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Do you wish to synchronize with two other members in extending the Violet Ray?


Please tell us about yourself - ENJOY!

i am interested inhelping patricia cota robles to anchor the violet flame on the planet by myself and also with like minded people

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  • Kathyl, you very much are loved by your Soul, Soul Group, Mother/Father/God, and by your family here at Lightgrid just to name a few.



    Kathyl, I am delighted to welcome you to my discussion group 'Ascension Now For You'. Drop by there any time to find new & uplifting posts to help with our spiritual growth with this link: Ascension Now For You

    And please feel free to add your Love & Wisdom to our group through posting comments, discussions, videos, etc that help uplift us all.

    Unbounded Blessings of Love & Light,


  • Thank you dear Kathy.  thank you very much for remembering me.. Bless you with love & light2771322537?profile=original

  • Dearest Kathy,

    I would like for you to know that you already have the skills necessary not only to repair all aspects of our relationship with the Elemental Kingdoms, but you have the skills that will allow them to have the Quality of Life and Freedom of Spirit that they deserve.  It is perhaps that you just do not quite remember this just yet.  But Trust and have Faith Dear Soul, you would not be reading or feeling so connected here if this was not true.

    Your I Am Presence and God has led you here and now it will be how you respond to each step along the way that will determine how much you remember in the shortest amount of time.  You are ready to make your next shift in consciousness and that is a wonderful gift to be given.

    So Kathy you are being asked to open your Heart and feel into everything that is transpiring around you, especially within your immediate world. Hear and listen to what you are hearing, look and see what you are looking at.  Allow your mind to become still and allow your heart to lead you!  I am available to help you, so if you have any problems in understanding or interpreting messages or feelings the feel free to contact me on the group or privately.

    Welcome to Our New Lives within the New Cosmic Consciousness!

    All Love and Blessings of Joy


  • Thank you Kathy for your friendship,


    Love and Blessings,


  • Hi Kathyl,

    Your words are lifting my spirit into the realms of JOY and CONNECTEDNESS :-)

    Thank you for your loving message and for being here with all of us, united in our meditations and connexions for the BEST of ALL that IS!

    May the LIGHT be received into the HEARTS of all mankind!

    Emissaries of the LIGHT of the ONE - WE ARE :-)


    Sonja Myriel


  • St. Germain was the one who brought me here. I was looking for a serious group and found Lightgrid. I have always been impressed by the sweetness and sincerity of its members. It is a spiritual haven for me.

    I am so glad you have also found it.




  • Hi Kathy - Thank you for your message in Lee Carroll's group! Saint Germain is the one who brought us all together here in this, yeah! 

    Violet Light Blessings, 

    Sonja Myriel


  • Welcome to Lightgrid Kathy!

    I look forward to sharing with you.



  • Hi Kathy,

    WELCOME to lightgrid :-)


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