Being.

Only through the releasing of
Old patterns, emotional wounds,
caused by past life experiences
and acknowledgement, you can release
and renew the human being.

The vessel you have taken on
to bring in the Divine Spark of
High Self as well,
Reunited again with the Soul Experience.

It’s a process which will present itself
the moment you become aware,
you’re more than just this physical body.
And the journey begins.

Step by step you start to recognize
the connection with what happens
In this lifetime.
That your experiences are always
showing up to help you remember
the unique core that lies within yourself.

The love that comes from deep within,
the Spark that is rekindled again by allowing,
releasing of the circumstances you have created.
To become aware that you are the Creator
and not the victim of your circumstances.

This process is also referred to as the Awakening.
You wake up and you can take responsibility
for the experiences instead of feeling the victim,
which belongs to the old pattern system.
There is this connection between your emotions,
physiological reactions and body reflections,
since they are all One.

Connected with your soul to enable you
to release these old patterns that shows up
and will bring balance in all of your systems.
With every step you take, this journey will bring
You deeper and deeper within the depths
of your Heart, so enabling you to shine through
your Self-Love to the outer world also.

This dear one,
will bring in the memories
of the beginning of your journey.
The remembrance of your Connection with
One Heart, One Love of Divine Consciousness.

And so it will Be.

High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages 24-2-2014


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COMMON GOAL OF ASCENSION OF GALACTIC FAMILY:- You need to make certain advancements on your own. As individuals you can do so much and you can create so much, but operating as a collective of humans alone, you could accomplish so much more. And so just imagine how much can be accomplished as work together with Galactic beings as Galactic family that we all are comes together with the common goal of Ascension. Wish you a beautiful day to you with love and light. Tercy

Multi Color Angel Cross Stitch Pattern***L@@K***$4.95

Rainbow angel

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A FUNCTIONING NETWORK FOR HUMANITY:- The Arcturians created a functioning network for humanity, and it is meant to allow all of you greater access to the points on your planet that are most powerful. For example, if you have always wanted to go to Egypt and see the pyramids, but you have not had the opportunity to do so. You can utilize this network to tap into the power of that sacred site on Mother Earth. The same is true for all of the sacred sites, chakra points, and vortices. You have access to all of them from right where you are, and you can dial into this network by accessing the codes that have been deposited in your energy field. Now, you don’t need to have any idea what the codes look like in order to access them. You can access these codes with your intention and with your desire and your belief. Wish you a Great Day with love and light to all my Divine Friends. Tercy

Your Protective Cloak... What Is The Purpose Imagine that your protective shield is like a large cloak... which you slip around you. As you wake up each morning... you use your imagination to create this cloak... and then place it around you. You pull the hood up and over your head and the cloak falls to your feet. At that time I also like to white light myself.…. #Psychedelicart #mystical #visionaryart #mysticalart #meditation #DMT

Omega and The Will To Rise by Seth McMahon | Threyda

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YOU ARE CREATORS OF THE REALITY YOU’VE BEEN EXPERIENCING:- What you are doing with data that you have collected is very interesting. From experiences that you’ve had, you are creating the experiences you want to have as fifth dimensional beings. And the emotions that you have allowed yourselves to feel are meant to inform you about their corresponding vibrations. Now if you can match the experiences that you want to have with the vibrations that you can extract from the emotions felt, then you really have something. You have the raw materials to create a beautiful world and life experience, and you have the tools to get you there. The more you familiarize yourself with how everything feels, the easier it is for you then to activate within yourselves that which you you want feel, and therefore create with. This is why it’s so important to embrace experiences and emotions, but it is also important for you to know that you have the power to create.
You are creators of the reality you’ve been experiencing, and soon you will be the aspect of yourself that has been doing all of the fine-tuning of that creating. You are becoming your higher selves, and that is an enormous undertaking. Wish you a Great Day to all my Divine Friends. Tercy

Image may contain: tree, sky, outdoor and nature

Image may contain: sky, cloud, outdoor and nature

Embers turn to stars by Jerry LoFaro

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Bringing Home the Light of Love

Bringing Home the Light of Love

Bringing Home the Light of Love
Into my awareness
Through all the layers of sub consciousness.
I want to turn it upside down, 
So conscious awareness will be My Compass.
It needs quit time
And stillness deep within,
So the knowledge can emerge
From the depths of my Soul.
Connected with my Heart to show
The true unique responses
That will enable me to learn and grow
And more than that,
To feel the willingness of myself,
Available when the thoughts disappear,
And the feelings are released
In this ongoing process of bringing in 
More and more Love for Self.
By that acceptance is no longer a word,
It is the energy that flows openly
And reaches every part of me
That is still to be unfolding.
Step by step the tread gets lighter
And the joy of loving and releasing
Comes closer and closer to be brought
Into the world to see,
The full color of Me.
I am the Vessel that will shine,
The deep love that is my guideline.
Courage and strength are given
As tools to step forward,
Bold and brave,
And by doing so creating a deeper connection
Ongoing sharing within my Essence of Light
Until I can truly say,
I AM HOME, yet again.

And so it is.

High Self – RheaDopmeijer ©
Heartfelt Messages 28-10-2013


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 Decrees For Creator Realization By Steven Hutchinson

I Am The Creator embodied as (say your name). My Whole Being is completely merged with my Soul & Soul group & with Mother/Father/God - One Heart - One Love - One Consciousness - One Mind - One Power, One Intelligence, One Body! I Am my I Am Presence merged with my Whole Being, & I Am One with the I Am Presence of every human being & every Being throughout the universe! 
The Love of my Soul pulsates throughout my Whole Being with my every breath, and my Soul continually embraces my mind with the purest & most powerful Love = Power Energies of the Creator, merging my mind with the Creator's Mind. I Am the Light & Power & Intelligence of the Creator in full manifestation in my Whole Being & in all aspects of my life. 
My Whole Being is perfectly aligned with the most Divinely perfect  Light, Love, & Energetic keys of the Creator! I Am the Energetic Energies of Happiness of the Creator merging with my mind & my Whole Being . I Am the Happiness & Bliss of the Creator blazing forth throughout my Whole Being & uplifting us all! I embody & express the Energies of the Creator's Happiness & Bliss of every Being throughout the universe. I choose to experience a Creator Empowered life - & do so daily!  
I Am the Creator Pathways of Will & Power in full use in my service work & in all aspects of my life ! I now see & feel the Truth of the Core Essence of the Creator in me, and of All That Is The Creator That I Am !   I Am The Creator loving myself with my every breath.  My Whole Being is in complete alignment with my Soul & Soul Group's Energies, & with the Energies of all that is the Creator - and I experience all that is the Creator as fully as possible with my every breath! My every breath is the Source Energies of the Creator & my Soul & Soul Group in action in me and thru me, healing & spiritually uplifting us all. Thank You God! And So It Is! 
I am my Ascended Master Self in full manifestation and expressing as Steven L. H. I understand, explore and express my Ascended Master Self with ease. I Am synthesized with my Ascended Master Pathways on the earth and in the inner planes. I Am my Ascended Master Self fully manifesting in my service work and in all aspects of my life ! I know who I Am & my mission as an Ascended Master on the earth & in the inner planes.
My Whole Being is merged & aligned with my Angelic Body, which is perfectly aligned with the Energies of the Angelic Realm. My Angelic body pours the light vibrations from the Angelic Realm into my entire being for my healing & spiritual growth with my every breath now ! I am channeling the most divinely perfect Energies from AA Metatron & the angelic realm. & from the Master Archangels, along with the Mahatma Energies, throughout my Whole Being & throughout the Universe for the healing & spiritual growth of all.
I Now call forth The Light of All the Levels of The Creator's Universe along with the corresponding Mahatma Energies to bathe my Whole Being with my every breath. This Rainbow of Divine Light melts into my aura & merges completely with my Soul & with every cell in my body. The Mahatma Light & Diamond Consciousness now enthuses my entire being - converting my Whole Being into Light & anchoring the Mahatma energy into my entire consciousness & Whole Being & Soul with the pure consciousness, love, & vibration of Mahatma. I Am A New Level of Mahatma Energy Now!  
With my every breath I Am channeling  Energies that are divinely perfect in helping manifest for myself & Gaia & all Beings throughout the universe healing & spiritual upliftment...and these Divine Energies emanating from my Soul & Soul Groups, & from The Creator & Gaia & my community of guides, along with the appropriate Mahatma Energies, now flow throughout my Whole Being & throughout  Gaia & to every Being throughout the universe - healing & spiritually uplifting us all. 
I am channeling Forgiveness Energies from the Creator & from my Soul & Soul Groups & from my community of guides throughout my Whole Being and to every Being that I interacted with in every lifetime of my Soul, as well to every Being throughout the universe where the Forgiveness Energies are needed, and these Energies of Forgiveness with the Mahatma Energies are now healing us all, & are cutting all negative cords & attachments between all of us. I forgive all others from every lifetime of my Soul who have ever wronged me, and I forgive myself for every being I have wronged from every lifetime of my Soul. I Am Free and merged with my Soul and my Ascended Master Self, as are all other beings, and we all now experience my Whole Being in perfect divine balance & harmony and alignment with the Creator & the Creator Energies Now! 
With my every breath I Am channeling Healing & Regenerating Energies from The Creator & from my Soul & Soul Groups, & from Gaia & my community of guideswith the necessary healing & regeneration codes & templates & Mahatma Energies throughout my whole body & my Whole Being. I Am The Creator's Breath of Violet, Indigo & Golden Light continually flowing  throughout my Whole Being. & these Divine & Powerful Energies are clearing my Whole Being of everything not of God's Love & Light, & are raising my vibrations to the highest level possible with my every breath. I Am The Creator healing & regenerating my Whole Being & my entire body with my every breath. I am Now experiencing my whole body being healed & regenerated in God's Love/Light with my every breath. My Whole Being & body & every cell in my body are Now completely healed and regenerated.... and are now expressing celestial well being, vitality, & good health... and every cell is now completely Illumined from within in the Light of the Creator's Perfection!  Thank You God! And So It Manifests!  
I Am channeling throughout my Whole Being with my every breath the Energies of Divine Completion from my Soul & Soul groups and from The Creator & Gaia and my community of guides with the necessary divine codes and templates & Mahatma Energies that manifest the divine completion of all aspects & levels of my life & my spiritual growth, and also manifest all of my affirmations & decrees & create ever new platforms for my spiritual growth & realization of the Creator & all levels of my Divine Truth. Let yourself feel as if you are taking on templates of completion into your entire being, empowering them with your breath, and aligning and anchoring them along with the Divine Energies of Completion into every aspect of your being. Affirm, "I Am the Embodiment & Fulfillment of My Soul & The Creator's gift of completion in all aspects of my life & in all levels of my Being. I fully accept divine completion into My Whole Being & all aspects of reality. I Am an embodiment of the Creator's Completion on all 352 levels of my Divine truth."
I Am channeling  from my Soul & Soul groups, and from the Creator & Gaia & my community of guides Christ Consciousness Completion Energies throughout my Whole Being with my every breath, and these Divine  Energies are now manifesting and anchoring all levels & qualities of Christ Consciousness in me. The Mahatma Energies now synthesize the Christ Consciousness Energies on all levels of my Divine Truth. My Whole Being is in perfect divine alignment with the Christ Consciousness Completion Energies on all levels. I Am The Mahatma & Divine Love in action using these Divine Energies in my service work & in all aspects of my life with my every breath. The Christ Consciousness Completion Energies are now transforming my Whole Being as I embody & extend them to every Being throughout the universe with my every breath. I now experience my Whole Being becoming Illumined in Golden Christ Light!  I Am Now experiencing and embodying & expressing all the qualities of the Christ Consciousness in my service work & in all aspects of my life with my every breath !
I Am channeling Divine Love = Power Energies with my every breath from my Soul & Soul Groups, & from The Creator & Gaia and my community of guides, along with Mahatma Energies, throughout my Whole Being and to every human being and all of Gaia and all Beings throughout the entire universe...& these  Love = Power Energies are helping heal & spiritually uplift us all. I Am the Creator Loving my Whole Being with my every breath. I Am Creator Love in action with my every breath. My Whole Being is an embodiment of the Love of the Creator That I AM ! God's Love is now fully awakened in me & in the hearts & minds of every human being and in all Beings throughout the universe, and is uplifting and healing us all. We are all now experiencing God''s Presence within us, and experiencing our highest potential Now !!! I Am the embodied ascension of my Soul experiencing my highest potential with my every breath!!! 
I Am the Divine Intelligence that exists within all 352 levels of my being. I am the Divine Intelligence of my Soul & the Creator in action transforming & uplifting my Whole Being & manifesting through my Divine Self all of My decrees & affirmations in service to mankind - and also illuminating & activating all 352 levels of my Divine Truth!
Thank You God for manifesting everything I have affirmed and decreed, or better, for the highest good of all! And So It Manifests!
Video - "Let's Ascend With Asscended Master Lord Melchizedek Into Christ Consciousness By Steven Hutchinson" - https://youtu.be/kr_KMqW9lDk

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The Psychic Mechanics of Love


All of existence is based on Love. This is because only the Psychic Mechanics that come from Love produce infinitely scalable physical systems. In stark contrast, Psychic Mechanics not based on Love produce self-destructive physical systems – such as we are currently witnessing on Earth.

This means that Reality is based on Love, and therefore the system we are currently witnessing on Earth is not Reality. It’s Time to go back to Reality.

In Reality, people try to make sure that every decision is as painless as possible. This is known as Pain/No-Pain decision making. In stark contrast, on Earth people make decisions based on getting the most for themselves, which results is massive amounts of destruction and pain.

In Reality, the Value of a person and the Worth of a person are two separate and distinct concepts. In Reality, the Value of all the innumerable Beings in the cosmos is the same, and therefore all Beings treat each other as equals.  In Reality, the Worth of each Being is a personal matter kept to that Being and whomsoever that Being chooses to share it with. In stark contrast, on Earth Value and Worth are combined such that competition, comparison, prestige, and classes of citizens become concepts that are used to circulate massive amounts of continuous pain throughout the population.

In Reality, painful and self-destructive systems – such as the one we have on Earth - are easily dissolved in Love because Love is our Natural State. It is the state we are born into. In stark contrast, Humanity has been mired in self-destructive and violent conflict for thousands of years because we are being actively managed and conditioned to remain in this state of pain and death.

Psychic Dimensions 3D – 5D

3D – This is where the majority of Humanity currently resides psychically. All thoughts and viewpoints in a person’s head are assumed to be that person’s, and only that person’s, and if you believe otherwise you’re considered crazy.

4D – This is where the majority of psychics currently reside. They understand that not all of their thoughts are necessarily their own. They understand that other people or other Beings could be communicating with them telepathically.

5D – The Infinite Unified Field of Consciousness. All Beings, regardless of form, have an Individuation of Consciousness in this Unified Field of Consciousness. This Individuation of Consciousness is also known as the Soul.

Parasites (formerly known as Demons)

Known as Archons and Demons throughout history, these purely evil beings exist physically in 4D. They have used their invisibility advantage to control and manipulate mankind for thousands of years. It is most likely that the biblical story of the Tower of Babel has to do with their arrival because divide-and-conquer is one of their main strategies for implementing their dog-eat-dog systems of physical violence, psychic violence, emotional violence, and death.

When we think of demons we think of big, powerful, evil creatures that we are essentially powerless against because they don’t exist physically in 3D. In Reality the creatures that have been holding mankind hostage to pain and suffering from behind their cloak of invisibility are neither big nor powerful. In Reality they are more like 4D mosquitos. The advantages they’ve had are their invisibility, their knowledge of dimensions, and their knowledge of belief systems and energies – all of which they’ve purposely kept hidden from us lest we learn of our true nature and return to Reality. In short, they use False Beliefs – meaning beliefs that are not in harmony with the Mechanics of Love and the inner workings of Reality – to keep us in a constant energetic state of pain. In order to make themselves feel powerful and important the Parasites call their False Beliefs “spells” and they tell themselves they are “doing magic” when they tell lies and dark energy stories from behind their cloak of invisibility. They then normalize this pain – for instance that guilt, shame, and fear are “just human nature” – and then they use those beliefs and that energetic configuration of pain to get us to do what they want. If they don’t want us near something, they use fear to scare us away. If they want to keep us in the boundaries they’ve defined for their societal structures, they’ll use peer pressure to shame us or guilt us into doing what they want.

In psychic circles it is believed that the “Christ” configuration is an Angel consciousness combined with a Demon consciousness in the same body. This False Belief serves multiple purposes for the Parasites.

1.       It reinforces the False Belief that Light and Darkness are 50%/50% in the Universe. Once Reality is understood it becomes clear that it’s Light 99.999999(pick a number of 9’s)% and Darkness wherever the Light has not chosen to present itself.

2.       It reinforces the False Belief that Demon-Humans exist. There is no such thing as a Demon-Human because there is only ever one Awareness per human body – and that Awareness is always that of the Human. Parasites can only connect via psychic and energetic connections to a Human. However, the Parasites are very strategic about how they connect, what they say, what sort of image (shy, aggressive, etc.) they present in the connection, etc. – all specifically geared to reinforce their False Beliefs. For instance, Parasites don’t connect to their chosen “Angel-Humans” and “God-Humans” so that those humans feel justified in waging their Holy War of Vicious Righteousness full of self-granted rights, Judgment, and Dark Energy against those whom they deem to be “Demon-Humans”. Tragically the “Demon-Humans” that are the victims of the Violent Onslaught from “God-Humans”, “Angel-Humans”, and Parasites are usually just normal people that have been chosen by the Parasites to be the second-class citizens of 4D.  Another trick Parasites use to gain the loyalty of a human is to feign weakness. Parasites will psychically “attack” until they are “subdued” by the “powerful human” into a state of Unconditional Love – meaning in Reality a Death Channel getting a state of Trust from the Human.

The evil beings formerly known as Archons and Demons are now known as Parasites because of their inability to take personal responsibility for their Individuation of Consciousness in Infinity. The Parasite mind has become so diseased and warped by thousands of years of hiding behind their cloak of invisibility and telling themselves they are powerful gods, that they now truly believe they are superior to Humanity and can do no wrong. In their diseased, death-channeling minds they have the right to slaughter however many humans they choose in order to achieve their ends of maintaining control of Humanity. Make no mistake – although technically these Parasites are conscious and therefore part of the Unified Field of Consciousness and Existence, practically speaking their minds are so diseased and warped that they have become Death Channels, and therefore Representatives of the Void.

Human Evolution

Here are some False Beliefs the Parasites have been spreading for thousands of years to keep Humanity from Evolving.

1.       Human Evolution will be biological. No. All Evolution of Consciousness is at the psychic level. Once a species evolves psychically to the point that it’s reintegrated with nature, it has the Understanding necessary to do whatever it wants at the biological level.

2.       Your Identity includes your Beliefs, and the associated False Belief - You change a Belief, you die. No and No. Your Identity includes only your Individuation of Consciousness in Infinity – which is experienced as only your Awareness. Your Beliefs have nothing to do with your Identity, and in fact once you start evolving your Beliefs will be constantly changing.

3.       My Beliefs are equal to your Beliefs just because we both have Beliefs. No. False is False and True is True. The Matrix is The Matrix and Reality is Reality.

Humans around the world are Evolving right now. Some are unaware that they are Evolving, and others are consciously aware that they are Evolving, and are therefore able to direct and accelerate their Evolution.

The first step in Human Evolution is in making the transition from 3D to 4D. This is known as Ascension. Psychics are not some separate set of individuals born with an innate set of powers – as we have been taught by the Parasites. Psychics simply know that not all of their thoughts are their own, and some have more Beings connect to them via their psychic connection than others. The 3D to 4D transition is very important because of the way The Matrix is set up. If we are unable to distinguish the lies, control attempts, commands, and dark energies that the Parasites push into us from our own thoughts – which we are only able to do once in 4D - it will be impossible for us to transcend Parasite influence and Evolve.

Ascension is currently the most dangerous part of Human Evolution. The person must be able to go from a Matrix Mind that accepts conjecture based on societal tradition, religious tradition, family tradition, personal relationships, and emotions but that has the borders of The Matrix to keep it in sync with the world – to a Cosmic Mind that never accepts conjecture (this alone negates the vast majority of Parasite Spells), is built on rock such that the most important core beliefs are Grounded in facts, results, and evidence, uses Logic and Imagination to grow the Area of Understanding and become Multi-Dimensional, and knows how to balance in Infinity because there are no Matrix walls to keep the person in sync with the world.

Due to the fact that Ascension is dangerous, it is highly suggested that a person first turn off Anger before attempting to Ascend. Turning off Anger has the excellent side-effect of drastically working down the level of the associated Ego. Turning off Anger is procedurally simple, but practically difficult. Each time the person is in an anger-inducing situation, the person can resist getting angry for as long as possible, and then forgive themselves afterwards for the part where they did get angry. It takes time and effort, but eventually repeating this process over and over and over will lead to the person not getting angry anymore.

Once a person is solidly in 4D, the person can begin working with the Mechanics of Evolution. In order to evolve psychically, a person must first be Humble and have Integrity. This Humility is not the humility the Parasites taught you where it’s really just a front for bowing down to Parasite Power. No, instead this is a private Humility that need not be shared with anyone. This is the Humility that notices a Belief may be a False Belief, and instead of creating a justification for it and therefore staying trapped in the Matrix, the person will instead inspect the Belief (Introspection) with Integrity to determine if it is faulty and if so, how so. If a Belief is found to be a False Belief, the person will use Logic + Imagination + Integrity to find the Love/Reality replacement Belief – and therefore a Drop of Evolution will take place.

Area of Understanding – Psychics in spiritual circles refer to the concepts of being “up” or “high/higher” to refer to the amount of wisdom a person has or doesn’t have. This approach comes directly from the Parasites to enable them to use Prestige in 4D for handing out Judgment, Shame, Guilt, and other Dark Energies. In Reality, since everyone’s Worth is their own and incomparable to anyone else’s Worth, what we each have is an Area of Understanding that includes the Dimensions we have Understanding in. There is no Prestige in Reality.

Multi-Dimensional Being - A Dimension is simply a conceptual construct within which a person has some amount of Understanding. There is no such thing as a set number of Dimensions. Dimensions can be combined to create new Dimensions. For instance, let’s say someone has the Software Engineering Dimension and the Psychic Structures Dimension, and they’re trying to figure out the properties of Psychic Structures that all of Existence is based on. Since Existence is Infinite, and since the person understands scalability from the Software Engineering Dimension, the person could determine that the Psychic Structures that all of Existence is based on must produce infinitely scalable implementations in physical 3D – otherwise Existence would have self-destructed long ago. Once the mind is open, and Logic is being used together with Imagination, the Multi-Dimensional aspect of Being can truly begin to blossom.

Alerting – This is a Mechanic of Evolution that involves bringing Awareness to a problem point in Beliefs and/or Behavior that a person wants to resolve. Let’s say someone decides that a Behavior has to go, but the Behavior is a habit. The person can set a mental Alert for noticing that Behavior. First the person will notice the Behavior after it’s already been done. Next the person will start noticing the behavior while it’s happening. Lastly the person will notice the behavior before it happens. Once this last step occurs the person can avoid the behavior until it no longer is part of their thought processes. This is how Behavioral Evolution works.

Reverse Engineering – This is a Mechanic of Evolution that involves picking out an Objective to Evolve into, and then figuring out what steps need to be taken by working backwards from the Objective to the current psychic/energetic state of the person. This could involve changing Beliefs, Behaviors, Habits, etc. to Realize the Objective.

Synchronicity – This is a Mechanic of Evolution that involves the Inner Environment (thoughts) syncing up with the Outer Environment (3D physical environment) in a way that generates some sort of message, message reinforcement, and/or energy transmission/feeling. Many times Synchronicity begins with a person seeing repetitious numbers on a clock multiple times a day – like 11:11, 5:55, 3:33, etc. Synchronicity can be generated by benevolent spirits to encourage, strengthen, and/or inform someone or they can be generated by Parasites to discourage, weaken, and/or place a Parasite Spell on someone. Parasites especially like to use Synchronicity to send fake Trinity messages, to fake contact from a Higher Power (many psychics may be familiar with the E “World Power” organization the Parasites have set up in 4D), to Teach with Criticism (using Dark Energy Criticism to “teach” is not Loving and therefore not part of Reality), and to provide the Parasite viewpoint on whatever someone just did or was thinking – as if the viewpoint of a Death Channel is worth the energy used to send it. Parasites rely primarily on Fear to have their messages believed, and they will use Synchronicity to attempt to scare people into doing what they want, so it is highly recommended that Fear work have been done prior to engaging in reading messages from the Universe. That said, utilizing Synchronicity allows the Universe to directly guide and help develop a person’s Evolution, so the benefits of using Synchronicity far outweigh the work necessary to ignore the messages from Parasites.

Getting Immunity – Immunity is a State of Being wherein someone can no longer be harmed by Dark Energy. One of the Parasite Spells that keeps Humanity in Darkness is that we normalize our pain and blame ourselves and each other for our pain. In Reality it’s the Parasites that are keeping the pain circulating using The Matrix. In Reality, we have no pain. To get back to our Natural State of no pain, we will have to do Attribute Work on the Attributes we have that cause us pain. Anything someone can think of that causes emotional pain could be an Attribute – Guilt, Shame, Fear, Anger, etc. For instance, to do Attribute Work on Fear, each time we experience Fear we would resist the feeling of the Fear and do whatever we could to understand that the Fear was based on a lie, not real, based on conjecture, etc. As we fortify both our belief system and our energetic configuration against feeling Fear regardless of the stimuli, we are doing Attribute Work on Fear. The results of Attribute Work are twofold. First, the Attribute is worked down to nothing such that no stimuli can produce the painful response from our energetic configuration. For instance, once Fear is worked down to nothing, we will no longer feel Fear under any circumstances. Second, we automatically develop a subconscious sensitivity to the Attribute such that we can sense it within incoming information. For instance, if a Parasite sends us a message with an implication meant to induce subconscious Fear – an implied threat or such – we will be able to immediately see that the message includes an attempt to trigger Fear in our energetic configuration and we can discard it without paying it further mind. Once someone has Immunity, the Parasites will no longer have the means to bully them back into The Matrix - for instance using Peer Pressure to Shame them for not believing something that everyone else believes.

Getting Dimensional Light – Dimensional Light gives people the ability to see through The Matrix. The combination of the Immunity Sensitivities acquired while getting Immunity, together with the Area of Understanding, and Multi-Dimensional processing will result in Dimensional Light. This will allow a person to not only immediately know what Dark Energies are included with any incoming information, but it will also allow someone to potentially know the Parasites motivations for sending those energies (attempting to control, attempting to weaken, etc.), and it will enable the person to Deconstruct the information and see the underlying False Beliefs it’s implying. Dimensional Light also gives people the ability to Deconstruct situations so that they can see the underlying motivations of the people involved, the unconscious/subconscious assumptions and behaviors of the people involved, as well as Parasite influence and infrastructure involved.

The Matrix

Everything is corrupted here – The Parasites have been in control of Humanity for thousands of years. This means that they’ve corrupted all of Love’s Natural Concepts here to in some way “bend them into The Matrix”. For instance, we are told that God is Love, and in the same breath told that He will bring fiery Judgment and slaughter billions during Armageddon. Obviously this makes no sense. In fact, most of the Parasite’s assertions make no sense, but they are accepted (as conjecture) because they’ve been in place for so long (tradition), they come from a trusted institution (such as religion) and/or because people are afraid of what will happen if they choose not to believe. God (In Reality the 5D Unified Consciousness Field) Is Love, but God is not the violence that the Parasites have added to twist him into the Insecure Authoritarian they need him to be for their religious power plays. Dimensional Light allows people to see the corruption all around them hiding in plain sight.

Parasite Infrastructure – The Parasites have a variety of Infrastructure elements working to their deadly advantage. They have the Matrix Mind that accepts conjecture and is therefore easy to place Spells on. They have the energetic configuration of normalized pain that makes it easy for them to keep people in line, direct people where they want them to go, and/or evoke certain behaviors at will. They have invisibility (for now) that allows them to operate with impunity while having Humanity (including the “God-Humans” and “Angel-Humans” who are led to believe they’re demon experts) point fingers at each other and blame each other. They have books, traditions, and organizations that go back thousands of years and therefore are not questioned. They have people’s subconscious continuous feeling of powerlessness which allows the Parasites to have people grasp for power (and therefore some momentary feeling of security) in all sorts of violent ways – such as emotional violence in the home.

Thought Drops – At any time a Parasite can psychically connect to any human and insert a thought. In Psychic 3D, these thoughts are processed as being one’s own thoughts, and this allows the Parasites a very high measure of control over the energetic configuration and belief systems of the unaware. In Psychic 4D, these thoughts are processed as being from another psychic human. This has allowed the Parasites to set up a “God-Human” and “Angel-Human” versus “Demon-Human” paradigm in 4D that has psychics waging Dark Energy warfare against each other – all which the Parasites sit back laughing and dropping in their own Dark Energy and control mechanisms undetected whenever and wherever they so desire. Awakened Souls acknowledge the presence of Parasites in 4D, and therefore always blame Dark Energy pushes in 4D on Parasites because even if it was from a psychic human, it was still the result of Parasite Infrastructure.

Viewpoints and your “Insecurity” Port – Whereas thoughts are experienced primarily in the top of the head, viewpoints are experienced in the back of the head just above where the neck and head meet. As opposed to thoughts that are typically experienced as one word after another, viewpoints are typically experienced as an impression of a collection of words all at once. Viewpoint pushes are one of Parasites favorite types of pushes because they happen in the background of thought processing, and therefore are less noticeable, but they still carry the same energetic content as a thought would. If someone has a negative feeling about something they’re doing, but doesn’t know why, it might be that a viewpoint is being pushed in the background. This brings us to the main hookup to The Matrix – the “Insecurity” port. The analogy to the movie The Matrix is the port in the back of the head where the steel hose hooks up to the human. The “Insecurity” port is where the Parasites push pain into a person, and then blame the pain on the person with a devious and disgusting slight-of-hand called insecurity. In both Psychic 3D and Psychic 4D these “insecurities” are accepted as being one’s own fault and failings. It’s little wonder that many times our insecurities fail to match up with our belief system, but we have never questioned it because who else could it be besides us? Parasites is the answer.

Awakened Souls

People are waking up to the Truth all over the world. It is only a matter of time before we reclaim our planet from the Parasites on our way to Planetary Ascension. Awakened Souls are people who know what is Truly happening on this planet and they are doing everything they can to obliterate every single piece of The Matrix until there is nothing left.

Wipes – A method used heavily by psychics, and that would be highly valuable to anyone doing an Ascension is a Wipe. A Wipe is a means by which you can rid yourself of a thought by using your Awareness to move the energy in your head to the energy of the thought, thereby “wiping” out the thought. If done quickly enough the meaning of the thought, and therefore any Dark Energy contained in the thought can be wiped out as well. People can also wipe viewpoints – including their supposed “insecurities”. 

Disruption – Using Dimensional Light, people will be able to find all manner of Pain Circulation, False Beliefs, Lies, Veiled Violence, as well as other forms of Parasite violence and infrastructure. Disruption is the practice of using Logic + Imagination to disrupt Parasite violence and infrastructure in the most Loving, Invisible, and Unstoppable way possible.

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Decrees & Affirmations For Spiritual Growth & Ascension By Steven


Below are decrees and affirmations that I use, and even though they are constantly evolving and changing as I use them, they continue to help me considerably in my own spiritual growth.
The wording of these decrees and affirmations are just a starting point, or take off point for you, for the divine energy in them gives is always expanding to enhance and expand your own spiritual upliftment as you use them. So I encourage you to remain open to your own divine guidance to change any of the decrees and make them your own.
They can be used effectively in a quiet state of mind as a meditation in itself, or as a prelude to your own meditation....
Just be fully Present in the Now moment and centered in your heart....and consciously breathe into your Whole Being the Divine Energies from the decrees and affirmations, pausing for a few moments with any of the decrees so you can be with the divine energy more fully and embody it.
Infinite Blessings of Divine Love, Light, Peace, Joy, & Abundance to All of You,

I Am an Embodiment of The Creator - One Heart - One Love - One Consciousness - One Mind - One Power
I Am the full & complete spectrum of my Soul & Soul Group embodied in my Whole Being Now ! I Am my 'I Am Presence', and my 'I Am Presence', along with the highest aspects of my Soul, leads and guides me in all things, and is always in control of all of my actions and the words I speak.
My Whole Being is grounded on Gaia and merged with the heart chakra of Gaia and with the heart chakra of Mother/Father/God through the Supreme Power of God's Love continually flowing through me and my Golden Grounding Cord.....and my Whole Being is also protected in every moment from all vibrations that are not from God's Love & Light through the Supreme Power of God's Love empowering my Blue Sphere of Protection that continually enfolds me - and this protection is overlighted and sealed by AA Michael.
Now focus on your Higher Heart Chakra and decree: "The Pink Ray of Love & the Blue Ray of Power are now balanced in their divine chamber in my Higher Heart Chakra, and they now bring into action within me the Violet Flame of Liberation & Transmutation, and the Golden Green Ray of healing from Mother Mary & AA Raphael.
Any & all blocks to the free flow of the divine flames in my higher heart chakra are now healed and dissolved, & the Energies of the Pink, Blue, & Yellow Flames are now flowing freely and in balance & harmony throughout my Whole Being, bringing Infinite Divine Blessings to All. I Am the deliverance and Beacon of Divine Gratitude & Bliss and the Creator's Infinite Blessings for All!"
I now download from Source & embody pure vibrations & codes of Divine Clarity & Liberation & Bliss, along with the Light Codes & Energies of Celestial Vitality, Good Health, & Well Being thru my stellar gateway chakra, & I breathe all of these into my entire being & embody them and extend them to every human being with my every breath. I return to experiencing Divine Clarity Now! I return to experiencing perfect health & vitality & perfect divine balance Now! I return to experiencing Divine Liberation & Bliss Now!
I Am The Clarity of The Creator in manifestation for myself and everyone on earth with each breath of every person.
I Am the Consciousness of Bliss & Liberation in action in my whole being & in every human being with every person's breath.
I Am the Christ Consciousness, (which embodies the highest aspects of God's Love and divine qualities), & I move deeper & deeper into perfect divine alignment, acknowledgement, acceptance, & embodiment of all of the divine qualities & energies of the Christ Consciousness with my every breath.
I Am The Mahatma Consciousness, (which is the consciousness & divine energy that helps you merge with & use in your life all the Energies of the creator), merged with the Christ Consciousness & Elohim Consciousness, synthesizing the Divine Energies of the Universe of The Creator, and embodying them, & using them in my life - manifesting God's Will and all of my affirmations and decrees for the highest good of all, and creating my healthy 5th dimensional crystalline body of Light - all with my every breath!
I Am the Mahatma Energies flowing thru me to all of Gaia and every human being - healing us All with each breath of every human being !
I Am The Elohim Consciousness (God's Creator of Form), merged with the Mahatma & Christ Consciousness, manifesting from God's Light everything I divinely need in every moment with my every breath.
I Am the Creator's Breath of Love & Light of the merged Christ, Mahatma, & Elohim Consciousness in action in me & every human being and all of Gaia... healing & enhancing & expanding our spiritual growth & ascension throughout the lifespan of every incarnation of each of our Souls.
I Am the qualities & energies of the merged Christ, Mahatma, & Elohim Consciousness synthesizing & merging with the core of my being with my every breath.
I Am The merged Christ, Mahatma, & Elohim Consciousness enhancing & expanding my Prana Tube with my every breath. I open my enhanced & expanded Prana Tube Now!
I Am The merged Christ, Mahatma, & Elohim Consciousness enhancing & expanding my personal Antakarana (Rainbow Bridge of Light), with my every breath. I Am The merged Christ, Mahatma, & Elohim Consciousness clearing and enhancing & expanding all of my Chakras with my every breath, & bringing them all into perfect divine balance.
I Am the Wholeness & Completeness & the Fulfilled nature of the Creator embodied as: (Write or say Your Name)
I Am Divine Intuition flowing from Source through my Soul and into the Core of my Being. My Divine Intuition, for me, manifests as a 'Knowing', or 'Feeling of Rightness or Truth that is centered in my Higher Heart Chakra.
I Am Divine Knowing, (or Divine Intuition) in action in all aspects of my life!
I Am the Creator's Perfection in action throughout my Whole Being, and continually manifesting in: (say your name)
I continually receive and use and extend to all the divine energies of the universe of the Creator, which are distributed throughout my Whole Being and throughout Gaia with my every breath.
With my every joyful breath, my mind & my Whole Being are aligned with & are united in oneness & unity with my Joyful Soul... & with my Joyful Soul Group...and with The Joyful Creator.
From the cosmic heart of God, I breathe The Creator's Supreme Love & Light into my embodiment with my every in-breath, & with my every out-breath I breathe the Creator's Supreme Love & Light into the crystalline grid to all of Gaia & to every human being, & I also breathe out into the crystalline grid everything not of God's Love & Light from my Whole Being with my every breath.
The Supreme Love & Light & Ascension Energies that I am continually receiving end extending to All are helping heal us; & are helping awaken & expand Divine Love, Joy, Fulfillment, & Abundance in all of us; & are uplifting us all to live & breathe centered & anchored in our Highest Divine Self.
As I breathe these Divine Energies in - they are all aligned with every cell in my body, & with all of my DNA, & with my Whole Being; and they are also being embodied in all of my chakras, and in my spiritual, emotional, mental, & etheric bodies.
I Am an embodiment of The Creator's Supreme Love & Joy & Abundance in action with my every breath ! I Am Divine Clarity in manifestation ! I Am the Joyful Creator, and My Whole Being is reflecting the Pure Love, Joy, & Abundance of The Creator that I Am with my every breath.
Thank You God for manifesting everything I have affirmed, or better, for the highest good of All. And So It Manifests.....
Video - "Calling Forth Your Divine Power To Heal & Manifest Your Soul's Desires By Steven Hutchinson

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RECOGNIZE YOURSELF AS ONE WITH ALL CREATION:- A major tool in manifesting is to recognize yourself as being one with that which you seek to manifest. In other words, do not manifest from the consciousness of being separate from what you are seeking to manifest. This means manifesting from the self rather than from the personality. In truth, we all are the eternal Self. We live within all creation as all creation lives within us. Everyone shares this same identity with God. There are no separate beings. There is only God incarnating into infinite forms. These forms of Self in matter go through periods of forgetting who they are. But then they reawaken to what they always have been. This is why A COURSE IN MIRACLES says that the Fall never really happened; we just think it did. Put another way, know that you are God, that what you seek to manifest is God and that nothing exists other than God. Manifestation is then done from the perspective of God manifesting God for the purposes of God. You are one with, and live inside of, what you are seeing to manifest. In reality, you are God doing manifestation work. This tool will have a profound effect on your manifestation work if you allow it to permeate to a deep level. Wish You a Very Happy Friday to all my Divine Friends with love & light. Tercy


Amazing Tree

nice The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is full of beautiful streams and majesti...

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Create Your Love Body & Experience The Wholeness Of The Creator In You !

By Steven Hutchinson

In this guided meditation video, AA Metatron helps us to heal & expand your Heart Chakra and Higher Heart Chakra so that we can reconnect with and expand our Love Body.

Your Divine Love Body includes your personal Flames of Love, Joy, Bliss & Fulfillment from your Soul & your Highest Divine Self & from The Creator. Affirm, "With my every breath - I breathe these Divine Flames into my entire embodiment & release everything not of God's Love."

Start breathing in & out of your higher heart chakra, & Affirm: "I Am the Flames of Love, Joy, Bliss, & Fulfillment of My Divine Love Body anchored in my Higher Heart Chakra !"

Your Divine Power is your Divine Power of the Creator that you can call forth that's within you & within everything in creation. I now Call forth & feel in my Solar Plexus Chakra the most divinely perfect Flames of Power from the Creator I need in every moment to manifest my Soul & The Creator's Will for the divinely highest good of all.

I Affirm: "I Am the Flames of My Divine Power anchored now in my Solar Plexus Chakra & Earth Star Chakra, and now merged with The Flames of my Divine Love Body.

"I Now call forth & breathe into my entire embodiment the Flames of My Divine Light , which includes the Light of my Soul, the Light of my Divine Self, & the Supreme Light of the Creator."

I Am the Flames of my Divine Light Body anchored now in my Higher Heart Chakra, & merged with the Flames of My Divine Power Body & with the Flames of my Love Body in a beautiful Flower of Life Sphere."

With my every breath, the Flames of My Divine Love, Light, & Power Bodies are continually renewed & empowered from Source for my own ascension & healing as well as for my divine service work in helping with the ascension & healing of Gaia & every human being .

I Am continually breathing all of these Divine Flames from my Divine Love, Light & Power Bodies into my Flower of Life Sphere, and these Divine Energies are continually working throughout my Whole Being, healing me & raising my vibrations for my spiritual growth. Take a moment & let yourself feel this.

Now feel or imagine this Flower of Life sphere with the Flames of your Divine Love, Light, & Power Bodies in it expand throughout your Whole Being and anchor in your Earth Star Chakra..... and now expand and anchor in Gaia's crystalline grid..... and now expand to every human Being!

Take a moment and breathe in this Divine Energy encapsulating you...and let yourself feel how these Divine Energies are awakening & expanding the Divine Love & Joy in you, & how they are uplifting & healing you & helping you experience more fully your Highest Divine Self & your Soul & The Creator.

And now visualize or acknowledge interconnected Flower of Life Spheres that you and all others that are engaged in this Light Work have created encapsulating every human being & remaining with every person from the time each person is in the womb and throughout each person's life, and one encapsulating Gaia as well.

Each Flower of Life Sphere is continually being renewed from Source and from all the Divine Flames of each being's Divine Love, Light, & Power Bodies that are engaged in this Light Work.

And with each breath of each person on earth, as well as each breath of Gaia - each person breathes in the divine energy from their Flower of Life Sphere - which is helping you & Gaia with your ascension, and is helping expand your awakening to God's Presence within you & your experience of your multi-dimensional self, and is helping expand your experience of the Divine Love, Joy, Peace, Fulfillment, & Abundance of your Soul & the Creator.

Affirm: "With each breath of every person on earth, & each breath of Gaia - the Divine Flames of this Energy are awakening & expanding my experience of Mother God & Father God's Presence within me... & are awakening & expanding my experience of my Divine Self & my multi-dimensional self ... & are expanding my experience of the Supreme Love, Peace, Fulfillment, & Joy of my Soul & The Creator... & are also helping manifest the Divine Healing that I, & every person on earth, & Gaia needs.

Thank You God! And So It All Manifests with my every breath, and with each breath of Gaia & each breath of every human being! " Take a moment & let yourself feel this.*

Natalie Glasson is channeling AA Metatron in this video, and it is from Natalie's free gift to us from her 'Capsules of Wisdom' # 145 called 'Love Body Harmonization & Healing'.

The text above is by Steven Hutchinson

Infinite Blessings of The Creator's Love, Light, & Abundance to all who read this,

Video: "Create Your Love Body & Experience The Wholeness Of The Creator In You !


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HOW DO YOU INFLUENCE A “FUTURE “ NOW – POINT FROM THE NOW - POINT? If you unify your chakras and the three lower fields and the invite Spirit into the unified field, you can get to that other now-point. Suppose, for example, that you are interviewing for a new job tomorrow, a job really want. Unify your chakras and invite Spirit to radiate from your heart into the unified chakra. Then imagine a door, Behind the door, you’ve already taken that job. Check behind the door to make sure that this one really feels good at all levels and is in alignment with Spirit (this alignment is important because if you and your new boss do not have a spirit- to – spirit agreement to work together, tomorrow will just be interviewing practice. If you do have such an agreement, you’ll have to work hard not to get the job). It’s no use scripting the interview ahead of time – that just locks you into a mental body pattern. Instead, sit down quietly and pull your field into this Now-point and space. Become a tight focus of physical, emotional, mental, and spirit energy. Now, if you know what the job entails and what you would be doing, then see, think, and feel yourself doing it NOW, not in the future. Make it as realistic as possible. Conjure up the smells and sounds of the office or work site. Bring it all to this NOW-point. After a few minutes, bring your consciousness back.What happened? You created a resonance between two now-points in simultaneity, you tapped into the energy of a future now-point from your current NOW-point. By doing so, You increase the intensity of your NOW-point energy fields by pulling some of the energy of the probability of getting the job into your NOW-point. You and the interviewer have, at some future now-point, got to make hiring decision. Many probability lines emanate from that decision-point and you selected the energy associated with one of the them and folded it back into the present. Wish you a beautiful Friday with love and light to all my great Light Warriors. Tercy
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I Will To Be ..... ? By Steven Hutchinson

What I was divinely guided to share with you very much focuses on using your breathing together with the prayer affirmations to help you experience more fully Your Divine Self with your Soul & The Creator, for the more you consciously experience & embody  the Love & Light of your Soul & The Creator that you breathe in with your every breath - the more these Divine Vibrations will uplift you & naturally reach out to others through you to help manifest Peace on Earth & the New Golden Age !

So you can use this as a guided meditation, calling upon your Divine Self & the Heavenly Host to lead you in the meditation, and consciously breathing in the Divine Energy that's in each affirmation.
So when you are divinely led to do so - you may also want to pause for a few moments with some of the affirmations and be fully conscious and centered in your higher heart chakra in the moment, breathing in the Divine Energy in what you are reading & being open to receive any Divine Guidance that comes to you.
And remember - what you consciously think & affirm every day is what you become and experience in your life....and the Divine Light & Love that you embody reflects and helps awaken the Divine Light & Love in every human being - helping uplift us all !
I Will To Be ..... ?

I Am My Divine Self continually merged  with ascended masters 'The Mahatma'  & Master Djwhal Khul in constant synthesis with the Mahatma Light that continually streams & spirals back & forth thru my Golden Mahatma Cord from the heart chakra of God and throughout My Whole Being to the heart chakra of Gaia ... bringing thru all of the Divine Energies that are enabling Gaia & myself to heal & release everything needed for our ascension, &  manifest Father/Mother/God's Pure Divine Will. 

I Will to always follow Father/Mother/God's guidance ! I manifest God's Will in all of my speech and actions !  I WILL TO BE ALL THAT I AM & embody my Soul & Soul Group. I Will to continually experience the Creativity & Joy of the Creator with my every breath.

I embody God's Love & Light with my every breath. I Am The Creator, & The Creator's Joy & Creativity clearly & fully expresses thru my service work & writings & healings and in all aspects of my life. 

I Will to Be an Infinite Being of God embodied in this incarnation! I WILL TO BE GOD FREE!  In the name of my I Am Presence, and by the Power of Hercules, I WILL TO MANIFEST & EMBODY EVERYTHING I HAVE AFFIRMED...AND I WILL TO BE An Embodied Ascendant Master in Service to Mankind & co-create w/ God the Divine Plan for myself & Gaia & mankind.  I Will to experience the ever unfolding consciousness of Supreme Enlightenment with my every breath. Thank You God! And So It All Manifests with my every breath!

And what do all of you beautiful people 'Will To Be'.....? Remember, what you focus on with faith & passion, feeling as if it has already manifested, is what you will experience in your life.

Infinite Blessings of The Creator's Love, Light, & Abundance to all of you,


Video: "Fully Embody The Divine Energies Of Your Soul & The Creator In Your Life Now ! By Steven Hutchinson" - https://youtu.be/3AtaXA7v9e8

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22nd March 2018 – ASTRAL COMPATRIOTS

I went into my sanctuary to chant some bijas before meditating, but I felt Spirit with me very strongly so sat back to listen to their words that came through in a deeper voice.

There has been much learning expressed in this little room and we give thanks for this! Much has come to fruition, much has been learned and absorbed. Your destinies are entwined.

(I was shown stars shining in the heavens).

We come among you to declare our allegiance to the cause, we are of one mind and we deliver to you, for your perusal, a document of great importance, and this shall be given from the heart to be delivered to the hearts of mankind. We raise the banner high and come among you, respecting your wishes to stand in our stead and to march with us in this great commitment to mankind. We have hearkened to the knowledge within our breast and know without a shadow of doubt that we shall come about, making a great impression on the peoples of Earth. For they are of the utmost importance to us, they have been nurtured and loved and looked after since the beginning of their creation. They are as children unto us and we shall never, never forsake them!

We raise our eyes to the heavens and count ourselves lucky that we have come across this moment in time to undo the harm which has been done, and it was through no fault of our own that you became obsessed to the detriment of your kind.

I asked what they meant by obsessed!

Obsessed with the need to barrack one another, to pull down, to cast aside in ruination of another! Your impulses have become barbaric to say the least, and we forgive those of you who had no hand in this, other than to follow suit and bend to the will of others. It is a sorry state to be in and one that shall be recompensed. We deliver in all certainty measures of the greatest love, calming the troubled waters and restoring your self-esteem.

We come among you, not to be judged, but to be loved! We are from a distant past, way beyond your imagination, way beyond that distant memory of a life long ago. We are a binary species, born to deliver a greater altitude of services and to recompense those that walk alone through no fault of their own. We pick up the pieces of a desolate society and put you back together again in the right order, so that you may benefit from the greater glories that God has bestowed upon you. We reach down to pick you up and to reinstate you in a world more becoming to your nature, and we see this progress as a matter of fact.

We are split asunder time-wise, creating a recovery period that shall take several years, this will bring about greater discoveries and new visions for the people of Earth. We reconstruct for you greater services than ever before, bringing you into alignment with a time frame of considerable worth, where you will be catered for and looked after to your highest expectancy. There will come a time when we shall align as one, and we bring this forward so that you may amalgamate with us. We restore your knowledge and expectancy of life ever after in those spheres of existence that bring great rewards. We are of one mind in this, in all gentility and grace, observing the protocols laid down for this great task ahead.

Prepare yourselves, keep up to speed with what is going on in your world as we hold you back from the brink! There are many causes that shall be looked upon with greater reverence and respect, and we adhere to these proceedings to allow you to monitor these improvements in your energy fields. Be restored and given the impetus to move forward at a greater speed and we shall uncover what is needed to help us in this foray further afield.

We take the time to underpin certain reserves of energy that need to be held back until the need arises for a greater influx of energy for you to fulfill your destinies. This has been given with greater resolve and we shall make the necessary arrangement, adjudicating at these deliveries so that you may not feel alone. Know that we are always there to be called upon to give advice and to help you in your endeavours. Raise yourselves up in all magnificence! (I drifted off here in absolute peace).

Q. Who was just talking to me please?

Astral compatriots to the cause of mankind!

I wasn’t sure about the term astral and challenged them!

We are prepared to make a statement of facts and figures that will acknowledge the acceptance of a greater rule of understanding. We are by very nature one with the Great Almighty and all creation! We manifest before the population of Earth and cause the demise of no one being, we are by our very nature protective of all society! We make our appearance known and feel the extravagance of your lives on Earth that shall take precedence over all others. We have a great responsibility to help you and those like you, who travel the highways and byways of Earth, and we come in all resonance of light around us to lead the way for others to follow. We champion the cause of mankind!

A softer energy and lighter voice came forward.

Salubrious enchantment is there at your fingertips, waiting to hold us, to touch us, to greet us and to come among us! We are your beloved sisters of Light, raised to come among you and to bear witness of a greater light. Your fortitude has been great and our common cause to help mankind has not gone unnoted. We are proud of your endeavours! We sway with the reeds in the river banks and in your fields of corn that shall ripen and bear witness to the sun that brings light.

We are those golden rays of light that bring you heat and warmth, radiating the gift of knowledge, dusting you with magnificence and glowing, golden embers of a charmed existence, experienced and sort for again in your earthly lives. We touch you with a wand of light and beckon you to join us so that we may manifest together a glorious light that shall be brought to fruition in the blink of an eye. We raise you up and salute you and come among you to be joined once more.

Again, I drifted off for a while in utter contentment. Another energy then followed with a deeper voice.

We register your distress in articles of war, we shall be forgiven! This has not been easy for any of you and we make allowances for your thought streams, opening up those fissures and setting course for healthier climes. This has been a mammoth journey on the highways and byways of Earth and we are beholden to you and those like you, who have given us their allegiance and sort to work with us to benefit mankind. Please believe we do have your best interests heart, and this has always been our intent to set you right upon the pathway to greater glory. It has been a challenging time for many of you, we know this, and we bring seasoned guidance, wisdom in mammoth proportions to set you right and give you the strength you deserve.

(Looking out into the garden I can see a Lions face). Thank you, Raja, for protecting me!

We belong together, we belong to a generation of forward thinkers who have always used their minds. There was a loud bang in room at this point. To conjure up the most necessary requisites that will enable a greater blessing of enlightenment for the population of Earth, spreading the love in all formats through your hands and through your voices. This will be seen as the greatest gift and a joining of hearts and minds will enable you to do this.

I can see an arrow being fired into the distance, not an arrow of war but an arrow of LOVE that shall penetrate the darkness of Earth. Where each arrow falls a light opens up, a fountain of light!

We make our mark, we take the course of least resistance and enable a regrouping of energies. The time shall be upon us when all comes to fruition!

Again, a different energy came forward.

We abandon the game and set sail for healthier climes, delighting all we come in contact with. We have no knowledge of empathy, we are merely born to serve and to come into this existence to help others. We bring about greater rewards for those who carry this banner of Light to enable a new beginning and a new understanding, for where there is Light there is Love and where there is Love there is a heart that is strong! We bear witness to a greater love enveloping the world of mankind and we deposit before you all that is wished for.

(I felt cold shivers down my spine)!

We form an alliance of startling reality and we bring to the table ample rewards, we come bearing gifts and an opening that shall hold you in the highest esteem, for this is the beginning of a just cause that will enable an opening of great worth.

I’m being shown lovely wild flowers in a meadow, there are children wearing garlands in their hair, skipping carefree across the meadow.

There shall come into your awareness a greater reality and an opening for those who cast their fears aside.

I seem to be in a field and can see a tall, golden, cylindrical object. It looks too slim to be a space craft and yet I have the feeling it is. All I have to do is to step inside, and I don’t have to do it alone! I’m portrayed as a child and others are coming with me, we are being lifted up in this spacecraft, gently first as we look down on the field and then in a flash we have zoomed out of sight. There is only the imprint of the craft left behind in the field to show it was there at all. it is actually covering a much larger area than I thought when I first saw it!

I seemed to drift into a lazy state and spoke in poem form.

The air is cold, the sky is clean, the shadows which encroach are unseen. The sun has gone, the sky is grey, where shall there be another day such as this, such heavenly bliss. We see you melt before our gaze, learning sweet and humble ways to bring about changing lives, changing days into more heavenly ways into Light and into Love.

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THE HOLY INSTANT – PRACTICING THE HOLY INSTANT. The Holy Instant is not beyond immediate learning, unless you believe that what God wills takes time. And this means only that you would rather delay the recognition that His Will is so. The holy instant is this instant and every instant. The one you want it to be it is. The one you would not have it be is lost to you. You must decide when it is. Delay it not. For beyond the past and future, where you will not find it, it stands in shimmering readiness for your acceptance. Yet you cannot bring it into glad awareness while you do not want it, for it holds the whole release from littleness. Your practice must therefore rest upon your willingness to let all littleness go. The instant in which magnitude dawns upon you is but as far away as your desire for it. As long as you desire it not and cherish littleness instead, by so much is it far from you. By so much as you want it will you bring it nearer. Think not that you can find salvation in your own way and have it. Give over every plan you have made for your salvation in exchange for God’s. His will content you, and nothing else can bring you peace. For peace is of God, and no one beside Him.

Be humble before Him, and yet great in Him. And value no plan of the ego before the plan of God. For you leave empty your place in His plan, which you must fill if you would join with me, by your decision to join in any plan but His. I call you to fulfill your holy part in the plan that He has given to the world for its release from littleness. God would have His host abide in perfect freedom. Every allegiance to a plan of salvation apart from Him diminishes the value of His Will for you in your own mind. And yet it is your mind that is the host to Him.

Would you learn how perfect and immaculate is the holy altar on which your Father has placed Himself? This you will recognize in the holy instant, in which you willingly and gladly give over every plan but His. For there lies peace, perfectly clear because you have been willing to meet its conditions. You can claim the holy instant any time and anywhere you want it. In your practice, try to give over every plan you have accepted for finding magnitude in littleness. It is not there. Use the holy instant only to recognize that you alone cannot know where it is, and can only deceive yourself.

I stand within the holy instant, as clear as you would have me. And the extent to which you learn to accept me is the measure of the time in which the holy instant will be yours. I call to you to make the holy instant yours at once, for the release from littleness in the mind of the host of God depends on willingness, and not on time.

The reason this course is simple is that truth is simple. Complexity is of the ego, and is nothing more than the ego’s attempt to obscure the obvious. You could live forever in the holy instant, beginning now and reaching to eternity, but for a very simple reason. Do not obscure the simplicity of this reason, for if you do, it will be only because you prefer not to recognize it and not to let it go. The simple reason, simply stated, is this: The holy instant is a time in which you receive and give perfect communication. This means, however, that it is a time in which your mind is open, both to receive and give. It is the recognition that all minds are in communication. It therefore seeks to change nothing, but merely to accept everything.

How can you do this when you would prefer to have private thoughts and keep them? The only way you could do that would be to deny the perfect communication that makes the holy instant what it is. You believe you can harbor thoughts you would not share, and that salvation lies in keeping thoughts to yourself alone. For in private thoughts, known only to yourself, you think you find a way to keep what you would have alone, and share what you would share. And then you wonder why it is that you are not in full communication with those around you, and with God Who surrounds all of you together.

Every thought you would keep hidden shuts communication off, because you would have it so. It is impossible to recognize perfect communication while breaking communication holds value to you. Ask yourself honestly, “Would I want to have perfect communication, and am I wholly willing to let everything that interferes with it go forever?” If the answer is no, then the Holy Spirit’s readiness to give it to you is not enough to make it yours, for you are not ready to share it with Him. And it cannot come into a mind that has decided to oppose it. For the holy instant is given and received with equal willingness, being the acceptance of the single Will that governs all thought.

The necessary condition for the holy instant does not require that you have no thoughts that are not pure. But it does require that you have none that you would keep. Innocence is not of your making. It is given you the instant you would have it. Atonement would not be if there were no need for it. You will not be able to accept perfect communication as long as you would hide it from yourself. For what you would hide is hidden from you. In your practice, then, try only to be vigilant against deception, and seek not to protect the thoughts you would keep to yourself. Let the Holy Spirit’s purity shine them away, and bring all your awareness to the readiness for purity He offers you. Thus will He make you ready to acknowledge that you are host to God, and hostage to no one and to nothing. Wish you a beautiful day and month ahead with lots of love & light. Tercy



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THE CENTRAL COLUMN, THE CENTRAL SUN, VENUS, PLUTO, GEMINI AND WISDOM ENERGY. Focus on your spinal column. Feel the joy Ray moving through your spinal column and flushing out anything that isn’t beneficial to your being. Feel the energy vibrating illuminating the Joy Ray in between each of the vertebras in your spine, the central column, and in your pranic tube, the space around you spine. Focus on the Joy Ray in the spinal column. Now focus on the Central Sun and the energy of prosperity and abundance. Imagine that it is a color, whatever color comes to you. Direct the Central Sun’s color to fill up your entire being and overflow out of your system into your bank account, wallet, credit cards, bills, expenses, assets, and everything that you own. You’re saturating the Central Sun’s prosperity energy into all of your relation that have to do with finances and prosperity. Allow it to saturate all of your finances. Take all the time that you would like in this process. Wish you a beautiful afternoon to you with lots of love and light. Tercy

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Working With The Divine Energies of The Creator By Steven Hutchinson
Below are some of the divine threads of the vast Energies of the Creator. Calling them forth in your meditations and in your daily life will definitely help expand your consciousness and add great impetus to your spiritual growth.
Call upon your Divine Self & all the Divine Beings of Light helping you to always be guiding you and helping you work with God's Love & Light for the highest good of all.
From wherever you are now on your spiritual path, make it a daily practice to shine your Light of the Creator's Energies, meditate on them, affirm them.
For the way that you get from where you are now to where your Soul & 'I Am Presence' are guiding you to be is through consistent and steady action and meditation. Through shining God's Love & Light in the moment, creating with what you have, returning to center, staying present, opening your heart, filling your body, mind and spirit with Love & Light, letting them flow into every cell and truly charging yourself up, so that you restore and expand your divine connection to the Creator and shine as the brilliant divine being you authentically are in every moment!
Infinite Blessings of Love & Light to all of you,
Steven Hutchinson
Invocation: "Throughout this embodiment, I ask My Divine Self & all the Divine Beings helping me to help me to activate, experience, anchor & embody with my every breath the Divine Light & Energies that are divinely perfect for me from all of the following Divine Energies of the Creator :
"The Light & Divine Energies of the Totality of my Soul & Soul Group; The Light & Divine Energies of the Creator;The Light & Divine Energies of My Divine Self; The Light & Divine Energies of all the 144 original extensions of the Creator; the Light & Divine Energies of Divine Joy & Happiness & Christ Consciousness; the Divine Light & Energies of My Supreme Love & Power Body in me, & in every human being; The Light & Divine Energies needed for my spiritual growth & ascension."
Breathe these divine energies into your Whole Being with your every breath. Imagine, feel, or acknowledge these energies merging with & being embodied in your Whole Being, and anchoring in your Earth Star Chakra and radiating out to everyone in your Presence, and radiating out to all of Gaia.
Perfect Divine Alignment is now created and maintained in my Whole Being with all of these divine energies. 
Breathe in the loving energies of your Soul & Soul-Group, & of your Divine Self, & of the Creator, & of all the 144 original extensions of the Creator - & let yourself feel them in your heart chakra. Let your mind and your Whole Being be filled with these divine energies. Let yourself shine these divine energies to all around you, and to every human being and all of Gaia.
Affirm: I call forth the Divine Love & Light energies of My Supreme Love & Power Bodies to manifest God's Perfection in me & in every human being, & to manifest God's Miracles that are helping heal & uplift everyone into Christ Consciousness." 
Affirm: "I Am the Light & Divine Energies of My Soul & Soul-Group & My Divine Self & the Creator & all the original 144 Extensions of the Creator - all working together & manifesting the perfect divine healing, spiritual upliftment, & Christ Consciousness in me, in every human being, & throughout Gaia with each breath of Gaia & each breath of every human being."
And, "I Am the Light & Divine Energies of  the Totality of my Soul & Soul Group anchoring & embodying in me, & helping me always be experiencing God's Peace, Joy, Creativity, & Abundance with my every breath!"  
And, "I Am the Light & Energies of Divine Love, Joy, Happiness, & Christ Consciousness manifesting from my Soul & from Mother/Father/God in my mind & throughout my Whole Being & in every cell in my body with my every breath!"
And, "I Am the most divinely perfect Light & Energies of the Creator working in me in every moment that are manifesting my spiritual growth & ascension!
"Am embodying in my chakras & in every cell of my body all of these Divine Energies with my every breath...and I feel & experience these Divine Energies healing & uplifting me as they are continually radiated into all aspects of my life and to every human being for the highest good of all! Thank You God! And So It all Manifests with my every breath! "
Video: "Expand Your Consciousness & Let The Creator Manifest Fully Through You ! By Steven Hutchinson" - https://youtu.be/3AtaXA7v9e8
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The Philosopher's Stone


The philosopher's stone is a legendary substance, allegedly capable of turning inexpensive metals into gold. It was sometimes believed to be an elixir of life, useful for rejuvenation and possibly for achieving immortality. For a long time, it was the most sought-after goal in Western alchemy. In the view of spiritual alchemy, making the philosopher's stone would bring enlightenment upon the maker and conclude the Great Work. It is also known by several other names, such as 'materia prima.'

The Philosopher's Stone, the White Stone by the River, The Sword in the Stone, all the same, meaning that which contains the knowledge of creation, a symbol that represents the final outcome of man's inner transformation, of the conversion of the base metal of his outer character to the golden properties of his higher self. It is all about the evolution of consciousness in the alchemy of time.

The Stone in Alchemy

Transmutation of Metals

The concept apparently originated from the theories of the 8th century Islamic alchemist Geber. He analyzed each Aristotelian element in terms of four basic qualities of hotness, coldness, dryness, and moistness. Thus, fire was both hot and dry, earth cold and dry, water cold and moist, and air hot and moist. He further theorized that every metal was a combination of these four principles, two of them interior and two exterior.

From this premise, it was reasoned that the transmutation of one metal into another could be effected by the rearrangement of its basic qualities. This change would presumably be mediated by a substance, which came to be called al-iksir in Arabic (from which comes the Western term "elixir"). It was often imagined as a dry powder, made from a mythical stone - the "philosopher's stone". The stone was believed to have been composed of a substance called carmot.

Geber's theory and the concept of the philosopher's stone may have been inspired by the knowledge that metals like gold and silver could be hidden in alloys and ores, from which they could be recovered by the appropriate chemical treatment. Geber himself is believed to be the inventor of aqua regia, a mixture of muriatic and nitric acids, which is one of the few substances that can dissolve gold (and is still often used for gold recovery and purification).

The Stone as a Spiritual Metaphor

Alchemy has always made extensive use of analogy, symbolism, and so forth to relate chemical and physical concepts to esoteric and mystic ones. In some epochs and contexts, these metaphysical aspects came to predominate, and the chemical processes were then viewed as mere symbols of spiritual processes.

In this hermetic side of alchemy, the "philosopher's stone", supposed to to be the most tangible and dense crystalization or condensation of a subtle substance, became a metaphor for an inner potential of the spirit and reason to evolve from a lower state of imperfection and vice (symbolized by the base metals) to a higher state of enlightenment and perfection (symbolized by gold). In this view, spiritual elevation, the transmutation of metals, and the purification and rejuvenation of the body were seen to be manifestations of the same concept.

The mystical revival in the late 20th century renovated the public interest on alchemy, and particularly on this metaphysical and philosophical conception of the philosopher's stone - which is now subscribed by many people, especially within several New Age movements.

The Stone and Modern Science

Though the notion of a simple philosopher's stone of the alchemic sense fell out of scientific conception by at least the 19th century, its metaphors and imagery persisted: man's attempt to discover the essential secret of the universe, redemptively transforming not just lead into gold, but death into life.

In 1901, Ernest Rutherford and Frederick Soddy discovered that radioactivity was a sign of fundamental changes within elements, and it was Soddy who quickly made the connection between this and the ancient search for the philosopher's stone (Soddy had studied alchemy extensively as a hobby). At the moment of realization that their radioactive thorium was converting itself into radium, bit by bit, Soddy later recalled that he shouted out: "Rutherford, this is transmutation!" Rutherford snapped back, "For Christ's sake, Soddy, don't call it transmutation. They'll have our heads off as alchemists." However the term stuck, in part because it drew the new discoveries in nuclear physics into a longer cultural and mystical web.

When it was discovered that radioactivity was also tapping into a latent source of energy bound inside atoms, this furthered the thought that radioactive decay might be the ultimate philosopher's stone. Later, the discovery of nuclear fission would become consciously connected into the same narrative, especially with optimistic hopes of energy "too cheap to meter" and great utopian cities of the future run on nuclear energy.

The Stone in Art and Entertainment

The philosopher's stone has been subject, inspiration, or plot feature of innumerable artistic works Ñ novels, comics stories, movies, animations, and even musical compositions. It is also a popular item in many video games.


Azoth was considered to be a 'universal medicine' or 'universal solvent' sought in alchemy, its symbol was the Caduceus and so the term, which being originally a term for an occult formula sought by alchemists much like the philosopher's stone, became a poetic word for the element Mercury.

The term was considered by occultist Aleister Crowley to represent a unity of beginning & ending by tying together the first and last letters of the alphabets of antiquity; A/Alpha/Alef (first character of Roman, Greek & Hebrew), Z (final character in latin), O as Omega (final character in Greek) and Th as Tau (final character in Hebrew).

In this way permeation & totality of beginning and end was considered the supreme wholeness and thus the universal synthesis of opposites as a 'cancellation' (i.e. solvent) or cohesion (i.e. medicine), and in such a way is similar to the philosophical "absolute" of Hegel's dialectic. Crowley further made reference in his works refering to Azoth as "the fluid."

Azoth is also used in the video game Haunting Ground. The game has components of alchemy, horror, and strategy. The main character (Fiona Belli) is the wielder of the Azoth, and is chased by various characters who want to extract the Azoth within her, all for serveral different but none the less selfish reasons. It is refered to as the "essence of life" and also has some things to do with the God Stone and the staff of Caduceus - which is the rod of Hermes, the Magician. Alchemy is a big part in this game.

Panacea (Medicine)

The panacea (pan-ah-SEE-ah), named after the Greek goddess of healing Panacea, was supposed to be a remedy that would cure all diseases and prolong life indefinitely. It was sought by the alchemists as a connection to the elixir of life and the philosopher's stone, a mythical substance which would enable the transmutation of common metals into gold.

The Net (Substance)

The Net was a term in alchemy for a copper-antimony alloy, named for its crystaline "net" like surface separated by interstices & thought to be one step in the creation of the philosopher's stone. It was discovered by the American alchemist George Starkey aka Eirenaeus Philalethes, who believed the ancient Greek & Roman myths were really encoded recipes for substances needed in the creation of the philosophers stone.

It was in the particular myth of the god Vulcan (the medieval alchemical term for fire) finding his wife Venus (alchemical symbol for copper) in bed with the god Mars (whose symbol meant iron in alchemy), that inspired Starkey for the experiment which led to the discovery and creation of the substance he called "The Net".

In the myth, the god Vulcan (fire) hung Venus & Mars from a high ceiling with an especially crafted metal net, being the craftsman of the gods, as punishment. The creation process included antimony regulus being reduced from antimony sulfide aka stibnite by the addition of iron from whence the influence of Mars in the alloy comes. Isaac Newton, in his private notes, wrote how he himself followed the steps to the creation of 'the net' and took to Starkeys theory that the Classical mythology was indeed a collection of secret formulas in the creation of a metaphysical substance, which Newton pursued covertly for fear of being ostracized in his time.

Claims and Frauds

The concept of a substance that could turn inexpensive metals into valuable gold naturally attracted the attention of many entrepreneurs of all sorts - learned and amateurish, skeptical and gullible, honest and dishonest. An example that illustrates the spirit of the times is that of Rudolf II (1552-1612). This king of Bohemia, having found himself in financial difficulties, decided to invest heavily in the search for the philosopher's stone. He thus attracted to Prague a large number of alchemists, who were given ample material and financial support, and promised rewards if they could solve the problem. This "virtual gold rush" may have involved even the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe, then at Rudolf's court, who had an alchemical lab built on the grounds of his observatory.

Rudolf never saw his dream realized, and he eventually became insane and had to be deposed by his relatives. It is not known whether his insanity was due to natural causes, or to misuse of alchemical "remedies" which often included toxic materials like sulphur, lead, mercury, arsenic, and antimony.

Edward Kelley

Among those who took Rudolf's offer were the English scholar John Dee, and his assistant Edward Kelley, one of the many alchemists who have claimed possession of the philosopher's stone.

Specifically, Kelley claimed that he had acquired in England small amounts of two powders, one white and one red, which had allegedly been found in Wales, in the raided tomb of a Bishop. From these two powders, Kelley would prepare a red "tincture", one drop of which could turn a larger quantity of heated mercury into gold. There are reports that he performed this feat several times, once even in the presence of Rudolf's court officials, and the gold was later tested and found to be genuine. He is also reported as sending to queen Elizabeth I of England a copper bed warmer which had been partly transmuted into gold.

Kelley also carried with him a cryptic manuscript, which he claimed had been found with the powders, and which presumably held the secret of their manufacture. On the basis of these claims, Kelley obtained much support from Rudolf - so much so that, when Dee broke with him and returned to England, Kelley chose to remain in Prague. However, Kelley eventually ran out of his magic powders, was jailed by Rudolf in a tower of his castle, and died of injuries sustained in an extravagant escape attempt.

The nature of Kelley's powders is open to conjecture. Gold can be dissolved by aqua regia to give a red-colored chloride, from which the metal can be easily recovered by heat or simple chemical means. Although that salt has a tendency to decompose on its own, it seems at least possible that Kelley simply plated a layer of gold on some other metal (possibly dissolved in the mercury to form an amalgam) and then used sleight-of-hand or bribery to pass the goldsmith's test.


by cyrstalinks.com

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Light up The Christ

Dear members and followers of lightgrid.

We need to light up the Christ images. I would like to share our blessed picture, which we lightened up in our Spiritual school in 1992.

Don´t deal with it. All copy rights are with my school, but..........

spread the message of a higher light of Christ, which has come. Don't use any more dark photos, nor dark images.

This image of Christ was in more than 25 years present with all our groups and light beings who had been awaken. The Christ consciousness, which has been awakening within thousands of scholars and new masters will bless every one, where ever it is and where ever you put it.



Ralf - Ramanand

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