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How did you find out about Lightgrid?

My Twin Flame Leanne

Have you read the information on the main page? If no, please do so after having read the next question ;-)


Do you wish to synchronize with two other members in extending the Violet Ray?


Please tell us about yourself - ENJOY!

My name is Alex Cushing and I live in Pontiac Illinois for nearly all of my life. I am a dreaming type of person, very idealistic and curious and logical all at the same time. I love light and conscious and being on Earth and I have a dream of ascending and helping others to ascend and grow and live within the highest excitement of life they can find.

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  • Dear Alex, thank you for your membership at lightgrid!

    May I ask you for some words on how far lightgrid has helped you on your path of ascension since you signed up with us? We are rebuilding a strong community, using our online facilities now, too, to reconnect.


    Sonja Myriel
  • Alex, welcome to Lightgrid!

    I am a dreamer too. I dream that all of humanity and life on Earth  is ascending into a higher, more harmonious and loving vibration.

    Blessings of Love and Light to All of Us!



  • Hello Alex! Its nice to see and meet you here.Welcome to the website!

  • Alex, I am delighted to welcome you to this Sacred Space of Lightgrid!

    As you have signed up, you are interested in the Violet Light and Ray. This site is dedicated to bring LOVE and LIGHT and HOPE and PEACE and JUSTICE into the lives of humanity.
    We want to put into action what we learn and we have learnt that TOGETHER the POWER we can raise, is much higher than if we each were doing our work separately. Therefore, we UNITE in MEDITATION and PRAYER 4 times a day.
    The invocation of the Violet Flame helps to gain clarity by transmuting back all misqualified energy into Pure Divine Potential - and it is this POTENTIAL which transforms our lives from living to rejoicing, to flourishing, to THRIVING! CONNECTING in MEDITATION multiplies the POWER of the TRANSMUTATIVE FORCE which we can raise in manyfold ways not yet understood my humanity at the moment.
    Are you ready for the ride of your life? Yes? If so, please introduce yourSELF shortly here at our landing platform:



    The Net of LOVE and LIGHT is at your service. Now it's your turn. Invoke it, work with it, make new contacts on site and ask for abundant BLESSINGS on your behalf - and for ALL of humanity, the planet, the galaxy, the cosmos, the universe, the multiverse, the ominverse ... on all of your topics of concern.

    The only boundary there is to what you can CREATE, are the boundaries of your imagination which you still allow to stop the FLOW of JOY and FULFILLMENT in your life.

    Therefore: Think BIG, my friend, when you are in Sacred Communion with Lightgrid and the Universe! We are on a journey of re-MEMB(E)Rance together.

    May we help each other to grow and overcome all adversities and may we expand TOGETHER, in GRATITUDE and LOVE, the LIGHT on this planet!

    Times of Connexion are TIMES of I AM PRESENCE spent TOGETHER.

    In loving and compassionate service to the GREAT SPIRIT and the SOURCE of ALL that IS, I lovingly call forth Infinite Blessings with the Highest Divine Energies of your Soul's Love, Enlightenment, Healing, Peace, Joy, & Abundance, & Blessings from The New Earth Ascension Blueprint that are Divinely Perfect for You every day.

    Steve and your Lightgrid admin team

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