Understanding (6)

Why Good Communication is the Foundation of Enduring True Friendship

Dr. Barry Hammer


Agreement or disagreement is much less important than good communication as a way of enabling people to deeply understand each other, and, thereby, gradually develop the ability to feel inwardly close to each other, as caring good friends. Good communication, as the basis of true friendship, means that one does not keep one’s inner experience to oneself alone, but, instead, actively reaches out to share one’s experience, feelings, thoughts, and needs with another person, as openly, honestly, directly, fully, constructively, and non-judgmentally, as possible. Good communication, as the basis of true and enduring friendship, also involves being open to considering another person’s viewpoint and needs, and constructively exploring differences that may arise between oneself and the other person, without trying to win an argument, but, rather, only exploring together into the truth of those issues, without blaming, abusing, or trying to intimidate and control each other, and without insisting that one is always totally “right” and the other person is always totally “wrong”. Without that kind of good communication, actively reaching out to share one’s heart and mind with another person, one’s inner being remains hidden, disconnected, self-enclosed, so real understanding and close, caring, feelings cannot grow, as a deepening friendship.


So many friendships and romantic relationships fail because people permit themselves to “grow apart”, or gradually drift apart, without ever taking responsibility to deeply reveal themselves to the other person, and deeply tune into the other person, empathically, and intuitively, in order to directly experience what the other person means by the particular words that they say, or write, “reading between the lines”, so to speak, or tuning into an even deeper level of another person’s being, beyond all definable words and images. That deepest level of empathic/intuitive communion is the Source from which all true love and friendship arises, and that is what enables true love and friendship to keep growing deeper, closer, and grander, instead of gradually drifting apart because of lack of good communication, producing lack of mutual understanding, and lack of inner closeness. What makes people true friends of each other, rather than strangers, most essentially, is not outer physical contact, shared activities, and superficial social interaction, by themselves alone, but much more importantly, arises from development of substantial inner connection, by giving deeply, generously, unselfishly, of their energies to each other, and openly, honestly, directly, revealing their actual experience and true essential core being to one another.


Many relationships fail when individuals seek to be heard and nurtured, but have not developed a sufficient ability to be unselfishly, empathically, tuned into, aware of, and caringly responsive to, the other person’s need to also be heard and nurtured, in terms of their particular needs, feelings, and experiences, in a given moment. It takes a rather high level of unselfish caring, empathic sensitivity, and emotional maturity to be able to put aside one’s own needs and train of thought (or inner mental monologue) for a while, in order to empathically tune into what another person is feeling and needing, in a given moment, and respond in a way that enables the other person to feel truly heard and deeply nourished/nurtured. Like a couples dance, both partners (or individuals in some other kind of relationship) need to learn how to flow together in empathic harmonious communion with one another (“in step” with each other’s dance movements, metaphorically speaking), and, relatedly, also flow in harmonious attunement with the “dance music” of love, or caring friendship, that seeks to lead both of them into greater attunement with each other, as a related “we”, rather than a separate “you versus me.”


My own experience has shown me that if one is overly invested in preserving the ego’s sense of separate self-awareness, willful selfish demands, and inner monologue fantasy (being overly absorbed in one’s own train of thought), then it can become difficult to self-forgetfully tune into what another person is experiencing, feeling, and needing, regardless of whether or not the other person verbally communicates that, or which can also be empathically intuited, as a kind of nonverbal communication. I find that when I hold certain presumptions or preconceptions about another individual, and about my relationship with/to them, then those presumptions can function like a kind of overlay, opaque filter, or smokescreen, that I, consciously or subconsciously, project upon them, preventing me from directly contacting their actual experiential states, because I am, instead, projecting my own preconceptions upon them.


I find that even negative feelings, such as, frustration, or even anger, can be expressed in a constructive, nonjudgmental, non-blaming, open, sincerely caring, non-evasive, manner, which usually leads to greater understanding of each other, and of whatever issue has been blocking us from being in harmonious caring attunement with each other (preventing us from being “on the same page”, so to speak), and once those issues are constructively explored into and deeply understood, then they can be truly resolved and transcended (rather than merely being covered over, buried, or suppressed), enabling emotional closeness and caring feelings in the relationship to grow. I find that being honest with myself, in terms of being willing to openly admit to myself when I am permitting previously unrecognized, non-constructive, insincere, ego “games” to undermine the relationship, such as, evasiveness (talking or chattering without really saying anything), letting myself become emotionally shut down (engaging in emotional abandonment, which can function as a way of subtly trying to punish the other person, by withholding caring, affection, or attentive listening), giving in to wounded pride, as a resentful attitude, or adopting an overly selfishly demanding attitude. I find that when I am willing to acknowledge and let go of such egocentric habitual patterns, then those obstructing factors that tend to block caring feelings and mutual understanding tend to fall away, naturally, effortlessly.


For a relationship to endure and grow, it is important for both individuals to be good friends in each other, willing to confide in each other, be there for each other emotionally as well as physically in times of need, and be willing to share difficult times, and patiently work through persistent problems in the relationship, rather than being quick to abandon the other person, and the relationship with them, when discomfort arises. That is what it means to be an unselfishly devoted “friend for all seasons” rather than a selfishly fickle “fair-weather friend.” When I do not understand how to constructively understand and resolve, disagreements and other problems, in a relationship, then I find it helpful to invite the spirit of unselfish pure love to interpret the situation, which can enable me to see beyond, and not be myopically, exclusively, locked into, the ego’s interpretations of those situations, which are often based on incorrect presumptions and non-constructive, unrealistic, selfish wants.


I find that when I let go of the ego’s overly controlling, willful, prideful, selfish, narcissistically self- absorbed tendencies (as in the ancient Greek Myth story of Narcissus), that I find that the flow of love, or sincerely caring friendship, is no longer blocked, and then harmony and mutual empathic understanding arises automatically, effortlessly, spontaneously. When those ego “coverings”, “filters”, “overlays”, or “smokescreens”, are removed, then there is no longer any blockage to good communication and deep empathic communion with each other. That reminds me of one of my favorite songs, “On a clear day, you can see forever….” Along these lines, I find the philosopher Martin Buber’s distinction between I-Thou relationships (genuinely caring) and I-It relationships (egocentric, selfishly exploitative) relationships helpful, as described in some of his writings, such as, “I and Thou”, and “The Way of Response.”


Anyone who wishes to read more of our inspirational/transformational insights should see our two published books, 1) Psychological Healing Through Creative Self-Understanding and Self-Transformation. (ISBN: 978-1-62857-075-5) and 2) Deepening Your Personal Relationships: Developing Emotional Intimacy and Good Communication. (ISBN: 978-1-61897-590-4). The primary author is Dr. Max Hammer, with contributions from secondary authors Dr. Barry J. Hammer and Dr. Alan C. Butler. These books can be purchased from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or our author/publisher website, http://sbprabooks.com/MaxHammer. The latter website also posts our other blogs, and describes our books and us as authors.

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Why Good Communication is the Foundation of Enduring True Friendship

Dr. Barry Hammer


Agreement or disagreement is much less important than good communication as a way of enabling people to deeply understand each other, and, thereby, gradually develop the ability to feel inwardly close to each other, as caring good friends. Good communication, as the basis of true friendship, means that one does not keep one’s inner experience to oneself alone, but, instead, actively reaches out to share one’s experience, feelings, thoughts, and needs with another person, as openly, honestly, directly, fully, constructively, and non-judgmentally, as possible. Good communication, as the basis of true and enduring friendship, also involves being open to considering another person’s viewpoint and needs, and constructively exploring differences that may arise between oneself and the other person, without trying to win an argument, but, rather, only exploring together into the truth of those issues, without blaming, abusing, or trying to intimidate and control each other, and without insisting that one is always totally “right” and the other person is always totally “wrong”. Without that kind of good communication, actively reaching out to share one’s heart and mind with another person, one’s inner being remains hidden, disconnected, self-enclosed, so real understanding and close, caring, feelings cannot grow, as a deepening friendship.


So many friendships and romantic relationships fail because people permit themselves to “grow apart”, or gradually drift apart, without ever taking responsibility to deeply reveal themselves to the other person, and deeply tune into the other person, empathically, and intuitively, in order to directly experience what the other person means by the particular words that they say, or write, “reading between the lines”, so to speak, or tuning into an even deeper level of another person’s being, beyond all definable words and images. That deepest level of empathic/intuitive communion is the Source from which all true love and friendship arises, and that is what enables true love and friendship to keep growing deeper, closer, and grander, instead of gradually drifting apart because of lack of good communication, producing lack of mutual understanding, and lack of inner closeness. What makes people true friends of each other, rather than strangers, most essentially, is not outer physical contact, shared activities, and superficial social interaction, by themselves alone, but much more importantly, arises from development of substantial inner connection, by giving deeply, generously, unselfishly, of their energies to each other, and openly, honestly, directly, revealing their actual experience and true essential core being to one another.


Many relationships fail when individuals seek to be heard and nurtured, but have not developed a sufficient ability to be unselfishly, empathically, tuned into, aware of, and caringly responsive to, the other person’s need to also be heard and nurtured, in terms of their particular needs, feelings, and experiences, in a given moment. It takes a rather high level of unselfish caring, empathic sensitivity, and emotional maturity to be able to put aside one’s own needs and train of thought (or inner mental monologue) for a while, in order to empathically tune into what another person is feeling and needing, in a given moment, and respond in a way that enables the other person to feel truly heard and deeply nourished/nurtured. Like a couples dance, both partners (or individuals in some other kind of relationship) need to learn how to flow together in empathic harmonious communion with one another (“in step” with each other’s dance movements, metaphorically speaking), and, relatedly, also flow in harmonious attunement with the “dance music” of love, or caring friendship, that seeks to lead both of them into greater attunement with each other, as a related “we”, rather than a separate “you versus me.”


My own experience has shown me that if one is overly invested in preserving the ego’s sense of separate self-awareness, willful selfish demands, and inner monologue fantasy (being overly absorbed in one’s own train of thought), then it can become difficult to self-forgetfully tune into what another person is experiencing, feeling, and needing, regardless of whether or not the other person verbally communicates that, or which can also be empathically intuited, as a kind of nonverbal communication. I find that when I hold certain presumptions or preconceptions about another individual, and about my relationship with/to them, then those presumptions can function like a kind of overlay, opaque filter, or smokescreen, that I, consciously or subconsciously, project upon them, preventing me from directly contacting their actual experiential states, because I am, instead, projecting my own preconceptions upon them.


I find that even negative feelings, such as, frustration, or even anger, can be expressed in a constructive, nonjudgmental, non-blaming, open, sincerely caring, non-evasive, manner, which usually leads to greater understanding of each other, and of whatever issue has been blocking us from being in harmonious caring attunement with each other (preventing us from being “on the same page”, so to speak), and once those issues are constructively explored into and deeply understood, then they can be truly resolved and transcended (rather than merely being covered over, buried, or suppressed), enabling emotional closeness and caring feelings in the relationship to grow. I find that being honest with myself, in terms of being willing to openly admit to myself when I am permitting previously unrecognized, non-constructive, insincere, ego “games” to undermine the relationship, such as, evasiveness (talking or chattering without really saying anything), letting myself become emotionally shut down (engaging in emotional abandonment, which can function as a way of subtly trying to punish the other person, by withholding caring, affection, or attentive listening), giving in to wounded pride, as a resentful attitude, or adopting an overly selfishly demanding attitude. I find that when I am willing to acknowledge and let go of such egocentric habitual patterns, then those obstructing factors that tend to block caring feelings and mutual understanding tend to fall away, naturally, effortlessly.


For a relationship to endure and grow, it is important for both individuals to be good friends in each other, willing to confide in each other, be there for each other emotionally as well as physically in times of need, and be willing to share difficult times, and patiently work through persistent problems in the relationship, rather than being quick to abandon the other person, and the relationship with them, when discomfort arises. That is what it means to be an unselfishly devoted “friend for all seasons” rather than a selfishly fickle “fair-weather friend.” When I do not understand how to constructively understand and resolve, disagreements and other problems, in a relationship, then I find it helpful to invite the spirit of unselfish pure love to interpret the situation, which can enable me to see beyond, and not be myopically, exclusively, locked into, the ego’s interpretations of those situations, which are often based on incorrect presumptions and non-constructive, unrealistic, selfish wants.


I find that when I let go of the ego’s overly controlling, willful, prideful, selfish, narcissistically self- absorbed tendencies (as in the ancient Greek Myth story of Narcissus), that I find that the flow of love, or sincerely caring friendship, is no longer blocked, and then harmony and mutual empathic understanding arises automatically, effortlessly, spontaneously. When those ego “coverings”, “filters”, “overlays”, or “smokescreens”, are removed, then there is no longer any blockage to good communication and deep empathic communion with each other. That reminds me of one of my favorite songs, “On a clear day, you can see forever….” Along these lines, I find the philosopher Martin Buber’s distinction between I-Thou relationships (genuinely caring) and I-It relationships (egocentric, selfishly exploitative) relationships helpful, as described in some of his writings, such as, “I and Thou”, and “The Way of Response.”


Anyone who wishes to read more of our inspirational/transformational insights should see our two published books, 1) Psychological Healing Through Creative Self-Understanding and Self-Transformation. (ISBN: 978-1-62857-075-5) and 2) Deepening Your Personal Relationships: Developing Emotional Intimacy and Good Communication. (ISBN: 978-1-61897-590-4). The primary author is Dr. Max Hammer, with contributions from secondary authors Dr. Barry J. Hammer and Dr. Alan C. Butler. These books can be purchased from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or our author/publisher website, http://sbprabooks.com/MaxHammer. The latter website also posts our other blogs, and describes our books and us as authors.

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Transform your life with my new books!!!



These books will be very valuable for anyone who is seeking to compassionately transform their individual life, personal relationships, and society. This involves developing true experiential self-understanding as the basis of liberating self-transformation, healing emotional pain and inner conflict, developing inner peace, happiness, creativity, spiritual awareness; as well as developing psychologically healthy, deeply satisfying, successful, personal relationships, with true love, empathic emotional intimacy, and good communication; and extending similar principles as a way of transforming social networks, local communities, and global society for the better.











Dr. Max Hammer and Dr. Alan C. Butler are psychologists from Maine, with distinguished careers as Psychology faculty at the University of Maine Psychology Department (Dr. Max Hammer at the rank of Full Professor and Dr. Alan C. Butler at the rank of Cooperative Associate Professor), psychotherapists, clinical psychology consultants, diagnosticians, as well as supervisors of graduate students and interns in the practice of psychotherapy. Dr. Max Hammer was one of the core founders of the Clinical Psychology program at the University of Maine. Dr. Alan C. Butler was one of the original staff members at the University of Maine counseling center, also served as Director of its Internship training program for over thirty years, and was instrumental in developing that program. Dr. Barry J. Hammer, also from Maine, has a specialization in the history of world religions, and for many years has studied the process of psychological and spiritual transformation, and its applicability to enhancing human relationships.

The primary author, the late Dr. Max Hammer, was an editor and a major contributor of two previously published books, The theory and Practice of Psychotherapy with Specific Disorders (Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas Publisher, 1972); and The Practice of Psychotherapy with Children (Homewood, Illinois: Dorsey Press, 1967). He also published about 30 articles in the fields of psychotherapy and clinical psychology.


Links to Radio Interviews and YouTube Videos where the books and authors are discussed:




Barry Hammer, Psychological Healing Through Creative Self-Understanding and Self-Transformation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVrtJWHe1Dc&feature=youtu.be

Barry Hammer, Deepening Your Personal Relationships https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFu2YZrpzj4&feature=youtu.be



Contact: Ellen Green, Press Manager, Strategic Book Group - PressManager@StrategicBookGroup.com



Dr. Max Hammer’s Two Books:

‘Deepening Your Personal Relationships: Developing Emotional Intimacy and Good Communication’ and ‘Psychological Healing Through Creative Self-Understanding and Self-Transformation’

Will be Showcased at Book Expo America (BEA) in New York City


These books will be represented at BEA by publisher Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Agency, along with its sister companies Author Marketing Ideas and Print on Demand Global. This trio of companies represents thousands of authors’ work at book fairs and expos around the world, negotiating rights sales for both digital and print catalogues. BEA is considered the No. 1 book and author event in the U.S. and will be held May 29-31 at the Javits Center in New York City.


Deepening Your Personal Relationships: Developing Emotional Intimacy and Good Communication

(ISBN: 978-61897-590-4)

Dr. Max Hammer, With Dr. Barry J. Hammer and Dr. Alan C. Butler


Deepening Your Personal Relationships was written by three experts in the field, Dr. Max Hammer, Dr. Alan C. Butler, and Dr. Barry J. Hammer. Their combined expertise will help you in Developing Emotional Intimacy and Good Communication, which is beneficial in all types of relationships.  


The book explains how to achieve psychologically healthy and fulfilling interpersonal relationships by using effective communication, empathy, shared transformational development, and constructive conflict resolution. Deepening Your Personal Relationships provides original, meaningful, and transformational insights that are especially helpful in understanding how to overcome our subconscious egocentric resistance against good communication and emotional intimacy.


Readers wanting to enhance their personal relationships, gain insight into transformational self-help, and achieve compassionate social transformation will find this book especially helpful. It will also be of keen interest to professional relationship counselors.


Watch the video on the attached video pdf or at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFu2YZrpzj4&feature=youtu.be   approved


DEEPENING YOUR PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS: DEVELOPING EMOTIONAL INTIMACY AND GOOD COMMUNICATION (ISBN: 978-1-61897-590-4) is now available for $24.50 and can be ordered through the publisher’s website: http://sbprabooks.com/MaxHammer or at www.amazon.com or www.barnesandnoble.com.


WHOLESALERS: This book is distributed by Ingram Books and other wholesale distributors. Contact your representative with the ISBN for purchase. Wholesale purchase for retailers, universities, libraries, and other organizations is also available through the publisher; please email bookorder@aeg-online-store.com.



Psychological Healing through Creative Self-Understanding and Self-Transformation

(ISBN: 978-1-62857-075-5)

Dr. Max Hammer, With Dr. Barry J. Hammer and Dr. Alan C. Butler


Are you ready for psychological healing? This book is your liberating, empowering self-help guide to psychological growth, self-understanding, self-transformation, healing of psychological pain, and achieving psychological and spiritual fulfillment. Some aspects of psychological health and fulfillment in the book are authenticity, sincerity, integrity, unselfish love, empathy, creativity, intuition, courage, strength of character, emotional security, vitality, and inner wholeness.


Readers will discover a new understanding of effective psychotherapy, diagnostic assessment testing research; and the distinction between the ego self-concept, the experiential self, and the transpersonal self (the real self, the relational self, and the holistic self).


Principles of psychological self-understanding and healing self-transformation can enhance the development of personal fulfillment and inner peace, good interpersonal relationships, as well as facilitate effective and fulfilling ways of living in society. Self-transformation at your fingertips!


Watch the video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVrtJWHe1Dc&feature=youtu.be


Listen to Dr. Barry Hammer discuss the books on BlogTalk Radio:



PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALING THROUGH CREATIVE SELF-UNDERSTANDING AND SELF-TRANSFORMATION (ISBN: 978-1-62857-075-5) is now available for $28.50 and can be ordered through the publisher’s website: http://sbprabooks.com/MaxHammer

or at www.amazon.com or www.barnesandnoble.com.


WHOLESALERS: This book is distributed by Ingram Books and other wholesale distributors. Contact your representative with the ISBN for purchase. Wholesale purchase for retailers, universities, libraries, and other organizations is also available through the publisher; please email bookorder@aeg-online-store.com.


About the Authors: The primary author, Dr. Max Hammer, was a distinguished psychology professor and supervisor of graduate students and interns in the clinical psychology, psychotherapy, and counseling practice training program of the Psychology Department at the University of Maine for many years, as well as a respected psychotherapist and clinical psychology consultant and diagnostician. He was one of the original core clinicians who founded and developed the clinical psychology program at the University of Maine. In his work with graduate and undergraduate students in that program, he provided a humanistic and transpersonal perspective, with an refreshing emphasis on flexible, warmly caring, empathic responsiveness to the needs of the individual psychotherapy client.

Contributing author Dr. Alan C. Butler, a distinguished colleague and friend of Dr. Max Hammer, was a cooperating associate professor of psychology at the University of Maine. He was one of the original staff members at the University of Maine Counseling Center, and served as training director for its internship program for over 30 years.

The other secondary contributing author, Dr. Barry J. Hammer, eldest son of Dr. Max Hammer, and also from Maine, has a specialization in the history of world religions, and for many years has studied the process of psychological and spiritual transformation, and its applicability to enhancing human relationships.



Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Co, LLC 
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ABOUT: Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Co, LLC provides book publishing, book marketing, and e-Book services to over 10,000 writers around the world, employing 150 people who live throughout the US and work virtually through telecommunication. Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Co, LLC is experiencing over 30% growth per year, having published approximately 3000 authors with almost 100 new releases per month. Our books are available through Ingram, the largest book distributor in the world, as well as in bookstores, through Amazon, Barnes & Noble and all online channels. Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Co, LLC attends and exhibits at the major book expositions in London, New York, China, and Germany each year.





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Transformational Life Coach and Relationship Advisor

Dr. Barry Hammer


I can help you explore any kind of interpersonal relationship issue, including marriage and family counseling, or enhancing other kinds of significant personal relationships. I can also help you gain insight in regard to any kind of vocational, psychological, spiritual, or societal, issue that may be important to you, e.g., clarifying your basic goals in life; actualizing your natural individual potentials; enhancing your level of creative functioning; coping with difficult life circumstances; facing opportunities for constructive personal transformation; helping other individuals and contributing to positive social transformation through one's career, volunteer work, and personal life, and so on. I will show you how to deal effectively with the necessary challenges of life that one has to face.


n my relationship counseling services, I help you learn how to develop open, honest, constructive, meaningful, communication with other individuals, as a way of producing greater levels of mutual empathic understanding, constructive conflict resolution, and co-creative transformational empowerment, in your personal relationships. I can also help you understand how connecting to other individuals, in unselfish, deeply caring, relationships, can enable one to tap into a regenerative level of life energy, for enhanced vitality, psychological transformation and spiritual growth, optimal well-being, creative inspiration, as well as holistic healing of heart, mind, and body.

In addition to providing counseling dealing with issues pertaining to enhancing one's own personal relationships and individual life, I am also able to provide counseling for issues related to contributing to the constructive transformation of contemporary society. This involves understanding how the synergistic/co-creative power of love can gradually, constructively, transform the collective heart of humanity, from a predominantly selfish, fearful, abusive, predatory, addictive, toxic, orientation, to a more unselfish, compassionate, relaxed, secure, wholesome, orientation.


My Credentials: I have interdisciplinary PhD in Religious Studies/Spirituality and History of World Cultures, and have also taken extensive graduate level coursework and supervised practicums in Psychology and Counseling. I have many years of experience in counseling, mentoring, and have published two books, one focusing on developing true experiential psychological self-understanding and constructive personal transformation, and the other dealing with developing deeply caring interpersonal relationships, involving good communication, emotional closeness, co-creative/synergistic empowerment, and holistic transformation of one's consciousness and functioning.


Contact Information: Email: mhbj8@hotmail.com

Please also see my two published books, 1) Psychological Healing Through Creative Self-Understanding and Self-Transformation. (ISBN: 978-1-62857-075-5) and 2) Deepening Your Personal Relationships: Developing Emotional Intimacy and Good Communication. (ISBN: 978-1-61897-590-4). Primary author: Dr. Max Hammer (my beloved late father), with contributions from secondary authors Dr. Barry J. Hammer (me) and Dr. Alan C. Butler. These books can be purchased from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or our author/publisher website, http://sbprabooks.com/MaxHammer. The latter website also posts our other blogs, and describes our books and us as authors.

My books and blogs will be very valuable for anyone who is seeking to compassionately transform their individual life, personal relationships, and society. This involves developing true experiential self-understanding as the basis of liberating self-transformation, healing emotional pain and inner conflict, developing inner peace, happiness, creativity, spiritual awareness; as well as developing psychologically healthy, deeply satisfying, successful, personal relationships, with true love, empathic emotional intimacy, and good communication; and extending similar principles as a way of transforming social networks, local communities, and global society for the better.



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Archangels and Light Beings Surround Earth

The Picture, which can be viewed by clicking on theis link, came to me in an email and I have published it on this blog, because it so beautifully depicts the Earth surrounded by a glowing Merkabah field of Light in the shape of the Star Tetrahedron. This sacred geometric shape of Light creates a high frequency field of Light around whatever, or whomsoever, is inside of it. As such it creates a raised resonance state as well as a protective energy field.

We note the results of the efforts of the Light Beings who concentrate their efforts on Earth, as well as the Archangels who stand in attendance. All of this Light, beaming into Earth, can only be a good thing.

With the Merkabah field of Light in place around the Earth, we are assured that all who live here are stimulated by higher frequencies of Light. This means that human beings are more likely to start thinking from the basis of an awakened state of consciousness. From this we are more likely to choose to do the following:

Create more peace, both individually and collectively.

  • Live with the principles of Light and love in our hearts and minds.
  • Understand who we are as Souls.
  • Connect to our Soul Intent, and live that purpose, as human beings.
  • Realise what we are doing here on this planet.
  • Begin to understand what our purpose is for the future.

And, in this way, we gently and easily birth what has been termed the Golden Age on Earth. As we live the reality of truth, peace, harmony, tolerance and mutual co-operation we find there is no room in our lives for the lower resonance states no matter whether they are thoughts, emotions or actions, and we begin to live the reality and the truth of ONE.

Therefore, please actively participate in creating this state of ONENESS on Earth by keeping this picture in your mind’s eye and using it during a meditation, or print it out and put it in a place where you can look at it as often as possible. Our visual processes are a powerful means of creation, so when we consciously make use of them, we enhance their performance.

While we do this we note that calling in the Archangelic helpers of humanity and asking them to shine their Light on problem areas around the Earth, is all we need to do to raise the resonance of the whole planet.

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Call in the Archangels to Support Earth

As we progress through the year, the month of August provides us with the perfect opportunity to step up our efforts to help create peace on Earth.One of the easiest and most effective ways to do this is to call on the Beings of Archangelic Realm for help. These wondrous Beings of Light surround the Godhead/Source Consciousness and go where they are called. Their purpose is one of service throughout the Universe. Therefore, when we call them and ask them to help us, they always respond.The support they provide is able to change things in an instant in the material world, because they surround us with ultra high frequency Light. This Light is the stuff that magical miracles are made of, literally.If as many people as possible request the Archangels to help support Earth with their Light, so that all of humanity can have a heightened opportunity to feel that Light of love and feel peace and develop understanding, then we are guaranteed a wonderful influx of Light to the planet. Visualising this Archangelic Light flooding into problem areas of the planet, and surrounding the whole of the Earth, raises the resonance throughout. We all benefit from this.We can call upon any of the Archangels by name, or as a group of Light Beings to help us. Alternatively, we could ask Archangel Gabriel to bring in the appropriate Archangel for this work. However we choose to call on the Archangels, we are guaranteed their Light support.It is suggested that anybody who participates in this resonance raising exercise does it daily for the entire month of August at least. True and lasting peace, which is a vital constituent of the Golden Age that so many of us yearn for, is attainable with a little bit of effort by a lot of people.
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