THE ENTIRE SCHEMATA OF MICROCOSMIC UNIVERSE:- Each time the soul behold the sun, the clouds, the wind in the trees, a rose, a perfect leaf, a pebble or a wave and then tucks the design in the folds of memory, he is adding to his treasure of those perfect idea that are the building blocks of his Reality. Each time the fingers of his mind trace of a Michelangelo, the strokes of a Raphael, the movements of a symphony, the cadence of a ballet, the formation s of the birds that cross the sky, the soul takes in the patterns of the mind of God on which hang the entire schemata of his microcosmic universe. Wish you beautiful day with love and light to all my Divine Friends. Tercy


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  • Hi! Take out the words soul and god when discussing the microcosmic and macrocosmic universes.

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