Spiritual Protection

Protecting ourselves and those we care about and Love has always been an integral part of Life. Today, it is just as, if not MORE important. There is; however, another aspect of this Protection that so few are not only, not aware of, BUT, they are also not aware of just how important this particular Protection of which I speak is. It is Spiritual Protection. This is the Protection spoken of in  many places, but for most people it is the Bible which stands out. In the Bible it speaks of the 'other than just physical beings and things' that we must exercise our Divine Rights as Spiritual Beings, of Spiritually Protecting our minds and aspects of ourselves from as well. Among my Spiritual practices is the teaching of this to others who find themselves wanting to learn. I have found in my own experience, that as I advance in Spiritual Consciousness, the need for this Consciously Generated Spiritual Protection is even more necessary. I offer my assistance to any who seek it. I also will be more than happy to send my Energies to assist anyone who would like my help with this.  Love and Light to ALL.

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  • Dearest Lady Sonja,
    Hope all is well for you on your Holiday. This is part of the Spiritual training I received, and I would be more than glad to do anything I can to promote greater Spiritual Harmony, and Protection is an absolute MUST. I will be glad to do that. Thank you for such positive uplifting ideas, and thoughts.
  • Dear Anita - YES - I would LOVE to learn more about this topic from you! If this your life's calling - what if you set up a group here at lightgrid where we can refer to whenever someone is in need for more protection? 

    At the moment I am on holiday - so if you choose to set up the group, could you please send me a message here a tlightgrid to inform me? I do not receive all the other messages for three more weeks, until I will be back home again.

    Sending you a light filled angel hug, dear sister,

    Sonja Myriel

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