HOW DO YOU INFLUENCE A “FUTURE “ NOW – POINT FROM THE NOW - POINT? If you unify your chakras and the three lower fields and the invite Spirit into the unified field, you can get to that other now-point. Suppose, for example, that you are interviewing for a new job tomorrow, a job really want. Unify your chakras and invite Spirit to radiate from your heart into the unified chakra. Then imagine a door, Behind the door, you’ve already taken that job. Check behind the door to make sure that this one really feels good at all levels and is in alignment with Spirit (this alignment is important because if you and your new boss do not have a spirit- to – spirit agreement to work together, tomorrow will just be interviewing practice. If you do have such an agreement, you’ll have to work hard not to get the job). It’s no use scripting the interview ahead of time – that just locks you into a mental body pattern. Instead, sit down quietly and pull your field into this Now-point and space. Become a tight focus of physical, emotional, mental, and spirit energy. Now, if you know what the job entails and what you would be doing, then see, think, and feel yourself doing it NOW, not in the future. Make it as realistic as possible. Conjure up the smells and sounds of the office or work site. Bring it all to this NOW-point. After a few minutes, bring your consciousness back.What happened? You created a resonance between two now-points in simultaneity, you tapped into the energy of a future now-point from your current NOW-point. By doing so, You increase the intensity of your NOW-point energy fields by pulling some of the energy of the probability of getting the job into your NOW-point. You and the interviewer have, at some future now-point, got to make hiring decision. Many probability lines emanate from that decision-point and you selected the energy associated with one of the them and folded it back into the present. Wish you a beautiful Friday with love and light to all my great Light Warriors. Tercy
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  • Thank you Steve. I will Share.

  • Tercy, Thanks so much for sharing this powerful technique for manifesting your hearts desires.

    Infinite Blessings of Love & Abundance,


    P.S. Please also share your healing prayer at bedtime with us.

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