peace (19)

Please chant or play this Love, Peace and Harmony (LPH) soul ( Light) song for few minutes a day by connecting to the souls who require love peace and harmony. It works like magic. Beloved Divine self has given this Divine soul (Light) song for humanity to evolve and bring LPH, during this Soul Light era of 15000 years, on beloved mother Earth and on all the countless heavenly bodies, Galaxies in countless Universes.

To put some light on Master Sha, he was physical son, in many earlier lives, of beloved compassion mother Guan Yin (Kuan Yin) who is having 1000 hands and 1000 eyes to serve everyone.

Master Sha was chosen by Divine Committee to uplift human soul consciousness and bring LPH for this Soul Light era, for serving humanity unconditionally for 1000's of lives.

Whenever a child cries, two or more people are fighting or not in harmony, or whenever I want to bring Love, Peace or Harmony I call (connect) to all the related souls with unconditional love and chant with them. It works wonders. Please sincerely try few times to make sure mango is real mango.

Master Sha is offering free Tao Soul (Light) songs to Listen (or chant, if possible) on youtube for every physical, emotional, mental and spiritual issue. Please try these, the soul may feel heavily blessed.  The healing may be immediate, may take few days or may be little longer depending upon our and ancestral karmas of this and all previous lives.

I am sharing, because this was my beloved soul's call. I am not a good writer, but I tried to express my soul, which wanted to serve for world peace by bringing LPH with incredibly simple way. 

Lots of information available on internet, some quick links are:

Divine Love and Light to Every soul in all dimensions and in all levels.

Hari Baldawa

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GOT TO BE THERE - Eileen Zizecli-Coleman

7.8.15 - Dear friends speak with me, come into my heart and let me hear your words.

I’m seeing lilac clouds broken up with golden lattice work and caught sight of a bonnet of feathers. Please help Great Spirit on the next step of my journey, please can you draw closer.

The clouds of purple are pulsating now and I feel tingles on my right arm.

If you both understand the necessity of these precautions we can then move forward into the arms of our beloved saviour. We cheat death itself, a momentous occasion, broadcasting messages from the Great Divine. We venture forward on this roller coaster of Love measuring our defence systems and putting into place the structures necessary to make this work. We have developed a sensory perception that can be said to be of warp speed and this we relish, making further adjustments that come to the surface to be recognised. We are beholden to you for taking the time and energy to bring forth our words and we recognise the time constraints in your day. Do not bear false witness for we come at a decisive time for the people of Earth and we know you will want to get this right, using the right terms of phrase and putting together a peace plan of enormous proportions, ready to be put into action very soon.

We have discovered a new method of communication that will allow us to come nearer, much nearer than before; this adjustment allows total recall and we assist you in this process, allowing further adaptations and future prophecies. We take you to the back of beyond through a portal of Love of the greatest vibration and this we promise you, we offer deliverance from the mundane, from the hardships you all face. We offer Peace, we offer you our Love and a whole lot more besides. We offer you a chance to begin again in a new dimension of amazing grace and we bring this to you all rolled up and ready to go in a new format, in a new structure that will fulfill all your hopes and desires for a greater future for mankind.

Please believe us for these are no idle thoughts, these are pure energy, pure undiluted bliss in a new framework of loving grace. We accept there has been in the past malformations that have denied us much fluidity but now is a time of great change and we bring to your door food for thought in a country ravenous for success at any cost. We bring a new kind of success and in biblical terms we shall count our blessings!

We struggle with a power source that neither feeds us or our imagination.

I drifted off then came back hearing the words ‘golden cherries’.

We forego certain adjectives and prepare for a deep cleansing that will allow us greater access to your memory banks; this will enable further revelations and we need this to be put in place very soon. Shine out your Love, shine out your strength of grace, shine out the will to live, going forward into the great unknown.

What will happen to the people like my husband and children who don’t believe in these energies coming to Earth?

We believe for them and that is enough for now! It will come to the attention of the many and those who struggle to come to terms with the fact that we are here among you already! Be prepared for those concerns amongst your kind and we will help you to settle the anomalies that come bubbling to the surface waiting for expression. We beef up our claims to success and we enlighten those strands within your mind that beg for clarity.

We are the Kingdom Seekers, we bring forth further records and ask you to surrender your heart to us so that we may bear witness in record breaking time. Take us to the brink and make that leap of faith into the void and we will be there to catch you and keep you safe from harm.

I’m hearing the music to Michael Jackson’s ‘got to be there’ in the morning when she says hello to the world’.

Thank you friends I’ll continue to persevere with these meditations so that I can gain greater clarity.

8.8.8 – I’m sitting in the peace, welcoming in the energies and asking that all mankind’s energies may be lifted in frequency. I have invited the Lion I call Aslam to join me and felt his great mane before he settled down at my feet on my right side.

Great Spirit I thank you for your Love and ask for any words of encouragement that I can pass on to others.

The Lion’s head is on my knee now, looking up at me as I tickle him underneath his chin. Now he stands facing me and I can hear a soft growling purr. The violet colours are getting stronger now and pulsating. Come closer friend and let me listen to you within the peace of my heart.

Instilling courage and fortitude is what we are about for the times ahead and we bring to you a flavoursome episode that will melt those barriers of disbelief on both sides of the veil of ignorance.

We have curtailed the violence in many countries and we continue to spread our Love all around the globe, promising future extracts for your diary. We welcome in a powerful episode that will bring to fruition all that is stored and hidden, opening the hearts and minds of mankind.

We propel you further forward to do your duty and ask that you stand beside us in this quest for Peace on Earth. We envelop you in a fine mist of swirling energies that will bring gratification on both sides of the veil and this we shall begin to do at this very hour. It is fortunate that many of you do listen already to that small voice within and we ask you to pay much more attention to this in the coming days and weeks ahead.

We prepare a greater inventory of thoughts that shall be accessed by all who listen with a keen heart and mind. We prepare you to access those borders previously denied and we bring greater blessings to each and every one of you. It is not in our nature to alarm you and we care for your wellbeing from both near and far, exercising restraint when at times we have to draw back from your energy fields. We come closer to those who have the courage and fortitude to accept these energies and we believe there will be many more of you in the near future who are able to access these borders that for many have become second nature already.

All the time I’m speaking I can see the Lion standing in front of me, looking at me head on.

Thank you my friend, may I call you Aslam or is there another name you are known by?

Immediately the name Raj came into my head. That sounds like an Indian name, have I telepathed that correctly?

Raja is my name and to some this may seem to be of Indian orientation, a diplomatic entry that we can dispense with if necessary. We come in loving grace to accept those who are drawn to our door. We accept and proclaim our lineage as one of majesty and grace!

I’m seeing a round golden shape with points, almost like a flattened crown against a purple background and later I found Raja is a Sanskrit name for King.

We accept a new anniversary that shall give us prominence and this shall be our directive to follow your gut instinct in all things. We proclaim you as our party leader and initiate further acceptance in the ranks of men, delivering and proffering our news of events on the horizon, match casing each success as we bring you undiluted bliss and the urge for so much more. Tread carefully my Love!

We forsake those attributes that bring us further into the forefront and instead keep up with what is necessary to broadcast our messages as they come in from the ethers. We bend and sway with the tide and we ask you to recognise what is important in the grand scheme of things. We ask you to believe with your heart and soul in all that we bring you and we measure these incidents, bringing in a grander theme of Love in all that we do and say. We bring in these colossal energies to help manipulate your very soul.

People might be worried about that word ‘manipulation’!

We encourage you to awaken to these energies, we encourage you to take that next step forwards, relishing our words with great acceptance, strong in the knowledge that we are always with you, now and forever.

Link to new book WE COME AS ONE VOICE.

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I AM LOVE - Eileen Zizecli Coleman




































Link to my latest book  'WE COME AS ONE VOICE'


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In this two part audio recording, the late Dr. Max Hammer (1930-2011) discusses his inspiring experiential insights for finding inner peace, happiness, true love, and spiritual fulfillment by acknowledging that we naturally abide within God, as the one and only reality presence, power, and intelligence. This audio was originally recorded by Dr. Max Hammer on September 4, 1990. This two part audio recording can be accessed by using the following URL links:

Spiritual Awakening: The One Divine Presence. Part 1, Dr. Max Hammer

Spiritual Awakening: The One Divine Presence, Part 2, Dr. Max Hammer


Identical copies of the same 2 part audio recording are also available at,, by using the following URL links:


Dr. Max Hammer was a distinguished Psychology Professor and supervisor of graduate students and interns in the clinical psychology, psychotherapy, and counseling practice training program of the Psychology Department at the University of Maine, for many years, as well as a respected psychotherapist and clinical psychology consultant and diagnostician. Dr. Max Hammer was one of the original core clinicians who founded and developed the Clinical Psychology program at the University of Maine, beginning in the 1960’s. In his work with graduate and undergraduate students in that program, Dr. Max Hammer provided a refreshing Humanistic and Transpersonal perspective, with an emphasis on flexible, warmly caring, empathic responsiveness to the needs of the individual psychotherapy client.

For a more extensive, in-depth discussion of Dr. Max Hammer’s insights in psychology, spirituality, and interpersonal relationships, see his two published books (with secondary contributing authors Dr. Barry J. Hammer and Dr. Alan C. Butler): 1) Psychological Healing Through Creative Self-Understanding and Self-Transformation (ISBN: 978-1-62857-075-5; Houston: Strategic Book Publishing, 2014). 2) Deepening Your Personal Relationships: Developing Emotional Intimacy and Good Communication (ISBN: 978-1-61897-590-4; Houston: Strategic Book Publishing, 2014). Related articles by Dr. Max Hammer and his co-author (eldest son), Dr. Barry Hammer, are also available at the following web page:


Here, below, is a generic URL link for another YouTube playlist, consisting of 13 YouTube audios by Dr. Max Hammer, insightfully discussing the basis of effective psychotherapy, healthy psychological development (psychological self-help), and the development of psychologically healthy, fulfilling, interpersonal relationships, with true love, empathic experiential intimacy, and good communication :


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Difficult Choice

My morning meditation started very nicely. It was foggy and misty outside, with a constant Northwest drizzle falling. It was actually quite nice and offered a magical backdrop as the trees disappeared into the mist.

As I was relaxing and letting the hot tub jets loosen up my stick neck, I watched 7 doves land in the tree directly across from me (I counted them...).


They were mostly in silhouette but I assume they were grey in color, like most of the doves I see in our area.

I connected to them and asked if we could talk for a bit. They said they came to talk about peace and love (not a surprise with doves huh?). They said we are on the very precipice of experiencing peace on Earth.

I asked them why they came to me this morning in particular, and they said they knew I would share their message with others. I thanked them and they reiterated the same message to me.

After awhile they departed one, then a few more, until all of them were gone.

After my recent experience with Commander Arryn, and the whole idea of him being a temporary walk-in, I started by spending time with him and the energy he brings to us. I intended to just soak in his energy and let it permeate my body for awhile, which we did. In my mind's eye, I could see a small ship above the trees, just at the edge of the mist. I really focused on it, and released myself to be as fifth dimensional as I could be at that moment in my body. When I opened my eyes, I didn't see it physically. When I closed my eyes, I could see it. Again I got the message that it wasn't time yet to appear near my home. Maybe I have too many neighbors with guns (lots of hunters...), I don't know.

We connected with Helios Lightship One and we went to the ship and walked around it a bit. We walked through corridors and every crew member that walked by greeted Arryn with a smile. We went to the 'bridge' and looking out the windows, there were thousands of ships in view. Arryn said they are preparing for the moment when they will show themselves. There were ships in every direction I looked, and were of different shapes and sizes, and various energy signatures.

We appeared in some council meetings and listened in briefly as they 'talked' about missions and preparations. I asked about the tribunals and was told that there aren't any tribunals right now.

We returned to the awareness of the hot tub and I acknowledged the other aspects of myself, the archangels, faeries, dragons, etc. I was now intent on straight up energy work and anchoring the energy through my body to Gaia.

When I added Arak to the mix, he (us) and Goddess Sophia embraced and started slowly rotating about the hot tub. As we rotated, the hot tub awareness went away, and we were rotating around the core of Gaia. This slowly transformed into rotating around the outside of Gaia and then expanded out to rotating around the Sun (Helios) as planets. I could see and feel the energy from Helios beaming into me as a planet (Maldec)and it was like I was still holding hands with Goddess Sophia, being Gaia as a planet. It was a very big and slow motion feeling. Time basically stands still in that space.

Then, back to the hot tub awareness, and anchoring energy.

As the energy increased, I was thinking about the recent clearings I've had (see previous posts). I asked for the angels to remove my burdens, and I asked for Sananda to fill me with unconditional love, and for St. Germain to go through every aspect of myself with his Violet Flame. I asked the archangels to fill me with their energy. There was a dense shadow near my heart, and a fearful self hiding there. I encouraged it to come out of me as I held his hand. With my guides and mentors looking on, I slowly filled him with love and he transformed into myself as a teenager/young man. This was an aspect of the negative parts of myself that I had buried away to forget about. An aspect of myself that was before being a walk-in, after my sister died. It was all the things I didn't like or love about myself from then, hiding within. I set this part of myself free with unconditional love and great support from all aspects of myself. I don't know if this is the last of shadows hiding within me, but it felt good to set myself free.

As I sat there enjoying this feeling, I remembered the ascension portal I opened some time ago. I am my own ascension portal in my heart, but I also have one above the hot tub. As the energy flowed, I ascended through the portal and rose to the ship 'Helios Lightship One.' I kind of 'popped up' into a very large area of the ship were many were gathered. I wasn't a party, or a special event per se, but it did seem I was expected.

Someone was talking to me, but it wasn't clear whom. Maybe it was ONE and not a voice from an individual being. I was told it wasn't quite time for me to ascend yet (physically) and was asked what aspect of myself I would be ascending to. For whatever reason I had assumed I would be ascending into a higher dimensional version of my physical self, essentially human in form. Now I am being asked if I want to be an Archangel, or a Dragon, or something else.

I answered with a question. "Do I have to  make a choice right now?"

The answer was that I don't need to choose now, but that it would be beneficial if I did, and that the most likely choices would be Archangel or Dragon form.

I asked if I could change later, if I decided now, and the answer of course is that being a multidimensional being, I can always change, BUT, as an individual expression of ONE, I would have a default expression of sorts.

I tend to rail against rules a bit, and this smacked of too many rules for me, but I was willing to play along a bit.

I really thought about this for a long time. I have had many amazing experiences as a Dragon, and they are celestial beings born from the void and creators of realities. I have also had incredible experiences as Archangel Everian as well as those few instances where I was one with Arak, Twin Flame with Goddess Sophia. I know I have been around the galactic block many times as part of the Galactic Federation, and that is an exciting experience as well.

This was an unexpected question...

I consulted with Archangel Michael, Commander Arryn, and Luna. This seemed like a very difficult decision to make. Each of my guides said the same thing, "There is no wrong or bad decision." I vacillated and thought about what would happen if I picked Dragon. Would I appear to my friends and family as a Dragon? Would they be fearful of me or somehow not understand who I AM?

The message came back, "Don't let fear decide for you, when you ascend, nobody will doubt the love that you emanate from your being."

With that I made a choice. I AM Dragon. I know that this is a very strong part of who I am and is an evolution from what I have focused on being. I also know that as a Dragon, I can shapeshift into ANY form as needed or desired.

Now it just feels like cheating to be a Dragon... ;)

I was now asked to look into the large area where I popped into the ship. I saw the ethereal outlines of a large Dragon, Luna. Her/my light body being created in this space for when it is 'time' to actually use it.

I was told that this is why I was asked to make a choice, so that this process of building/creating this light body could commence. I wonder if the Crystal Dragon Egg I received as a gift in the Fae world is part of this birthing as well... I'm pretty sure it is.

Heavenly Dragon

This feels huge to me. It seems too sci-fi and far out. It seems outside the bounds of possibility! When only thinking of ascension in human terms, it is unbelievable. Hell most people don't know what ascension is and that sounds crazy.

But in my opinion, ultimately there are no rules. Maybe ascending as a human or Galactic was too limiting of an idea.

I think my mind is going to explode just thinking about this.

When my awareness returned to the hot tub, I was just laying there relaxing and coming back to my humanness. Several Finches (small songbirds) swooped in from nowhere and landed in the tree closest to the tub (they never come here, and prefer to hang out at my Mother's house were there is birdseed). Two of them flew toward me onto the deck with one in particular only a couple of feet from me.

I greeted them and welcomed them to my space. I put out my hand fully expecting it might land on my finger.

They said, "You have made a good choice. We are Dragon's too, just like your friend Amoran said." With that, they were off.

There are only a few people I know of right now that are strongly in the Dragon world. I wonder if they will make the same choice and if will be a difficult choice for them.

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More clearing work for me it seems. Another disturbing dream last night.

It started with pretty normal dreamtime stuff. I had moved into a new place by myself and was having to deal with the insecurity of a new place, no friends, etc. I chalk this one up to new beginnings and an open field of possibilities to work with.

The second phase was being in a theatre watching a movie and there was a single knob on the seat in front of every seat in the house. If you rotated the knob, you adjusted the picture quality (something like adjusting contrast). People were moving it and messing with the picture until it was as good as it was going to get. The person next to me was unusual in that he had bullet wounds on his head and had some difficulty in social situations. He messed with the knob the most and was upsetting other people. For whatever reason I made one final adjustment and people just freaked out with one guy in the crowd yelling about it. I just had to ignore it, but the guy next to me was having a really hard time. Maybe this was about dealing with the riffraff in life, don't know.

This then moved to an unusual 'rural' shopping area. I was in a store with many stories and at the top was a toy store. A friend was picking out a toy for his nephew. Somewhere in this store complex I was helping to build something. It was a construction project and I was explaining to the electrician how the laundry room was laid out.

I know, all of that was mundane, but it seems to be about creating and working with others.

Now to the clearing work. The people I was with in the laundry room and toy store went onto a balcony in a tropical part of the world. There were very modern-looking helicopters flying around and in the distance on a hillside (not very far away) there was a bunker and "the enemy" was in this bunker. The helicopters were on "our side" and were shooting at these modern sci-fi troop carriers enroute to this bunker. We could see them shooting at the troop carriers which appeared to be armored as the bullets just bounced off of them. When the troop carrier landed at the bunker landing area, the doors opened we could see military personnel inside, and several of them were shot and killed by the helicopters.

The view then went to close-ups of the enemy at the bunker which had open railings where the enemy would pop-up to shoot outward at the helicopters. The enemy was all white and as soon as they would pop-up, they would be hit by bullets and break apart. They didn't appear to be human or living at all. I could hear a guy I knew at Microsoft telling me very matter-of-factly that they were maggot dolls, or cadavers that were stood up to take the hits. It was all very disturbing and the visuals are still with me this morning.

I asked him why the helicopters are bothering to shoot at them when it's obvious the enemy is within the bunker, not standing on the balcony.

Then I started to wake up and regain some awareness.

I thought, this is stupid, why is this being allowed?

I invoked the Violet Flame on, and in, the bunker, and the entire bunker complex disappeared, leaving only the tropical hillside. The helicopters and troop carriers were gone. It was peaceful and war was no longer at play.

At least this time, there was no regret, no guilt, and the Violet Flame did it's thing very effectively.

It felt to me like the end of a very long conflict. A mirror of the end of conflict in our lives as well.

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Special Message for Christmas and Hanukkah (Bringing Out the Best in One Another)

Dr. Barry Hammer


Festivals of light such as Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa (African American), Diwali (India), etc, symbolize the rebirth and awakening of the sacred flame of love in the hearts of individual persons, as well as in the collective heart of humanity. This living flame of love and goodness can serve to transform this world for the better, in many ways, from the inside as well as from the outside, as a kind of limitless spiritual blessing power. The gifts that people give to one another as part of the celebration of festivals of light such as Christmas or Hanukkah also symbolize how opening ourselves to the spirit of love and goodness gifts us with significantly greater levels of co-creative insight and transformational development. Viewed in metaphorical terms, the holiday (Holy Day) commemoration of events such as the birth of Jesus, the liberation of the Jewish people from oppression, or other events of redemption, can be seen as representing the birth of the loving light of “Christ-consciousness” or holistic/unifying peace consciousness in the hearts of individual persons, as well as in the whole human family (The Hebrew word for “peace”, shalom, is linguistically related to the word for whole [shalem] or wholeness [shlemut]).


When we permit the spiritual energy presence of love and goodness to flow from us to others, then it has a kind of alchemical effect upon us, them, and the world as a whole, gradually transmuting various kinds of negativity into a more constructive, wholesomely functioning, regenerative rather than degenerative, energy. For example, various interpersonal, social, and international geopolitical conflicts can be compassionately resolved by a reconciliation process in which contending parties explore, with open hearts and minds, how they can realign their particular perceptions and goals with what would be truly constructive rather than destructive, or productive and liberating rather than counterproductive and depriving, for everyone concerned, as the basis of finding mutually advantageous win-win solutions, that would also contribute to the continued advancement of the indivisible reality network of life as a whole. When we follow the call of love, or connection, rather than the voice of antagonistic separation and judgment, then the inclusive energy of love helps us to increasingly find common ground with one another, and gradually soften the “rough edges” that cause unnecessary conflict between us. United in love, individuals, social groups, and nations can help one another to build themselves up, as a co-creative, synergistic, expansive, growth-oriented, cohesive, principle of limitless, inexhaustible, abundance for everyone, whereas divided by antagonistic “blame games” and the predatory principle of fighting over presumably scarce, limited, resources, we all fall into an opposite momentum of greater contraction, dis-integration, scarcity, or lack of resources, opportunities, and vision.


Just as the power of electricity can flow only when electrical plug and socket, or other electrical wires, are properly connected to one another, similarly, the energy of love can flow more abundantly into the world only when individuals permit their hearts and minds to be deeply connected or attuned to one another, in loving communion, or genuine friendship. When we are willing to open our hearts to let the spirit of love-goodness flow between ourselves and others, then we bring out the best in one another, and, thereby, co-create the “sweet life” together, as symbolized by the beautiful glow of Christmas tree ornaments and Hanukkah Menorah candles. The process of bringing out the best in one another involves being willing to let go of presumptive definitions, demanding expectations, and judgmental blaming of other people, so that the spirit of love can illuminate our vision and hearing with insight into how each particular individual who we encounter is, truly, beautiful, lovely, or intrinsically precious, in their own special way. The more that we permit the energy of love, or warmhearted empathic connection, to guide our perception of and response-able behavior toward other individuals, the more does that energy bring out the best in us, as well as in those others whom we encounter. Just as two or more magnets can energize one another, but cannot energize themselves, separately, similarly, when we tune into, and, thereby, arouse and magnify, the “life-juices” of other individuals, then the most sublime, or grandest, energy of our own being becomes amplified, like a process of vibratory resonance or magnetic energetic attunement between oneself, other individuals, and the relational energy of love-goodness that connects us to one another. To propose another metaphorical analogy, just as flowers cannot pollinate themselves, but must wait to be pollinated by bumble bees or other insects, which also cannot pollinate themselves, similarly, the core level of our being cannot manifest and experience its own essential beauty, sweetness, and fragrance unless we unselfishly share that sweet “sap”, “elixir”, or “nectar” and “ambrosia” of life with others, as well as permitting others to share theirs with us. When we deeply connect our hearts and minds in loving empathic communion or non-dualistic attunement with one another, then we energize the “living waters” of “magical” enchantment to flow like a fountain, or from its hidden source, wellspring, or reservoir, in the inner core level of our being, and, thereby, become more accessible to us in our experiencing and functioning in the outer world.


This limitless, inexhaustible, transformational power of love (functioning like a veritable Horn of Cornucopia, Fountain of Everlasting Youth, and source of limitless co-creative/synergistic transformational possibilities) brings to mind the following wonderful quote from Pierre Teilhard de Chardin:


“Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides, and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time, in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.”


Anyone who wishes to read more of our inspirational/transformational insights should see our two published books, 1) Psychological Healing Through Creative Self-Understanding and Self-Transformation. (ISBN: 978-1-62857-075-5) and 2) Deepening Your Personal Relationships: Developing Emotional Intimacy and Good Communication. (ISBN: 978-1-61897-590-4). The primary author is Dr. Max Hammer, with contributions from secondary authors Dr. Barry J. Hammer and Dr. Alan C. Butler. These books can be purchased from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or our author/publisher website, The latter website also posts our other blogs, and describes our books and us as authors.

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Transform your life with my new books!!!



These books will be very valuable for anyone who is seeking to compassionately transform their individual life, personal relationships, and society. This involves developing true experiential self-understanding as the basis of liberating self-transformation, healing emotional pain and inner conflict, developing inner peace, happiness, creativity, spiritual awareness; as well as developing psychologically healthy, deeply satisfying, successful, personal relationships, with true love, empathic emotional intimacy, and good communication; and extending similar principles as a way of transforming social networks, local communities, and global society for the better.











Dr. Max Hammer and Dr. Alan C. Butler are psychologists from Maine, with distinguished careers as Psychology faculty at the University of Maine Psychology Department (Dr. Max Hammer at the rank of Full Professor and Dr. Alan C. Butler at the rank of Cooperative Associate Professor), psychotherapists, clinical psychology consultants, diagnosticians, as well as supervisors of graduate students and interns in the practice of psychotherapy. Dr. Max Hammer was one of the core founders of the Clinical Psychology program at the University of Maine. Dr. Alan C. Butler was one of the original staff members at the University of Maine counseling center, also served as Director of its Internship training program for over thirty years, and was instrumental in developing that program. Dr. Barry J. Hammer, also from Maine, has a specialization in the history of world religions, and for many years has studied the process of psychological and spiritual transformation, and its applicability to enhancing human relationships.

The primary author, the late Dr. Max Hammer, was an editor and a major contributor of two previously published books, The theory and Practice of Psychotherapy with Specific Disorders (Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas Publisher, 1972); and The Practice of Psychotherapy with Children (Homewood, Illinois: Dorsey Press, 1967). He also published about 30 articles in the fields of psychotherapy and clinical psychology.


Links to Radio Interviews and YouTube Videos where the books and authors are discussed:

Barry Hammer, Psychological Healing Through Creative Self-Understanding and Self-Transformation

Barry Hammer, Deepening Your Personal Relationships



Contact: Ellen Green, Press Manager, Strategic Book Group -



Dr. Max Hammer’s Two Books:

‘Deepening Your Personal Relationships: Developing Emotional Intimacy and Good Communication’ and ‘Psychological Healing Through Creative Self-Understanding and Self-Transformation’

Will be Showcased at Book Expo America (BEA) in New York City


These books will be represented at BEA by publisher Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Agency, along with its sister companies Author Marketing Ideas and Print on Demand Global. This trio of companies represents thousands of authors’ work at book fairs and expos around the world, negotiating rights sales for both digital and print catalogues. BEA is considered the No. 1 book and author event in the U.S. and will be held May 29-31 at the Javits Center in New York City.


Deepening Your Personal Relationships: Developing Emotional Intimacy and Good Communication

(ISBN: 978-61897-590-4)

Dr. Max Hammer, With Dr. Barry J. Hammer and Dr. Alan C. Butler


Deepening Your Personal Relationships was written by three experts in the field, Dr. Max Hammer, Dr. Alan C. Butler, and Dr. Barry J. Hammer. Their combined expertise will help you in Developing Emotional Intimacy and Good Communication, which is beneficial in all types of relationships.  


The book explains how to achieve psychologically healthy and fulfilling interpersonal relationships by using effective communication, empathy, shared transformational development, and constructive conflict resolution. Deepening Your Personal Relationships provides original, meaningful, and transformational insights that are especially helpful in understanding how to overcome our subconscious egocentric resistance against good communication and emotional intimacy.


Readers wanting to enhance their personal relationships, gain insight into transformational self-help, and achieve compassionate social transformation will find this book especially helpful. It will also be of keen interest to professional relationship counselors.


Watch the video on the attached video pdf or at:   approved


DEEPENING YOUR PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS: DEVELOPING EMOTIONAL INTIMACY AND GOOD COMMUNICATION (ISBN: 978-1-61897-590-4) is now available for $24.50 and can be ordered through the publisher’s website: or at or


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Psychological Healing through Creative Self-Understanding and Self-Transformation

(ISBN: 978-1-62857-075-5)

Dr. Max Hammer, With Dr. Barry J. Hammer and Dr. Alan C. Butler


Are you ready for psychological healing? This book is your liberating, empowering self-help guide to psychological growth, self-understanding, self-transformation, healing of psychological pain, and achieving psychological and spiritual fulfillment. Some aspects of psychological health and fulfillment in the book are authenticity, sincerity, integrity, unselfish love, empathy, creativity, intuition, courage, strength of character, emotional security, vitality, and inner wholeness.


Readers will discover a new understanding of effective psychotherapy, diagnostic assessment testing research; and the distinction between the ego self-concept, the experiential self, and the transpersonal self (the real self, the relational self, and the holistic self).


Principles of psychological self-understanding and healing self-transformation can enhance the development of personal fulfillment and inner peace, good interpersonal relationships, as well as facilitate effective and fulfilling ways of living in society. Self-transformation at your fingertips!


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PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALING THROUGH CREATIVE SELF-UNDERSTANDING AND SELF-TRANSFORMATION (ISBN: 978-1-62857-075-5) is now available for $28.50 and can be ordered through the publisher’s website:

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About the Authors: The primary author, Dr. Max Hammer, was a distinguished psychology professor and supervisor of graduate students and interns in the clinical psychology, psychotherapy, and counseling practice training program of the Psychology Department at the University of Maine for many years, as well as a respected psychotherapist and clinical psychology consultant and diagnostician. He was one of the original core clinicians who founded and developed the clinical psychology program at the University of Maine. In his work with graduate and undergraduate students in that program, he provided a humanistic and transpersonal perspective, with an refreshing emphasis on flexible, warmly caring, empathic responsiveness to the needs of the individual psychotherapy client.

Contributing author Dr. Alan C. Butler, a distinguished colleague and friend of Dr. Max Hammer, was a cooperating associate professor of psychology at the University of Maine. He was one of the original staff members at the University of Maine Counseling Center, and served as training director for its internship program for over 30 years.

The other secondary contributing author, Dr. Barry J. Hammer, eldest son of Dr. Max Hammer, and also from Maine, has a specialization in the history of world religions, and for many years has studied the process of psychological and spiritual transformation, and its applicability to enhancing human relationships.



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Manifesting Inner and Outer Peace

Manifesting Inner and Outer Peace

Dr. Barry Hammer


The reality of peace must actually be lived, by being expressed to others with unselfish caring, and responsive harmonious empathic attunement, along with indivisibly related qualities of goodness such as love, happiness, and beauty, because it is not truly real if it is only a static, abstract, presumptive, thought in the mind, without being lived, or expressed, as a dynamic, responsive, energy, through everything that we say and do, in every here and now present moment. I find that inner peace naturally leads to outer peace, meaning that when the heart is deeply relaxed, with an attitude of non-judgmental unconditional acceptance of oneself and others, so that we are fully at peace with ourselves, then that inner peace will naturally be reflected outwardly by bringing peace and harmony to our experience in the world. The key to inner peace, which brings peace, harmony, and love into the outer world, is to experience the deep sense of fearlessness, security, and well-being, that comes from unselfishly expressing caring, or love, to others, and, thereby, being forgetful of the fearful, selfish, prideful, deficient-feeling, ego, a false or unreal sense of self that is the basic source of lack of peace, harmony, and goodness in our inner experience and in the outer world.


We cannot find inner and outer peace by turning inward, in any kind of selfish self-awareness, because introspective self-awareness blocks our conscious life energy from naturally flowing outward to others, and that blocked energy contracts or clenches the emotional heart center level of one’s being, producing fear, tension, hostility, and other related forms of negativity. The role of narcissistic self- awareness in producing inner and outer conflict, or lack of peace and harmony, can be understood in metaphorical terms represented by a Black Hole in space, recoiled upon itself, in a powerful inward suction, producing a destructive momentum of self-confinement and disintegration, that traps light, warmth, and energy, unnaturally blocking energy from flowing outward, contrary to the naturally radiant energy of love, epitomized by sunshine, light, and water naturally flowing outward, rather than pulling inward toward their source of origin.


Some people seek a false sense of peace and security by introspectively turning inward, often through introversive practices such as solitary meditation, abstract contemplation, or living the isolated life of a hermit, as a means of avoiding the risk of possibly experiencing rejection, loss, disappointment, anger, conflict, and other forms of emotional pain, hurt, or negativity that may come from being deeply invested in heartfelt caring or loving relationships with other people. The sense of calm that comes from isolating oneself in that way is not true inner peace, because it involves escaping from fearful feelings, and a fragile sense of insecurity, which one anticipates might arise if one comes out of one’s egocentric self-protective, isolated, detached, psychological “walls”, “shell”, or “bubble.” The false inner peace, or solitary calm, of emotional detachment reflects a numbed, death-like, static, timid, stony, cold-hearted, dispassionate, rather uncaring, contracted, sense of indifference, whereas real inner peace and outer harmony reflects the living energy of unselfish, expansive, warmhearted, love, that arises from an openness to letting be, flowing with, learning from, being strengthened by, and, thereby, finding true goodness in, uncomfortable, or unpleasant, feelings and situations that might arise from being deeply invested in caring relationships with other individuals.


Although peace and harmony cannot be found by turning inward, in any kind of introspective self- awareness, inner and outer peace finds us when we are self-forgetful as ego, by being deeply invested in unselfishly caring about others around us, and then, in being forgetful of the ego, as a false sense of separate self-awareness, we find our real self as love and goodness, which is a relational self, an unselfishly, generously, giving nature, not a separate, selfish, self-awareness. Only when people connect to one another in loving harmony can spiritual love blessing power flow through them into the world, and transform this world for the better, eliminating conflicts, and manifesting the unconditional peace, harmony, and goodness that is inherent to the permanent being of love.


One cannot reach enduring peace from a position of holding inner and outer conflict, disturbance, and deficiency, or lack of well-being, to be reality, and then trying to find some way to overcome, resolve, or eliminate that negativity. Struggling against negativity, and viewing it as the true reality nature of oneself, others, and life as a whole, perpetuates and magnifies that negativity, pulling one’s conscious energy ever deeper and deeper into that negativity, which energizes, feeds, and amplifies that negativity, like trying to fight fire with fire only makes the fire hotter and more destructive. Trying to overcome conflict, brutality, and oppression by struggling against perceived injustices and oppressors, expressing a blaming, judgmental, antagonistic, attitude toward such perceived wrongdoers, can fan the flames of negativity by arousing even greater hostility in those being blamed, and reinforcing their view of themselves as actually having the malevolent qualities attributed to them by those activists who denounce them. Much more powerful and enduring change for the better can come from expressing the intrinsic permanent being of relaxed peace, harmony, love, and goodness as already being the true reality nature of oneself, and viewing that as also being the inherent true nature of other individuals, and of life as a whole, now already.


Conditions of conflict, suffering, oppression, and injustice, are most likely to enduringly subside if one views that negativity as being only a temporary, dreamlike, illusory, experience, like a nightmare, not the intrinsic true reality nature of anyone’s permanent being. Recognizing and expressing that permanent being of peace, harmony, and well-being, is what most profoundly, and enduringly, dispels temporary illusory experiences of individual and societal disorders, like waking up automatically dispels dreams, and like bright sunshine effortlessly dissolves dark clouds, whereas antagonistically struggling against negativity often makes it worse, by immersing one’s conscious energy ever deeper into the negativity that one struggles against, like being obsessed with darkness keeps it always in mind, instead of turning on the light, which automatically dispels darkness, or like making muddy waters muddier by stirring them up, instead of permitting the mud to naturally fall back down to the bottom of the pond by not agitating the water, which restores the natural purity of the water. Sometimes one can work to change the status quo if some other alternative would be more compassionate and beneficial, but still remain grounded in relaxed inner peace, so that that inner peace can produce, and be reflected by, greater harmony, justice, and abundance in the outer world.


Anyone who wishes to read more of our inspirational/transformational insights should see our two published books, 1) Psychological Healing Through Creative Self-Understanding and Self-Transformation. (ISBN: 978-1-62857-075-5) and 2) Deepening Your Personal Relationships: Developing Emotional Intimacy and Good Communication. (ISBN: 978-1-61897-590-4). The primary author is Dr. Max Hammer, with contributions from secondary authors Dr. Barry J. Hammer and Dr. Alan C. Butler. These books can be purchased from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or our author/publisher website, The latter website also posts our other blogs, and describes our books and us as authors.

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If God's plan is perfect .....


I recognise that in the following message my channelling may offend some people who have a religious belief system, but whenever, “God” is mentioned we do not mean to offend anybody or cause upset.  The term “God” respectfully refers to the unknowable existence that is the ultimate creative source, sometimes otherwise referred to as “The Universe”, “Upstairs” or “The Management”.

This week we have received two questions that flow rather nicely from our previous subjects of destiny and manifestation.


1) If God's plan is perfect and everything that is meant to happen, happens, does what I do/think/believe have any effect?


2) What is the purpose of forgetting our connection to each other and to God? 




“Let us focus on this message: I am Myrddin, I bring only good to those who choose to hear me and listen.


The question asked today is, if God’s plan is perfect, does my contribution (meaning the questioners contribution) have any effect?


Again, these are very good questions, very interesting questions, very philosophical questions, they are at the root of people’s wanderings and ponderings on “why”, what is this life?


So, to the answer, my answer, Myrddin’s answer: a spiritual and intuitive, enigmatic response from a realm beyond the three dimensions of physicality.


My first response would be to ask the question, is God’s plan perfect? What is perfection?

The budding of a flower?

Every moment of existence?

The laughter of a child?


Are these things perfect?


They are perfect in two senses: one, the subjective experience of the thing. Two, the objective third dimensional observation of the thing. The observation of the laughing child creates a sense of wonder and enjoyment and perfection. The observation of the budding flower creates the same: the perfection, the process, the analysis, the wonderment, the crystallisation, the acknowledgement of “perfect”.


Without the observer, perfection does not exist.


And therein is the answer.


The human species is one species that observes and co-creates using the source energy that we have spoken of on many occasions. Thereby it manifests a being of perfection: an observational judgement of perfection.


For a being that has a different moral outlet, a different moral code, a different standpoint from which to judge, the perfection the human race judges as perfect, is not perfect.


The creative energy is Source energy. The creative energy is God energy. The creative energy is God. It is the Oneness. It is simply, “All That Is”. This is not blasphemous, it is simply fact: “God” is a label of supreme creative energy. There are no words to describe what this is. I am not God, you are not God and yet we all have elements of God within us. This makes us “God” collectively.


This is outrageous, you say. But it is not outrageous: it is an element of God. Look in your eyes and you see a reflection of God. Look in somebody else’s eyes and you see a reflection of God. Look outside yourselves, look through your windows you see the manifestation of God in physicality. Everything you see has God within it. It is all created from source energy. God’s plan is perfect because God is perfect, because it is God. Perfection is God.


Do you therefore, as the questioner, the person asking this question, have a role to play in this perfection?


Why would you doubt? Do your decisions make a difference to this perfection? Yes. Your decisions make a difference and the perfection is built upon every decision that is made.


Every decision that is made is not destined, is not pre-determined. All that is exists before you were born and after you die, but your awareness of it is unfolding moment by moment through the choices that you make. It is the moment by moment linear exploration of different opportunities given by the choices you make, that unfold your perfection and your experience of God.


I can put this no other way: time is the building block.” 





“The question is what is the purpose of forgetting your connection to God?


That is not a purpose, that is a result. It is a result of many decades of human freewill and choice which has taken a course which has led to this point that you are experiencing now, where the species as a whole has indeed forgotten its connection.


In the original plan, the plan was to remain connected. You are always connected even if you do not recognise it. Your bodies, your experiences are made up of the Yin and the Yang, the two, the duality. You have a physicality which functions, you have a spiritual soul which functions both are intertwined in the years that you live in the three dimensions. When you die your soul exists as a separate part. (To clarify: here, he means separate from the physical)  


Your soul is the subjective realisation of all that you have experienced and all that you do experience in your lifetime.


The mechanism is such that you can remember and remain attached to the source energy. The current structure of the planet of human society is that in the West the materialism has overridden the spiritual desire to remain conscious of the attachment.


The plan is being rectified. From the 1960s onwards and with each passing day.


Do not underestimate the power of “downloads” into the genetic structure of the human being. The antenna is also the receiver. The DNA can be activated with intent. The subtle realms push and pull on the physical in order that judgements and plans and schemes, be completed. When I say “schemes” I do not mean “dark” schemes, I do not mean “scheming”, I do not mean anything untoward. I mean the playing of the players. I mean the experience that is the human experience of life: set, emotional scenarios carried out to the order in which energetic beings can learn: humans being energetic beings! Emotional scenarios carried out for learning purposes. The best way to learn is to do, to experience for oneself, to go through the experience and come out the other side having learnt.


We in The Management set the emotional agenda for your lives in consultation with you as spiritual beings when you are in our dimension. When you pass through into your current existence, the process, in order for you to survive, switches on the physical mechanism and your “filters” override the soul mechanism.


Not everybody is detached from their soul purpose or their spiritual aspect. Much can be learned when you establish a connection if you are “supposed to” remain with your spiritual connection and learn spiritual lessons.


What do I mean by this? I do not mean to put one person above another, to say that “old soul” in your terms is what is classified as “a good thing”. An old soul can be a “bad thing”.  An “old soul” is just what it is, it just simply “is” in relation to another in relation on your time-line old or new.


This does not mean that a person that you call in egoistic terms an “old soul” is any better than another. You are all equal, we are all equal, we just exist differently.


One of the lessons for humanity is to learn that! Equality: you are boundary driven (as Timothy would say), you are constrained, your thinking is box-like. You identify with others that appear to be as yourselves, but you exclude others who appear to be different, through fear!


It is unnecessary. Fear is a survival mechanism. Fight or flight. When the species was preyed upon it was necessary to have fear. It is still necessary to be fearful of some things like high places! You do not want to step off a high place! This is not a good thing. Therefore fear stops you doing that. Fear will always be there until you are in this realm when fear does not exist.


I sense I am being patronising!


So, the connection need not be lost. It is not the intention of humanity to be disconnected which is why the spiritual message is flooding across the world. The desperate need to re-connect before it is too late. And indeed it will never be too late, because it is integral to the human species. They come from spirit, they remain partly as spirit, they return to spirit. Spirit understands, does not judge, acknowledges the problem, works in harmony with the physical world and recognises the structures of the physical world. The physical world is in place because of spirit, not the other way round.


I have no more to say on this subject at this time. This was an interesting reading. Thank you for your questions. Farewell.”       


More "Butterfly 88" messages each week at



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Archangels and Light Beings Surround Earth

The Picture, which can be viewed by clicking on theis link, came to me in an email and I have published it on this blog, because it so beautifully depicts the Earth surrounded by a glowing Merkabah field of Light in the shape of the Star Tetrahedron. This sacred geometric shape of Light creates a high frequency field of Light around whatever, or whomsoever, is inside of it. As such it creates a raised resonance state as well as a protective energy field.

We note the results of the efforts of the Light Beings who concentrate their efforts on Earth, as well as the Archangels who stand in attendance. All of this Light, beaming into Earth, can only be a good thing.

With the Merkabah field of Light in place around the Earth, we are assured that all who live here are stimulated by higher frequencies of Light. This means that human beings are more likely to start thinking from the basis of an awakened state of consciousness. From this we are more likely to choose to do the following:

Create more peace, both individually and collectively.

  • Live with the principles of Light and love in our hearts and minds.
  • Understand who we are as Souls.
  • Connect to our Soul Intent, and live that purpose, as human beings.
  • Realise what we are doing here on this planet.
  • Begin to understand what our purpose is for the future.

And, in this way, we gently and easily birth what has been termed the Golden Age on Earth. As we live the reality of truth, peace, harmony, tolerance and mutual co-operation we find there is no room in our lives for the lower resonance states no matter whether they are thoughts, emotions or actions, and we begin to live the reality and the truth of ONE.

Therefore, please actively participate in creating this state of ONENESS on Earth by keeping this picture in your mind’s eye and using it during a meditation, or print it out and put it in a place where you can look at it as often as possible. Our visual processes are a powerful means of creation, so when we consciously make use of them, we enhance their performance.

While we do this we note that calling in the Archangelic helpers of humanity and asking them to shine their Light on problem areas around the Earth, is all we need to do to raise the resonance of the whole planet.

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Call in the Archangels to Support Earth

As we progress through the year, the month of August provides us with the perfect opportunity to step up our efforts to help create peace on Earth.One of the easiest and most effective ways to do this is to call on the Beings of Archangelic Realm for help. These wondrous Beings of Light surround the Godhead/Source Consciousness and go where they are called. Their purpose is one of service throughout the Universe. Therefore, when we call them and ask them to help us, they always respond.The support they provide is able to change things in an instant in the material world, because they surround us with ultra high frequency Light. This Light is the stuff that magical miracles are made of, literally.If as many people as possible request the Archangels to help support Earth with their Light, so that all of humanity can have a heightened opportunity to feel that Light of love and feel peace and develop understanding, then we are guaranteed a wonderful influx of Light to the planet. Visualising this Archangelic Light flooding into problem areas of the planet, and surrounding the whole of the Earth, raises the resonance throughout. We all benefit from this.We can call upon any of the Archangels by name, or as a group of Light Beings to help us. Alternatively, we could ask Archangel Gabriel to bring in the appropriate Archangel for this work. However we choose to call on the Archangels, we are guaranteed their Light support.It is suggested that anybody who participates in this resonance raising exercise does it daily for the entire month of August at least. True and lasting peace, which is a vital constituent of the Golden Age that so many of us yearn for, is attainable with a little bit of effort by a lot of people.
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Owning your Light = Peace Within

We heard some wise words from Osiris this week relating to living our truth, owning our Light within and knowing the self. If we consider that the our primary objective, as a soul incarnate on Earth as a human being, is to live in accordance with our Soul Intent, we can acknowledge that this amounts to bringing the Divine Light of our Origins into our present lifetime. By doing this we automatically raise our resonance to the state of Divinity. With this comes tolerance, compassion, unconditional love andthe peace which are the prerequisites for being able to experience the reality of the Golden Age of Bliss on Earth.

Although we are all still learning these skills of raised consciousness, we begin with the intent to learn them. Once this intent is set – and it is always better to write intentions down so as to begin the manifestation process in earnest – we are able to start the process of living the Light. Even if we only manage to feel a raised resonance state of consciousness for one split instant at a time, this is sufficient to raise our overall resonance. Energy boosts of this nature exponentially improve our Light-holding capacity.

When living from the perspective our Divinity we would no more hurt anything or anybody else, or be angry with another, than we would hurt or be angry with ourselves. Our purpose, as Souls, is to experience the joy and abundance of physical life on Earth and, when our Light within encompasses our being it shines out from our hearts and illuminates all within existence. This state of consciousness is the state of Oneness. This state of Bliss is Omnipresence.

Omnipresence amounts to being in the all-knowing state. This includes living with, and accessing, our fully developed psychic abilities. This enables us with the ability to bring the entirety of the past, the present and the future into the non-linear experience of No-time. This is where all within existence is accessible by the self.

This apparently far-off state of beings begins with the simple fact of knowing the self in its entirety. We work our way towards this by:

1. Knowing where we come from, as Souls.

2. Knowing who we are, as Souls.

3. Knowing the full extent of the truth, including the correct and most basic history of Earth and our own human past.

Although reading the appropriate books, attending courses and pursuits of a similar nature are highly beneficial in finding our pathway forwards, we are all able to find the truth within the depths of the self. Once we do this, we can go beyond the limitations of the present dimension of existence and bring the Light of Divinity forward to ourselves. We do this from an altered state of consciousness, such as through the state of stillness while in meditation.

Once we own the truth and the Light, we are able to live this truth, from the basis of the Light within. The most important thing for us to do at this time on Earth is to not only work on ourselves and expand our knowledge, but to apply all that we have learnt and LIVE it. How do we know when we own our Light? We have peace within.

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The Light Beings have stated something that they rarely do: that this is a time of emergency on Earth. As such, it is important that as many people as possible work at visualising peace on our planet. We need to be aware that each and every single person who visualises peace, love, harmony and happiness existing between all the people of Earth contributes significantly to the manifestation of exactly that.

It is imperative that we concentrate our visualisation orientated peace efforts on the entirety of the Middle East at this time, as well as elsewhere and within ourselves. The Light Beings have commented that Earth is extremely delicately balanced right now, and that our ability to visualise peace is sufficient to support the dissipation of the looming crises in this area. Conflict in the Middle East is nothing new, as it has been an area of strife and stress since ancient times. These ancient patterns of behaviour have continued to be recreated again and again, and this is the reason that the regional unrest continues in our modern day.

Nevertheless, it is now time for all these ancient, and very negative, patterns to finish. There is no need for people to continue repeating them. We are in an Ascension process, as humanity and Earth, and we have the perfect opportunity to finalise all the pain and suffering that has predominated on Earth since the fall of man and of the Angelic Being ENLIL. This process is supported by ENLIL'S own rapid advances into the Light of redemption at this time.

We can take the opportunity that ENLIL'S Light recovery process offers us and use it to further our own progress. Knowing that this is happening - that the Fallen Angel is recoving from his fall - means we that we too can shift as dramatically. Therefore, there is no need for any human being to feel insecure while that which previously underpinned darkness shifts. The energy of archetypical darkness has changed, and has become Light. Nevertheless, it is bound to happen that people feel unsettled at this time, especially those whose intentions concentrate on power over others and greed.

The deserts of the Middle East area came about as a direct result of the nuclear war in ancient times. The fact that these areas were previously lush and abundant with life and that they are no longer, is testament to the devastation that the Middle East and North Africa have suffered. These desert regions are the result of nuclear warhead detonations, and we, as modern man, are in danger of repeating those ancient catastrophes. The human anger that creates this is as unnecessary and as it is unproductive.

Earth cannot tolerate any more unnecessary upsets, and certainly nothing as energetically and physically devastating as a nuclear war. Under such circumstances, the energy unleased would damage the whole globe. We would be naive to imagine that only the Middle East would suffer. The climate of the entire globe would be negatively affected, and every human being would suffer, including you and I. Hunger would prevail and crops would fail. We don't need any more of that. It is, therefore, highly beneficial to help to create peace and harmony amongst apparently opposing peoples - for the good of all.

Let us use this opportunity to not only visualise all the world at peace, but ourselves at peace too, while intensely concentrating our efforts on the Middle East,.

Let us visualise our families, work places, and suburban neighbourhoods at peace.

Let us visualise an abundance of food for everybody on Earth.

Let us visualise blind anger being replaced by love in the hearts of the people of troubled lands.

Let us visualise everybody's hearts, including our own, glowing with the Light of love.

Let us visualise the Ascension Chakra (just above the base of the skull) of every single person glowing with the Light of Ascension.

Let us visualise leaders of Light, whose hearts sing with love.

Let us visualise people who desire peace.

Let us visualise soldiers who prefer peace.

Let us visualise previously warring people raising their hands with the classic ''V sign as a greeting of peace.

Let us visualise all people of the Middle East, and then of the entire world, looking at each other with love on their faces; love which reflects the love in their hearts.

Let us visualise the happy result of this peace, as we live in Bliss on Earth.

And So It Is.

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EARTH: Property of the GODHEAD

"...... Earth is the consciousness and the property of the Godhead."


channelled by Jacqui Gilbert

Reading this short quote from the ancient Being known as DUMUZI, we are given more than just these words to consider. We have heard so many times, from the Light Beings of the GODHEAD, that Earth is so much more important than we could imagine. In addition to this, the work we do on ourselves - individually and as a collective consciousness - has such far reaching consequences that it impacts way beyond Earth.

DUMUZI is the beloved of INANNA, who gave up his GOD BEING state and took on physicality. He did this in order to support humanity to find their way back to the Light and out of the lowered dimensional experience of reality. As such, he has been a valuable wayfarer for all of us, waiting until this time of humanity's awakening consciousness to begin communicating with us again. Without his sacrifice we might have remained in a difficult state of blinded consciousness for far longer than we have done already.

By meditating on Dumuzi's quote we begin to glean the depths of what he has said to us. Some of this is as follows:

  • Nobody owns Earth.
  • Nobody owns the resources of Earth.
  • Collectively, as creations of the GODHEAD ourselves, we may participate and partake of the riches of Earth.

In discussion on this topic, DUMUZI commented that, while it is perfectly acceptable to own a patch of land upon the Earth, it is not reasonable to suggest that the riches within the Earth belong to any one country, or any one person. Earth's resources are for the use of all the Beings of the GODHEAD and their creations. It was never intended that any one person, or corporation, or nation, enrich themselves at the expense of any others by mining or otherwise extracting the riches from the Earth.

If we had to bear this in mind, these simple facts would make nonsense of the so-called reasons for war on our planet.

Were all of humanity to act as ONE, in the collective, we would happily spread the riches around. We would do this in order to advance the whole species which is human, alive on Earth now and forevermore. By holding onto the riches of the Earth, we simply perpetuate the concept of separation and all the greed and power control issues which go along with it. Behaviours of this nature are not tenable if we want to birth the Golden Age on Earth, and live in Bliss.

Let us reclaim our birthright as creations - Hu-man - creations of the GODHEAD, and live together in peace, love and harmony. ONENESS is the only way forward.

With this in mind, we easily see others around us in peace, and forgive them because they are not only our friends, but part of ourselves. From this we develop volumes of love within our hearts and easily love ourselves as we love others. Unconditional love is a short step from this, as is the Ascended state of living in a higher dimension of reality.

So, in conclusion, let each one of us visualise people all over the world smiling at each other with joy, love and tolerance in their hearts. Let us see the global 'V' symbol of peace being waved around, and hearts glowing with the Light of love. Most especially, let us all concentrate these visuals on the people and the leaders of Middle East at this time, so that we may tilt the delicately balanced energy of that area in the direction of Light and love. Let us all participate in manifesting the world we want, with love. Let us do this immediately and each day onwards, until we create what we want. And, after that, we simply create more!

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Emotions, Resonance and Living Ascension

Ideas about the lofty heights of Ascension are bandied around fairly easily in the various literature, blogs, seminars and websites. However, as much as we might know that humanity and Earth are moving forwards at a rapid rate and developing an awakened state of consciousness, many of our human issues still remain to plague us. The balancing act, therefore, revolves around managing the human emotional state and the ability to continue to work our way upwards in consciousness. Negative emotions, such as anger or fear, are defined as being fallen states, and so the existence of a negative emotion is clearly contrary to the Ascension process.

Understanding that Ascension means that we live our lives at the higher level – or heart-centred – of functioning, supports us to find tools to work out how to deal with negative emotions when they arise. This is important, because it is the lower types of emotion which create a lowered resonance state within us. Anything which is of a low resonance is, by definition, contrary to the raised resonance state of Ascension.

Ascension is defined as a shift into an alternative, higher and/or more expanded state of reality. When in this state of consciousness all of our abilities are enhanced. It is because of this that we become perceptually more competent so as to be referred to as psychic, and easily relate to each other telepathically. Ascension amounts to a dimensional shift, which we are able to do at this time while remaining physically alive on the planet. The big deal about the end of this Great Cycle of Time that is coming to an end on 21 December 2012, and which is detailed by the Mayan Calendar, is that we have the stellar opportunity to shift consciousness to such an significant extent that our experience of reality literally changes.

Achieving a dimension shift while alive on Earth, or Living in Ascension, is essentially related to raising our resonance. The ways that different people choose to do this are many and varied, but always revolve around a few essentials:

  • Healing ourselves emotionally, physically and mentally to release whatever no longer serves us on our pathway forwards.
  • Re-programming ourselves emotionally, physically and mentally so as to ensure we consciously decide what we want and how we feel and react.

Without the two aforementioned aspects of growth, we are unlikely to make the rapid progress that is required at this time in order to resonate with a higher dimension of reality, in Ascension. If we do choose to go through what are often the arduous processes of detoxification - which involve acknowledging our issues, feeling them and then releasing them - we progress in the following ways:

  • The ability to forgive the self and others. It is impossible to forgive any other person until such time as we forgive ourselves.
  • The development of self love. It is impossible to love the self until we forgive ourselves.
  • The development of unconditional love for all in existence. This is a natural extension from forgiveness and self love.

In conjunction with these processes which help us to develop the ability for unconditional love, any positive shift within will create a shift in resonance, and this is what affects our DNA. Human beings all have dormant DNA. Although these parts of the DNA was de-activated so long ago, it still has the capacity to respond to the higher frequency vibrations which are responsible for raising resonance. Therefore, we re-activate our DNA by raising our resonance. Re-activated DNA results in an expanded, awakened and shifted state of consciousness.

Each and every single one of us is able to progressively enLighten ourselves and move towards the ultimate state of the expansion of consciousness, which is Omnipresence. Although we can certainly acknowledge that most people are a fairly long way off from being All-aware of All That Is, we are nevertheless genetically engineered to be able to be in this state, because Divinity resides within our DNA. Omnipresence is the consciousness of Bliss which is called Oneness. The most natural of all human drives supports progression is in this direction of expansion, and this is the reason why so many people seek the truth, yearn for meaning as to their Soul Purpose, and choose to develop themselves spiritually. We hanker after that which we know we lack, and that is the feeling and the experience of the state of Oneness.

With this in mind, we consider that the processes which are involved in continuously working on ourselves make perfect sense, because it is only by clearing and releasing our issues that we are able to find the peace, forgiveness and love within ourselves that enable us to live in Ascension. In turn, clearing and releasing our issues reduces the chances of falling into the low energy fields of negative emotional states. After working extensively on ourselves so as to raise our resonance, it becomes eminently easier to recover our position should we fall into feeling negative emotions, and/or acting out the associated behaviours. This is very different to what happens when living the reality experiences of a lower resonance. In lower dimensional states we tend to get stuck in the issues which are governed by emotions, and endlessly justify our behaviour in terms of the way other situations or people ‘make’ us feel.

We cannot ignore the fact that we, as human beings, remain susceptible to all sorts of emotions, regardless of our state of consciousness. However, when in a raised state of resonance we recover from them far quicker and, with continued practice, we may even avoid slipping into them for longer than a split instant. It is important to bear in mind that we cannot develop raised resonance, which is necessary prerequisite for the heart-centred Ascension experience of reality, if we continue to either suppress our issues or allow them to persist within us. Therefore, healing of all kinds should be attended to with the utmost urgency, if we want to continue to live on Earth in the future, in a higher dimension of reality.

Knowing that raising resonance is the key progress into the new and more pleasant realities of alternative dimensions, we more readily accept the fact that we are individually responsible for birthing the Golden Age on Earth, simply by doing whatever it takes to raise our resonance.

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The 9/11 Peace Intention Experiment
September 11-18, 2011 1 pm US Eastern Daylight Savings Time
On September 11, 2011 and for eight days thereafter the Intention Experiment will be hosting a special 9/11 Peace Intention Experiment which will run at the same time (1 pm Eastern DST) each day. Tens of thousands of people from the West and the East will join hands, jointly apologize for the 9/11 tragedy and its aftermath and together participate in an Intention Experiment to lower violence in a targeted area. The results will be monitored by a team of prestigious scientists and we'll report back to you with the results.
You can participate in this historic event by registering, below.

Time of experiment in other time zones:
10 AM September 11 US Pacific DST Time
11 AM Mountain DST
12 Noon Central DST
6 PM UK summer time
7 PM Rest of Western Europe
8 PM Kuwait
For additional time zones, please consult:

If you'd like to join us, please register here.
This is presented by Lynne McTaggart

Dear LightGrid Family, I know there is much going on in our lives individually/collectively, and I'm putting this out for us to join our energies, intentions and love & forgiveness for the 10th Aniversary of 9/11 that changed the world as we knew it.
Thank you & Bless you ALL :-D


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Flower child or Flower Children originated as a synonym for hippie, especially the idealistic young people who gathered in San Francisco and environs during the 1967 Summer of Love. It was the custom of "flower children" to wear and distribute flowers or floral-themed decorations to symbolize altruistic ideals of universal brotherhood, peace and love. The mass media picked up on the term and used it to refer in a broad sense to any hippie. Flower children were also associated with the flower power political movement, which originated in ideas written by Allen Ginsburg in 1965.

Scott McKenzie's rendition of the song "San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair)" was released in May 1967. The song was written by John Phillips to promote the June 1967 Monterey Pop Festival, and it urged visitors to San Francisco to "wear some flowers in your hair", in keeping with the festival's billing as "three days of music, love, and flowers":
If you're going to San Francisco,
be sure to wear some flowers in your hair...
If you come to San Francisco,
Summertime will be a love-in there.
"San Francisco" became an instant hit (#4 in the United States, #1 in the U.K. and quickly transcended its original purpose

Summer of Love

After the January 14 Human Be-In organized by artist Michael Bowen (among other things, announcements told participants to bring flowers),as many as 100,000 young people from all over the world flocked to San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury district, Berkeley, and other Bay Area cities during the Summer of Love. in search of different value systems and experiences. The Summer of Love became a watershed event in the development of a worldwide 1960s counterculture when newly-recruited Flower Children returned home at the end of the summer, taking with them new styles, ideas, and behaviors and introducing them in all major U.S. and Western European cities.

People's Park

The term achieved shades of political meaning when San Francisco Bay Area Flower Children gathered in Berkeley, California in April 1969 to participate in the planting of flowers, shrubs, grass, and trees during the building of People's Park. After authorities destroyed People's Park and installed an 8 ft (2.4 m) tall chain-link wire fence around its perimeter, planting flowers became a symbol of peaceful resistance.

In this time of great change on our planet let us remember...the power of the flower :)

The weapons of our warfare come from the mother Earth and the father Sky and the Creator of all that is, all that was and all that will be.And we as children of the universe have the power and the connection to bring about this change :)
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