life (7)

Our Archetypal Life Function




We are using the term archetype to refer to the inherent pattern, blueprint, or predisposition of the individual soul, the collective community soul, the universal life substance in which the individual and community life forms abide, and the holistic integral Divine Intelligence, or spiritual essence and quintessence, that includes and unifies the individual, collective community, and universal aspects of the indivisible Divine Intelligence. The archetype abides in a dimension of timeless, changeless, permanent being, and gradually unfolds its energy substance or spirit into our individual becoming existence form localized, demarcated, and delimited, in the world of time and space. Our distinctive, relatively unique, particular individual talents, abilities, interests, personal qualities, structural development, and other natural inclinations, proclivities, or predispositions, are mostly derived from our archetypal divine blueprint unfolding into us its inherent energy patterns, which, to some extent (along with other complementary yet also compatible factors such as, environmental influences, happenstance, Darwinian natural selection or experimental trial and error, and personal choice) shape the ongoing development of our individual heart, mind, and body, as well as shaping the cumulative development of our soul or spiritual individuality, and its heart-mind-body containers and instruments, over many successive lifetimes. The genetic predispositions that are inherited from our parents and more distant ancestors correspond to and are balanced by metaphysical or subtler, relatively intangible, influences coming from the archetype, or the timeless permanent being level of our individual spiritual self, or soul.


Similarly, the historical, social, cultural, experiential ethos, and metaphysical development of the collective human species, as well as of particular cohesive ethnic communities, is, to some extent, shaped by a collective spiritual blueprint, prototype, archetype, or pattern existing in the dimension of timeless permanent being. This metaphysical, timeless archetypal pattern unfolding in time and influencing the structural development of individual souls and collective society is somewhat different than the Jungian usage of the term archetype to refer to collective unconscious symbolic, metaphorical, or mythological motifs, but we deem it likely that the development of collective unconscious myth and metaphor is one of many results of the causal influence of the timeless permanent being level of the collective psyche of humanity. Perhaps our view that the universal divine intelligence is gradually growing or advancing in its cumulative level of self-discovery through the gradual cumulative development of the individual and collective psyche of humanity may be compatible and complementary with W.G.F. Hegel’s notion that the Absolute Spirit is gradually growing in self-realization through the historical accomplishments and progressively developing ethos of humanity.


Just as an individual tree, flower, or another kind of plant, abiding and growing above ground, is supported, nourished, and directed in its ongoing structural development, or fruition, by the roots of the plant, hidden below ground, similarly, the cumulative structural development of our individual and collective societal heart-mind-body, gradually, progressively unfolding in time, is significantly influenced by subtle energies or impartations from a seed-like metaphysical “root” or spiritual core aspect of our life force, abiding in the dimension of timeless permanent being.


This seed-like archetypal blueprint, or prototypal pattern, is a principle of entelechy or directing purposive intelligence that exerts a significant influence on the biological evolution, and corresponding cumulative maturational development of consciousness and subliminal levels of intelligence or psyche, of pre-human, non-human, human, and possibly more advanced post-human species that may arise in the future. We intuitively maintain that the archetypal pattern of a maturely developed and highly evolved individual and collective Divine Self, or Soul, timelessly pre-exists and shapes the cumulative structural development and growing powers of functioning of the individual human and collective humanity or society, in time, by gradually shining its energy patterns, spirit, or life substance into the individual and collective life forms. The individual and collective archetypal self, or life form, inherently, indivisibly united with the universal life substance of the Transpersonal Self, or God, timelessly contains within itself the entelechy, imago, model, or prototype of purposive intention, that guides the cumulative structural development, growing conscious and subliminal intelligence, and expanding powers of functioning, of the individual and collective psyches of humanity.


Our intuition suggests that there may be no final ending to the cumulative development of individual and collective humanity’s natural potentials, capabilities, and proclivities, producing possibly endless structural transformations in humanity’s heart-mind-body instruments for experiencing, expressing, and epitomizing the limitless range of spiritual being-intelligence, because those potentials are unfolding from a limitless, inexhaustible source, or reservoir, which is the spiritual substance of life, or the Divine Self. Although the spiritual reality of life or intelligence is unfolding its potentials in this delimited world of finite time and space, it is rooted in, and unfolding from, a limitless abode of timeless permanent being.


When individual human beings, social networks, and collective humanity or society become overly identified with exclusive, predetermined self-definitions, self-images, beliefs, and behavioral habits, then that exclusive, conceptually-defined, sense of identity restricts, or to some extent blocks, the ability of the archetype to continue the process of unfolding its potentials into us, or unfolding itself as us, because we are overly attached to what we presume to already know, accomplish, do, and be, and we fear venturing into new possibilities that may not necessarily conform to what the ego or self-generated sense of separate narcissistic identity presumes that it can readily understand, predict, and control. The narcissistic ego typically equates rigidity with security through familiarity, predictability, and control, and misinterprets flexibility, involving openness to new possibilities, as a dangerous encounter with mystery, uncertainty, unpredictability, lack of defined self-knowledge or exclusive identity, lack of control, lack of continuity and compatibility with a preselected sense of identity and volitional purpose.


However, the reverse is actually true, that the ego’s narcissistic self-preoccupation and resistive self-will produce a dangerous opposite or antithetical, degenerative, distortion of the naturally regenerative momentum of our life energy force, by restricting or even entirely blocking the archetype from shining its spirit or transformative energy impartations into our overly cluttered, distracted, minds, filled with our own mind chatter or self-generated thought, and our overly cluttered, hearts, filled with narcissistic emotion instead of the pure ecstatic feeling coming from the Divine Self or Soul; and, likewise, the narcissistic ego influences the body senses to be overly inundated by incessant, intense, coarse sensations, impeding our ability to tune into, or non-dualistically commune with, pure spiritual energies arising within and around us.


Lovingly or non-dualistically, empathically, responsively, communing with other individuals and phenomena other than the narcissistic ego, as well as being open to direct, undistorted, unmediated contact with the experiential truth of ourselves, and letting our perception and functioning be guided by the “still small voice” of intuition and core integrity, connects us to the connective relational energy of the spiritual substance of life as love, beyond the ego’s self-defined, self-limited, sense of exclusive, separate identity and resistive self-will. When our individual mind abides in unconditioned or unmodified undifferentiated mind stillness, that is an abode of natural relaxed peace, contentment, openness, and receptivity that enables the archetypal source of greater intelligence and greater powers of functioning to shine or impart its loving energy presence into us without obstruction, as its reflecting mirrors, naturally unified with it in that pure mind stillness. When we are unified with the archetypal root level of our own individual being and of all being, in that way, then it naturally imparts into us ever deeper, higher, grander, more fulfilling, cumulative levels of its warmth of goodness, sweetness, purity, caring, and security, as well as its light of illumined truth understanding, and ecstatic or joyful vitality of life energy substance.


So, our individual spirit becoming form resembles a mirror-like container, receptacle, mold, or pattern into which our archetypal form of Divine Intelligence can unfold itself, i.e., unfold its living energy presence, at ever deeper levels, and thereby know itself. That archetypal radiant energy  presence, or divine love flame-light of conscious and subliminal intelligence-vitality of life energy, is what gives our individuality divine or spiritual love-warmth, light, and vitality, indivisibly united together, and endowing us with a limitless range of its intrinsic goodness and grandeur. Just as the individual spirit becoming form is a somewhat grosser or denser container and reflecting mirror-like extension of the archetypal form of Divine Intelligence, the individual soul is an extension of the individual spirit-form, and the individual physical body is an extension of the individual soul form.


Each individual spiritual archetype is like a distinctive idea or form of the universal Divine Intelligence or the connective spiritual life energy substance in which we all abide, and with which we are inherently, indivisibly united. The natural diversity between individual souls, archetypes, or life forms provides the universal Divine Intelligence or the unifying life substance with a limitlessly diverse range of perspectives that serve to accentuate, epitomize, experience, and express, various complementary aspects or viewpoints of itself.


Like many seeds rooted in and growing from the same earth-soil, every individual soul-archetype is grounded in the universal spiritual substance of life and in the collective spiritual form of humanity. The individual and collective soul-archetypes exist or permanently abide within the unifying Divine Intelligence, as ideas within its mind, many splendored aspects within its heart or feeling center, and cells and organs within its body. Just as various crystals or gems, each with different facets, cuts, or patterns, prism and rearrange pure clear light in somewhat different ways, likewise, the pure undifferentiated glory of life energy substance as love gains a limitless range of self-discovery and self-development as each of us naturally reflect, epitomize, experience, and express our individual form of that connective spiritual reality in somewhat different ways, consistent with our archetypal soul blueprint or inherent predispositions.


The one indivisible whole divine intelligence or the universal spiritual energy substance is able to unfold, and, thereby know and cumulatively develop, various aspects, perspectives, potentials, and functions or contributions, of itself through each of its various, somewhat differentiated, particular life forms or individual human beings. When we reflect the pure energy pulse of divine love-goodness without excessive distortion, we thereby serve as individual, relational, and community Divine Ideas or Divine Images of God’s, or Life’s, Divine Intelligence. When we become overly invested in narcissistic disconnection from others, and/or divorced from the experiential truth of ourselves, that divisive way of functioning distorts the flow of our energy, including impartations coming from the archetype or source level of our being, producing a toxic degenerative energy momentum, instead of the naturally regenerative momentum of pure love-life energy. That divisive, narcissistic way of perceiving and functioning also cuts us off from the Divine Oneness of God or the universal Divine Intelligence. All individual divine ideas or souls naturally abide within an indivisible collective divine idea, image, or form of God’s radiant Unity spiritual life energy substance, and are meant to serve as Its united, undistorted, reflection, container, house, temple, including each of our individual variations linked together rather than divisively disconnected from one another.


Male and female soul-mates or twin flames, as well as relative masculine and feminine aspects of each and every individual man or woman, are naturally interrelated, interdependent, indivisible complementary functions or contributions within the same unifying divine idea or spirit/soul archetype. The male principle primarily, but not exclusively, represents the subjective or inner aspect of the Divine Reality, and the female principle primarily, but not exclusively, represents the objective or outer aspect of the Divine Reality Intelligence. Various relative polarities such as, male and female, timeless permanent being and changing becoming, substance and form, unity and diversity, and so on, are relative degrees of one another and of the greater all-inclusive reality of love-wholeness in which they both abide, rather than being independent, self-sufficient, self-defining realities in their own right.



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June 19, 2015

I, Dr. Barry Hammer, have just now compiled a YouTube Playlist of undated audio tapes (from a tape recorder), recorded many years ago by my beloved late father, Dr. Max Hammer (June 16, 1930-June 14, 2011) The compassionate insights discussed in these audio tapes are keys to effective psychotherapy or counseling work; healthy psychological development (psychological self-help); resolving or healing stress, emotional pain, and inner conflict; nonsectarian spiritual insight; achieving greater levels of happiness, wellbeing, inner peace, creativity, and genuine experiential self-understanding; as well as developing psychologically healthy and fulfilling interpersonal relationships, with true love, empathic experiential intimacy, and good communication.   Please spread the word about these audio tapes for anyone who you believe may be interested or derive benefit from them.

This is the generic link for the entire playlist, consisting of 13 YouTube audios/videos:


If listeners have difficulty with the occasionally poor sound quality of the YouTube tapes, they can use the following generic URL link to access the same audio tapes on, which apparently have a somewhat better sound quality:



Here, below, are URL links for the individual YouTube audio tapes:

Drugs, Awareness & You, Part 1, Dr Max Hammer


Drugs, Awareness & You, Part 2, Dr. Max Hammer


The Essential Basis of True Love and the Psychologically Healthy Relationship, part 1


The Essential Basis of True Love and the Psychologically Healthy Relationship, part 2, Dr Max Hammer


Therapy for Mothers Coping with Stress; The Basis of Psychological Health and Fulfillment


The Basis of Effective Psychotherapy and psychological self healing, Part 1, Dr. Max Hammer


The Basis of Effective Psychotherapy and psychological self healing, Part 2, Dr Hammer


The Basis of Effective Psychotherapy and psychological self healing, Part 3, Dr Max Hammer


The Basis of Effective Psychotherapy and psychological self healing, Part 4, Dr Hammer


The Basis of Effective Psychotherapy and psychological self healing, Part 5, Dr Max Hammer


The Basis of Effective Psychotherapy and Psychological Self Healing, Part 6, Dr Hammer


The Basis of Effective Psychotherapy and Psychological Self Healing, Part 7


The Basis of Effective Psychotherapy and Psychological Self Healing, Part 8


There are no more audios/videos in this series. If anyone has any questions or comments on the videos, I (Barry Hammer) can be contacted at my email address,




Dr. Max Hammer (June 16, 1930-June 14, 2011) was a distinguished Psychology Professor and supervisor of graduate students and interns in the clinical psychology, psychotherapy, and counseling practice training program of the Psychology Department at the University of Maine, for many years, as well as a respected psychotherapist, clinical psychology consultant, and diagnostician. Dr. Max Hammer was one of the original core clinicians who founded and developed the Clinical Psychology program at the University of Maine, beginning in the 1960’s. In his work with graduate and undergraduate students in that program, Dr. Max Hammer provided a refreshing Humanistic and Transpersonal perspective, with an emphasis on flexible, warmly caring, empathic responsiveness to the needs of the individual psychotherapy client.

Dr. Max Hammer (with secondary contributing authors Dr. Barry J. Hammer and Dr. Alan C. Butler) is the primary author of the following books:




Older Books Edited and Partially Authored by Dr. Max Hammer:

  1. The Theory and Practice of Psychotherapy with Specific Disorders.  Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas Publishers, 1972. ISBN:  0-398-02539-8

  1. The Practice of Psychotherapy with Children Homewood, Illinois: The Dorsey Press, 1967.

    No ISBN listed. Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number: 67-21007


Various related articles, some co-authored by Dr. Max Hammer, and his eldest son, Dr. Barry Hammer, are posted online and can be accessed through the following URL’s:




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Transformational Life Coach and Relationship Advisor

Dr. Barry Hammer


I can help you explore any kind of interpersonal relationship issue, including marriage and family counseling, or enhancing other kinds of significant personal relationships. I can also help you gain insight in regard to any kind of vocational, psychological, spiritual, or societal, issue that may be important to you, e.g., clarifying your basic goals in life; actualizing your natural individual potentials; enhancing your level of creative functioning; coping with difficult life circumstances; facing opportunities for constructive personal transformation; helping other individuals and contributing to positive social transformation through one's career, volunteer work, and personal life, and so on. I will show you how to deal effectively with the necessary challenges of life that one has to face.


n my relationship counseling services, I help you learn how to develop open, honest, constructive, meaningful, communication with other individuals, as a way of producing greater levels of mutual empathic understanding, constructive conflict resolution, and co-creative transformational empowerment, in your personal relationships. I can also help you understand how connecting to other individuals, in unselfish, deeply caring, relationships, can enable one to tap into a regenerative level of life energy, for enhanced vitality, psychological transformation and spiritual growth, optimal well-being, creative inspiration, as well as holistic healing of heart, mind, and body.

In addition to providing counseling dealing with issues pertaining to enhancing one's own personal relationships and individual life, I am also able to provide counseling for issues related to contributing to the constructive transformation of contemporary society. This involves understanding how the synergistic/co-creative power of love can gradually, constructively, transform the collective heart of humanity, from a predominantly selfish, fearful, abusive, predatory, addictive, toxic, orientation, to a more unselfish, compassionate, relaxed, secure, wholesome, orientation.


My Credentials: I have interdisciplinary PhD in Religious Studies/Spirituality and History of World Cultures, and have also taken extensive graduate level coursework and supervised practicums in Psychology and Counseling. I have many years of experience in counseling, mentoring, and have published two books, one focusing on developing true experiential psychological self-understanding and constructive personal transformation, and the other dealing with developing deeply caring interpersonal relationships, involving good communication, emotional closeness, co-creative/synergistic empowerment, and holistic transformation of one's consciousness and functioning.


Contact Information: Email:

Please also see my two published books, 1) Psychological Healing Through Creative Self-Understanding and Self-Transformation. (ISBN: 978-1-62857-075-5) and 2) Deepening Your Personal Relationships: Developing Emotional Intimacy and Good Communication. (ISBN: 978-1-61897-590-4). Primary author: Dr. Max Hammer (my beloved late father), with contributions from secondary authors Dr. Barry J. Hammer (me) and Dr. Alan C. Butler. These books can be purchased from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or our author/publisher website, The latter website also posts our other blogs, and describes our books and us as authors.

My books and blogs will be very valuable for anyone who is seeking to compassionately transform their individual life, personal relationships, and society. This involves developing true experiential self-understanding as the basis of liberating self-transformation, healing emotional pain and inner conflict, developing inner peace, happiness, creativity, spiritual awareness; as well as developing psychologically healthy, deeply satisfying, successful, personal relationships, with true love, empathic emotional intimacy, and good communication; and extending similar principles as a way of transforming social networks, local communities, and global society for the better.



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Love is a Shared Energy of Blessing


Dr. Barry Hammer


Love is an expansive connective energy that enables individuals to experience the sublime grandeur of the core of their own being by sharing that relational energy with others. Empathically tuning into what is experientially genuine, naturally good, or fully alive in another life presence arouses similar qualities in our own being, through a process of sympathetic vibratory resonance, or compatible energy attunement. In deeply invested empathic communion, heartfelt experiential attunement, caring energetic connection, or true love, we find our fulfillment by reflecting each other’s essential qualities of life energy, such as, generosity, compassion, courage, beauty, goodness, sweetness, or enchanted richness of being, which “magnetically” arouses similar noble, exalted, or sublime qualities in ourselves. Any qualities of true greatness, genuine sincerity, and natural goodness that we empathically contact in another life presence arouses similar qualities in ourselves, because the “seeing” and “being” of the shared energy of love are interrelated processes. When we view others and ourselves through the “eyes” of love, or the perspective of nonjudgmental empathic attunement, the energy of love intuitively “sees” or recognizes (re-cognizes) its own loving, lovable, lovely qualities of flawless purity, integrated cohesive wholeness, regenerative life energy, or blessedness, in whoever or whatever it gazes upon. That is why true love naturally brings blessing by revealing its own blessed energy presence as the true being of the lover, the beloved, and the relational energy that flows between them.


Sublime qualities of love such as true inner and outer beauty, sweetness, wonder-full enchantment, joyful vitality, and total security reflect an exalted or very high vibratory frequency of relational life energy, which give our consciousness the experience of being filled full to overflowing with a fully satisfying life energy presence. The relationally shared energy presence of love also involves the experience of full blessedness, or being united to the source of everything that contributes to full satisfaction, total security, and overflowing fullness of being. The sweet or juicy qualities of love are what satisfy and nourish our inner being, metaphorically represented by tasty treats that stimulate our material taste buds with vibrations that are experienced as sweet and succulent. The energy of love naturally seeks full energetic and experiential union or deep communion with the beloved so that we can experience the blessed essence or relational core of our own life energy being as love. The vibratory energetic pattern, evolutionary blueprint, “song”, “dance”, or “story” of our own heart, soul, or essential core of being is inherently relational to other individuals, and, therefore, is naturally aroused through our loving empathic communion with them. Our empathic appreciation of the truly lovable, noble, or blessed qualities of other individuals is reflected or resonated back to us as the blessed experience of our own individual form of the being, energy, “electricity” or “electromagnetic pulse” of love. Being in the presence of and in deeply invested empathic communion with someone who we deeply care about arouses and releases the essential “juices” and related vibratory energy pulse of our own individual being, as naturally matching, compatible, complementary, resonating, vibratory energy pulses. That is why true love or warmhearted caring is the greatest natural tonic, elixir, succulent sweetness, or ambrosia and nectar of life energy.


The urge to connect to another individual at a sensual, sexual, mental, emotional, experiential, and/or energetic level is part of a natural urge for full union, unrestricted communion, empathic attunement, or deep vibratory resonance of our individual energy fields. The deeper our level of communion with the wholeness of another individual’s living energy presence, to the very core of their being, the more deeply, fully, or greatly the energy of our own whole being is “magnetically” amplified, or enhanced in its pitch or rhythmic pulsation, to the very core of our being. The process of empathic communion or energetic experiential attunement is the relational connection of true love that reveals the blessed love-being of each of the participating individuals, through an “electromagnetic” process of sympathetic, congruent, compatible, complementary, or harmonic vibratory resonance. The relational energy of love makes us extremely open or “superconductive” to contacting, experiencing, expressing, amplifying, and limitlessly expanding all of the shared qualities of love, sublime grandeur, or blessedness that are inherent to the shared being of love.


We must unselfishly, generously, abundantly share the blessed qualities, capacities, and gifts of love for them to grow more abundant, richer, more vivid, or more fully developed in our own experience, because the expansive process of sharing our caring energy with others releases or elicits the source, or reservoir of that energy to unfold deeper and deeper levels of itself, like pumping water from a limitless fountain, or like the heartbeat pumping blood to circulate throughout our individual body. However, any kind of egocentric, narcissistic, self-seeking sets into motion a greater and greater accelerating momentum of contraction of energy, producing increasing levels of scarcity rather than abundance of the inner and outer riches of reality. Any kind of selfish self-seeking is grounded in an implicit premise of inner deficiency or lack of wholeness of being and well-being, for which we try to compensate by trying to fill ourselves with something that we presume that we currently lack. That selfish premise of inner deficiency naturally produces an increasing momentum of inner and outer experiences of deficiency, limitation, scarcity, or lack of material and experiential abundance.  However, unselfishly sharing our caring energies, talents, and gifts with others implicitly reflects an opposite premise that our being or energies are limitless and inexhaustible, so we do not fear being permanently depleted or deprived through the process of giving of our energies. This premise of limitless abundance of being must actually be lived or expressed through the expansive process of sharing our caring energies to be experientially valid; theoretical affirmations of abundance that do not involve an expansive flow of energy to others are likely to set into motion an opposite contracting momentum, producing increasing levels of inner and outer deficiency and scarcity rather than true abundance. When we set into motion the expansive energy of love by unselfishly sharing our warmhearted caring, investment of empathic attention, and other resources with others, that expansive momentum reveals the blessed or limitlessly renewable, regenerative, fully satisfying qualities that are intrinsic to the expansive, inexhaustible, energy of love.


There is a natural rhythmic oscillation between the giving and receiving of the expansive relational energy of love, like the natural process of inhalation and exhalation within the greater whole process of breathing, or like the rhythmic in-beat and out-beat of the heart. This rhythmic flow of energy between receiving and giving, or between self and other, is naturally meant to occur spontaneously, guided by what intuitively feels “right” to our core integrity from moment to moment, and is not meant to be managed through volitional control, which interferes with the unpredictable pulse of love’s natural flow. Conscious control tends to be one-sided, exclusive, imbalanced, restrictive, rigid, divisive, whereas the energy of love is a natural integrated seamless wholeness and spontaneous flexibility that arises from the mystery core of our being, sometimes beyond what the conscious mind can measure, predict, and control. The “perfect pitch” or rightful harmonic integrated coherence of our core integrity can gradually emerge and reveal itself when we no longer try to impose preconceived patterns or predetermined agendas upon the relational energy of love and the individual energy of our own being. Having plans and preferences is natural and should not be relinquished or suppressed, but we need to intuitively align those with rather than against the natural spontaneous flow of our individual being and relational connections.


Genuinely caring relationships or loving empathic connection propels the two or more participating individuals to a very high vibratory speed frequency of conscious and unconscious energy, the level of full cohesion, integrated coherence, or permanent integrity wholeness, which cannot be disintegrated, the supreme source level of reality or creative intelligence. That integrated wholeness or core integrity level of reality integrates the individual, relational, and unity or universal levels of reality. Optimal health of all levels of our being, including body, mind, energetic heart, soul, and spirit, involves attunement to the integrating wholeness of reality, which is the energy of individual integrity and the connective energy of love, uniting the inner and outer (or subjective and objective) levels of reality into a greater integrated wholeness of being. Thus, the experience of true wholeness and fullness of being or overflowing abundance of life energy comes from  the relational union of subjective and objective reality, or inner and outer reality, in fully invested self-forgetful communion with another individual. Perhaps the co-created blessed energy of love can also magnetically repel malign inner and outer forces. The expansive energy of love should be able to displace and replace contracting energies of fear and negativity that naturally attract malign predatory forces of all kinds, inwardly and outwardly. When we are full of true love or genuine warmhearted unselfish caring, then we are free of fear; and then evil negativity has nothing of its own nature to attach itself to in us, so it automatically gets reflected back to sender as a principle of justice, as epitomized by the principle, “as you sow, so shall you reap.”


Any qualities, gifts, or treasures of love, goodness, or spirit we unselfishly, generously share with others naturally grows more abundantly developed in us, too. As we give deeply of our warmhearted caring energy, time, talents, insights, and material resources to other people, we thereby access, elicit, or “pump out” correspondingly deeper, richer, grander levels of  energy from the inner wellspring or bottomless, inexhaustible reservoir of our own individual being. This involves a veritable ontic gift exchange, bringing out the best in ourselves by bringing out the best in others, through a process of vibratory resonance or empathic attunement. We are not necessarily limited only to exchanging material gifts, resources, and ideas (although that can also be very valuable and necessary, at times); we can also enrich one another’s inner being and transformational development with a higher or grander vision of what we can be at our best, as a blessing, true vision of excellence, or what the ancient Greeks called Arete. When we view others with the “eyes” or perspective of love, it can give us a true vision of their realistically attainable greater levels of unfolding fruition, transformational development, and limitless abundance of being. When we invest our whole being in empathic communion or heartfelt attunement with another individual, to the core of their being, that enables us to see beyond their surface appearance (such as their physical features, illusory acquired psychosocial masks of ego-personality, and current level of development) to a deeper level of their permanent being and of what they are naturally meant to become. This ability of empathic loving communion to see beyond the surface appearance and the sometimes disagreeable, acquired, personality traits of other individuals brings to mind St. Exupery’s insightful observation, in The Little Prince, “only the heart sees rightly; what is essential is not visible to the eyes.”  True love, or warmhearted caring, is a great co-creative transformational blessing power to bring our deeper hidden or latent inner resources to the surface in more developed form. Furthermore, the energy of caring warmth or true love is like a soothing lubricant, ointment, or balm to release whatever energies, habits, or patterns have become stuck, misdirected, distorted, and toxic in us. As we develop greater discernment, alertness, responsibility and accountability to self and others, we can thereby increasingly align ourselves with the vibratory energy pulse of love, as integrated wholeness, which enables it to gradually transform us into its own blessed nature, while transmuting or transforming our “shadow” or negative qualities. We must learn to follow the winding vibratory pulse of integrity, beauty, love, to its source in our own limitless power source, our inexhaustible core being, metaphorically like following the Yellow Brick Road in the Wizard of Oz story.


People should experiment with various ways of producing soulful, heart-inspired products that are made with love, saturated with the living energy presence of love. Such products would be highly blessed living products, imbued with regenerative love-life energy to enhance the vitality, well-being, and creative functioning of people who come into contact with those blessed products, and the regenerative relational or connective energy field transmitted by such products. That would be a meaningful contrasting alternative to “dead” products that are produced exclusively through mechanical means, without much investment of the producer’s inner being or heartfelt caring. Such products are basically deadening or numbing, shallow, sterile, dry, without real juices of life energy, like a body without a soul. However, love-inspired, love-blessed products can serve to revitalize contemporary society, as well as enrich individuals, dyadic relationships, families, groups, and social networks, with a greater quality, stature, nobility, blessedness, enchantment, or richness of being, beyond the more easily measurable, quantifiable, material benefits that can exist without such infusion of love-blessed energies. At their best, social and professional networks can function as synergistic/co-creative platforms, thereby providing opportunities to exchange empowering energy, liberating new options, expanded resources, and a transformative blessing grounded in a true vision of one another’s untapped potentials. Through the process of fully investing our conscious attention and caring energies in heartfelt empathic communion with other individuals, we make contact with the core of their being where those untapped latent potentials abide, and we energize those potentials to become activated, like seeds that sprout or eggs that hatch when exposed to warmth of sunlight. We are meant to serve as energy transformers, inner and outer resource magnifiers, amplifiers, or elicitors, for one another. The best way to generate a sustainable momentum for our individual lives, personal relationships, social networks, and global society is to deeply explore how we can minimize energy draining or toxic energy processes, while maximizing energy gaining or regenerative energy processes, in our inner and outer lives. Such co-creative synergistic partnerships would be guided by win-win mutual benefit principles rather than Social Darwinism, involving zero sum game destructive predatory competition, grounded in win-lose scenarios.


Warmhearted individuals around the world should unite as a veritable “tribe” or community of embodied human seraphim, outlets for divine love flame. Uniting together in this way would greatly amplify the energy power of love, enabling the force of love to bless, heal, and transform this world, and distressed individuals in this world, from the inside as well as from the outside, as a regenerative inner atmosphere.  Perhaps such a community of love-awakened individuals would be relatively rare in the universe, since purported extraterrestrial visitors to our planet earth are usually depicted as being basically mechanical, robotic, technologically advanced but without heart and soul, without energy feeling, and therefore, apparently lacking the ability to create and appreciate true beauty and joyful vitality. Those who contribute to awakening the love-heart and soul of humanity should be respected and rewarded for their contributions, even if they lack the technical skills necessary to contribute to the material needs of humanity. The more readily quantifiable, measurable, skills and contributions of more technically or mechanically oriented persons should also be respected and rewarded without devaluing, marginalizing, and impoverishing those who lack such skills but who are naturally meant to serve the nourishment and development of the “inner being” of humanity through the relatively advanced level of their own inner being, their heart and soul.


Anyone who wishes to read more of our inspirational/transformational insights should see our two published books, 1) Psychological Healing Through Creative Self-Understanding and Self-Transformation. (ISBN: 978-1-62857-075-5) and 2) Deepening Your Personal Relationships: Developing Emotional Intimacy and Good Communication. (ISBN: 978-1-61897-590-4). The primary author is Dr. Max Hammer, with contributions from secondary authors Dr. Barry J. Hammer and Dr. Alan C. Butler. These books can be purchased from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or our author/publisher website, The latter website also posts our other blogs, and describes our books and us as authors.

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Grounding a past life memory

For the last 11 years I have been dealing with past life memories and issues.  I learned that who and what I once was, directly reflected the person I am today.  The currant life and its issues also mingle with all that.  So many memories have I acessed, but most of them was fleeting glimpses.

A posture, a person that come at you fighting that had an issue with you about some or the other reason.  Someone coming up to you saying I am so sorry for what I have done to you, and me not having a clue what they were on about.  As they come you deal with that part, the part that need to be dealt with.  I had to be satisfied with glimpses of people, events, issues, and I sometimes saw glimpses of others issues, as it normally was linked to me in some way.  It became so confusing to be hit by all this information.

You wondered is this stuff is even true or real.  How do you prove it, how do you bring what you see in your mind down and link it to a place in history, events.  Yet some I have, but it was more along the light of I once walked in atlantis.  The knowing I was there, but I could not bring out detail.  Detail that could be verified here.  It was frustrating to explain the images that did not seem to fit in anywhere.

It made people mad at me, as I would remember a image like the fleating glimps of something in one of their past lives, as I was there and saw it, but I could not verify, how and why, as the rest of that memory was missing.  It started to get to the point that the random images made no sense, and while I was trying to grasp it, I would talk about what I saw, and that just did not work, as I did not understand what I was seeing. I KNEW what it was, and that it relate to that person, from what I saw.  Yet it made them angry as I could not proof to them it was theirs.

In the end I started just looking at it and letting it go, no caring how it fit anymore as the important bit was the issue in that memory, not the memory.  So I went into the Archaic records and started going indept into these memories, as well as the person involved.  That did not work either, as that pissed people off even more, as they did not remember it.  Yes I agree they have not yet reached that deep so it would not be there.  Eventually I stoped talking about them, as it just caused more and more drama.

I felt insane as I had all this knowledge, and no freaken way how to "proof" that what I saw and felt was indeed that persons.  WHY do I carry the memory of that person, because i shared their life.  In one way or the other.  I have found out that I have taken animal form at time, so that would explain how some do not remember me, I might have been a pet.  Or a wild animal whatching a event.

All my memories was as fragmented as my soul.  Diferent facets, diferent dimentions.... Its a hell of a chaos, was all I can call it.

I have posted this picture before, this kept bugging me for the last few weeks, and then talking to a friend about this and trying to figure out why, I got hit by this massive memory that was so strong and real, I felt it.

I was standing before the Mayan calander, it was 3 times my hight.  it was on 4 diferent wheels.  Each ring had a aspect of the calander.  and it MOVED!  It moved like a clock.  There was water behind it and the water flowed from cup to cup. swirling.  To the right was a HUGE statue and from its mouth came the water that worked the clock.  To the left was another statue it had lots of snakes on it, it looked like the person was wearing snakes.

Behind me  on either sides of the doorway was 7 weird statues, with hollow eyes holding green (looked like emerald) tablets, on each was writen laws.  I knew it was laws, though I did not notice that was writen, but knew it was the laws, only that they were important.  The writing was in egyptian (WTF).

On the floor before the clock was a very strange circle thing with runes on it. (WTF that is norse)  and I was wearing 2 snakes like clothes.  I heard a male voice say Cihauti. and that is where it cut of.  It was startling.  The snakes moved and hissed angrily.  They dont like this voice, neither do I.

So when I spoke to my friend about this memory he was not really seeing what I was trying to say.  And for some reason when I am in memories like this I am relaly sensitive and irritated.  I got really angry, and frustrated as I do when something I am trying to express is not coming out as I am trying to explain it.  So I said I WILL show you, I meant to give him the memory so he can see for himself.

That ripped the lid of what ever was blocking the flow of my words, and it came tumbling out.

And as I explained he pulled up history and places and images.  I also found a image that knocked me hard, as it was the almost exact way I was dressed.

Only thing was my hair was not black it was red and my eyes blue.  One snake was always around my waiste and one around my arm and shoulders.  They were called Ssha and Shash.  I love them so very much.

The statue to the right was this exact statue.  The water came from its mouth.

And it was this big

the statue to the left was this one.  Its called Coatlicue - Lady of the snake skirt.  And I remember that the ones that was found guilty for breaking the law was excecuted by me.  Dressed like that.  I would wear many snakes and they would attack the person.  He would die in public as example.  (I did not like that, as the voice I heard and disliked was the one making judgements that I was forced to excecute)

The 7 statues on either side of the door was there holding the emerald like tablets.  Notice no eyes, justice is blind.

I will have to draw that clock but here is the one we all know so well.  The one made from stone. 

Here is a wooden one that is almost close.  The whole thing was made of Ceder Wood.

Also this explain a little of how it worked.

So I will post it when I do.

The weird thing on the floor, looked exactly like this, which is really strange as it is Norse.  A Norse object as well as egyptian writen laws in a Aztec temple.  How do you put that together?

The temple was rather hard to explain as it look about like this:

Yet the top part took up the whole top of that and its roof was much higer.

And there was masive snake statues on that temple, on either side of the temple doors.

Then my friend showed me a map, and it totaly shocked me,as he wanted to see where all the places fit.

This freaked me out. And then I started relating what I remeber and where.

He showed me how it look today

and this

I got excited as I felt the energy and the lay of the land, it just felt like home.

I started to say what I remember and where on the map, he said he dont see it I have to draw where.

So I did.

So I took it and drew on it, the numbers that represent places I remember.

1 - Here is where a Clay snake temple was, a small one. Looking roughtly like this.

What my friend aded

1 - Is close to the only renmant of this lake, it was drained during the 19th century. Really liked the energy of the water there. It is called 'Place of the red bean tree'

2 - The Holy snake temple where the memory started.  It rougly had these on it as well on the   outside.

What my friend added

2 - now looks like this, an important Jesuit church, and called Tepozotlan, 'place of the hunchbacks'. The interior is very ornate, it was their main teaching school in the 1700s:

3 - This place was called Tehohitition - We went there on a spiritual journey.  When we went onto recluse to meditate of to do spirit walking we went there for up to a week.  With no food, you ate little and lived off the land.

4 - That plave are the plave a pair of King Eagles lived, they were called Ashmay and Rashney.  They were tame, and was used to fly with on erands. like visiting other towns.  They were huge.

This was their size.  They were masive birds, and this oair was raised form harchlings in order to be used as messanger birds.

My friend added:

3/4 is called the 'Hill of the Star', and is the site of a very large Passion play put up every year, and the temple on top of said hill was the place where the Aztecs begun their new 52 year cycle each time it ended, in a ritual called the 'New Fire'

5 - This dock was used by the temple, these boats were used on the lake. strangely these boats are used in Egypt, as well as in Mosambique.

My friend said

5 -  is a big transport hub, it's on the main road out through the north, actually on the first toll booth. There's a place there called Teoloyucan, 'place of rock crystal' Satellite view:

6 - A major town. It was strong and all trafic from the coast came here via a mountain pass, through the south of the mountains.  Also the same path the Spaniards took when they lay seize to this beautiful place.

the mountains had the most interesting shapes actually captured in the story Eldorado.

My friend added

6 - is a major town, called 'Place of the Earth' (Tlalpan) and has some dramatic scenery. It was the route through which Cortez and his army marched into the valley in 1519.

7 - A temple of the Leopard or rather Panther.  It looked like this

My friend said

7 - is a city called Texcoco, which is also the name of the whole lake in modern histories.. it includes the 'Baths of Hungry Coyote', on a hill overlooking the plain.

the Pink dots on the map show the locations of King eagle nests.  We recorded each one as there were not many of them.  They were so large, that if they did end up landing on the ground they had very much trouble getting up.  To us tehy were really sacred.

Another piece of memory was me as a baby taken to the temple and left to myself for a little as I was sleeping.  I remember playing with 2 snakes that came and cuddled to me.  And my mother freaking out.  This is a picture of Hurceluse and the snakes, but I thought it ratehr worked here.

That was how I was selected as priestess.  Raised acordingly.

Then there was the City build in the centre of the lake.  It was never there, it was made by the aztecs.

I remembered riding the great eagle.

Then I remembered the man that killed me. His name Pedro de Alvarado, the leader of the Spanish armada that came through the mountains.

Their brutality were horrifying, it was even worse than some of the Aztecs.

I remembered his face, I will never forget his face.  And then my friend told me who he was.

Pedro de Alvarado (1485-1541) was a Spanish conquistador who participated in the Conquest of the Aztecs in Central Mexico in 1519 and led the Conquest of the Maya in 1523. Referred to as "Tonatiuh" or "Sun God" by the Aztecs because of his blonde hair and white skin, Alvarado was violent, cruel and ruthless, even for a conquistador for whom such traits were practically a given. After the Conquest of Guatemala, he served as governor of the region, although he continued to campaign until his death in 1541.

In 1518, Hernán Cortés mounted an expedition to explore and conquer the mainland: Alvarado and his brothers quickly signed on. Alvarado's leadership was recognized early on by Cortés, who put him in charge of ships and men. He would eventually become Cortés' right-hand man. As the conquistadores moved into central Mexico and a showdown with the Aztecs, Alvarado proved himself time and again as a brave, capable soldier, even if he did have a noticeable cruel streak. Cortés often entrusted Alvarado with important missions and reconnaissance. After the conquest of Tenochtitlán, Cortés was forced to head back to the coast to face Pánfilo de Narváez, who had brought soldiers from Cuba to take him into custody. Cortés left Alvarado in charge while he was gone.

Temple Massacre

In Tenochtitlán (Mexico City), tensions were high between the natives and the Spanish. The noble class seethed at the audacious invaders, who were laying claim to their wealth, property and women. On May 20, 1520, the nobles gathered for their traditional celebration known as Toxcatl. They had already asked Alvarado for permission, which he had granted. Things soon got ugly, however. According the Spanish, they slaughtered the nobles because they had proof that the festivities were a prelude to an attack designed to kill all of the Spanish in the city: the Aztecs claim the Spanish only wanted the golden ornaments many of the nobility were wearing. No matter what the cause, the Spanish fell on the unarmed nobles, slaughtering hundreds.

Yes and He Killed me PERSONALLY!  THis picture hit that memory very hard

I was not so much desturbed about him killing me, as i have been killed so many times and so brutally, it just dont matter to me, but he killed my to Snakes!!!!

I love them they were the only things of value to me, being trapped in a place forced to live like you were told, and forced, you get to the point where you just go day by day and the litle things matter to you.  Those snakes were my family, my life, protectors, guardians.  HE KILLED THEM!

Thos is where i came, there is more, but I will add it as I feel more inclined to, at this point, I am to much of a mess.

0-- ADDITIONAL --0  Add on to this

Tezcatlipoca is the temple of the Pather, this started this memory to become more clear and also the reason why I had it now.

This is the temple I remember as a child, it was the time I played with the 2 snakes that freaked wveryone out.  I was around the age of 4 and not the first time I played witht the temple snakes, as each time I was taken there it was the same.  They sought me out.  it also explain my Feline like form called Anuden.  The priests of that temple was able to shift their form and apearance to look like that, utilising the essence of the jaguar.  Just like I so with my Anuden form.

My friend said:

There are no pyramids today, that i know of, with such a triangular roof. That god had an important place of worship, still famous today.  Where a fountain springs and people dance, and they wear crowns of flowers on their heads, the god is now a black Christ


The spanish demolished a few of them, using those stone to build with and looking for gold.  Why do invaders always disrespect the things prised by those they invade.

Strangely enough the tree look so familiar, I wonder what the age of that tree is.

The Black Christ


The present church and landscape, it is close to the existing jaguar temple, which has pointed thatch for a roof and a snake tongue at the entrance.. and this hall in the back

This is elsewhere on the site.  Now, the story goes that place was founded by 'malinalli', means grass

Malinalco is place of the grass with this glyph..


But, But ......  the temple I was in as a child with the snakes look exactly like that, Huh?


Well.. this was the warrior temple the aztecs had, far as i know, and this is its interior, which ive shown you before

Me: I remember the outside better as we were never allowed in there.  The snakes alwasy came out, and the insides is still fuzzy.  These pictures are making hy heart chakra hurt extremely much

Friend:  There is an old wooden drum that was found there.. lets see if i can find it

Me:  OMG  that... that....  My father carved that, thats why i was there... my mother took him food.  I feel mixed... happy... sad, like wanting to touch it again... I remember sitting and watching my father carve it, he telling me stories about the things he carved... little fingers tracing the lines.

Friend: That exists in a museum today, one of few wooden things to survive.  i keep wanting to go to that museum, but its a bit far and things interfere.

Friend:  Thought that would be relevant.  Ive seen copies of that drum, modern ones used in dances

Me:  That thing still give me shivers.

Friend:  Im wondering if theres some object I know... that would really affect you, would help you turn a corner if you want to...

Me: That is the last memory of my family... that is the last time I was happy... truly HAPPY.   After that, because I played witht he snakes and the snakes could not stay away from me... I never was allowed to see them again.  Ripped...  I feel torn... hurting pain.... the same way I felt on Tuesday, when I said godbye to Zann.

Friend:  There it is, left side, down, second line from the bottom, a red uniform with a pointed hat and black stripes.

Friend: That is the drawing for 'such and such place was conquered' The temple roof toppled and fire all around.  ok, thats some advance.

Friend: The aztecs burnt all previous record books they could find, btw. There is another such book, which i once bought and ive wondered what use it might be

Me:  Mmmm.... The drawings is crude.. but, .... the colors the style...  This is what they wore how they dressed.  I felt sad, alone, abandoned.  That my family did not want me and left me at the temple.  Lost confused.... I feel exactly like that again.

Friend:  But the priests had a lot of power, perhaps that was a part of it.  I read on an article once.. whatever thing the priests wanted, given that they so routinely killed people, anyone around them was afraid to deny it

Me: Lost and confused...  but there is alwasy going to be a mountain and Id want it to move... there is no other way around that.  Guess I am to stupid to realise there is easier ways.

Friend: But would the easier ways achieve all you intend to?

Me: No it would not.  I guess this is where much of what is needed to heal lay, in this memory.  Being chosen and always placed into posisions of great resposibility, I was ripped from those I loved.  Always being left, they turned away, for the desicions I was forced to make, those that love me cant understand the responsibility I have for my path.  I understand why I walk way when I am hurt.  Its easier to remove yourself from feeling left, cast aside, like a ragg. 

Me: Thank you

Friend: Glad to have helped.  Im thinking if theres anything else that could complete the picture.  Im thinking a house would do it, though i dont know of any that were left standing..

Me: GOING HOME... going home, to be welcomed back and not send away again.

Friend: I agree on that one.

Me I dont even have to force feeling or tears now it wont stop. 

Friend: One thought, then... I command,  home!!!

Me: This one, its exact little house with the trees everything. I was taken from there, from love and so much happyness, into riches and what ever my heart could desire.. beauty, gold... I never wanted for anything... but I would walk away from that to have love and happiness again.

That is what Zann was to me... ALWAYS... love and happiness... he was HOME, safety!... and each time just as I find it, and enjoy it, SHE come and take it from me... each time I fight... to hold it


I sat down, I will not fight no more... time I accept the path I was chosen to walk, and let go of that what is not worth fighting about anymore.  Time I realise that what I seek love and happyness, I already posses in myself towards myself and that home is me.

Not that house...

Going back there... will not bring back happiness and love I once knew and that has changed... where ever I am, who ever is around that is home.

Its time to accept this is what I am now, going back will not make me happy.  I have to be happy with being this, this person, me. I am chosen to do a job I never intended to do, like so many times in my lifes.... maybe its time to accept that and stop shying away from being all I can be in myself, and still doing what is expected.  Lately I have wanted to run away from who I am... but that will no longer serve me.

So long Zann was the only person that could make me happy truly happy.  I felt loved and treasured... It was home to me.  So when again it was ripped form my grasp... almost reaching home... my whole world chrashed.

So at this point all this made me realise, that Home is where my heart is... Ye the stupid pun we all say so much, but do any of us truly know what home mean.

Realising that I am home, that I cant rely on others to bring me the happiness and love I yearn for.... I already own it.. it is inside myself.  It helped to see WHY I act like I do, why I hurt so much... why I fight so much when I feel that someone threaten the fabric of my happiness.

Yes its stuff I teach and know, but never truly felt and understood inside myself!

This memory just showed, how powerfully your past experiences shadow the person you are today, how the pain and the issues from them grow into demons that haunt you, like a shadow in every life after that, till you finaly stop and face them.  I never melived in past lives and stuff... but I learned that its there and if you belive yourself unaffected by your past... you are very wrong.

Now the healing can start.... where from here is new and uncharted waters... a place unexplored...

Read more…

Past Life Regression KH April 14, 2012

Cramped hands, elbows tight, Belly-a little uncomfortable, tickle in throat (had this for years), big toes numb, nose is stuffed

A man, adult, barefoot, loin cloth

Rocks and trees, warm place but not that warm, dusk

Feels like it is Jesus walking in the street with people, talking about how it should be. Stopped walking. No words of teaching, just knowing. Feeling tense, worried, neck is getting tight, feels like a gathering but I don’t see anybody—dark—a vision. Heart racing, people coming, not good vibes. They are coming to get Jesus, just got chills, it feels like it is his end time, he is there with all his apolstles and they are all there. They know it is like they are at peace but also sad. It is pretty much what it I going to be. He’s sad but he knows. I feel like I’m him but also that I am feeling like feeling I’m on the outside, but I’m also him, this feels really cold. As Jesus-peaceful. As observer-scared

Movement. Soldiers coming toward us. We are all still, sitting on the corner of a hill. Like our last stand. We knew they were coming and we are just waiting for them. They are coming to get me. I’m not afraid for them to come get me. It’s cold sitting on the hill- now see sandals on my feet, cold. Barely getting closer—almost like they are in place. Not a good thing, I’m freezing.

Next to us now, not being aggressive, they- the guy who was holding the staff is next to me and he is saying I have to go with him. He is a very weak guy but feels he is very important. I’m not going to resist him. No violence, no grabbing and just this knowing it is time to go.

I am hesitant to go, I don’t want to leave my people, I know I have to go but I’m torn. I’m not coming back-they are trying to be peaceful but I know that they are going to hurt me-I’m not going to come back. Very, very torn about this, I know I have to go, but I want to stay with the people, I’m not scared. They love me, they want to be with me, I love them too. I’m not scared, I just—the people need me more than….I feel like it is not time yet—I’m torn. Standing up and sitting down-but not scared. I can’t make a decision. Eventually I’m going to go but I am taking as much time…They don’t understand. The people are followers. They follow me, they love me, it is a group of people, not seeing any apostles. I’m calming down now, I think I’m going to…

I am more worried about the people-that they understand that they don’t do anything that will get them hurt. I’m not talking words, it is energies ,we don’t even need to use words. Cold again. I love them so much, Now I’m getting sad (sobbing here), I just feel so much love for them, I love them so much and I want to be with them and I can’t be with them. I wanted to hug and hold them and never let them go. Something lifted off me! The emotion went really fast and then went away. Feel calmer.

The soldiers backed up—are there—not concerned with them. This is the hardest decision I ever had to make in my life. So cold. A weight was lifted, so sad now back to where I was.

I feel I want to go now but I still don’t want to. At the moment that I’m going to have to force myself to leave because I won’t leave, I can’t go..I can’t decide. I do see myself getting distant. Feel I am equally distant from both, trying to get even, emotionally-wise. I see both sides but I am by myself now. I feel like I went to a place to figure it out—a spiritual type of…I feel like I need to get distant. I feel like I’m looking up..I’m needing answers.

I’m seeing a white light, feels like rays of light, like it is coming down—it is giving me hope, answers, but no words, it is a feeling. It’s like a calmness, it definitely is calming. It is not about me anymore, it is about…in that ray of light I thought I saw a white bird for a split second…it felt like it was God. I’m there but I don’t see it, I feel it. It’s not about me it is about something else…a little bit it feels like it is giving me guidance, maybe because before I was so torn and maybe it is giving me reassurance. I’m not emotional anymore. I was by myself..not in reality. Feel like I’m somewhere else.

Page 2, April 14, 2012 PLR

(NSB: 1,2,3)

A weird vision. I was walking with the soldiers back in town, at first peacefully, then I’m around people in the town mocking me..then I have hand cuffs on..I was walking. Then above me in the sky a cross with a skeleton on it appeared, wasn’t good, I didn’t like it, but it went away right away.

Walking down a dirt road getting into town, They are definitely laughing at me. They have no respect for me whatsoever. I’m meaningless to them. It is just sad. They are heckling me, mocking me. I’m really…they don’t even look at me like a human being. I’m nothing, they want to spit on me. As much as they hate me it is not their fault, they are brainwashed, they have no love in their hearts.

I’m not walking upright, I’m hunched over, they are making a spectacle of me, they are making sure everyone sees me. I’m carrying something-it feels like a beam. I feel like I’m struggling to carry it. I’m envisioning Jesus on the cross as I am walking. This looks like Jesus with the thorns and then it went away. I’m getting cold again. It feels like to me…they are definitely mocking me, they would stone me, spit on me. I feel like something is tying my hands but I am grabbing, pulling, feels like a cross but I can see it but it seems like it is my size but it doesn’t feel like it is big like someone would hang on. Walking, hunched over to the right, dragging, drag, drag, I see dust coming up. I’m not making progress, same faces but it feels like a lot of them but they are there. Back to a still moment, not advancing.

(NSB: 1,2,3)

A hill, meadow hill, grass, a place, definitely a cross. It didn’t feel like, when I get here, just a hill—3 crosses, black, popped up. Not solid but like a shadow on the wall, pop, pop, pop, disappeared. I don’t see anything going on. I can feel that’s my destruction and it is not good. I’m not scared. OK, lets get it over with. I’m down at the bottom of the hill- a hump of grass. Can’t see over the top. I don’t feel in danger, just “that’s where I’m going, that’s it!”

(NSB: 1,2,3 to destination)

I’m at the top of the hill, I’m definitely envisioning the cross but it is not solid, it is a shadow. I feel like it is time, I don’t feel any emotion, I feel like its time, that’s it.

Not that many people there. But I don’t see anybody. I feel like I’m supposed to step up on the cross, stepping, step, step. That’s weird, I pictured from the,..something came from the sky and it was very powerful, a white cross, the beams, white light, the beams with thick corner pieces, a white light, if you draw a circle in the middle, not like the black crosses, But the white light hit me like this…

Something is drawing me up. Light, the clouds. I’m not wanting to stay with the cross down here…no not meaningful to me. Useless. These crosses down here meant nothing compared to the white. I feel like I have a big white beam in my eyes as big light white of sun.

I was never on the cross. Man, something is telling me and it is powerful. It seems like we are supposed to think, in one world, that I am on the cross and it is supposed to be important, but it is not that at all. I keep seeing the 3 black crosses but they are not strong.. the light cross.. I never got on the cross, I made efforts to go on the cross but I envisioned the 3 black crosses, they went away and the white crosses…just keep picturing the white cross in the sky, so much energy, just want to go to this.

(NSB: 1,2,3 to a few moments before your death

Somebody’s pulling me. A rock wall..the tomb of Jesus, and my feet are limp, just dragging in the dirt and they are pulling me. I don’t have my robe on me anymore, something is covering me—whatever I had on is now covering my hips and shoulder—see thorns on my head. They are scooping me and taking me…a big round rock. I’m not making any movements. I’m just going with them. I’m not clean anymore, sweaty and dirty…feels like I went to war and back. But I don’t feel hurt. In the physical body like they feel I am dead and they are taking me to the tomb. I feel like I am putting on an act, letting them go through the whole procedure, it was all planned, but now I feel like I am back in the body,

Page 3, April 14, 2012 PLR

now they…I don’t feel dead, I feel I was out of the body, now I am definitely back in the body going into the tomb. I’m still in the body and I’m behind watching too. Still at that thing we are going but not getting anywhere. That’s where they are bringing me.

(NSB: 1,2,3 the next place)

It is very small, very tight in there. We are inside, I can still see the big rock, I can see the inside, all rock and gritty, sandy. Definitely carved out—a place they built, rounded out and goes down. Nothing in there, just rock and that’s it. Nothing, this feels, I don’t know what it really feels like, blah, really blah there. The outfit, around crotch area, white, dirty.

(NSB asks, “are there marks on your hands or chest?”

Hair on chest. I have, complexion is olive, really tan. Really curly hair on chest.

Really tight in here. People still there. As soon as you walk in 2 to 3 people max…but when they walk in they spin me this way, sit me down, I’m seeing my face, definitely scruffy, dirty, sweaty. I feel like they want to take me and lay me down but they are not being aggressive. They are definitely not the soldiers, they definitely care about me.

(NSB asks, “do they think you are dead?)

I think so. I’m not dead. I had the appearance of dead, bloody looking. I don’t look good. All scruffy, sand on face, sand, tons of dirt, sand, as though rolled in it. The body feels the presence that I’m dead but I see everything.

(NSB asks, “ is the heart beating?”)

I don’t see it. I think so. I’m definitely alive. They are very sad. They want to…they are not happy about what happened. They want to lay me down, they are turning me this way, they lay me down. I feel like I’m laying down. Head is straight this way but legs are together leaning toward the right.

(NSB asks, “are you thirsty?)

No, this is…I feel like they want to take care of me, maybe they want to clean..I keep picturing my head…they are wanting to clean my face off. They do not like seeing me as filthy as I am. These are the same 2 or 3 people there.

(NSB asks, “do you know them?)

I feel like I do. I know they care about me. They had to bring me there. Not like they were mean. Definitely they are trying to get me in a better place and they are trying to clean me up. I’m feeling male/female type.

(NSB : 1,2,3 to when the body leaves the tomb)

Rays of light again coming down and even though the tomb is closed the light is coming through, nothing stops the light. In the tomb bright white light—I saw wings flickering, like a little body, in the light.

I can see the body, it is just a shell, it’s there, but

(NSB asks, “is the body definitely dead?)

I feel like the body doesn’t mean anything anymore. No meaning.

(NSB note: not sure who said ) follow the light to spirit world, it’s easy.

I feel lost, I’m there but I don’t know where I’m supposed to go. Envision going up with light rays and then it got (silence). I don’t know, I really don’t know. I followed the light up and it turned to felt like

Page 4, April 14, 2012 PLR

something…opening…clouds but not you go in somewhere just go in and it is like the sky, a little deeper color of blue with hints of purple…solid mass not scary.

NSB says, “look around and invite guides and ancestors)

She is very reserved...a thing over her.. I’m not letting go…a stand off.

NSB note: I stopped taking notes at this point but I recall that there was more experience in the spirit world with a scene of trees which was described as how it was before we ruined it, before pollution and so on. There also was another hooded entity in the distance that did not speak.

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BECOMING THE CHILD FROM THE EGYPTIAN BOOK OF THE COMING FORTH OF LIGHTIn seafoam, in swirlings and imaginings I am fish, tadpole, crocodile. I am an urge, an idea, a portent of impossible dreams.I lie between heaven and earth, between goodness and evil, patience and explosion. I am innocent and rosy as dawn.I sleep with my finger in my mouth, the cord of life curled beside my ear. Like a child in its mother's belly, I am with you but not among you.I know no ending for I have no beginning. I have always been here, a child in the silence of things, ready to wake at any moment.I am possibility.What I hate is ignorance, smallness of imagination, the eye that sees no farther than its own lashes.All things are possible. When we speak in love and live by love, truth in love will be our comfort. Who you are is limited only by who you think you are.I am the word before its utterance. I am thought and desire. I am a child in the throat of god.Things are possible--joy and sorrow, men and women, children. Someday I'll imagine myself a different man, build bone and make flesh around him.I am with you but a moment for an eternity. I am the name of everything.I've dreamed the nightmare a hundred times, that old revulsion of bone and flesh, waking in sweat, in a headlong rush toward the world, into the cool certainty of fires that burn in sudden stars, the heat in the body.That I am precludes my never having been.What I know was given to me to say. There is more.There are words that exist only in the mind of heaven, a bright knowing, a clear moment of being. When you know it, you know yourself well enough. You will not speak.I am a child resting in love, the pleasure of clouds. I read the book of the river. I hold the magic of stones and trees. I find god in my fingers and in the wings of birds.I am my delight, creator of my destiny. It is not vanity.There are those who live in the boundaries of guilt and fear, the limits of imagination. They believe limitation is the world. You can not change them.There is work of your own to do. You will never reach the end of your own becoming, the madness of creation, the joy of existence.Dance in the moment. Reach down and pull up song. Spin and chant and forget the sorrow that we are flesh on bone.I return to the rhythm of water, to the dark song I was in my mother's belly. We were gods then and we knew it.We are gods now dancing in whirling darkness, spitting flame like stars in the night.In the womb before the world began, I was a child among other gods and children who were, or may be, or might have been.There in the dark when we could not see each other's faces, we agreed with one mind to be born, to separate, to forget the pact we made that we might learn the secrets of our fraternity.We agreed to know sorrow in exchange for joy, to know death in exchange for life. We were dark seeds of possibility whispering.Then one by one we entered alone. We walked on our legs, and as we had said, we passed in well-litstreets without recognizing each other; yet we were gods sheathed in flesh, the multitude of a single spirit.Gods live even in darkness, in the world above your heads, in the crevices of rocks, in the open palms of strangers.I am a child, the seed in everything, the rhythm of flowers, the old story that lingers. Among cattle and fruit sellers, I am air. I am love hidden in a shy maiden's gown. I am the name of things. I am the dream changing before your eyes.I am my body, a house for blood and breath. I am a man on earth and a god in heaven. While I travel the deserts in frail form, while I grow old and weep and die,I live always as a child inside the body of truth, a blue egg that rocks in the storm but never breaks. I sleep in peace in my mother's lap, a child mesmerized by sunlight on the river. My soul is swallowed up by god.Out of chaos came the light.Out of the will came life.
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