


How did you find out about Lightgrid?


Have you read the information on the main page? If no, please do so after having read the next question ;-)


Do you wish to synchronize with two other members in extending the Violet Ray?


Please tell us about yourself - ENJOY!

As a child I stayed close with guidance and my inner voice. Around my 18 th birthday my higher self started 'inscending' into my body. At first it felt like I was channeling my higher self, but today it is more like the voice/presence has integrating into my earthy being/body... Ascension is about being fully present, reconnecting with the full spectrum of who we truly are.

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  • Wow, What a beautiful page and space you hav e created here, Erophin! Thank you for connecting!


  • WELCOME to this Sacred Space of Lightgrid :-)



    Thank you for your interest and your honest answer that you won't join us in our connection!

    Here's some basic information on this site:

    Discussions which are posted in the groups are usually not shared with all the members of lightgrid, therefore I ask you to have a look at the groups, decide which ones arouse your interest and join them. If you are interested in Channelings, please join our group called Channelings of the day :-)

    There are also several groups where we support each other and I invite you to make friends, exchange experiences andHelp our Mother Earth and all Her Beings 
    Mutual Support Group
    Reiki Healing

    The following link leads you to the groups' section:

    Some of the most active groups can also be found by clicking on the tabs or sub tabs above :-)

    In our group on Conscious Convergence I use to post information on current TIME QUALITIES which helps us to unite in intent and become ONE :-) This is the link:

    If you should like to connect to lightgrid one day, please let me know, so we will add your name to the members' list :-)

    Love, Light and Blessings,

    Sonja Myriel and Lightgrid Team

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