light (13)


AUGUST 7, 2017

AUGUST 8, 2017


This Grid of Quantum Light has been transmitted to provide Geometric Light Language support as the New Earth crystalline matrix portal space expands more fully now during the amplification of the Eclipse Gateway- which opened in February and culminates with the timeline shift during the total Solar Eclipse on August 21.

Ties to old Earth matrix programming are being severed on personal and collective levels, and timeline bifurcation is unfolding as Grid Workers and Gatekeepers across the planet work earnestly to anchor the New Earth upgrades and process the higher vibrational frequencies of our planet and the influx of cosmic particles and magnetic field adjustments from the Galactic Center and from Solarys, our Sun.

The Grids transmitted during the June Solstice season supported us in clearing space and created dimensional connections to begin to anchor shifting timelines and to establish an open flow of communication with our higher dimensional aspects.

Now, as we have stepped through the Day Out of Time and into the Lions Gate Portal, this Grid has been transmitted to provide a prismatic, structured crystalline field in which we can truly begin to traverse from the old timelines and into the new.

Much has been written about this intense time of transformation: the splitting of timelines, the spiking of the Schumann Resonances, the crystalline matrices, the New Earth upgrades. It is widely agreed that we will begin to experience on a greatly increasing realistic level the existence of different timelines, of completely different realities - depending on where we are in our souls journey on Earth in our physical form, and where the energetic relationship of our human mind to old Earth matrix programming is.

It is so important that those who are guided, who have seen through the lies, the chaos, the false light of old Earth programming do all that we can to assist in anchoring the higher frequencies, processing the cosmic rays, breaking down the collective constraints of mind control - to allow the new paradigms to crystallize and solidify into this dimension - and to hold the space open for more and more humans to step into as they become ready.

This Grid is a powerful tool that has been delivered during this Eclipse portal to amplify, anchor and process the cosmic influx of rays, particles and frequencies that are bombarding our human bodies and our planet Earth. This is happening of course on linear and non-linear levels, as we are being physically and energetically pushed toward the timeline split that will be facilitated by the total Solar Eclipse.

The coded geometric field that is created by this Grid of Quantum Light is prismatic, splitting light and separating out linear and non-linear frequencies and vibrations. It is crystalline, metallic and multidimensional in its nature, providing a coherent framework for anchoring the frequencies into the core of our mother Gaia, into the spiraling dodecahedral array of our DNA, and into the core of every cell in our physical bodies.

It is infused with the light of Sirius, enmeshed in the sacred geometry of the Flower of Life, and built upon the foundation of numbers that are the raw material of Phi life force in this physical dimension. It contains geometric code to create new realities, to guide us through dimensional corridors outside of linear time and space, and to connect and materialize new thought forms while ushering away the old and transmuting them back to neutral quantum particles of light.

Energetic structures are contained within it to terminate old, distorted energies and to manifest 'miracles' on the physical plane through an unwavering and pure connection to Source. Incoming frequencies are transformed to their highest potential, and energies are made malleable by the metallic vibrations of Gold and Copper prisms within it.

Universal consciousness is connected to our DNA and gaps of knowledge and information are bridged into the meridians of our physical and subtle bodies. The Grid is connected to cosmic consciousness through a powerful connection which provides the geometric structure to connect and unite Earth consciousness with cosmic consciousness through the Grid and bring the two into greater resonance and alignment.

This Grid is useful in conjunction with any spiritual, energetic practice or light language transmission you may be working with individually or in groups during this pivotal time in our human journey.

Use it in open eye meditation, print it out for ceremonies or altars, provide it on screens of any size during meditations, gatherings, while getting ready for sleep or upon waking etc. Transmit it into crystals, stones or simply take it in and then emanate it from your heart, head and belly etherically into any physical space. And of course, and perhaps most importantly, intentionally transmit it through your torus fields and outward into all the nested torus fields that we are existing here in 'Earth Physical' 2017!

As soon as you focus upon the Grid, it will permeate your merkaba fields, fill your aura/subtle bodies, and connect to the multidimensional water and tetrahedral core of the cellular structures of your physical form. Follow your intuition and and your own practices to anchor and work with the Light Language that is transmitted by the grid through the next two weeks and beyond, with the knowledge that within it is the structure and support for releasing of old programming and the codes to allow the new paradigms and timelines to take hold.

(During my practices with this Grid, I was guided to work also with Dimensional Space Grid of the Solstice portal in June to facilitate and enhance the processes of timeline/ matrix shifting as well.)

Take care of yourself during this intense time, be well and hold the collective vision of a new way of living in human bodies here on planet Earth. The 'TIME' is NOW, we are at a pivotal place in our personal transformation and in the transformation of all humanity. May we be fully supported in doing the work, anchoring the grids, holding the light and creating the space for this to unfold and to be open for all those who are to follow in the coming times.

With eternal LOVE and Gratitude,

Angela Savitri

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Into The Void


I've tried to rest, and I am much more rested than I was earlier this week, but sometimes things happen and an adventure is called for.

I told a friend I was headed into the Void and would meet them there, and just see what would happen. I certainly didn't know what would happen, and that's what makes it an adventure.

As soon as I started meditating in the hot tub, I had three Dragon's peering over the edge of the tub. I was sitting in one corner. Across from me was Gaia Sophia's Golden Dragon. To her right (my left) was Obsidian, and to her left, was Arak's Dragon, whom I called a Lava Dragon (from my Maldec adventure). They were just patiently waiting.

I connected with Gaia Sophia, while the three Dragons were gently filling me with Dragon Fire energy. I had asked for the Dragons to slow down earlier in the week, which they did, and this was more subtle energy work I suppose, even though it did take my breath away a little when I would breath it deep within.

I asked for the other guides to come in and the Archangels and Ascended Masters appeared. I had to laugh when I saw Sananda with his golden flames of unconditional love sitting directly below the Golden Dragon and St. Germain with his Violet Flame sitting below Obsidian with his purple flames. They all looked quite content, but they did look quite small with the Dragons behind them.

The Archangels, including myself were contributing energy and I then quickly acknowledged aspects of myself.

I opened the Faery and Dragon portals and many of both streamed through. I knew these many Dragons were going to participate in our adventure somehow.

Luna, my Dragon aspect wasn't present, and I knew she was on Helios Lightship One, so I connected with the ship and went there immediately through the ascension portal, and the three Dragons came along too. It's always quite nice ascending through the portal as I just float upward completely relaxed.

What I saw on the ship was the 'new' Dragon Light Body curled up in a large nest of sorts. Kind of like a birds nest, but not just made of sticks and twigs. Embedded in her chest was the crystal Dragon egg. It was, or at least appeared to be, the heart of my Dragon Body, and was moving into position inside of her. The body had some light iridescent flames radiating off and throughout her.

Luna was there looking on with care, and I wanted to get into the new light body. I merged with Luna to be my ethereal Dragon self and I moved closer in to touch her. I was told it's too soon to touch or interact and not to do so. I backed off and just quietly laid down near her, feeling the heartbeat of energy. It was very calm, soothing, and wonderful.

I don't know if it was a pride thing or a protective thing, but I felt the Dragons all becoming larger, and we were told not to get too large for the space available in the ship... It's a huge open space, so I found it kind of funny, but soon after, we decided to continue the adventure off of the ship.

We 'dropped' through the bottom of the ship into space, formed into individual merkaba energy fields, and took off toward the center of the galaxy.

Dragons can go REALLY fast. I know instant travel is pretty normal, or at least has happened many times, but this time, we just accelerated and became kind of like angular energy fields. Almost like an energetic arrow without the fletching. I saw a Stargate up ahead with a 12 on it, and we passed through it.

Upon passing through, I saw a giant golden tornado, like the time spiral I've used to clear past lives. We each descended into the tornado of golden light and I landed at the bottom where the eternal flame burns and I stepped through the doorway into The Void.

The Void is a place of creation, where Dragons and universes are formed. When I entered The Void, my form became a collection of celestial bodies spiraling/spinning around myself as a sun. As other Dragons came in, they did similar transformations.

Very soon after this image, the void turned into a beautiful non-Earth tropical beach at sunset.


I, as Luna, was sitting on the beach, not far from the water, and some friends Dragon's were sitting with me in a line (an electrical Dragon I'll call Electra, and a Dragon with a Unicorn style horn and a hairy mane I'll call Uni-D. There may have been some other friend's Dragons with us as well, I'm not sure. Behind us were the Golden Dragon, Obsidian, and the Lava Dragon, and then further back and to our sides were hundreds of other Dragons looking on, sitting on hills and rocks.

The sky was filled with pinks and purples, there was at least one, maybe two moons, and the water was a brilliant blue-green, luminous in the darkening light of the sunset. Some clouds were drifting by as well, and the water was framed by palm trees on either end of the beach.

It felt like we were new initiates in Dragon society being welcomed in a special Dragon event.

Out of the water rose a super-huge three-headed Hydra (upper body, not full body).


Clearly this Hydra didn't wear hats, glasses, or smoke a pipe, but the attached image was the only non-scary hydra image I could find...

Anyway, this behemoth began to give us a speech. Unfortunately, I can't remember all of it, or the specific details. Darn it...

But the gist of it was this. We all had choices to make, and options for those choices. He pointed me out as having made my choice, and kind of made a big deal out of it (it was my adventure after all...). He said that as a Dragon, we would be creating new universes, or galaxies, complete with all the celestial star dust that makes universes possible. He said we can look at it from the big picture view as the whole enchilada, or at any given NOW moment, interact within the minutia of the details. He also said that we wouldn't be doing it alone, that our many aspects of self would be either merging with us, or accompanying along to fulfill many different roles. He implied this was part of the ascension into new experiences and roles/responsibilities.

I wish I could remember more of the speech, but at it's conclusion, he lifted fully out of the water, and took off away from us disappearing in a flash of light. When he 'flashed-out,' the beach disappeared and we were back to the void, and where he had been, was now a scattering of galaxies.

It was time to head back, so we passed back through the doorway, up the golden tornado, and back through the Stargate. We came out of 'warp speed' just as Gaia was coming into view and flew directly into inner Earth.

We went to my favorite Agarthan spot next to the beautiful waterfall temple and pond where Archangel Michael gave me my iridescent flaming sword. I wondered if me as a Dragon would have a flaming sword or not, or if my Archangel self would be the only one with this sword. The strange and ridiculous thoughts we as humans have... I figured as a creator, I can have a big flaming sword if I want to.

I saw Nina the Unicorn walk up and she was lamenting that she didn't go on the Dragon adventure with us, and seemed to feel kind of left out. I don't know if this is something Unicorns would feel, or if I was imprinting this idea onto her and her human self as my wife, but I transformed into Archangel Everian, and spread my wings around her and just loved her as much as I could. We just sat together for a long time and admired the scenery.

My time in the hot tub was coming to an end soon, so I made one last trip to HL1 to visit my new Dragon Light Body, and Luna stayed there while I returned to the hot tub.

In the hot tub I did some energy work with a friend and then ended my meditation time.

It was a nice adventure that I greatly enjoyed.

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The First


Well certainly a first for me anyway...

After the last several experiences I've had, I was very tired (still tired). All day yesterday following my 'Difficult Decision' meditation (previous post) I was over-the-top with energy. Way too much energy for my own comfort. I felt like I might explode there was so much, and it just makes me feel out of sorts, fidgety, and off balance. My head is spinning with all of this.

I thought, maybe I'm not grounded enough (probably), so I would work on that. Then I thought, maybe it's this new Shungite bracelet I'm wearing (doesn't seem to be the cause). Or maybe, I've just taken on too much, too fast (again).

When I went to bed, I asked the Pleiadian Council to do some work on my bodies and get caught up with the energetic changes. I immediately grounded and calmed down upon physical contact with my wife. She is a grounding agent for me.

I woke up in the middle of the night with the vision of flames rippling across scaled skin. It was close-up view without the context of a broader image. It was subtle and calm, but was very clearly flames and scales.

I realized at that point that multiple Dragons were filling me with Dragon Fire energy. I asked them to slow it down and apply their energy with grace and care because I couldn't handle it so fast. The over-energized feeling subsided a little immediately.

I connected to Grandfather Rainbow Dragon and asked him about this. I heard him repeat several times:

"You are the first. You are the first. You are the first."

I am the first what?

"You are the first expression of ONE to choose ascension from a human physical form, to a Dragon form."

This appears to be quite different from BEING a Dragon born from the void of creation. Maybe Luna, my Dragon aspect is not an aspect of myself that was ever incarnate as a distant past life. Maybe she is purely ethereal and energetic, and has been waiting for this moment, this probability, to manifest.

It seems there is great excitement not only in the Dragon realms, but Galactic and other realms too, as this unfolds. Maybe that is one reason why my Galactic family is involved in this along with the Fae realm. Maybe all aspects of myself are involved in it. Maybe this is why I was (and am) feeling some pressure about this 'decision.'

I am convinced that the Crystal Dragon egg from a previous vision IS the crystalline light body manifesting right NOW. I know that Luna is watching over this very carefully as are many Dragons. I want to just lay on the ground/floor of the ship and feel her forming. It brings tears to my eyes just to think about it.

I don't at all think that I am the only one who will or is making this choice. There are likely many others, but I also feel the numbers will be small compared to the number of people ascending to a more human/angelic form.

These latest experiences are changing the way I am viewing ascension and the changes I see around us. It is getting 'more real' and if I let my human mind run wild, I would even say it's a little scary. The change is so dramatic, so epic, and so permanent. Change, especially when you can see it coming, brings with it some trepidation coupled with uncertainty. Even when the changes are awesome and wonderful, I have to remind myself of how long we have created and planned for this moment that is upon us.

It is the trepidation and 'reality' setting in that makes me want to put on the brakes and slow it all down. I'm not sure that is even possible at this point anyway. With these new revelations, it feels like the bullet train just shifted into high gear, and the brakes were disconnected.

If this were a movie, we would be just about at the top of the build-up to the crescendo, the finale' for the whole experience.

This is what we have been creating, not only for ourselves and humanity, but for all of creation.

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I walked around my sanctuary calling to the four directions and Grandfather Sky and Grandmother Earth, cleansing with the burning of white sage.


Spirit of the East where the Sun rises - gateway to the sun and the element fire –



Spirit of the South where the Sun is at its strongest - gateway to our feelings and emotions and the element water –



Spirit of the West where the Sun sets - gateway to the physical and the element earth –



Spirit of the North, where the Sun rests - gateway to the mind and the element air –



Grandfather Sky, masculine forces behind all that is – EMPOWER ME.


Grandmother Earth, feminine forces behind all that is – NURTURE ME.


After cleansing your sacred space in whatever way is right for you, visualise an iridescent ball of Golden Light coming down from above your crown chakra and flooding your very being, cleansing you of all negativity and relaxing you. Visualise this Golden Light literally pouring into your skull, brain and spinal cord - into your blood and bones, into your muscles and every organ of your body, visualising a cleansing and healing process taking place, creating peace and harmony.


See golden roots growing from your feet and send them deep down into Mother Earth. Push your roots down through the soil and into the layers of rock, down through the pools and lakes and water falls beneath Earth’s crust, down into the crystal caves. Push those roots further and further down into the deepest recesses of Earth, sending out your love to her and thanking her for sustaining you. Now reach out those roots all around the globe connecting with other ‘Light’ workers; feel that connection growing in other towns and countries all around the world and see that pattern of Love growing stronger. See also that golden healing energy being sent deep within Earth’s structure - to other life forms that we do not see and that may feel forgotten!


Spend some time in the network of tunnels if you so wish and explore; this too can lead into many wonderful journeys.


When you are happy, bring your attention back up your roots, back up to your feet and continue with the golden energy climbing up through the trunk of your body as if it were a tree - the tree of life! Bring the golden energy back up through your chakras, opening each one and creating a rainbow of Light. Visualise your branches reaching out to the cosmos, reaching out to connect with those Star beings who work to help mankind. As you look down upon the beautiful sphere that is planet Earth, visualise a Golden canopy of Light enveloping her and very gradually see that canopy melting into fine droplets of liquid energy, falling through Earth’s atmosphere. See that magic potion of Love falling down through the heavens and into the oceans . . . into the mountain streams . . . into the lakes, rivers and ponds – into every drop of water upon this planet, purifying and healing with every drop. See those golden droplets falling onto the land, healing the soil in which our food grows - see a healing taking place in everything that grows, and for the myriad different life forms that inhabit Earth.


See also that Golden Light entering the hearts of all mankind that they may love one another and be at peace with their brethren from all walks of life from all around the world. When you are ready, bring that energy back down once more into your crown chakra and into your third eye, into your throat and back into your heart. Take time to sit within this sacred space and feel the connectedness and bliss within in your heart, and if you then want to sit for communication with guides and inspirers, invite those from the Light to join you. Open your heart wide - take in the love and the healing you so richly deserve. Go within and listen to that still small voice that echoes within your mind - listen and take note!

Afterwards make sure you are grounded by feeling your feet upon the earth and drinking a glass of water.


I always keep a pen and pad with me and also set up a digital voice recorder so as not to lose any precious information coming in from higher dimensions. During my last session of using this meditation I was shown a circle of children from every country in the world. They were all holding hands, encircling the globe, laughing with joy and happiness.



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A Message of Light from Japan by Aisha North


A Message of Light from Japan by Aisha North

 •June 25, 2014 • 
Beloved family of light!

Just two days ago, I wrote “I feel as if I am in a whirlwind of synchronicities”, and yesterday I received an email that made that whirlwind pick up even more speed and intensity, and when you read what I am about to share, I think you will agree. For what this message describes is closely linked not only to what the CCs have been referring to lately, but also to subjects that many of you have shed much light on during the last few days and weeks. The mail was from Rieko, a sister of the light from Japan who has been translating the messages from the CCs for many months now. In it, she describes a Solstice meditation that was held in Osaka, and she also shared some amazing information about the work carried out by another shining soul from Japan, Saeko. But before I even read a word in her mail, my eyes fell on this image that was attached to it, and in that instant, I knew that the content of this mail was something that was to be shared here.
I wanted to have approval from both Rieko and Saeko before I posted any of this, and it arrived this morning. To quote Saeko: “It’s all given free and it should be distributed to every single soul with no condition.” Here is the information Rieko sent me:
“Hi, I’m Rieko from Japan.
I’m the member of Galactic channeling translator team and
I’ve been translating your messages since last year Jan.
There are hundreds of readers – or maybe thousands -here in Japan
and we all appreciate and admire your beautiful work!
I’m very excited as I’m writing this..
Just as exactly CCs messages said, some readers started to contact me
and it all started to link people from various kinds of field.

Then one of them, who has been developing the free energy technology
based on love, the zero-point by crystallizing the love, light and consciousness, suggested physical get together to do meditation on the Solstice day using her light orb called AENA, the 180 polyhedron.
Everything unfolded just as naturally as it could be and we had a beautiful meditation at a beautiful park in Osaka, where there is a huge monumental work of art called “the tower of the sun”.
The developer of this wondrous technology, her name is Saeko, using organic computer “all that we are”, has been contacted by humanoid ET since 2008 and started to work on this free energy project from scratch. (This ET has left her for another task.)
She had no knowledge whatsoever in this field, she is actually an artist, so she looks for signs and clues of these knowledge through literally everything that comes into her view in everyday life.

And she has been reading your messages because she always catches amazing ideas and codes in your words and she works it out to materializes down into 3D level shape with help of other volunteers.

It is a hard work, and how she does it is just nothing but amazing !
She applies the dynamics into breathing technique so that people can go deep Within, to the zero-point field and to help them become a conscious creator of the new world by crystallizing consciousness, love and light.

All works are done voluntarily by benevolent people.
56 people from all over Japan got together on the Solstice and most of them are the readers of your message !! We all linked ourselves to a space where so far no one could ever been to as a live human. And we got to realize that the world has been really shifted.

That it all depends on us to create what we want to realize. To make this world a paradise where everything is love and love is everything!”
This is a photo taken after the group meditation, take a look at the Tower of the Sun in the background for it is another important key.
Reiko also attached two files describing Saeko’s work and the breathing technique. I do hope you take the time to look through them, for I am certain that the information there will help to trigger many of you as well:
Saeko’s work is supported by a group of volunteers called AENA project. You can read more about it here:
Another amazing piece of information arrived in Rieko’s mail this morning. For she included this link to a description of the Tower of the Sun where their group gathered for their Solstice meditation. I nearly fell off my chair when I read it, for once again the synchronicities are just too many to ignore:
She also included some additional images:
I cannot even begin to describe how all of this is affecting me, for it is too much to put into words. I can just extend my heartfelt gratitude to Rieko, to Saeko, to all of the volunteers, to the whole group taking part in the meditation and to every single shining soul involved in these amazing manifestations of the light, these powerful examples of collective endeavors, of people coming together to BE and to DO, to sow seeds and to make them come into fruition – in Japan and all over this wonderful planet of ours. I also want to send a thank you to L., for being the one who connected us in the first place!
With all my love, Aisha <3


  • AENA6
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With no commend :This image was released by the Brasilia Planetarium recently and seems to show a massive disc shaped object stationed above the Earth. The disc is estimated to be around 3-5 thousand miles in diameter..

Stephen Hannard ‏@ADG_UK 30m




2. April 2014

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Report: NOAH, my beloved son, suddenly during 
the night sits up in bed and says: „Big horses, Jahn; 
horses, really big, Jahn!“ After that he snuggles up 
to his pillow und continues to sleep peacefully. 
(End of report)
Beloved Ones,
Among the lively light warriors of this time 
and among human Beings willing to face the 
battle that can only end in victory. 
The “flying horses” have arrived on earth! 
The flying horses are the big spaceships of the 6th 
dimension of Being, never before in the history of 
mankind having been in the vicinity of this earth or 
coming close to planets similar to earth. 
Heavenly movements, unique and noble at the same time, 
manifest now in the firmament and this world is truly embedded 
in the mantle of protection of the Light and the protective
envelope of the spaceships of the 6th dimension.
The preeminent and to be emphasized characteristics 
of the light ships of the 6th dimension are:
1.) They can reach any place in the universe in an instant.
2.) They can dissolve from one to the next moment or can 
manifest anywhere in the universe.
3.) The crew of the spaceships, and this more than anything, 
were sent to us with the assignment from the Creator to 
assist ascending mankind in all matters.
These time- and space-fleets are rulers over space and
time and they posses all the power in order to steer, 
in harmony with Creation, all events of the 3D and 4D 
worlds unto divine pathways.
The “big horses”, spaceships of immense dimensions 
as well as unimaginable effectiveness, have reached this 
world and have positioned themselves behind the ships of 
the Galactic Federation of Light and behind the ships of the 
Universal Federation of Light.
Thereby these entities from high realms of Creation 
build the last and ultimate circle of the space-time-continuum 
that cannot be penetrated or bypassed by anybody who is 
not authorized to do so.
Many light warriors, who have lost their pathway and 
in the last second want to consider ascension, are now facing 
the last skirmish that musters everything, so that it may be 
successfully and victoriously completed. The newly awakened 
light warriors will be fitted with adequate means and possibilities 
for the final battle; and will be more than equal opponents for 
the dark ones. All manipulations will be eliminated and the 
powers of the light and the powers of darkness will fight the 
last skirmish on the battlefield – it is a skirmish that the 
now awakened light warriors and stragglers of ascension 
set out on from their world, so that they also may inherit 
Heaven and can strip off the world.
For those, who have already chosen ascension a long 
time ago, and have fought many battles, will experience 
this battle from the distance, because truly: You have 
completed, you have looked out for the showdowns and 
have prevailed; and thereby you have prevailed foremost 
over self and have been victorious over your lower self.
This new and final episode in the great spectacle of the 
worlds has now been opened and Heaven has sent the 
space fleets of the sixth dimension to this world – in order 
to assist the late awakened ones and in order to provide the 
great staircases into Heaven for the already perfected ones. 
Thereby the space fleets of the Light fulfill another sacred 
task: The space fleets of Light of this very high frequency 
dimension will carry away and rapture all light warriors of 
the first and last hours, which do not find a new home in 
Agartha nor in the fifth dimension of Being; and bring them
to their homes that are way beyond all limitations.
Abandonment and decampment – you are the first ones 
to hear about this and you are the last ones to endure 
suffering in this time.
We are under the care of AN`
The Logos of many Universes -
the multidimensional consciousness that 
spreads to all worlds and is responsible for 
all impulses of the light fleet formations of the 
sixth dimension.
Heaven has arrived on earth, with full strength 
and with full power that the Creator has given to 
us for this assignment.
We remain in this world until our Light has touched 
all worlds, until all life has been captured by our Love 
and until this planet has been healed and returns in 
perfection to the light realms of Creation.
In Eternity, we are among you.

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Master plan will cover wide areas of our lives from Leadership, Consciousness, Health, Healing, Alchemy, Torsion Physics, DNA change with wave genetics, holography and solitons, theory of physical vacuum, Sacred Geometry, Cancer Prevention, Free Energy, ET Disclosure, Ufology, ET Contact Studies, Time Travel studies, Secret Space Programs, Project Pegasus, Mars Base, Cosmology, CERN LHC, HAARP, GMO, Human Rights, Civil Rights, Islamic Ufology, Immortality, Ascension, Spiritual Freedom, Enlightenment, Forming new spiritual light cities in America, Peace, Liberty, Sufi Meditation & Forming a New Future for a New Humanity.

Come stay with us at
Self Empowerment Academy:
Master Your Destiny - Light Age Healing:



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Points to Ponder

1. Energy is tangible, readable and unmistakable - therefore we can learn to use what it feels like to guide us in the right direction.

2. Fear creates doubt.

3. Doubt destroys the raised resonance connection - and this means that when we are in this state of negative ego, we are in the fallen state. We can choose to shift this with thoughts and feelings of love, compassion, acceptance, tolerance, forgiveness and peace.

4. Gaia is going through her ascension processes, regardless of what we choose to do - so, we can either be part of this process or not.

5. Humans are faced with the choice to ascend now, or continue on another cycle of reincarnation - which we do by raising our resonance, re-activating our DNA and awakening our consciousness.

6. Humans who work on themselves to heal and raise their resonance support the consciousness of others to shift as well. This effect is no more complicated than the factual science of harmonic resonance - let us all make that decision right now, and write down the intention to heal our hearts, bodies and minds.

7. As humans raise in resonance the earth shifts can be markedly lessened in severity - and so we all play an important role in supporting each other at this time.

8. We can choose to support these processes, and benefit ourselves, or not. Free Will prevails at all times - so, when we work in harmony with our Soul Intent, we naturally seek a higher level of existence, peace and joy.

9. There is no race to ascend. Each person does this at his/her own pace. There is no judgement from anybody - and so we realise that we are totally and completely responsible and accountible to ourselves. There is no being or Being which determines our fate or judges our progress. If we still need growth opportunities, we arrange these for ourselves and attract the necessary lessons, people and events towards us. It is so much more pleasant to do this from a conscious perspective, with awareness.

10. We use less than 10% of our mind capacity when we think logically, from a left brain perspective - and so it is supportive to relax into the creative aspect of our brains, using the simple tools of meditation and thoughts, emotions and actions of love.

11. When we shift consciousness and utilise the abilities of our right brain/creative potential, we are able to tap into the balance of the potential mind state, or other realms - and thus the possibilities of creation, manifestation and love become infinite.

12. True intelligence is derived in this way, as opposed to limitations of what we call the human intellectual processes - and this includes being able to shift through the dimensions, at will.

13. Reality is subjectively experienced and created, but make be collectively experienced - and so it is that we are all responsible for creating the life we presently live, as well as the life we want to live. Let us all create peace within and see the world at peace as this vibration radiates outwards from our hearts.

14. Until we have finished learning and growing from the perspective of earth, we retain the energy fields of our issues. As such, we limit our resonance - no matter where we go - and are therefore bound to this type of dimensional experience. Want to experience Bliss? Sort out present lifetime issues. It is no more complicated than that, although often tedious - and therefore it is a good idea to begin to raise our resonance in this very minute, right now. Repeat the words love, peace, harmony, gratitude three times each, and feel how good you feel inside.

15. I personally express Love and Light to all who choose to resonate with this, howsoever this is experienced or understood.

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Call in the Archangels to Support Earth

As we progress through the year, the month of August provides us with the perfect opportunity to step up our efforts to help create peace on Earth.One of the easiest and most effective ways to do this is to call on the Beings of Archangelic Realm for help. These wondrous Beings of Light surround the Godhead/Source Consciousness and go where they are called. Their purpose is one of service throughout the Universe. Therefore, when we call them and ask them to help us, they always respond.The support they provide is able to change things in an instant in the material world, because they surround us with ultra high frequency Light. This Light is the stuff that magical miracles are made of, literally.If as many people as possible request the Archangels to help support Earth with their Light, so that all of humanity can have a heightened opportunity to feel that Light of love and feel peace and develop understanding, then we are guaranteed a wonderful influx of Light to the planet. Visualising this Archangelic Light flooding into problem areas of the planet, and surrounding the whole of the Earth, raises the resonance throughout. We all benefit from this.We can call upon any of the Archangels by name, or as a group of Light Beings to help us. Alternatively, we could ask Archangel Gabriel to bring in the appropriate Archangel for this work. However we choose to call on the Archangels, we are guaranteed their Light support.It is suggested that anybody who participates in this resonance raising exercise does it daily for the entire month of August at least. True and lasting peace, which is a vital constituent of the Golden Age that so many of us yearn for, is attainable with a little bit of effort by a lot of people.
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EARTH: Property of the GODHEAD

"...... Earth is the consciousness and the property of the Godhead."


channelled by Jacqui Gilbert

Reading this short quote from the ancient Being known as DUMUZI, we are given more than just these words to consider. We have heard so many times, from the Light Beings of the GODHEAD, that Earth is so much more important than we could imagine. In addition to this, the work we do on ourselves - individually and as a collective consciousness - has such far reaching consequences that it impacts way beyond Earth.

DUMUZI is the beloved of INANNA, who gave up his GOD BEING state and took on physicality. He did this in order to support humanity to find their way back to the Light and out of the lowered dimensional experience of reality. As such, he has been a valuable wayfarer for all of us, waiting until this time of humanity's awakening consciousness to begin communicating with us again. Without his sacrifice we might have remained in a difficult state of blinded consciousness for far longer than we have done already.

By meditating on Dumuzi's quote we begin to glean the depths of what he has said to us. Some of this is as follows:

  • Nobody owns Earth.
  • Nobody owns the resources of Earth.
  • Collectively, as creations of the GODHEAD ourselves, we may participate and partake of the riches of Earth.

In discussion on this topic, DUMUZI commented that, while it is perfectly acceptable to own a patch of land upon the Earth, it is not reasonable to suggest that the riches within the Earth belong to any one country, or any one person. Earth's resources are for the use of all the Beings of the GODHEAD and their creations. It was never intended that any one person, or corporation, or nation, enrich themselves at the expense of any others by mining or otherwise extracting the riches from the Earth.

If we had to bear this in mind, these simple facts would make nonsense of the so-called reasons for war on our planet.

Were all of humanity to act as ONE, in the collective, we would happily spread the riches around. We would do this in order to advance the whole species which is human, alive on Earth now and forevermore. By holding onto the riches of the Earth, we simply perpetuate the concept of separation and all the greed and power control issues which go along with it. Behaviours of this nature are not tenable if we want to birth the Golden Age on Earth, and live in Bliss.

Let us reclaim our birthright as creations - Hu-man - creations of the GODHEAD, and live together in peace, love and harmony. ONENESS is the only way forward.

With this in mind, we easily see others around us in peace, and forgive them because they are not only our friends, but part of ourselves. From this we develop volumes of love within our hearts and easily love ourselves as we love others. Unconditional love is a short step from this, as is the Ascended state of living in a higher dimension of reality.

So, in conclusion, let each one of us visualise people all over the world smiling at each other with joy, love and tolerance in their hearts. Let us see the global 'V' symbol of peace being waved around, and hearts glowing with the Light of love. Most especially, let us all concentrate these visuals on the people and the leaders of Middle East at this time, so that we may tilt the delicately balanced energy of that area in the direction of Light and love. Let us all participate in manifesting the world we want, with love. Let us do this immediately and each day onwards, until we create what we want. And, after that, we simply create more!

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October 2011

Dear Friends,

I offer my love and gratitude to Mother Earth, Goddess Gaia and all of you for your great love, patience and fortitude during these great times of Earthly transition toward Light. Earth continues to go through turbulent times, as she rids herself of more and more dross. This month we bring to your attention urgent work that Divine Mother and the Masters have brought forth.


Also this month we continue our work with St. Germain, bringing his energies to the forefront. This month’s meditation is a potent and timely one in which St. Germain works with your Flame of God Unity and Spheres of Remembrance and Illumination. St. Germain also takes you to Divine Mother’s Throne to receive the Seed of Perfection.

Other Noteworthy Dates in October are:
10/1/11, 10/2/2011, 10/10/11, 10/11/11, 10/12/11, 10/18/11, 10/20/2011, 10/21/11, 10/22/2011, 10/30/2011 and 10/31/2011.


Halloween is on Monday, October 31. This is Beloved Hecate’s day and feast of Sowen. Please remember Goddess Hecate on this day by burning a candle in her honor and by bringing her a gift in her favorite color, Red. A red rose is always a good idea. We send our love and blessings to Goddess Hecate for all that she does and has done on our behalf and on behalf of Divine Mother and Mother Earth.


Full Moon: Wednesday, October 12th is the Full Moon with very prominent and impactful energies. Goddess Venus, Goddess Hecate and Goddess Selene (Selena) are all involved with this phase of the moon. Call upon all three Goddesses to help you manifest both your personal and global intentions.


New Moon: Wednesday, October 26th is the New Moon, a time to open up new projects, plans and programs. During the time of the New Moon, ask the Great Cosmic Being Venus, the bringer of good fortune to assist you with these intentions and help you fulfill your Divine Mission.


I wish you a great and wonderful Fall season and month of October,
With great love,



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is featured in the next post.




Spheres of Remembrance and Illumination and Seed of Perfection

for Soul Lineage of Light


In this exercise, St. Germain guides us first to form the Sphere of Remembrance and illuminate it to become the Sphere of Illumination and then to clear all chakras above the body with the help of Violet Flame and Violet Ray. He then takes us on the journey through the Thrones calling for the Blueprint that restores our Original Divine Plan and weaves it into the tapestry of our lives.


We then retrieve the Seed of all perfection from various alternate realities to become our Divinely Ordained and fully Perfected Ultimate Reality. The Spark of Light from the core of the Great Silence is then called to illuminate the Seed and complete this amazing journey.


My Beloved, I am St. Germain.


Visualize you are standing face to face with St. Germain. His left hand is over your heart and your left hand is over my heart. St Germain’s right hand is over your left hand and your right hand is over St. Germain’s left hand creating a loop of infinity, the symbol of Eternal Life Force. Bathe in the Light and feel the energies emanating from my heart to your heart and from my hand to your hand.


The Purple Sphere of Remembrance begins to form inside your Heart Chakra. At the center, the Flame of God-Unity is illuminated. The presence of the Flame is a reminder that there is no separation. You have taken physical embodiment in bodies of matter, as incarnate souls. The Spark of Light held in your heart is the symbol of Oneness which has its source in the heart of the Undifferentiated Source.


When illuminated, the Sphere of Remembrance becomes the Sphere of Illumination. The ignition and illumination leads to greater awakening and acceleration of spiritual energies within the person. The Sphere of Illumination vibrates a Golden-Platinum Light and the Flame of God-Unity emanates Pure White Light throughout the Sphere.


Focus your attention on your heart and visualize that the Sphere of Remembrance has become the Sphere of Illumination, pulsing in rhythm with your heartbeat, beating in rhythm with mine.


Every morning upon awakening, ignite the Flame of God-Unity and activate the Sphere of Remembrance. In this way you can directly connect with that consciousness which is God, the omnipotent, omniscience, omnipresence all pervasive consciousness of all that is. Illuminate your Sphere of Illumination and say,


“In the name of the Divine Mother, the Creative Force for this entire Manifest Creation, I ask to become the embodiment of my Divine Mission on Earth. I ask this through St. Germain and the energies of the Violet Ray and Flame. I ask for freedom from dross in my physical and all energy bodies. I seek to become the perfection of the Light of my Soul Lineage and to anchor this Light on Earth in accordance with the Perfected Original Plan.” Take a moment to pause and receive the energies.


Visualize that a Pillar of Light is illuminated all around us. You and I stand inside the Pillar and begin to spin clockwise. The Sphere of Illumination begins to spin in our hearts. We spiral upward inside the Pillar of Light all the way to the Throne of Absolute, the Throne of Divine Mother.
Visualize standing before Divine Mother at her Throne in the presence of the Seven Lords of Light. We ask Divine Mother for the seed of this intention,


“In the name of the Divine Mother, the Creative Force for this entire Manifest Creation, I ask for the power and might to become the embodiment of my Divine Mission on Earth. I ask this through the Throne of Absolute and the Presence of Divine Mother. I ask for freedom from dross in my physical and all energy bodies. I seek to become the perfection of the Light of my Soul Lineage and to anchor this Light on Earth in accordance with the Perfected Original Divine Plan.” Take a moment to pause and receive the energies.


We ask the Seven Lords of Light to sanction this intention and bless the Seed. We ask Divine Mother to seal it. We merge into this Throne and receive the sanctions of the Seven Lords, the Maha Lord and Divine Mother. Mother takes your hand and beckons you to accompany her to the Throne of Creation, the Abode of the Pool of Creation; the Quantum Pool where all thoughts are created and take form. We move into the depth of the Pool of Creation to the Throne of Feminine Principle where the seeds for all thoughtforms and all actions are held. Divine Mother will retrieve from the fabric of that Throne, the creation of the idea, design, and thoughts for the formation of a Golden Seed. That Seed will be placed inside the Sphere of Illumination in your Heart Chakra. We repeat our intention as she is creating the Seed.


“In the name of the Divine Mother, the Creative Force for this entire Manifest Creation, I ask for the power and might to become the embodiment of my Divine Mission on Earth. I ask this through the Pool of Creation and the Throne of Feminine Principle. I ask for freedom from dross in my physical and all energy bodies. I seek to become the perfection of the Light of my Soul Lineage and to anchor this Light on Earth in accordance with the Perfected Original Divine Plan.” Take a moment to pause and receive the energies.


We receive the Seed from Divine Mother. She places the Seed inside of the Sphere of Illumination over the Flame of God-Unity. Sit with her while she puts her right hand over your heart. Take a moment to express your love to her and offer your prayers while you receive the Seed. Take a deep breath.


We will carry the Seed in our hearts to the Seven Lords and the Maha Lord of Light. We begin with the First Lord of Light. Merge into the First Lord of Light who is emanating Blue-Green Light. We ask this Lord of Light for the power and might to illuminate the Divine Spark; igniting the Divine Spark into the hearts and minds of multitude and masses; illuminating the Seven Rays and Seven Lights within their being.


We move to the Second Lord of Light. His Light begins in a Peach-Pink color and stabilizes in a bright Yellow Light. We merge and unite in this Light with the Second Lord of Light. We ask for the sanction and seal of power and might to illuminate the Divine Spark; igniting the Divine Spark into the hearts and minds of multitude and masses; illuminating the Seven Rays and Seven Lights within their being.


We move to the Third Lord of Light. Bright Red Light is emanating everywhere. The Third Lord of Light carries the Life Force of all Manifest Creation. We ask this Lord of Light for the sanction and seal of power and might to illuminate the Divine Spark; igniting the Divine Spark into the hearts and minds of multitude and masses; illuminating the Seven Rays and Seven Lights within their being.


We move to the Fourth Lord of Light. Aquamarine-Blue is emanating everywhere. We ask this Lord of Light for the sanction and seal of power and might to illuminate the Divine Spark; igniting the Divine Spark into the hearts and minds of multitude and masses; illuminating the Seven Rays and Seven Lights within their being.


We move to the Fifth Lord of Light. Emerald-Green is everywhere. We ask this Lord of Light for the sanction and seal of power and might to illuminate the Divine Spark; igniting the Divine Spark into the hearts and minds of multitude and masses; illuminating the Seven Rays and Seven Lights within their being.


We spiral to the Sixth Lord of Light. Bright Orange is emanating everywhere. We ask this Lord of Light for the sanction and seal of power and might to illuminate the Divine Spark; igniting the Divine Spark into the hearts and minds of multitude and masses; illuminating the Seven Rays and Seven Lights within their being.


We move to the Seventh Lord of Light where Purple Light is emanating everywhere. We ask this Lord of Light for the sanction and seal of power and might to illuminate the Divine Spark; igniting the Divine Spark into the hearts and minds of multitude and masses; illuminating the Seven Rays and Seven Lights within their being.


From there we go to the Bubble which is abode of Maha Lord of Light. Aquamarine-Blue Light with Platinum Light is shimmering everywhere. We stand in front of Maha Lord of Light. We ask the Maha Lord of Light for the sanction and seal of power and might to illuminate the Divine Spark; igniting the Divine Spark into the hearts and minds of multitude and masses; illuminating the Seven Rays and Seven Lights within their being. Take a moment to pause and receive the energies.


We spin and spiral back down, bringing the Seed into every Throne and finally into the consciousness of the body. The Flame of God-Unity is now impregnated with the Seed. The intentions are sanctioned and sealed in your heart. The Seed is carried from this day on in your heart and anchored on Earth for the benefit of all.


I stand by your side and serve to bring this intention into manifest reality. In the Light of the Violet Ray and Flame, I hold you with great love.
I am your very own St. Germain.
And so it is.

© Nasrin Safai 2011

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"Regarding your becoming during the important deadline of 2008-2012, we would like to say the following:

"Certainly many things will happen on ‘Planet Earth' and many things will happen within you as well.

"For a certain period, you will progress considerably in much greater spiritual awareness, especially in greater Love.

"If you do not progress in this, you will suffer. We know that each of you present here, as well as many others, has the ability to go beyond. This will be asked of you.

"In the years that you will go through, the hardest thing for you as human beings will be to deprogram yourselves of your ways of being, of believing, of loving and of perceiving. You have been so strongly formatted over thousands and thousands of years! Your cells are impregnated with habits that you bring from each incarnation. For thousands of years, even if the experiences you went through were always evolving, you have still been impregnated by the energies of all that you have gone through.

"What you will be asked is to be, but to be different. One must learn how to unlearn, one must accept the unacceptable. This does not mean that you will struggle a great deal as you go through certain events. This means that for human consciousness formatted thus, it is sometimes difficult to accept what you cannot yet understand.

"Sometimes you say that you are totally ready to welcome us, to perceive us; however, based on the current level of your vibratory rate, we are saying that you are not yet ready.

"In this dense matter, you are impregnated with a certain vibration. You are part of the children of the stars, you come from several points of the Universe, and before taking your vehicle of manifestation, before entering this dense matter, you had great knowledge as well as much more Love. You had greater awakening. This is not true for all human beings but only for those who are now open.

"When we are saying that you are ‘old souls', it means that you have accumulated a lot of experience. You are coming now to the end of a cycle of immense importance where you will have the ability and the opportunity to act with all that you have integrated, all which is ready to be received and to be perceived, and that is within your soul. You will also be given the opportunity to regain your knowledge as a child of the stars.

"At the moment, many children of the stars are languishing: they find that we are spending too much time until we manifest ourselves, that life in this world is becoming more and more difficult. For us, time has no reality. For you, time will have less and less reality as it slides between your fingers more and more. You will ‘straddle', more and more, the notions of past, of present, and of future. This will be one of the things that may disturb you – and be certain there will be many other things which will disturb you if you do not have your mind sufficiently open to anything that can happen in this world, to anything that can happen to you.

"We are not talking about events, we are talking about a free consciousness. We are talking about what you are going to discover within you, what you are going to discover of life.

"Human beings are bound by habit: they think this is needed to be able to function with a certain balance. Habits are comfortable. You will experience a period where creating habits for your comfort will absolutely not be possible, for every day, every moment that you go through will bring you a new spiritual experience, new sensations, new feelings. Every day that you go through will bring you closer to your true reality.

"If we were to suddenly remove the veils from each of you, you would be dazzled by the self which is revealed, dazzled by what life really is, and this could significantly disrupt you and even annihilate you.

"Your veils will be removed progressively as you go forward, depending on your ability to integrate new bases of life. As long as you are not able to integrate these new bases of life, as long as your emotions are powerful, as long as you do not have sufficient control, these veils are protection for you. It would be a ‘bad service' if we removed them.

"There are more and more of us to work among you. There are more and more of us to work in what is perhaps a very temporary vehicle of manifestation. We will manifest ourselves more and more by your side, within the energy, in your heart, in Love, whether during your meditation, during the course of your day, or in your dreams. We will establish a dialogue between you and us. You must recognize that what you receive is not coming from your unconscious or from your mind, that a dialogue is being established between you, children of the Earth striving on this world, and we, children of the stars who are helping you with this work.

"For us, it would be so wonderful if a large part of human consciousness awoke to our reality! In this way, we could work much more and, above all, more effectively toward the transformation of this world and of all life, because part of this is incumbent upon the beings of the Earth.

"Of course we have immense opportunities to help you, whether through technology or other means; however, there is a parameter that we do not control and you will understand right away what this parameter is.

"Remember that your Mother the Earth is a living entity. She has a soul, a consciousness that we perceive, a consciousness with which some of us come into contact. We do not all have this opportunity, but some of us have it. We are talking about a contact much more important than what the inhabitants of the Earth have when she gives them messages.

"Everything that will happen in your world depends on what the Earth Entity decides. If you can give her enough Love and can recognize her as an Entity of Light, if you can generate much less suffering, fear, a lot of things will rebalance themselves and a lot of transformations will take place very differently, even smoothly.

"According to the Hierarchies who are above us, what they receive from the Earth Entity is that she now really wants to expand, to transit, and if the energies generated by human beings stop her, she will act in such a way that they no longer hinder her, and this will correspond to major disasters, to large or even enormous turbulence.

"When we say that you are the artisans of your becoming, we are referring to this as well. The more that positive thoughts, thoughts of confidence, thoughts of Love, thoughts of peace emanate from men of the Earth, the more your Earth will lighten because the energy generated by your psychic emanations will not hinder her.

"Thus her transition, her ascension, primarily depends on you and on what emanates from you, from your heart and from your elevation of consciousness! Make sure that your energy helps her to rise smoothly, with Love.

"At this level, we cannot do much because you are the ones living on this world, you are the ones generating this energy.

"We can interfere only to evacuate you if this becomes too terrible for our brothers, humankind. We can only instruct you over and over so that you can open your consciousness. The more that human consciousness is open, the easier the ascension will be, the easier the transition of the soul of the Earth will be, the transition of all lives.

"Always listen to yourselves. Be aware as well of the immense opportunities that are within you.

"Make a parallel between your own ascension which may be hindered by your doubts, your negative thoughts and your fears, and your ascension which can be accompanied by your thoughts of confidence, of faith, of peace and of Love.

"What human beings can experience, the planet can experience as well! The parallel is easy to understand, and we hope you realize that the more you transform yourselves, the more you move closer to the transition, the more you will be a valuable aid for the consciousness and for the soul of the Earth, as well as for all lives toward their transition, toward their elevation."


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