Golden (3)



I walked around my sanctuary calling to the four directions and Grandfather Sky and Grandmother Earth, cleansing with the burning of white sage.


Spirit of the East where the Sun rises - gateway to the sun and the element fire –



Spirit of the South where the Sun is at its strongest - gateway to our feelings and emotions and the element water –



Spirit of the West where the Sun sets - gateway to the physical and the element earth –



Spirit of the North, where the Sun rests - gateway to the mind and the element air –



Grandfather Sky, masculine forces behind all that is – EMPOWER ME.


Grandmother Earth, feminine forces behind all that is – NURTURE ME.


After cleansing your sacred space in whatever way is right for you, visualise an iridescent ball of Golden Light coming down from above your crown chakra and flooding your very being, cleansing you of all negativity and relaxing you. Visualise this Golden Light literally pouring into your skull, brain and spinal cord - into your blood and bones, into your muscles and every organ of your body, visualising a cleansing and healing process taking place, creating peace and harmony.


See golden roots growing from your feet and send them deep down into Mother Earth. Push your roots down through the soil and into the layers of rock, down through the pools and lakes and water falls beneath Earth’s crust, down into the crystal caves. Push those roots further and further down into the deepest recesses of Earth, sending out your love to her and thanking her for sustaining you. Now reach out those roots all around the globe connecting with other ‘Light’ workers; feel that connection growing in other towns and countries all around the world and see that pattern of Love growing stronger. See also that golden healing energy being sent deep within Earth’s structure - to other life forms that we do not see and that may feel forgotten!


Spend some time in the network of tunnels if you so wish and explore; this too can lead into many wonderful journeys.


When you are happy, bring your attention back up your roots, back up to your feet and continue with the golden energy climbing up through the trunk of your body as if it were a tree - the tree of life! Bring the golden energy back up through your chakras, opening each one and creating a rainbow of Light. Visualise your branches reaching out to the cosmos, reaching out to connect with those Star beings who work to help mankind. As you look down upon the beautiful sphere that is planet Earth, visualise a Golden canopy of Light enveloping her and very gradually see that canopy melting into fine droplets of liquid energy, falling through Earth’s atmosphere. See that magic potion of Love falling down through the heavens and into the oceans . . . into the mountain streams . . . into the lakes, rivers and ponds – into every drop of water upon this planet, purifying and healing with every drop. See those golden droplets falling onto the land, healing the soil in which our food grows - see a healing taking place in everything that grows, and for the myriad different life forms that inhabit Earth.


See also that Golden Light entering the hearts of all mankind that they may love one another and be at peace with their brethren from all walks of life from all around the world. When you are ready, bring that energy back down once more into your crown chakra and into your third eye, into your throat and back into your heart. Take time to sit within this sacred space and feel the connectedness and bliss within in your heart, and if you then want to sit for communication with guides and inspirers, invite those from the Light to join you. Open your heart wide - take in the love and the healing you so richly deserve. Go within and listen to that still small voice that echoes within your mind - listen and take note!

Afterwards make sure you are grounded by feeling your feet upon the earth and drinking a glass of water.


I always keep a pen and pad with me and also set up a digital voice recorder so as not to lose any precious information coming in from higher dimensions. During my last session of using this meditation I was shown a circle of children from every country in the world. They were all holding hands, encircling the globe, laughing with joy and happiness.



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Archangels and Light Beings Surround Earth

The Picture, which can be viewed by clicking on theis link, came to me in an email and I have published it on this blog, because it so beautifully depicts the Earth surrounded by a glowing Merkabah field of Light in the shape of the Star Tetrahedron. This sacred geometric shape of Light creates a high frequency field of Light around whatever, or whomsoever, is inside of it. As such it creates a raised resonance state as well as a protective energy field.

We note the results of the efforts of the Light Beings who concentrate their efforts on Earth, as well as the Archangels who stand in attendance. All of this Light, beaming into Earth, can only be a good thing.

With the Merkabah field of Light in place around the Earth, we are assured that all who live here are stimulated by higher frequencies of Light. This means that human beings are more likely to start thinking from the basis of an awakened state of consciousness. From this we are more likely to choose to do the following:

Create more peace, both individually and collectively.

  • Live with the principles of Light and love in our hearts and minds.
  • Understand who we are as Souls.
  • Connect to our Soul Intent, and live that purpose, as human beings.
  • Realise what we are doing here on this planet.
  • Begin to understand what our purpose is for the future.

And, in this way, we gently and easily birth what has been termed the Golden Age on Earth. As we live the reality of truth, peace, harmony, tolerance and mutual co-operation we find there is no room in our lives for the lower resonance states no matter whether they are thoughts, emotions or actions, and we begin to live the reality and the truth of ONE.

Therefore, please actively participate in creating this state of ONENESS on Earth by keeping this picture in your mind’s eye and using it during a meditation, or print it out and put it in a place where you can look at it as often as possible. Our visual processes are a powerful means of creation, so when we consciously make use of them, we enhance their performance.

While we do this we note that calling in the Archangelic helpers of humanity and asking them to shine their Light on problem areas around the Earth, is all we need to do to raise the resonance of the whole planet.

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Call in the Archangels to Support Earth

As we progress through the year, the month of August provides us with the perfect opportunity to step up our efforts to help create peace on Earth.One of the easiest and most effective ways to do this is to call on the Beings of Archangelic Realm for help. These wondrous Beings of Light surround the Godhead/Source Consciousness and go where they are called. Their purpose is one of service throughout the Universe. Therefore, when we call them and ask them to help us, they always respond.The support they provide is able to change things in an instant in the material world, because they surround us with ultra high frequency Light. This Light is the stuff that magical miracles are made of, literally.If as many people as possible request the Archangels to help support Earth with their Light, so that all of humanity can have a heightened opportunity to feel that Light of love and feel peace and develop understanding, then we are guaranteed a wonderful influx of Light to the planet. Visualising this Archangelic Light flooding into problem areas of the planet, and surrounding the whole of the Earth, raises the resonance throughout. We all benefit from this.We can call upon any of the Archangels by name, or as a group of Light Beings to help us. Alternatively, we could ask Archangel Gabriel to bring in the appropriate Archangel for this work. However we choose to call on the Archangels, we are guaranteed their Light support.It is suggested that anybody who participates in this resonance raising exercise does it daily for the entire month of August at least. True and lasting peace, which is a vital constituent of the Golden Age that so many of us yearn for, is attainable with a little bit of effort by a lot of people.
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