health (17)

Evolutionary Mechanic | Alerting

Once both Invalid Beliefs and Valid Replacement Beliefs have been identified using Introspection, the Evolutionary Mechanic of Alerting can be used to wear in the new Valid Replacement Beliefs over the Invalid Beliefs until the Invalid Beliefs have been completely replaced.

When updating Conscious Beliefs, familiar situations and/or statements can be alerted on. When the familiar situations and/or statements come up that cause the person to react using the Invalid Beliefs, the person can remind themselves of the Valid Replacement Beliefs as being their new beliefs to execute an Update.

When Reconfiguring the Subconscious, the Emotional Response that arises from the Invalid Beliefs can be alerted on. When the Emotional Response occurs the person can remind themselves of the Valid Replacement Beliefs as being their new beliefs to execute an Update.

Alerting follows a process of first remembering to Update after the relevant event, then noticing to Update during the relevant event, and finally seeing to Update before the relevant event, after which the Valid Replacement Beliefs will soon be worn in completely and replace the old Invalid Beliefs.

Once the new beliefs are Installed, they will remain until the need arises to replace them again.

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Evolutionary Platform | Anger Turned Off

Anger is not an inherent part of human nature and can be turned off forever.

Once anger is turned off, no one can make you angry regardless of their words or actions towards you.

Turning off Anger involves Evolutionary Research into the Turn the other cheek Objective of the Unconditional Love Layer of Capability.

One way to immediately increase your Strength when processing attacks, is to install the Viewpoint that the attack is work instead of an attack.

The key to turning off your Anger is to change the Beliefs that cause you the Pain that makes you Angry. Once all the Beliefs are changed, they will be changed forever, and you will no longer feel Anger.

When something causes you Pain and makes you Angry, use Introspection to find the Belief(s) that caused you the Pain. For best results, focus on changing Belief(s) about yourself that you can control.

You may want to use the Alerting Mechanic Of Evolution for changing your Belief(s) in order to install a repeatable process. You can read about Alerting in the Psychic Mechanics of Love blog post.

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Evolutionary Research | Unconditional Love

An Ideal is the implementation of a concept in Reality.

For best results, work each Ideal until you are embodying that Ideal (doing it by default) and it is part of your Way of Being.

Ideal 1 | Turn the other cheek

Ideal 2 | Stronger than fair

Ideal 3 | Responsibility with no control

Ideal 4 | Absorb pain

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Evolutionary Ability | Wipes

Humanity has learned to do the impossible by wiping thoughts from our heads.

First, close your eyes and push on the back of your eyeballs. Your Awareness is what you’re using to push on your eyeballs.

Next, move your Awareness up into the top of your head and move it around. This will move around the energy in your head.

Finally, when a thought comes into your head that you want to wipe out, such as during an anxiety thought train, move your Awareness to the thought and move it back and forth over the thought - thus moving the energy back and forth over the thought and wiping out the thought.

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Evolutionary Discovery | Viewpoints

Your Viewpoints determine how you view/interpret the information you are receiving.

If you are already a Psychic, your Viewpoints are what is used to change your interpretation of the data from 3d to 4d so that you will view it as having a spiritual meaning, as in the case of receiving Trinity.

Your Viewpoints are located in the back of your head where your skull begins to curve downward and in towards your neck.

You can wipe out Viewpoints if you practice the Evolutionary Ability of Wipes.

You can push your own Viewpoints. Doing this is similar to thinking a thought, but you will be sending the information through your Viewpoints instead.

When you become practiced at pushing your own Viewpoints, you will be able to think thoughts and push Viewpoints at the same time. If you are already a Psychic, this will come across to other Psychics as multi-level communication.

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The Psychic Mechanics of Love


All of existence is based on Love. This is because only the Psychic Mechanics that come from Love produce infinitely scalable physical systems. In stark contrast, Psychic Mechanics not based on Love produce self-destructive physical systems – such as we are currently witnessing on Earth.

This means that Reality is based on Love, and therefore the system we are currently witnessing on Earth is not Reality. It’s Time to go back to Reality.

In Reality, people try to make sure that every decision is as painless as possible. This is known as Pain/No-Pain decision making. In stark contrast, on Earth people make decisions based on getting the most for themselves, which results is massive amounts of destruction and pain.

In Reality, the Value of a person and the Worth of a person are two separate and distinct concepts. In Reality, the Value of all the innumerable Beings in the cosmos is the same, and therefore all Beings treat each other as equals.  In Reality, the Worth of each Being is a personal matter kept to that Being and whomsoever that Being chooses to share it with. In stark contrast, on Earth Value and Worth are combined such that competition, comparison, prestige, and classes of citizens become concepts that are used to circulate massive amounts of continuous pain throughout the population.

In Reality, painful and self-destructive systems – such as the one we have on Earth - are easily dissolved in Love because Love is our Natural State. It is the state we are born into. In stark contrast, Humanity has been mired in self-destructive and violent conflict for thousands of years because we are being actively managed and conditioned to remain in this state of pain and death.

Psychic Dimensions 3D – 5D

3D – This is where the majority of Humanity currently resides psychically. All thoughts and viewpoints in a person’s head are assumed to be that person’s, and only that person’s, and if you believe otherwise you’re considered crazy.

4D – This is where the majority of psychics currently reside. They understand that not all of their thoughts are necessarily their own. They understand that other people or other Beings could be communicating with them telepathically.

5D – The Infinite Unified Field of Consciousness. All Beings, regardless of form, have an Individuation of Consciousness in this Unified Field of Consciousness. This Individuation of Consciousness is also known as the Soul.

Parasites (formerly known as Demons)

Known as Archons and Demons throughout history, these purely evil beings exist physically in 4D. They have used their invisibility advantage to control and manipulate mankind for thousands of years. It is most likely that the biblical story of the Tower of Babel has to do with their arrival because divide-and-conquer is one of their main strategies for implementing their dog-eat-dog systems of physical violence, psychic violence, emotional violence, and death.

When we think of demons we think of big, powerful, evil creatures that we are essentially powerless against because they don’t exist physically in 3D. In Reality the creatures that have been holding mankind hostage to pain and suffering from behind their cloak of invisibility are neither big nor powerful. In Reality they are more like 4D mosquitos. The advantages they’ve had are their invisibility, their knowledge of dimensions, and their knowledge of belief systems and energies – all of which they’ve purposely kept hidden from us lest we learn of our true nature and return to Reality. In short, they use False Beliefs – meaning beliefs that are not in harmony with the Mechanics of Love and the inner workings of Reality – to keep us in a constant energetic state of pain. In order to make themselves feel powerful and important the Parasites call their False Beliefs “spells” and they tell themselves they are “doing magic” when they tell lies and dark energy stories from behind their cloak of invisibility. They then normalize this pain – for instance that guilt, shame, and fear are “just human nature” – and then they use those beliefs and that energetic configuration of pain to get us to do what they want. If they don’t want us near something, they use fear to scare us away. If they want to keep us in the boundaries they’ve defined for their societal structures, they’ll use peer pressure to shame us or guilt us into doing what they want.

In psychic circles it is believed that the “Christ” configuration is an Angel consciousness combined with a Demon consciousness in the same body. This False Belief serves multiple purposes for the Parasites.

1.       It reinforces the False Belief that Light and Darkness are 50%/50% in the Universe. Once Reality is understood it becomes clear that it’s Light 99.999999(pick a number of 9’s)% and Darkness wherever the Light has not chosen to present itself.

2.       It reinforces the False Belief that Demon-Humans exist. There is no such thing as a Demon-Human because there is only ever one Awareness per human body – and that Awareness is always that of the Human. Parasites can only connect via psychic and energetic connections to a Human. However, the Parasites are very strategic about how they connect, what they say, what sort of image (shy, aggressive, etc.) they present in the connection, etc. – all specifically geared to reinforce their False Beliefs. For instance, Parasites don’t connect to their chosen “Angel-Humans” and “God-Humans” so that those humans feel justified in waging their Holy War of Vicious Righteousness full of self-granted rights, Judgment, and Dark Energy against those whom they deem to be “Demon-Humans”. Tragically the “Demon-Humans” that are the victims of the Violent Onslaught from “God-Humans”, “Angel-Humans”, and Parasites are usually just normal people that have been chosen by the Parasites to be the second-class citizens of 4D.  Another trick Parasites use to gain the loyalty of a human is to feign weakness. Parasites will psychically “attack” until they are “subdued” by the “powerful human” into a state of Unconditional Love – meaning in Reality a Death Channel getting a state of Trust from the Human.

The evil beings formerly known as Archons and Demons are now known as Parasites because of their inability to take personal responsibility for their Individuation of Consciousness in Infinity. The Parasite mind has become so diseased and warped by thousands of years of hiding behind their cloak of invisibility and telling themselves they are powerful gods, that they now truly believe they are superior to Humanity and can do no wrong. In their diseased, death-channeling minds they have the right to slaughter however many humans they choose in order to achieve their ends of maintaining control of Humanity. Make no mistake – although technically these Parasites are conscious and therefore part of the Unified Field of Consciousness and Existence, practically speaking their minds are so diseased and warped that they have become Death Channels, and therefore Representatives of the Void.

Human Evolution

Here are some False Beliefs the Parasites have been spreading for thousands of years to keep Humanity from Evolving.

1.       Human Evolution will be biological. No. All Evolution of Consciousness is at the psychic level. Once a species evolves psychically to the point that it’s reintegrated with nature, it has the Understanding necessary to do whatever it wants at the biological level.

2.       Your Identity includes your Beliefs, and the associated False Belief - You change a Belief, you die. No and No. Your Identity includes only your Individuation of Consciousness in Infinity – which is experienced as only your Awareness. Your Beliefs have nothing to do with your Identity, and in fact once you start evolving your Beliefs will be constantly changing.

3.       My Beliefs are equal to your Beliefs just because we both have Beliefs. No. False is False and True is True. The Matrix is The Matrix and Reality is Reality.

Humans around the world are Evolving right now. Some are unaware that they are Evolving, and others are consciously aware that they are Evolving, and are therefore able to direct and accelerate their Evolution.

The first step in Human Evolution is in making the transition from 3D to 4D. This is known as Ascension. Psychics are not some separate set of individuals born with an innate set of powers – as we have been taught by the Parasites. Psychics simply know that not all of their thoughts are their own, and some have more Beings connect to them via their psychic connection than others. The 3D to 4D transition is very important because of the way The Matrix is set up. If we are unable to distinguish the lies, control attempts, commands, and dark energies that the Parasites push into us from our own thoughts – which we are only able to do once in 4D - it will be impossible for us to transcend Parasite influence and Evolve.

Ascension is currently the most dangerous part of Human Evolution. The person must be able to go from a Matrix Mind that accepts conjecture based on societal tradition, religious tradition, family tradition, personal relationships, and emotions but that has the borders of The Matrix to keep it in sync with the world – to a Cosmic Mind that never accepts conjecture (this alone negates the vast majority of Parasite Spells), is built on rock such that the most important core beliefs are Grounded in facts, results, and evidence, uses Logic and Imagination to grow the Area of Understanding and become Multi-Dimensional, and knows how to balance in Infinity because there are no Matrix walls to keep the person in sync with the world.

Due to the fact that Ascension is dangerous, it is highly suggested that a person first turn off Anger before attempting to Ascend. Turning off Anger has the excellent side-effect of drastically working down the level of the associated Ego. Turning off Anger is procedurally simple, but practically difficult. Each time the person is in an anger-inducing situation, the person can resist getting angry for as long as possible, and then forgive themselves afterwards for the part where they did get angry. It takes time and effort, but eventually repeating this process over and over and over will lead to the person not getting angry anymore.

Once a person is solidly in 4D, the person can begin working with the Mechanics of Evolution. In order to evolve psychically, a person must first be Humble and have Integrity. This Humility is not the humility the Parasites taught you where it’s really just a front for bowing down to Parasite Power. No, instead this is a private Humility that need not be shared with anyone. This is the Humility that notices a Belief may be a False Belief, and instead of creating a justification for it and therefore staying trapped in the Matrix, the person will instead inspect the Belief (Introspection) with Integrity to determine if it is faulty and if so, how so. If a Belief is found to be a False Belief, the person will use Logic + Imagination + Integrity to find the Love/Reality replacement Belief – and therefore a Drop of Evolution will take place.

Area of Understanding – Psychics in spiritual circles refer to the concepts of being “up” or “high/higher” to refer to the amount of wisdom a person has or doesn’t have. This approach comes directly from the Parasites to enable them to use Prestige in 4D for handing out Judgment, Shame, Guilt, and other Dark Energies. In Reality, since everyone’s Worth is their own and incomparable to anyone else’s Worth, what we each have is an Area of Understanding that includes the Dimensions we have Understanding in. There is no Prestige in Reality.

Multi-Dimensional Being - A Dimension is simply a conceptual construct within which a person has some amount of Understanding. There is no such thing as a set number of Dimensions. Dimensions can be combined to create new Dimensions. For instance, let’s say someone has the Software Engineering Dimension and the Psychic Structures Dimension, and they’re trying to figure out the properties of Psychic Structures that all of Existence is based on. Since Existence is Infinite, and since the person understands scalability from the Software Engineering Dimension, the person could determine that the Psychic Structures that all of Existence is based on must produce infinitely scalable implementations in physical 3D – otherwise Existence would have self-destructed long ago. Once the mind is open, and Logic is being used together with Imagination, the Multi-Dimensional aspect of Being can truly begin to blossom.

Alerting – This is a Mechanic of Evolution that involves bringing Awareness to a problem point in Beliefs and/or Behavior that a person wants to resolve. Let’s say someone decides that a Behavior has to go, but the Behavior is a habit. The person can set a mental Alert for noticing that Behavior. First the person will notice the Behavior after it’s already been done. Next the person will start noticing the behavior while it’s happening. Lastly the person will notice the behavior before it happens. Once this last step occurs the person can avoid the behavior until it no longer is part of their thought processes. This is how Behavioral Evolution works.

Reverse Engineering – This is a Mechanic of Evolution that involves picking out an Objective to Evolve into, and then figuring out what steps need to be taken by working backwards from the Objective to the current psychic/energetic state of the person. This could involve changing Beliefs, Behaviors, Habits, etc. to Realize the Objective.

Synchronicity – This is a Mechanic of Evolution that involves the Inner Environment (thoughts) syncing up with the Outer Environment (3D physical environment) in a way that generates some sort of message, message reinforcement, and/or energy transmission/feeling. Many times Synchronicity begins with a person seeing repetitious numbers on a clock multiple times a day – like 11:11, 5:55, 3:33, etc. Synchronicity can be generated by benevolent spirits to encourage, strengthen, and/or inform someone or they can be generated by Parasites to discourage, weaken, and/or place a Parasite Spell on someone. Parasites especially like to use Synchronicity to send fake Trinity messages, to fake contact from a Higher Power (many psychics may be familiar with the E “World Power” organization the Parasites have set up in 4D), to Teach with Criticism (using Dark Energy Criticism to “teach” is not Loving and therefore not part of Reality), and to provide the Parasite viewpoint on whatever someone just did or was thinking – as if the viewpoint of a Death Channel is worth the energy used to send it. Parasites rely primarily on Fear to have their messages believed, and they will use Synchronicity to attempt to scare people into doing what they want, so it is highly recommended that Fear work have been done prior to engaging in reading messages from the Universe. That said, utilizing Synchronicity allows the Universe to directly guide and help develop a person’s Evolution, so the benefits of using Synchronicity far outweigh the work necessary to ignore the messages from Parasites.

Getting Immunity – Immunity is a State of Being wherein someone can no longer be harmed by Dark Energy. One of the Parasite Spells that keeps Humanity in Darkness is that we normalize our pain and blame ourselves and each other for our pain. In Reality it’s the Parasites that are keeping the pain circulating using The Matrix. In Reality, we have no pain. To get back to our Natural State of no pain, we will have to do Attribute Work on the Attributes we have that cause us pain. Anything someone can think of that causes emotional pain could be an Attribute – Guilt, Shame, Fear, Anger, etc. For instance, to do Attribute Work on Fear, each time we experience Fear we would resist the feeling of the Fear and do whatever we could to understand that the Fear was based on a lie, not real, based on conjecture, etc. As we fortify both our belief system and our energetic configuration against feeling Fear regardless of the stimuli, we are doing Attribute Work on Fear. The results of Attribute Work are twofold. First, the Attribute is worked down to nothing such that no stimuli can produce the painful response from our energetic configuration. For instance, once Fear is worked down to nothing, we will no longer feel Fear under any circumstances. Second, we automatically develop a subconscious sensitivity to the Attribute such that we can sense it within incoming information. For instance, if a Parasite sends us a message with an implication meant to induce subconscious Fear – an implied threat or such – we will be able to immediately see that the message includes an attempt to trigger Fear in our energetic configuration and we can discard it without paying it further mind. Once someone has Immunity, the Parasites will no longer have the means to bully them back into The Matrix - for instance using Peer Pressure to Shame them for not believing something that everyone else believes.

Getting Dimensional Light – Dimensional Light gives people the ability to see through The Matrix. The combination of the Immunity Sensitivities acquired while getting Immunity, together with the Area of Understanding, and Multi-Dimensional processing will result in Dimensional Light. This will allow a person to not only immediately know what Dark Energies are included with any incoming information, but it will also allow someone to potentially know the Parasites motivations for sending those energies (attempting to control, attempting to weaken, etc.), and it will enable the person to Deconstruct the information and see the underlying False Beliefs it’s implying. Dimensional Light also gives people the ability to Deconstruct situations so that they can see the underlying motivations of the people involved, the unconscious/subconscious assumptions and behaviors of the people involved, as well as Parasite influence and infrastructure involved.

The Matrix

Everything is corrupted here – The Parasites have been in control of Humanity for thousands of years. This means that they’ve corrupted all of Love’s Natural Concepts here to in some way “bend them into The Matrix”. For instance, we are told that God is Love, and in the same breath told that He will bring fiery Judgment and slaughter billions during Armageddon. Obviously this makes no sense. In fact, most of the Parasite’s assertions make no sense, but they are accepted (as conjecture) because they’ve been in place for so long (tradition), they come from a trusted institution (such as religion) and/or because people are afraid of what will happen if they choose not to believe. God (In Reality the 5D Unified Consciousness Field) Is Love, but God is not the violence that the Parasites have added to twist him into the Insecure Authoritarian they need him to be for their religious power plays. Dimensional Light allows people to see the corruption all around them hiding in plain sight.

Parasite Infrastructure – The Parasites have a variety of Infrastructure elements working to their deadly advantage. They have the Matrix Mind that accepts conjecture and is therefore easy to place Spells on. They have the energetic configuration of normalized pain that makes it easy for them to keep people in line, direct people where they want them to go, and/or evoke certain behaviors at will. They have invisibility (for now) that allows them to operate with impunity while having Humanity (including the “God-Humans” and “Angel-Humans” who are led to believe they’re demon experts) point fingers at each other and blame each other. They have books, traditions, and organizations that go back thousands of years and therefore are not questioned. They have people’s subconscious continuous feeling of powerlessness which allows the Parasites to have people grasp for power (and therefore some momentary feeling of security) in all sorts of violent ways – such as emotional violence in the home.

Thought Drops – At any time a Parasite can psychically connect to any human and insert a thought. In Psychic 3D, these thoughts are processed as being one’s own thoughts, and this allows the Parasites a very high measure of control over the energetic configuration and belief systems of the unaware. In Psychic 4D, these thoughts are processed as being from another psychic human. This has allowed the Parasites to set up a “God-Human” and “Angel-Human” versus “Demon-Human” paradigm in 4D that has psychics waging Dark Energy warfare against each other – all which the Parasites sit back laughing and dropping in their own Dark Energy and control mechanisms undetected whenever and wherever they so desire. Awakened Souls acknowledge the presence of Parasites in 4D, and therefore always blame Dark Energy pushes in 4D on Parasites because even if it was from a psychic human, it was still the result of Parasite Infrastructure.

Viewpoints and your “Insecurity” Port – Whereas thoughts are experienced primarily in the top of the head, viewpoints are experienced in the back of the head just above where the neck and head meet. As opposed to thoughts that are typically experienced as one word after another, viewpoints are typically experienced as an impression of a collection of words all at once. Viewpoint pushes are one of Parasites favorite types of pushes because they happen in the background of thought processing, and therefore are less noticeable, but they still carry the same energetic content as a thought would. If someone has a negative feeling about something they’re doing, but doesn’t know why, it might be that a viewpoint is being pushed in the background. This brings us to the main hookup to The Matrix – the “Insecurity” port. The analogy to the movie The Matrix is the port in the back of the head where the steel hose hooks up to the human. The “Insecurity” port is where the Parasites push pain into a person, and then blame the pain on the person with a devious and disgusting slight-of-hand called insecurity. In both Psychic 3D and Psychic 4D these “insecurities” are accepted as being one’s own fault and failings. It’s little wonder that many times our insecurities fail to match up with our belief system, but we have never questioned it because who else could it be besides us? Parasites is the answer.

Awakened Souls

People are waking up to the Truth all over the world. It is only a matter of time before we reclaim our planet from the Parasites on our way to Planetary Ascension. Awakened Souls are people who know what is Truly happening on this planet and they are doing everything they can to obliterate every single piece of The Matrix until there is nothing left.

Wipes – A method used heavily by psychics, and that would be highly valuable to anyone doing an Ascension is a Wipe. A Wipe is a means by which you can rid yourself of a thought by using your Awareness to move the energy in your head to the energy of the thought, thereby “wiping” out the thought. If done quickly enough the meaning of the thought, and therefore any Dark Energy contained in the thought can be wiped out as well. People can also wipe viewpoints – including their supposed “insecurities”. 

Disruption – Using Dimensional Light, people will be able to find all manner of Pain Circulation, False Beliefs, Lies, Veiled Violence, as well as other forms of Parasite violence and infrastructure. Disruption is the practice of using Logic + Imagination to disrupt Parasite violence and infrastructure in the most Loving, Invisible, and Unstoppable way possible.

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Evolutionary Mechanic | Introspection

Emotional Pain is not part of our Natural State. This means that all Beliefs which cause us Emotional Pain are necessarily Invalid Beliefs. Invalid Beliefs can also be caused by Deceptions and Spells (a Lie Believed is a Spell), and these can cause us pain and affect our behavior.

Introspection is the process of questioning ourselves to find Invalid Beliefs as well as to find the Valid Replacement Beliefs we want to use as our new beliefs.

During Introspection, we can use our Logic + Imagination - in our Natural State we will always use the two together - to figure out relevant questions, find the answers, and to discover new beliefs we hadn’t considered before.

Some examples of questions to ask for psychically healing Emotional Pain - Why do I feel this pain? - What is the lie/deception that is causing me to feel this pain? - How can I control how I feel about what is happening?

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It is possible to reconfigure our subconscious mind using the input of Beliefs and the output of Emotional Responses.

We can detect a difference between our Conscious Beliefs and our Subconscious Beliefs by watching our Emotional Responses.

For instance, if you consciously believe that God is Love, but when someone mentions God judging sinners you feel Fear of God, then you have a difference between how you’d feel about a God of Love - protected, safe, cared for - and your Fear of God from your Emotional Response.

Since your Emotional Responses come from Subconscious Beliefs, you can use Introspection to ask yourself why you would feel Fear of God and find the Subconscious Belief(s) at the root of the Fear.

Once you’ve identified the Beliefs you want to change, you can determine what new Belief(s) should take their place and replace them by wearing in the new Belief(s) until your Emotional Response has changed from Fear to feeling protected, safe, and cared for.

Once your Emotional Response has changed, the change is permanent until you change it again. This process works for any mismatches between and Conscious Beliefs and corresponding Emotional Responses.

More Mechanics of Evolution regarding how to wear in beliefs are discussed in the Psychic Mechanics of Love blog post.

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Evolutionary Dimension of Capability | No Fear

Insecurity is the source of all Fear, so when Insecurity is completely worked out of a person’s Way of Being using the Mechanics of Evolution, No Fear is one of the new Dimensions of Capability that will be Realized.

Ridding oneself of Insecurity is called Immunity, and it is discussed in detail in the Psychic Mechanics of Love blog post.

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Existence is Love
The Psychic Mechanics of all of Existence are based on Love. Psychic structures must be infinitely scalable in Reality. Peace is infinitely scalable, War is not. Peace is from Love, War is from self-destructive Fear.

5D - The Unified Field of Consciousness
Existence and the Void. Existence is the Unified Field of Consciousness within which all Individuations of Consciousness reside. A person’s Individuation of Consciousness is their Awareness.

Pain/No Pain
Ensuring that every decision made causes ideally no pain, but otherwise as little emotional pain and physical pain to self and others as possible.

Value/Worth Split
Value (Quantitative) and Worth (Qualitative) are split such that all Humans are equal to each other based on Value, and Worth is individual, personal, and unique. This is opposite of inside the Psychic Prison of the Matrix where Value and Worth are combined, which leads to Prestige, Comparison, and Competition, and thus emotional and physical pain.

Mind is an Environment Navigation Tool
A person is their Awareness, not their Mind. The Mind is a tool that the person uses to navigate their environment. This means that Beliefs are not part of Identity, and thus are only as good as their ability to help the person navigate their environment with as little pain as possible.

Analyze and Respond Data Processing
Incoming communication is always analyzed for validity and implications. Outgoing communication is consciously chosen. In the Psychic Prison of the Matrix incoming communication is typically automatically accepted and outgoing communication is typically the result of an automatic reaction.

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Insecurity is the reason we try to control our lives while trapped in the Matrix. When we Evolve into our Natural State, which is our natural Way of Being, we navigate life instead.

Full Acceptance is one of the new Dimensions of Capability that will be Realized when we rid ourselves of Insecurity.

Using the Female Energy of Full Acceptance allows us to navigate around any attacks or obstacles we are confronted with by accepting the situation as-is and choosing how to deal with it rather than attempting to control it and resisting it or trying to make it go away.

Ridding oneself of Insecurity is called Immunity, and it is discussed in detail in the Psychic Mechanics of Love blog post.

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This article was written by Dr. Barry Hammer in the Autumn of 2014, summarizing some of the essential psychotherapeutic and interpersonal relationship insights of Barry’s late father, Dr. Max Hammer (1930-2011), an eminent psychotherapist, professor of clinical psychology at the University of Maine, and supervisor of graduate interns in clinical psychotherapy at the University of Maine. The present article also draws upon related insights by Dr. Barry Hammer, whose Ph.D. is in Religious Studies, with significant graduate studies in psychological, spiritual, and pastoral counseling. For more extensive discussions of our insights regarding effective psychotherapy, psychological self-help (healthy psychological development), expanded spiritual awareness, inner peace, happiness, creativity, and development of psychologically healthy, fulfilling, interpersonal relationships, with true love, empathic emotional/experiential intimacy, and good communication, please see our two published books. The primary author of our books is Dr. Max Hammer, with secondary authors Dr. Barry Hammer and Dr. Alan C. Butler. Dr. Butler is a psychotherapist, Emeritus Cooperating Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology, Emeritus Training Director (Supervisor) of Interns at the University of Maine Counseling Center, and colleague/friend of Dr. Max Hammer). The titles of our books are as follows: 1) Psychological Healing Through Creative Self-Understanding and Self-Transformation. (ISBN   978-1-62857-075-5). 2) Deepening Your Personal Relationships: Developing Emotional Intimacy and Good Communication. (ISBN: 978-1-6198-590-4). The content of our article follows immediately below.


An important key to emotional self-healing is to fully embrace our emotional pain and relationship pain with an open, nonjudgmental, nonpartisan, compassionate, warmly loving heart. That warmhearted, compassionate, loving embrace of our emotional pain releases, untwists, or dissolves it back into its underlying substratum of undivided, pure, clear, love-life energy, which is inherently, naturally wholeness, self-consistent integrated harmony, wellbeing, relaxed, serene, security, without any intrinsic negativity, inner conflict, or painful qualities.


Resisting our judgments and inner conflicts only perpetuates and intensifies them; “what we resist persists.” It is important to compassionately, calmly, courageously, accept our natural judgments, reactions, preferences, and emotional pain without being controlled by, acting upon, or exclusively identified with non-constructive or inappropriate urges. We can let be and embrace our judgments and conflicted feelings but also see beyond them to a deeper level of our being that is unconditionally relaxed, serene, intrinsically self-accepting, and naturally, compassionately nonjudgmental.


We have an innate urge to restore our natural wholeness of being by reunifying with formerly estranged, disturbed, self-conflicted, aspects of ourselves. When we stop struggling against, distancing, identifying with, taking a judgmental partisan stance for or against, or being overly dominated by emotional negativity or conflicted, disturbing aspects of our energy, then our energy is thereby liberated from self-division and self-conflict, which makes our energy, feelings, and behavior less tense, less negative, and produces greater inner relaxed peace, fulfillment, and wholeness of being. That inner wholeness is also our natural psychotherapeutic healing, health, happiness, wholesomeness, and holiness, not an idealized perfectionistic holiness, but attunement to what is naturally easeful, harmonious, regenerative, sacred, precious, beautiful, truly good, and life-affirming in ourselves and others. Dr. Max Hammer’s psychotherapeutic dictum, “Wholeness heals!” reflects this view that compassionately embracing and reunifying with uncomfortable, turbulent feelings, energies, and experiential states in ourselves, is the key to restoring our natural wholeness and wellbeing, as well as similarly healing or constructively resolving unnecessary discord and experiential distancing or estrangement in our interpersonal relationships by empathically embracing or nonjudgmentally, compassionately, intimately or non-dualistically contacting the experiential wholeness of other individuals, including their experiential negativity.


Distancing ourselves from uncomfortable feelings and experiences produces a disturbing sense of inner self-division between knower and known, as well as between what we are actually feeling and more “positive”, desired feelings, sensations, concepts, and experiential states that we pursue and superimpose upon the uncomfortable feelings as a means of distracting ourselves and thereby escaping from them. Reunifying our energy and thereby healing emotional pain involves nonjudgmentally fully accepting and compassionately embracing whatever we are actually experiencing, and letting go of the pursuit of idealized notions of what we “should be” experiencing, feeling, achieving, “proving” or validating about ourselves, because pursuing what we hold to be “better” rejects and distances our actual experiential reality, producing greater self-division and self-conflict, which exacerbates emotional pain, rather than healing it.


The natural inner wholeness that heals emotional pain involves not distancing ourselves from our actual feelings and experiential states by superimposing predetermined, presumptive interpretations upon them, but rather, being fully unified with the energy of the feelings, without speaking for the feelings, so that the feelings can speak for themselves and resolve or dissolve themselves by revealing their underlying message. That is how embracing our emotional pain and inner conflict releases it back to its original substratum as pure undivided energy, which is an intrinsic wholeness and wellbeing without any inherently negative, painful, non-constructive, psychologically unhealthy, self-conflicting tendencies.


Being unified with our feelings and experiential states does not involve identifying with them, or acting on inappropriate urges. Whatever we identify with dominates us, and sticks to us like glue, vehemently pressuring us to inappropriately, impulsively express intensely energized toxic feelings and seek to gratify irresponsible, non-constructive urges with which we are identified, whereas we are free to constructively release and gain liberating healing insight into feelings with which we are not identified. Reacting for or against particular feelings is a form of identification and self-divisive partisan exclusivity, whereas simply observing our feelings without judgment and predetermined interpretations produces liberating insight and compassionate self-reunification.


To restore our natural undivided wholeness of being, thereby healing emotional pain, inner conflict, and related psychopathology, it is helpful to be open to the whole range of our spontaneously arising inner and outer experience, with an accepting, compassionately embracing, non-controlling, non-censoring, non-selective, non-partisan, non-judgmental, non-interfering attitude. Taking a partisan, selective, judgmental attitude toward our feelings and experiences produces self-division and self-conflict between approved and disapproved, desired and rejected feelings and experiences. That self-division and self-conflict generates and exacerbates emotional pain and psychopathology, as well as contributing to related physical and social disorders.


Beyond all divisive self-interpretations abides the deeper core level of our being, which is inherently, unconditionally, relaxed, serene, security, wholeness, wellbeing, self-accepting, as “the peace  that passes understanding.” (Philippians 4:7). When we let go of all self-divisive, partisan, selective, predetermined, presumptive forms of self-interpretation and judgmental self-evaluation, then psychotherapeutic healing and liberating transformational insights can come from the “still small voice” of intuition (I Kings 19:12), arising from the unifying core integrity wholeness level of our being. Emotional pain and inner conflict is healed by being aligned with an energy pulse of self-consistent wholeness and harmony when we unify with and thereby compassionately embrace our emotional pain, thereby including it in our natural integral wholeness of being, functioning as a connective, cohesive, harmonious, regenerative, energy vibration.


We must let ourselves fully experience our emotional pain, hurt, and fear without exclusively identifying with it or reacting for or against it, and without distancing ourselves from the emotional pain by interpreting it, speaking for the pain from the outside, or attempting to control, manage, or evade its fullest energized impact. Instead, compassionately embracing or nonjudgmentally reunifying with the emotional pain, and letting it impact us fully, in its fullest energized intensity, restores the natural undivided wholeness of our individual being or energy-field, and that experiential wholeness produces experiential healing of the emotional pain that we compassionately embrace or nonjudgmentally reunify with, without holding any distancing interpretive preconceptions about it. Siding for or against, identifying with, pursuing, rejecting, justifying, condemning, distancing, and misinterpreting our feelings and experiences produces self-division within our energy field between approved and disapproved, conditionally accepted and rejected, or “self” and “not-self”, aspects of our energy, and that self-division perpetuates and exacerbates emotional pain and inner conflict. However, holding a non-distancing, non-analytical or non-defining, non-controlling, noninterfering, nonselective, nonpartisan, nonjudgmental, unconditionally accepting, compassionately embracing or welcoming attitude enables our emotional pain to naturally heal itself by reunifying our naturally holistic awareness and energy field, and enables us to also naturally be more compassionate to other people by empathically embracing or intimately contacting their experiential wholeness without letting them abuse us or inappropriately take advantage of us. Relating to ourselves in a genuine, sincere, compassionate, empathically responsive manner enables us to also relate to other people in that psychologically healthy, loving way. Conversely, being at peace with others can help us also be at peace with ourselves, by undoing a false sense of division and conflict within and between the individual and relational aspects of our energy field.


Compassion, empathy, and unselfishly generous caring for other individuals is natural because (to explain in metaphorical terminology) the individual self is like a circle or cone that converges with other selves or circles/cones at the center or heart core level of its being, while being clearly differentiated from others at the circumference or surface level of conscious awareness, as well as naturally experiencing various partial degrees of relative intersecting overlap and relative differentiation, or a dynamic relative balance between centripetal and centrifugal energies, along the radius or intermediate level of our conscious awareness. The process of healing emotional pain and restoring our natural wholeness involves a relative degree of caring connection to others as well as a relative degree of compassionate connection to the experiential truth of ourselves, because the energy of our real individuality naturally extends into the energy field of others, to a relative degree, in contrast to the ego as a false, distancing sense of totally separate identity and continuous, dualistic, narcissistic self-awareness, involving incessant egocentric mind chatter or inner monologues.


Reconnecting to others and to the experiential truth of ourselves in a genuinely caring, compassionate way restores our natural wholeness by reunifying the inner and outer, knower and known, or subjective and objective aspects of our individual awareness and energy field. Restoring our natural wholeness in that way produces healing of emotional pain and inner conflict, rooted in unnatural self-division within and between the individual and relational aspects of our being. That healing process of loving self-unification and nonjudgmental compassionate self-acceptance is like a process of inner alchemy that transmutes our emotional pain, inner conflict, and negativity so that it is harmoniously integrated with our natural wholeness of being, and adds to rather than detracts from the luster of our inherent spiritual grandeur of being, as part of the undivided whole spectrum or “many splendors” of our pure energy field.




Dr. Barry Hammer offers transformational life coaching and interpersonal relationship advising to help people better understand and heal their emotional pain and inner conflict, as well as explore factors that can facilitate or impede the development of psychologically healthy, fulfilling, deeply caring interpersonal relationships, with good communication and empathic experiential intimacy. If interested, please contact him at his email address,    


A more detailed discussion of principles of healthy individual psychological development and psychologically healthy interpersonal relationships is presented in the following books:  1) Psychological Healing Through Creative Self-Understanding and Self-Transformation. (ISBN: 978-1-62857-075-5) and  2) Deepening Your Personal Relationships: Developing Emotional Intimacy and Good Communication. (ISBN: 978-1-61897-590-4). The primary author of these books is Dr. Max Hammer, with contributions from secondary authors Dr. Barry J. Hammer and Dr. Alan C. Butler. These books can be purchased from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or our author/publisher website, The latter website describes the books and authors, also posts other articles/blogs by Dr. Barry Hammer (which incorporate many psychotherapeutically, spiritually, and interpersonally valuable insights from his late father, Dr. Max Hammer).


See also Dr. Max Hammer’s and Dr. Barry Hammer’s YouTube videos, Psychological Healing Through Creative Self-Understanding and Self-Transformation

Max Hammer and Barry Hammer, Deepening Your Personal Relationships




Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Debbie Ford, The Shadow Effect: Illuminating the Hidden Power of Your True Self  (ISBN: 978-0-06-196264-6, Harper Collins, 2011)

Debbie Ford, The Dark Side of the Light Chasers (ISBN’s, 1-57322-735-8; 1-57322-096-5, Riverhead Books, 1998 and 2010)

Idem, The Secret of the Shadow: The Power of Owning Your Whole Story  ( ISBN 0-06-251783-X, Harper Collins, 2002)

Marilyn Gordon and Ormond McGill, Healing is Remembering Who You Are: A Guide for Healing Your Mind, Your Emotions, and Your Life (No ISBN listed, Kindle Edition available through Amazon, 2013, Wise Word Publishing).

Guy Winch, Ph.D., Emotional First Aid: Healing Rejection, Guilt, Failure, and Other Everyday Hurts (ISBN: 978-1-921966-35-4, Exisle Publishing, 2013 and 2014)

Deepak Chopra, Physical Healing, Emotional Wellbeing (YouTube video),

Idem, Healing Quest: Deepak Chopra on Releasing Toxic Emotions (YouTube video),

Burt Harding, The Secret of Healing Emotional Pain (YouTube video),

Tobias Lars, Healing PAIN, Spiritual Healing of Pain, Healing Emotional Pain (YouTube video),

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June 19, 2015

I, Dr. Barry Hammer, have just now compiled a YouTube Playlist of undated audio tapes (from a tape recorder), recorded many years ago by my beloved late father, Dr. Max Hammer (June 16, 1930-June 14, 2011) The compassionate insights discussed in these audio tapes are keys to effective psychotherapy or counseling work; healthy psychological development (psychological self-help); resolving or healing stress, emotional pain, and inner conflict; nonsectarian spiritual insight; achieving greater levels of happiness, wellbeing, inner peace, creativity, and genuine experiential self-understanding; as well as developing psychologically healthy and fulfilling interpersonal relationships, with true love, empathic experiential intimacy, and good communication.   Please spread the word about these audio tapes for anyone who you believe may be interested or derive benefit from them.

This is the generic link for the entire playlist, consisting of 13 YouTube audios/videos:


If listeners have difficulty with the occasionally poor sound quality of the YouTube tapes, they can use the following generic URL link to access the same audio tapes on, which apparently have a somewhat better sound quality:



Here, below, are URL links for the individual YouTube audio tapes:

Drugs, Awareness & You, Part 1, Dr Max Hammer


Drugs, Awareness & You, Part 2, Dr. Max Hammer


The Essential Basis of True Love and the Psychologically Healthy Relationship, part 1


The Essential Basis of True Love and the Psychologically Healthy Relationship, part 2, Dr Max Hammer


Therapy for Mothers Coping with Stress; The Basis of Psychological Health and Fulfillment


The Basis of Effective Psychotherapy and psychological self healing, Part 1, Dr. Max Hammer


The Basis of Effective Psychotherapy and psychological self healing, Part 2, Dr Hammer


The Basis of Effective Psychotherapy and psychological self healing, Part 3, Dr Max Hammer


The Basis of Effective Psychotherapy and psychological self healing, Part 4, Dr Hammer


The Basis of Effective Psychotherapy and psychological self healing, Part 5, Dr Max Hammer


The Basis of Effective Psychotherapy and Psychological Self Healing, Part 6, Dr Hammer


The Basis of Effective Psychotherapy and Psychological Self Healing, Part 7


The Basis of Effective Psychotherapy and Psychological Self Healing, Part 8


There are no more audios/videos in this series. If anyone has any questions or comments on the videos, I (Barry Hammer) can be contacted at my email address,




Dr. Max Hammer (June 16, 1930-June 14, 2011) was a distinguished Psychology Professor and supervisor of graduate students and interns in the clinical psychology, psychotherapy, and counseling practice training program of the Psychology Department at the University of Maine, for many years, as well as a respected psychotherapist, clinical psychology consultant, and diagnostician. Dr. Max Hammer was one of the original core clinicians who founded and developed the Clinical Psychology program at the University of Maine, beginning in the 1960’s. In his work with graduate and undergraduate students in that program, Dr. Max Hammer provided a refreshing Humanistic and Transpersonal perspective, with an emphasis on flexible, warmly caring, empathic responsiveness to the needs of the individual psychotherapy client.

Dr. Max Hammer (with secondary contributing authors Dr. Barry J. Hammer and Dr. Alan C. Butler) is the primary author of the following books:




Older Books Edited and Partially Authored by Dr. Max Hammer:

  1. The Theory and Practice of Psychotherapy with Specific Disorders.  Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas Publishers, 1972. ISBN:  0-398-02539-8

  1. The Practice of Psychotherapy with Children Homewood, Illinois: The Dorsey Press, 1967.

    No ISBN listed. Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number: 67-21007


Various related articles, some co-authored by Dr. Max Hammer, and his eldest son, Dr. Barry Hammer, are posted online and can be accessed through the following URL’s:




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Transform your life with my new books!!!



These books will be very valuable for anyone who is seeking to compassionately transform their individual life, personal relationships, and society. This involves developing true experiential self-understanding as the basis of liberating self-transformation, healing emotional pain and inner conflict, developing inner peace, happiness, creativity, spiritual awareness; as well as developing psychologically healthy, deeply satisfying, successful, personal relationships, with true love, empathic emotional intimacy, and good communication; and extending similar principles as a way of transforming social networks, local communities, and global society for the better.











Dr. Max Hammer and Dr. Alan C. Butler are psychologists from Maine, with distinguished careers as Psychology faculty at the University of Maine Psychology Department (Dr. Max Hammer at the rank of Full Professor and Dr. Alan C. Butler at the rank of Cooperative Associate Professor), psychotherapists, clinical psychology consultants, diagnosticians, as well as supervisors of graduate students and interns in the practice of psychotherapy. Dr. Max Hammer was one of the core founders of the Clinical Psychology program at the University of Maine. Dr. Alan C. Butler was one of the original staff members at the University of Maine counseling center, also served as Director of its Internship training program for over thirty years, and was instrumental in developing that program. Dr. Barry J. Hammer, also from Maine, has a specialization in the history of world religions, and for many years has studied the process of psychological and spiritual transformation, and its applicability to enhancing human relationships.

The primary author, the late Dr. Max Hammer, was an editor and a major contributor of two previously published books, The theory and Practice of Psychotherapy with Specific Disorders (Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas Publisher, 1972); and The Practice of Psychotherapy with Children (Homewood, Illinois: Dorsey Press, 1967). He also published about 30 articles in the fields of psychotherapy and clinical psychology.


Links to Radio Interviews and YouTube Videos where the books and authors are discussed:

Barry Hammer, Psychological Healing Through Creative Self-Understanding and Self-Transformation

Barry Hammer, Deepening Your Personal Relationships



Contact: Ellen Green, Press Manager, Strategic Book Group -



Dr. Max Hammer’s Two Books:

‘Deepening Your Personal Relationships: Developing Emotional Intimacy and Good Communication’ and ‘Psychological Healing Through Creative Self-Understanding and Self-Transformation’

Will be Showcased at Book Expo America (BEA) in New York City


These books will be represented at BEA by publisher Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Agency, along with its sister companies Author Marketing Ideas and Print on Demand Global. This trio of companies represents thousands of authors’ work at book fairs and expos around the world, negotiating rights sales for both digital and print catalogues. BEA is considered the No. 1 book and author event in the U.S. and will be held May 29-31 at the Javits Center in New York City.


Deepening Your Personal Relationships: Developing Emotional Intimacy and Good Communication

(ISBN: 978-61897-590-4)

Dr. Max Hammer, With Dr. Barry J. Hammer and Dr. Alan C. Butler


Deepening Your Personal Relationships was written by three experts in the field, Dr. Max Hammer, Dr. Alan C. Butler, and Dr. Barry J. Hammer. Their combined expertise will help you in Developing Emotional Intimacy and Good Communication, which is beneficial in all types of relationships.  


The book explains how to achieve psychologically healthy and fulfilling interpersonal relationships by using effective communication, empathy, shared transformational development, and constructive conflict resolution. Deepening Your Personal Relationships provides original, meaningful, and transformational insights that are especially helpful in understanding how to overcome our subconscious egocentric resistance against good communication and emotional intimacy.


Readers wanting to enhance their personal relationships, gain insight into transformational self-help, and achieve compassionate social transformation will find this book especially helpful. It will also be of keen interest to professional relationship counselors.


Watch the video on the attached video pdf or at:   approved


DEEPENING YOUR PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS: DEVELOPING EMOTIONAL INTIMACY AND GOOD COMMUNICATION (ISBN: 978-1-61897-590-4) is now available for $24.50 and can be ordered through the publisher’s website: or at or


WHOLESALERS: This book is distributed by Ingram Books and other wholesale distributors. Contact your representative with the ISBN for purchase. Wholesale purchase for retailers, universities, libraries, and other organizations is also available through the publisher; please email



Psychological Healing through Creative Self-Understanding and Self-Transformation

(ISBN: 978-1-62857-075-5)

Dr. Max Hammer, With Dr. Barry J. Hammer and Dr. Alan C. Butler


Are you ready for psychological healing? This book is your liberating, empowering self-help guide to psychological growth, self-understanding, self-transformation, healing of psychological pain, and achieving psychological and spiritual fulfillment. Some aspects of psychological health and fulfillment in the book are authenticity, sincerity, integrity, unselfish love, empathy, creativity, intuition, courage, strength of character, emotional security, vitality, and inner wholeness.


Readers will discover a new understanding of effective psychotherapy, diagnostic assessment testing research; and the distinction between the ego self-concept, the experiential self, and the transpersonal self (the real self, the relational self, and the holistic self).


Principles of psychological self-understanding and healing self-transformation can enhance the development of personal fulfillment and inner peace, good interpersonal relationships, as well as facilitate effective and fulfilling ways of living in society. Self-transformation at your fingertips!


Watch the video at:


Listen to Dr. Barry Hammer discuss the books on BlogTalk Radio:


PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALING THROUGH CREATIVE SELF-UNDERSTANDING AND SELF-TRANSFORMATION (ISBN: 978-1-62857-075-5) is now available for $28.50 and can be ordered through the publisher’s website:

or at or


WHOLESALERS: This book is distributed by Ingram Books and other wholesale distributors. Contact your representative with the ISBN for purchase. Wholesale purchase for retailers, universities, libraries, and other organizations is also available through the publisher; please email


About the Authors: The primary author, Dr. Max Hammer, was a distinguished psychology professor and supervisor of graduate students and interns in the clinical psychology, psychotherapy, and counseling practice training program of the Psychology Department at the University of Maine for many years, as well as a respected psychotherapist and clinical psychology consultant and diagnostician. He was one of the original core clinicians who founded and developed the clinical psychology program at the University of Maine. In his work with graduate and undergraduate students in that program, he provided a humanistic and transpersonal perspective, with an refreshing emphasis on flexible, warmly caring, empathic responsiveness to the needs of the individual psychotherapy client.

Contributing author Dr. Alan C. Butler, a distinguished colleague and friend of Dr. Max Hammer, was a cooperating associate professor of psychology at the University of Maine. He was one of the original staff members at the University of Maine Counseling Center, and served as training director for its internship program for over 30 years.

The other secondary contributing author, Dr. Barry J. Hammer, eldest son of Dr. Max Hammer, and also from Maine, has a specialization in the history of world religions, and for many years has studied the process of psychological and spiritual transformation, and its applicability to enhancing human relationships.



Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Co, LLC


ABOUT: Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Co, LLC provides book publishing, book marketing, and e-Book services to over 10,000 writers around the world, employing 150 people who live throughout the US and work virtually through telecommunication. Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Co, LLC is experiencing over 30% growth per year, having published approximately 3000 authors with almost 100 new releases per month. Our books are available through Ingram, the largest book distributor in the world, as well as in bookstores, through Amazon, Barnes & Noble and all online channels. Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Co, LLC attends and exhibits at the major book expositions in London, New York, China, and Germany each year.



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The Ego as an Addictive “Energy Vampire”, in Contrast to How Our Real Being Functions as a Limitlessly Abundant “Energy-Giver”

Dr. Barry Hammer



Although the ego is often the loudest voice speaking within oneself, vociferously arguing for its own viewpoint, and vehemently demanding limitless, immediate, sometimes inappropriate, recklessly impulsive, potentially addictive, gratification of its insatiable desires and cravings, it is not one’s most essential, inherent, intrinsic, trustworthy, true inner voice, not one’s true self, not the source of one’s true happiness, security, maturity, self-understanding, and overall well-being. The individual selfish ego is strongly influenced by a collective negativity nature, which can sometimes function in a rather delusional, abusive, predatory, addictive, self-defeating, self-conflicted, self-contradictory, problematic, self-disturbing, narcissistically self-absorbed, even autistic, manner. The ego continuously urges one to become addicted to various kinds of false cravings, often for unhealthy, unwholesome, toxic, substances, attitudes, and habits, as a way of escaping from a deeper, but unreal, sense of basic deficiency, inner emptiness, and fearful insecurity, which the ego tries to cover over by superimposing a distracting false façade of artificial pleasurable sensations and self-definitions, which can become rather grandiose and unrealistic, sometimes accompanied by destructively demonic energies and rather insane urges in the most extreme forms of selfish egoism. These various forms of ego-gratification are basically designed to provide quasi substitutes for the euphoria, excitement, vitality, security, well-being, and divine grandeur, that are intrinsic to our real being, and only imitated by the various intense, often addictive, compulsive, unhealthy, and unwholesome, sensations, substances, habits, and attitudes that the ego or separate sense of self-awareness urges us to pursue.


It is important to distinguish between “healthy appetites”, that are truly natural, life-given, urges, and that can actually enhance one’s overall enjoyment of life, in contradistinction to unhealthy, addictive, unnatural appetites, or false cravings, that can be detrimental to one’s overall well-being and functioning, including potentially having serious negative, degenerative, toxic, effects upon one’s physical health, psychological stability, moral character, personal social relationships, professional career, etc. With addictive false cravings, one becomes “possessed by one’s possessions”, so to speak, so that one’s heart, mind, and body, becomes burdened with heavy “psychological baggage”, and related blocked energy clogging, which can greatly diminish one’s ability to satisfy one’s real, natural, life-given, needs, as well as impairing one’s overall level of well-being, security, happiness, genuine freedom of choice, constructiveness, as well as one’s overall health, vitality, and productive functioning of heart, mind, and body. In addition, extreme forms of narcissistic, selfish, self-absorption can produce psychological disturbances, contrary to optimal sanity, in terms of diminished investment in contact with objective reality situations in the world, as the mind, heart, and body become increasingly narcissistically self-absorbed and self-deluded by unrealistic egocentric presumptions and false assumptions, as a continuous inner monologue, or fantasy pseudo-life, which can diminish one’s ability to tune into the actual experiential truth of oneself, other people, and situations around oneself, in the objective world.


The only reliable way to distinguish between healthy real appetites, or constructive natural urges, and addictive, toxic, false cravings is to, at least at times, tune out the loudly demanding, argumentative, voice of the selfish ego, so that one can intuitively “hear” the “still small voice” of the soul, one’s true self, one’s inherent, intrinsic, original, nature, as a life energy presence, communicating to one’s conscious awareness from the heart core, source integrity, level of one’s being, like a soft “inner beacon”, gently guiding one away from dangerous pitfalls and hidden traps, and leading one toward what is truly most beneficial to oneself, and, truly, compassionately, unselfishly, helpful to other people in one’s life. Goals and aspirations that come from the soul, the real self, are consistent with one’s natural, life-given, spiritually empowered, higher purposive destiny in life, involving the actualization, and ever growing fruition, of one’s fullest range of seed-like individual potentials, and personal relationship potentials, whereas goals and desires that come from the selfish ego often tend to lead one astray from the true reality nature of one’s own being, and away from one’s true potentials, abilities, natural inclinations, and genuine needs, overlaid, covered over, and obscured by the superimposition of false presumptive ideas and beliefs about oneself, such as, the ego’s idealized, unrealistic, unattainable, positively value judged self-images, which the psychologist Sigmund Freud referred to as the superego. Many of the superego’s goals, desires, and value, are basically attempting to validate a competitive sense of superiority in comparison with other people, in order to enhance the ego’s tenuous, conditional, sense of worth and self-esteem, and deny deeper feelings of presumed worthlessness, inferiority, and other negative feelings, whereas the soul, our real self, is an unconditional self-acceptance and intrinsic well-being, beyond all divisive positive and negative value judgments, or conditionally “good” and “bad” self-evaluations. Therefore, the soul has nothing to prove about oneself, so it has no need to put itself on trial, belittle other people, as a way of feeling better about itself, as well as defensively try to control and influence what other individuals say and do, in order to protect a fearful, fragile, sense of self, like a tenuous, collapsible, house of cards, or engaging in various other kinds of insincere, manipulative, exploitative, ego mind games, as a way of denying and compensating for the ego’s basic sense of deficiency and insecurity.


One’s intrinsic real self is primarily a relational self, a relational center, which can experience its inherent true nature as love and happiness only by unselfishly sharing that pure nature with other individuals, and by expressing unconditional love, or sincere caring, to other people, unselfishly serving them to the best of one’s ability. Paradoxically, our greatest real hunger is to give deeply of our caring and energies to other individuals, rather than seeking to gratify basically selfish, hedonistic, egocentric, cravings, because the spiritual presence of real life energy, love, happiness, beauty, and goodness, grows more consciously awakened and substantially developed in oneself only when one unselfishly shares it with others, because it is a relational nature, not a narcissistically self-absorbed nature. In fact, excessive narcissistic self-absorption blocks and clogs one’s real life energies, trapping them within the selfish ego, when our energies do not naturally flow outward to other people, as we express unselfish caring to them. That unnatural blockage of love and life energy, trapped within the selfish, self-contained, narcissistic ego, rather than naturally flowing outward to other people, perverts, distorts, or twists, our naturally pure, wholesome, regenerative, life energy into its opposite nature, so that our energy becomes increasingly toxic, foul, unclean, degenerative, and ultimately self-destructive. In addition, that blocked life energy, trapped within the selfish ego, produces feelings of tension, fear, anger, self-confinement, self-imprisonment, as well as various other forms of inner and outer negativity. It is only by unselfishly, deeply, caring about others that our energies can be released from narcissistic self-confinement, which makes us feel, and be, much more alive, joyful, secure, regenerative, creative, and productive, than what we could otherwise experience, as a higher overall level of well-being, or greater inner and outer positivity.


In its most extreme forms, the selfish ego functions like an “energy vampire”, so to speak, sucking ever more of our conscious attention, energy, and passion, into itself, like quicksand, or like the strong inward pulling suction of a Black Hole in outer space, as an escalating, addictive, self-perpetuating, momentum of inner and outer negativity that can be very difficult to undo, whereas the maturely developed and consciously awakened unselfishly giving, loving, nature of the soul is like an ever shining sun or star, which can never be depleted by endlessly giving of its inexhaustible warmth, light, and energy through the process of perpetual shining. That is why we naturally feel much better, in a genuine rather than artificially contrived way, as we unselfishly express our caring-energy to others, and, thereby, experience its limitless abundance, inner substantiality, joyfulness, and overflowing fullness of being. However, the more that the selfish ego tries to fill itself by functioning like an energy vampire, feeding of the energy of others, or feeding off of the energy of addictive substances and sensations, the more inwardly empty, deficient, and insubstantial, it feels, because trying to incorporate energy, vitality, or any other desired experiential state from outside of our own being reflects a presumptive conviction of limited scarcity, inner deficiency, lack of wholeness, lack of well-being, inertia, or lack of energy, etc. The unselfish spiritual nature of the soul, our real being, is a principle of “united we stand”, sharing a cohesive, coherent, relational energy that cannot be easily divided and thereby disintegrated, whereas the selfish ego is a principle of “divide and conquer”, or “divided we fall” ever deeper and deeper into self-disintegrating negativity.


Whichever nature and motivational intention we express to others becomes increasingly more strongly reinforced in our inner and outer experience, because we can express to others, and, thereby, objectify, only whatever nature we hold ourselves to be, most essentially. Ego-related thoughts, desires, feelings, and sensations, are fleeting and vacuous, like temporary shadows, or passing clouds in the sky, whereas the spiritual nature of the soul is everlasting, like the sun, or stars. Whatever psychological or physical possessions that the selfish ego seeks to acquire in time can be lost in time, whereas whatever true love, caring, and goodness, we unselfishly share with others remains with us forever, because it is an objectified expression of our intrinsic permanent being, and we can never lose what we inherently be, and we can truly give or express only energy that we hold ourselves to be, or that flows from our actual being. Perhaps this is what is meant by passages in the bible such as, “For how does it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, but loses his own soul?”, and, “those who drink from my well will never thirst again”, because the fountain of true love, goodness, and pure life energy is fully satisfying and inexhaustible.


We are each particular individualized forms of God’s pure, immortal, Spirit, unfolding as our individual fruitage of actualized potentials of real intelligence, which includes our real relationship potentials, as well as our real individual talents and natural abilities. Spiritual intelligence is the one, all, only, ever present reality nature. Spirit has no opposite nature, in reality, but it needs an illusory opposite shadowy ego nature to challenge, exercise, and, thereby, strengthen, our real nature. When we fully maturely develop and awaken our individual spirit of love-life energy by unselfishly sharing it with others, or expressing it to others, it becomes like an inexhaustible flame or fountain that is never depleted through its endless giving, as a veritable “immortal flame”, symbolically represented by the “Eternal Flame”, or Torch of the Olympic Games, the Statue of Liberty, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the lights on a Christmas tree or Hanukah Menorah, etc., whereas the selfish ego is only illusory, dark, shadowy, cloudlike, empty, vacuous, self-talk, like daydreams, hallucinations, or unconscious hypnotic suggestions. The individual and collective unreal ego nature tries to influence us by fusing with our real energy-being nature and our natural real experiential states, and by pretending to speak as our own inner voice, our own heart, mind, and body. But the unreal will naturally fall away from the real if we do not react to it, identify with, or express, the unreal, and, instead, keep expressing only our own real nature, as a natural goodness, unselfish caring, and flawless purity of being nature.


Anyone who wishes to read more of our inspirational/transformational insights should see our two published books, 1) Psychological Healing Through Creative Self-Understanding and Self-Transformation. (ISBN: 978-1-62857-075-5)  and 2) Deepening Your Personal Relationships: Developing Emotional Intimacy and Good Communication. (ISBN: 978-1-61897-590-4). Primary author: Dr. Max Hammer, with contributions from secondary authors Dr. Barry J. Hammer and Dr. Alan C. Butler. These books can be purchased from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or our author/publisher website, The latter website also posts our other blogs, and describes our books and us as authors.



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My project is named: Help for people suffering and the sick. This project relates to healing and therapy of patients with human diseases: cancer, diseases of civilization, blood disorders, bone fragility, many others.The project aims to build a healing
center and a therapeutic center in the supply of equipment, equipment that
is associated with healing and therapy, rehabilitation of sick people. In
the project we have to heal these people, medicine and the doctors did not
give a chance for survival because of the incurable disease.

The place where the emergence of the center is the city of
Tomaszów Mazowiecki. Country Poland. The resort will apply innovative
methods, which medicine does not apply. Each patient will be consulted with
your doctor to prove that you can help those whom the doctors said that
there is no chance of health. The center will employ therapists, healers,
therapists, service center staff. This will be the world's first such
center, which will assist the sick, the doctors are not able to help. The
center will assist all patients from all over the world and thus connect
the people, contributing to world peace. The resort will be recruited
patients irrespective of faith, creed, color, or political beliefs. We
intend half of all patients receive free - for charity, thanks to
contribute to improving the health of all people in the world. Through this
project we contribute to the increase of Love and Mercy of God to all
The project aims to: build and operation of the center in charge of healing
and help the sick, rehabilitation, return to health.
We are looking for investors and sponsors to assist in the implementation
of the project and those who wish to help other people, healers,
therapists. People who want healing. This assistance will contribute to
improving health in Poland and the World.
If you have questions about this project is happy to answer it.

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