

Aotearoa New Zealand

How did you find out about Lightgrid?

Spirit clicked me onto this page!

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Do you wish to synchronize with two other members in extending the Violet Ray?


Please tell us about yourself - ENJOY!

I am a Waitaha Grandmother ... Iam blesseded to channel Ancient Star Names & Divine Ascended Masters & Pleiadian Emissaries of Light etc. At Our 'Stargate of Hope' we hold 'Circle of Love' Gatherings at Our New, Full Moon, Equinoxes & Solstices Middle Earth Beings, The Invincibles & Lemurians are several of Our Galactic Beings, Tribes here, at Our Stargate & Golden Temple ... and am grateful to daily receive their messages and put them out on facebook! I am thankful to be a Mother &Grandmother of many beautiful Children & Grandchildren! Am thankful that Spirit led me to this site! Aroha from Aotearoa, New Zealand!

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  • Red Ribbon
  • 2771336314?profile=original

  • because I just had a dream warning me about the new place I was going to move into tomorrow!   In the dream my cousin heard about my move and said, 'That makes my teeth hurt!"    I asked why and she said...'You are the Gatekeeper."          sounds like I need to stand in my position!!!

  • thanks for 'stand in your positions"       I need that message!

  • thank you for your kind words. i want to find my way back home so bad. by the way you put this in fron of my name ken        Kia ora       is that my name in another language?   god bless my friend.....2771260181?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • Kereru....I came here because of Angel Ezra, she's with me at the moment...and she lead me back to you. I'm blown away, it's good to see you and read your inspiring words. You make me miss NZ, I hope one day we can return :( x Many blessings to you
  • Brightest BLESSINGS, dearest sister! I will take another step on my way of Solar Enlightenment this weekend - I can feel your love radiate and reach me - We are ONE in the LIGHT of Creation ...  Connecte through  the Powerful Violet Ray and White Light Presence.


    Sonja Myriel

  • I wish for all of those on meds, with foggy minds and unhealthy bodies and those who are on pharmacuticals that are causing them great bodily damage could have some place to go to be nurtured with healthy all natural foods and help those on meds to withdraw in a safe way. With Staff that can monitor their health so everyone will be able to focus more clearly on Truth , Wellness, Joy and Clearity. All working together. No money just everyone helping everyone in their own way with each using their own skills. All for the benifit of our Spiritual health and Our Earths' benifit.
  • ~ Happy belated Birthday Dear Kereru ~

    Blessings ~ Love ~ Light 


  • FOR YOU MY FRIEND2771227309?profile=original

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