First Entry. Wonderful experience.

So, this is my first time sharing here on Lightgrid.
To be honest, I felt like my experience was too extraordinary not to.

I guess I should start by giving a bit of history.

In the past, whenever I was outside, I would see these incredibly bright, gleaming specks of light in the air.
I began seeing these about 2 years ago when I made my first extraterrestrial contact. These bright specks were all around me, and seemed to be most present when I felt I was surrounded by my angels.

Fast forward to today. September 27, 2015.

Given the Gamma wave and the upcoming eclipse tonight, I felt called to sit outside in my backyard and bask in the sun and meditate and reflect on everything.

I sat very quietly and peacefully, letting myself become immersed in nature and the light.
I began to feel this deep sensation of peace and wholeness coming over me and was spoken to by what I feel to be my Divine Self. With my eyes closed, it almost guided me into a meditation of releasing my old habits, ways of thinking, fears, etc. while I was simultaneously seeing different colors of lights beam in and I felt everything old was being cleansed.

When I eventually opened my eyes and looked at myself, I was actually made up of the bright specs of light I had only previously seen in the air!
I was actually shimmering and shining and made up of what seems to be these crystalline specs of energy.

There is much more work to be done, I know, but I can only take this as a beautiful and amazing sign that I am finally in full swing of my own personal ascension process.
I feel a much clearer connection with the Christ Consciousness and with my spirit guides.
I have been praying and asking wholeheartedly for this and I am so happy that it has finally arrived!!

Any thoughts and feelings about what this experience of mine brings to your minds would be greatly appreciated, as I don't have much of a network with which to share experiences like this.

Love & Light to all! May blessings be showered on all of you, especially during this monumental time!!


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  • Thanks so much, dear SiStar glad for you....and that there is someone else who is having this experience, although mine is not so large & dramatic.....For about 3-4 years now, I have had episodes of 'seeing' multi-coloured Sparklies, but only about 6 - 8 inches in front of my eyes, and only about a spread of about a saucer size......They used to happen randomly, but as well when I went through a period of doing card readings, (which I gave up, as I felt I wasn't giving my clients much of a reading, doubting myself, methinks) ....Now it happens almost every time I turn on my desktop computer, & I always say, "hello, Higher Self, and all Angels, Masters who are present"...., or something similar, just saying hello to whoever it is....I, too, also long for & ask that it be 'more' , but lately I have not been able to have much in the way of alone, quiet not much meditation, mostly affirmations, & reading lots of uplifting Spiritual articles....

    I am delighted for you, to have gone through this experience, long may it continue, more & more....How wonderful!!

    In Peace and Love, dear Lauren...

    Sylvia I AM Melaynia  xx


  • Thanks for sharing your wonderful experience, Lauren.

  • The Good Force be with you...nice posts, Lauren, thanks for forever & prosper! Alleluia! Amen!

  • Dear Lauren,

    Yes, When we are having such Lights of the Divine we are getting some Love from the Divine also...

    Frequent experience of Love & Light grid connection along with Christ Consciousness Grid above our soul feels real freedom and so much Energies we can radiate in the surroundings...

    That Silence is very Peaceful and uplifting...

    I was inside my room and Meditating for more than one hour along with my Two other friends...

    Thanks for your sharing...

    Sending you Love, Blessings & Peace with Harmony & Balance....

    Align With The Divine Within You....


  • Thank you Lauren for sharing your story. It is most inspiring!



  • Hi Sister Lauren! With my experience of seeing these bright lights that move around as if they are shooting stars coming in and going out in a fast continual motion. almost lile dancing in the air. I really see them without my glasses, (which I am a eyeglasses wearer). At first I thought that I was seeing things, but after I read your post I realize that I am not!
  • Lauren,

    I know how powerful and impacting these type of experiences can be. So happy you shared yours.

    Expect more to come. Just ask and expect they will.

    Blessings to you

  • Thank you so much everyone for your comments!

    I feel so happy to have finally found a place where I feel at home enough to share these things.

    I look forward to sharing more and reading more from the rest of you all!

    <3 Lauren

  • Wonderful Lauren. It must be similar but not so intense as the time I took photos of thousands of Orbs, like frog spawn, but more beautiful and countless.  I felt surrounded by angels, and although still find them on photos, but not in that quantity at the same time. Blessings and love and light Renate

  • Blessings of Love and Light!

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