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How did you find out about Lightgrid?

Guidance through a FaceBook Group Post

Have you read the information on the main page? If no, please do so after having read the next question ;-)


Do you wish to synchronize with two other members in extending the Violet Ray?

Would Be an Honor/Privilege to offer Mine INTENDED Path to Assist ALL

Please tell us about yourself - ENJOY!

I am,,,, well experienced in this life on many venues of pain and suffering, and observed many avenues of suffering that I did not experience personally, which has always allowed me to relate to almost anybody. I Aim to attempt to Help Anybody, without judgement, I am the Torch Bearer. I light the paths within a person that they themselves didn't recognize. Only down fall to lighting the paths of others is I also, Cannot see my own paths. I seem to walk in the dark, so I may light the paths of others. thank you. Friends,be Love,Be Light, Be Safe,Be Blessed

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  • Thank you Robert for your friendship.


    Blessings of Light and Love,


  • 1368616636?profile=RESIZE_710xI am delighted to welcome you to Lightgrid.

    Infinite Blessings of Divine Love, Light, & Abundance,


  • Robert, WELCOME to this Sacred Space of LIGHTGRID!

    You have come here for a reason and you are most welcome to SHARE this reason with all of us by posting a discussion in this section here or to FIND OUT MORE about it through active interaction on this site.

    Your I AM Presence has led you here - now it's time to re-MEMBER ...


    May all your wishes for a better future and world which serve the best interest of ALL that IS come true and may you find all the support needed for the fulfillment of your dreams of LOVE, PEACE and FORGIVENESS at the very moment that you are ready for it!

    The Net of LOVE and LIGHT is at your service. Access it any time you wish, sending the VIOLET RAY AND FIRE to wherever it is most needed, accessing your I AM PRESENCE and re-MEMBERING more of the Divine Plan every time you connect!

    May your Sacred Times of Connexion be as regular and steadfast as possible in service to ALL that IS!

    If you wish to find or create a circle of likeminded lightworkers, you are welcome to explore and / or post your own discussion here.

    Unbounded Blessings of Love & Light,

    Ishema from Your Lightgrid team and family on site

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