


How did you find out about Lightgrid?

I was invited in an e-mail

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Do you wish to synchronize with two other members in extending the Violet Ray?


Please tell us about yourself - ENJOY!

I have been using the violet ray for myself and to help Mother Gaia in my meditations. There is still a lot for me to learn and do..I am of the Emerald Green Ray amongst others...

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  • Wow, it seems to be quite a while since our last communication on this thread, lol!

    Yes, I know that there are friends out there who I do seem to reach with my messages, and yet - how NICE to be COMMUNICATING :-)

    9 years past ... what a difference!

    NAMASTE, derarest Amparo, NAMASTE :-)

    Sonja Myriel


  • Thank you for your friendship. Very glad to get know you. May God bless you
  • Thank you so.much <3 I have just figured out how to comment back after messaging you lol XD
  • WHen I wrote that I was distracted... I was called by my mama...I feel that ALL IS ONE.....I have alot of compassion for the whole now it didnt used to be that way....BUt I have forgiven not because I have to but because it is my bodys eyes that mis interpret what is REALLY at hand... I forgive my  sights of what I see in this world.. a great dream theatre that I merely observe.....and I observe that all is sacred to the soul...no matter what it is...THE soul is such a love.......The energy I feel is so beautiful...I feel AT ONE MENT......YOu are so beautiful....BLessings to you... Faunaserene


    Amparo, I am delighted to welcome you to 'Ascension Now For You'. Drop by there any time to find new & uplifting posts to help with our spiritual growth with this link: Ascension Now For You

    And please feel free Amparo to add your Love & Wisdom to our group through posting discussions, comments, videos, etc. that help uplift us all.

    Unbounded Blessings of Love & Light,


  • Hi My dear Amparo thank you for accepting me as your friend.  Love you with love & light.2771300308?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

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  • Red Ribbon
  • Dear  Amparo ~ Yes we are ONE n ABSOLUTE. Lets walk without the shadow. 

    Love ^ Light. 

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