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Please tell us about yourself - ENJOY!

I live in Los Angeles and will join meditation at 2:00 PM each day. I will set my intent to join at 2:00 AM in the sleep state, and if awake to join consciously. I have been a meditator for years, starting in the Alice Bailey tradition. For the last few years I have studied the St. Germain books and practiced transforming my life with affirmations and the violet light.

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  • Hello! Thank you for the greeting and may the force of unconditional love be with you always.

  • Thank you for a beautiful welcome Ishema, very excited to have found you. How can i find out more about the meditation and prayer part? Sending love and light Georgia 

  • 9928528458?profile=RESIZE_710x

    I am very happy to be here, and I thank you very much for your loving words, dear Ishema. Have a wonderful Solstice time. 

    Love and blessings, 


  • Ascending And Living In Our New 5th Dimensional World We Are Creating

    Ishema, I am delighted to welcome you to my new group, "Ascending And Living In Our New 5th Dimensional World We Are Creating".

    The focus of this group is sharing...sharing our visions of the new 5th dimensional world we are all creating...and also sharing our experiences of our journey in creating our new world. So feel free to share, and a convenient link to do that is:


    Infinite Blessings of the Creator's Love & Energies of Unity Consciousness & Crystalline Rainbow Light with ever-unfolding Enlightenment, Violet Flame Blessings, & Blessings of Divine Healing, Peace, Joy, & Abundance that are Divinely Perfect for You in Every Moment !

  • Thank you very much dear Carol for the warm welcome. So happy to be here again. 

    Love and Light, 

    Monika WR9916706881?profile=RESIZE_710x

  • Thank you. About a week ago I visited the Hungarian city where the suspected father of the mysterious Count Saint Germaine lived.  A small protestant and Catholic town of 13000 people in Northern Hungary. Count Rakoczi was a freedom frighter for Hungarian liberty. The very same town houses the relics of Saint Elizabeth of the House of Arpad. She was a powerful Hungarian saint. May the enlightened consciousness of Saint Germaine and the violet flame of transmutation bring us self transformation. 

  • Thankyou for the welcome. I will check everything out!

  • Thank you for your lovely welcome!  I look forward to engaging with you all and creating New Earth on this beautiful platform. 

  • Sunday | Sunday morning quotes, Happy sunday quotes, Happy sunday morning

    No it isn´t my art work, I live to work peoples faces, do you want one from me? If so send me a picture of yours


  • 8172542701?profile=RESIZE_710x

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